Vincent Sanders c6a70c2052 use restrict keywords to improve rectangle clipping perfomance
svn path=/trunk/netsurf/; revision=6645
2009-02-26 22:08:12 +00:00

496 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders <>
* This file is part of NetSurf,
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "utils/utf8.h"
#include "desktop/plotters.h"
#include "framebuffer/fb_gui.h"
#include "framebuffer/fb_plotters.h"
#include "framebuffer/fb_bitmap.h"
#include "framebuffer/fb_font.h"
#include "framebuffer/fb_frontend.h"
/* max height the poly plotter can cope with */
#define WINDOW_HEIGHT (2048)
/* Currently selected ploting routines. */
struct plotter_table plot;
/* Current plotting context */
bbox_t fb_plot_ctx;
enum {
#define REGION(x,y,cx1,cx2,cy1,cy2) ( ( (y) > (cy2) ? POINT_BELOW_REGION : 0) | \
( (y) < (cy1) ? POINT_ABOVE_REGION : 0) | \
( (x) > (cx2) ? POINT_RIGHTOF_REGION : 0) | \
( (x) < (cx1) ? POINT_LEFTOF_REGION : 0) )
#define SWAP(a, b) do { int t; t=(a); (a)=(b); (b)=t; } while(0)
/* clip a rectangle to another rectangle */
bool fb_plotters_clip_rect(const bbox_t * restrict clip,
int * restrict x0, int * restrict y0, int * restrict x1, int * restrict y1)
char region1;
char region2;
if (*x1 < *x0) SWAP(*x0, *x1);
if (*y1 < *y0) SWAP(*y0, *y1);
region1 = REGION(*x0, *y0, clip->x0, clip->x1 - 1, clip->y0, clip->y1 - 1);
region2 = REGION(*x1, *y1, clip->x0, clip->x1 - 1, clip->y0, clip->y1 - 1);
/* area lies entirely outside the clipping rectangle */
if ((region1 | region2) && (region1 & region2))
return false;
if (*x0 < clip->x0)
*x0 = clip->x0;
if (*x0 > clip->x1)
*x0 = clip->x1;
if (*x1 < clip->x0)
*x1 = clip->x0;
if (*x1 > clip->x1)
*x1 = clip->x1;
if (*y0 < clip->y0)
*y0 = clip->y0;
if (*y0 > clip->y1)
*y0 = clip->y1;
if (*y1 < clip->y0)
*y1 = clip->y0;
if (*y1 > clip->y1)
*y1 = clip->y1;
return true;
bool fb_plotters_clip_rect_ctx(int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1)
return fb_plotters_clip_rect(&fb_plot_ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1);
/** Clip a line to a bounding box.
bool fb_plotters_clip_line(const bbox_t *clip,
int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1)
char region1;
char region2;
region1 = REGION(*x0, *y0, clip->x0, clip->x1 - 1, clip->y0, clip->y1 - 1);
region2 = REGION(*x1, *y1, clip->x0, clip->x1 - 1, clip->y0, clip->y1 - 1);
while (region1 | region2) {
if (region1 & region2) {
/* line lies entirely outside the clipping rectangle */
return false;
if (region1) {
/* first point */
if (region1 & POINT_BELOW_REGION) {
/* divide line at bottom */
*x0 = (*x0 + (*x1 - *x0) *
(clip->y1 - 1 - *y0) / (*y1-*y0));
*y0 = clip->y1 - 1;
} else if (region1 & POINT_ABOVE_REGION) {
/* divide line at top */
*x0 = (*x0 + (*x1 - *x0) *
(clip->y0 - *y0) / (*y1-*y0));
*y0 = clip->y0;
} else if (region1 & POINT_RIGHTOF_REGION) {
/* divide line at right */
*y0 = (*y0 + (*y1 - *y0) *
(clip->x1 - 1 - *x0) / (*x1-*x0));
*x0 = clip->x1 - 1;
} else if (region1 & POINT_LEFTOF_REGION) {
/* divide line at right */
*y0 = (*y0 + (*y1 - *y0) *
(clip->x0 - *x0) / (*x1-*x0));
*x0 = clip->x0;
region1 = REGION(*x0, *y0,
clip->x0, clip->x1 - 1, clip->y0, clip->y1 - 1);
} else {
/* second point */
if (region2 & POINT_BELOW_REGION) {
/* divide line at bottom*/
*x1 = (*x0 + (*x1 - *x0) *
(clip->y1 - 1 - *y0) / (*y1-*y0));
