Vincent Sanders 4cce3e4235 Add gource visualisation generation script
This script can be used to generate gource visualisation mpeg
files. The visualisation looks pretty and goes down well at trade
shows as a background on the video projector.
2014-11-06 11:52:04 +00:00

73 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

# This script generates a gource visualisation with some parameters.
# you need a recent gource and ffmpeg install for this to work
# Settings
# length and quality
TYPE="sml" # sml, std, lrg
#Camera mode
CMODE=overview # overview, track
# standard monitor (suitable for video projector playback)
# HD widescreen 720p
# HD widescreen 1080p
#quality parameters
case ${TYPE} in
# standard overview
QPARAM="-s 0.25 -i 600 -a 1"
# large overview
QPARAM="-s 0.5 -i 200 -a 5"
# rapid overview (3mins)
QPARAM="-s 0.04 -i 30 -a 1"
# bad type
echo "bad type"
exit 1
# filename
# filter some directories which are not interesting
#gource -1280x720 -s 0.04 -i 30 -a 1 --highlight-all-users --output-framerate 25 --hide filenames --disable-progress --stop-at-end --date-format "%d %B %Y" --bloom-intensity 0.2 --file-filter '/art/' --file-filter '/changemailer/' --file-filter '/libnspng/' --file-filter '/libnsbmp/examples/' --file-filter '/netsurfweb/' --file-filter '/netsurfbuild/' --file-filter '/netsurftest/' --file-filter '/hubbub/test/' --file-filter '/dom/test/' --file-filter '/iconv/' --file-filter '/libharu/' --camera-mode track --output-ppm-stream - > temp.ppm
#gource -1280x720 -s 0.04 -i 30 -a 1 --bloom-multiplier 0.10 --bloom-intensity 0.5 --title "Netsurf" --highlight-all-users --output-framerate 25 --hide filenames --stop-at-end --date-format "%d %B %Y" --bloom-intensity 0.2 --file-filter '/art/' --file-filter '/changemailer/' --file-filter '/libnspng/' --file-filter '/libnsbmp/examples/' --file-filter '/netsurfweb/' --file-filter '/netsurfbuild/' --file-filter '/netsurftest/' --file-filter '/hubbub/test/' --file-filter '/dom/test/' --file-filter '/iconv/' --file-filter '/libharu/' --camera-mode track --output-ppm-stream - > temp.ppm
#gource -stop-at-end --key 5C--title "NetSurf Development" --highlight-users --max-file-lag -1 -f -1280x720 --seconds-per-day 0.06 --hide mouse,progress,filenames --file-idle-time 20 --disable-bloom --date-format "%e %b %Y" -o - | ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.mp4
# generate
gource 5C--title "NetSurf Development" -${OUTPUT_SIZE} ${QPARAM} --max-files 10000 --bloom-multiplier 0.10 --bloom-intensity 0.5 --title ${TITLE} --highlight-all-users --output-framerate 25 --hide filenames --stop-at-end --date-format "%d %B %Y" --bloom-intensity 0.2 --file-filter "${FILEFILTER}" --key --camera-mode ${CMODE} --output-ppm-stream - > temp.ppm
#convert the ppm to movie
cat temp.ppm | ffmpeg -y -b 2000K -r 25 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 ${FILENAME}