*y1 = clip->y1 - 1;
} else if (region2 & POINT_ABOVE_REGION) {
/* divide line at top*/
*x1 = (*x0 + (*x1 - *x0) *
(clip->y0 - *y0) / (*y1-*y0));
*y1 = clip->y0;
} else if (region2 & POINT_RIGHTOF_REGION) {
/* divide line at right*/
*y1 = (*y0 + (*y1 - *y0) *
(clip->x1 - 1 - *x0) / (*x1 - *x0));
*x1 = clip->x1 - 1;
} else if (region2 & POINT_LEFTOF_REGION) {
/* divide line at right*/
*y1 = (*y0 + (*y1 - *y0) *
(clip->x0 - *x0) / (*x1 - *x0));
*x1 = clip->x0;
region2 = REGION(*x1, *y1,
clip->x0, clip->x1 - 1, clip->y0, clip->y1 - 1);
return true;
bool fb_plotters_clip_line_ctx(int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1)
return fb_plotters_clip_line(&fb_plot_ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1);
/* generic setting of clipping rectangle */
bool fb_clip(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
bbox_t clip;
struct gui_window *g;
g = window_list;
if (x1 < x0) SWAP(x0, x1);
if (y1 < y0) SWAP(y0, y1);
clip.x0 = g->x;
clip.y0 = g->y;
clip.x1 = g->x + g->width;
clip.y1 = g->y + g->height;
if (fb_plotters_clip_rect(&clip, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) {
/* new clipping region is inside the root window */
fb_plot_ctx.x0 = x0;
fb_plot_ctx.y0 = y0;
fb_plot_ctx.x1 = x1;
fb_plot_ctx.y1 = y1;
/*LOG(("%d, %d - %d, %d clipped to %d, %d - %d, %d",
fb_plot_ctx.x0, fb_plot_ctx.y0, fb_plot_ctx.x1, fb_plot_ctx.y1)); */
return true;
typedef bool (linefn_t)(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int width, colour c, bool dotted, bool dashed);
typedef struct dcPt_s {
int x;
int y;
} dcPt;
typedef struct tEdge {
int yUpper;
float xIntersect, dxPerScan;
struct tEdge *next;
} Edge;
static void insertEdge(Edge *list, Edge *edge)
Edge *p, *q = list;
p = q->next;
while (p != NULL) {
if (edge->xIntersect < p->xIntersect) {
p = NULL;
} else {
q = p;
p = p->next;
edge->next = q->next;
q->next = edge;
static int yNext(int k, int cnt, dcPt *pts)
int j;
if ((k+1) > (cnt-1))
j = 0;
j = k +1;
while (pts[k].y == pts[j].y) {
if ((j+1) > (cnt-1))
j = 0;
return (pts[j].y);
static void makeEdgeRec(dcPt lower, dcPt upper, int yComp, Edge **edges)
Edge *edge;
edge = malloc(sizeof(Edge));
edge->dxPerScan = (float)(upper.x - lower.x) / (upper.y - lower.y);
edge->xIntersect = lower.x;
if (upper.y < yComp)
edge->yUpper = upper.y - 1;
edge->yUpper = upper.y;
if (!fb_plotters_clip_line_ctx(&lower.x, &lower.y,
&upper.x, &edge->yUpper)) {
} else {
insertEdge(edges[lower.y], edge);
static void buildEdgeList(int cnt, dcPt *pts, Edge **edges)
dcPt v1, v2;
int i, yPrev = pts[cnt - 2].y;
v1.x = pts[cnt - 1].x;
v1.y = pts[cnt - 1].y;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
v2 = pts[i];
if (v1.y != v2.y) {
/* line is not horizontal */
if (v1.y < v2.y)
makeEdgeRec(v1, v2, yNext(i,cnt,pts), edges); /* up going edge */
makeEdgeRec(v2, v1, yPrev, edges); /* down going edge */
yPrev = v1.y;
v1 = v2;
static void buildActiveList(int scan, Edge *active, Edge **edges)
Edge *p,*q;
p = edges[scan]->next;
while (p) {
q = p->next;
insertEdge(active, p);
p = q;
static void fillScan(int scan, Edge *active, colour fill, linefn_t linefn)
Edge *p1, *p2;
p1 = active->next;
while (p1) {
p2 = p1->next;
if (p2 == NULL) {
LOG(("only one active edge!"));
} else {
linefn(p1->xIntersect, scan,
p2->xIntersect, scan,
1, fill, false, false);
p1 = p2->next;
static void deleteAfter(Edge *q)
Edge *p = q->next;
q->next = p->next;
free (p);
static void updateActiveList(int scan, Edge *active)
Edge *q = active, *p = active->next;
while (p) {
if (scan >= p->yUpper) {
p = p->next;
} else {
p->xIntersect = p->xIntersect + p->dxPerScan;
q = p;
p = p->next;
static void resortActiveList(Edge * active)
Edge *q, *p = active->next;
active->next = NULL;
while (p) {
q = p->next;
insertEdge(active, p);
p = q;
static void scanFill(int cnt, dcPt *pts, colour fill, linefn_t linefn)
Edge *edges[WINDOW_HEIGHT], *active;
int i, scan;
for (i = 0; i < WINDOW_HEIGHT; i++) {
edges[i] = malloc(sizeof(Edge));
edges[i]->next = NULL;
buildEdgeList(cnt, pts, edges);
active = malloc(sizeof(Edge));
active->next = NULL;
for (scan = 0; scan < WINDOW_HEIGHT; scan++) {
buildActiveList (scan, active, edges);
if (active->next) {
fillScan(scan, active, fill, linefn);
updateActiveList (scan, active);
for (i = 0; i < WINDOW_HEIGHT; i++) {
fb_plotters_polygon(const int *p, unsigned int n, colour fill, linefn_t linefn)
scanFill(n, (dcPt *)p, fill, linefn);
return true;
bool fb_plotters_bitmap_tile(int x, int y,
int width, int height,
struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg,
bool repeat_x, bool repeat_y,
struct content *content,
bool (bitmapfn)(int x, int y,
int width, int height,
struct bitmap *bitmap,
colour bg,
struct content *content))
int xf,yf;
/* x and y define coordinate of top left of of the initial explicitly
* placed tile. The width and height are the image scaling and the
* bounding box defines the extent of the repeat (which may go in all
* four directions from the initial tile).
LOG(("x %d, y %d, width %d, height %d, bitmap %p, repx %d repy %d content %p", x,y,width,height,bitmap,repeat_x, repeat_y, content));
if (!(repeat_x || repeat_y)) {
/* Not repeating at all, so just pass it on */
LOG(("Not repeating"));
return bitmapfn(x, y, width, height, bitmap, bg,content);
/* get left most tile position */
if (repeat_x)
for (; x > fb_plot_ctx.x0; x -= width)
/* get top most tile position */
if (repeat_y)
for (; y > fb_plot_ctx.y0; y -= height)
/* tile down and across to extents */
for (xf = x; xf < fb_plot_ctx.x1; xf += width) {
for (yf = y; yf < fb_plot_ctx.y1; yf += height) {
bitmapfn(xf, yf, width, height, bitmap, bg, content);
if (!repeat_y)
if (!repeat_x)
return true;
bool fb_plotters_move_block(int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height, int dstx, int dsty)
uint8_t *srcptr = (framebuffer->ptr +
(srcy * framebuffer->linelen) +
((srcx * framebuffer->bpp) / 8));
uint8_t *dstptr = (framebuffer->ptr +
(dsty * framebuffer->linelen) +
((dstx * framebuffer->bpp) / 8));
bbox_t redrawbox;
int hloop;
LOG(("from (%d,%d) w %d h %d to (%d,%d)",srcx,srcy,width,height,dstx,dsty));
if (width == framebuffer->width) {
/* take shortcut and use memmove */
memmove(dstptr, srcptr, (width * height * framebuffer->bpp) / 8);
} else {
for (hloop = height; hloop > 0; hloop--) {
memmove(dstptr, srcptr, (width * framebuffer->bpp) / 8);
srcptr += framebuffer->linelen;
dstptr += framebuffer->linelen;
/* callback to the os specific routine in case it needs to do something
* explicit to redraw
redrawbox.x0 = dstx;
redrawbox.y0 = dsty;
redrawbox.x1 = dstx + width;
redrawbox.y1 = dsty + height;
return true;
* Local Variables:
* c-basic-offset:8
* End: