mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 07:49:41 +03:00
Links, objects and upload file boxes have their own menu item or submenu. Context menus can be enable/disabled and be made "sticky" with the following options: context_menu sticky_context_menu Seperated clipboard related code out to clipboard.c to make it easier to maintain and add the ability to copy URLs to the clipboard. Copying images to the clipboard will come later. svn path=/trunk/netsurf/; revision=5629
1103 lines
42 KiB
Executable File
1103 lines
42 KiB
Executable File
# Italian messages for NetSurf
# Translated by Samir Hawamdeh (http://www.betatesting.it/backforthefuture)
# =========================================================================
# Description
# -----------
# This file contains lines of colon separated key-value pairs in the format:
# Key:Value
# Contents of Key _must_ be representable in the US-ASCII character set and
# should not be modified for translation purposes.
# Values must be UTF-8 encoded strings. When these strings are displayed in
# NetSurf's user interface, they are converted to the system's local character
# set. As a result of this conversion process, unrepresentable characters are
# stripped from the displayed string.
# Blank lines and lines starting with a # character are treated as comments and
# ignored.
# Menus
# =====
# This section defines the title and entry text for NetSurf's menus.
# Iconbar menu
AppHelp:Aiuto... F1
# Iconbar -> Open menu
OpenURL:Apri URL
# Main menu
# Main -> Page menu
PageInfo:Info ^F1
Save:Salva F3
SaveComp:Salva tutto ?F3
SaveURL:Salva indirizzo
Print:Stampa STAMPA
NewWindow:Nuova finestra ^N
ViewSrc:Mostra sorgente... F8
# Main -> Page -> Export menu
Draw:Disegna ?^F3
Text:Testo ^F3
# Main -> Page -> Save location menu
# Main -> Object menu
# Main -> Object -> Export menu
# Main -> Navigate menu
Back:Indietro di una pagina
Forward:Avanti di una pagina
UpLevel:Su di un livello
Reload:Ricarica questa pagina ^F5
Stop:Stoppa caricamento della pagina
# Main -> Display menu
ScaleView:Visualizzazione graduale F11
Toolbars:Barre strumenti
OptDefault:Salva come predefinito
# Main -> Display -> Images menu
ForeImg:Immagini in primo piano
BackImg:Immagini in sottofondo
# Main -> Display -> Toolbars menu
ToolAddress:Barra indirizzi
ToolThrob:Indicatore di attività
ToolStatus:Barra di stato
# Main -> Display -> Render menu
RenderAnims:Blocca le animazioni
RenderAll:Blocca tutto l'interprete
# Main -> Utilities menu
FindText:Trova testo F4
# Main -> Utilities -> Hotlist menu
HotlistAdd:Aggiungi alla Hotlist
HotlistShow:Mostra Hotlist... F6
# Main -> Utilities -> History menu
HistLocal:Mostra cronologia locale... F7
HistGlobal:Mostra cronologia globale... ^F7
# Main -> Utilities -> Cookies menu
ShowCookies:Mostra i cookie...
DeleteCookies:Cancella tutti i cookie
# Main -> Utilities -> Window menu
WindowSave:Imposta come posizione predefinita
WindowStagr:Sfalsa posizione della finestra
WindowSize:Copia posizione della finestra
WindowReset:Resetta posizione della finestra
# Main -> Help menu
HelpContent:Contenuti F1
HelpGuide:Guida in linea
HelpInfo:Informazioni utente
HelpAbout:Informazioni su NetSurf
HelpInter:Aiuto interattivo
# Toolbar menu
Toolbar:Barra strumenti
EditToolbar:Modifica barra strumenti
# Generic tree menus (currently Hotlist and Global history)
SelectAll:Seleziona tutto ^A
Clear:Cancella selezione ^Z
# Selection Menu
Launch:Avvia INVIO
Delete:Cancella ^X
ResetUsage:Resetta statistiche
# Hotlist/Global history menu
# New hotlist entry menu
# Tree expand/collapse menu
# Other menus
# URL suggestion menu
URLSuggest:URL Recenti
# Menus within the choices system
# Browser pane
# Network pane
ProxyType:Tipo di Proxy
ProxyNone:Nessun proxy
ProxyNoAuth:Proxy semplice
ProxyBasic:Autentificazione di Base
ProxyNTLM:Autentificazione NTLM
# Fonts pane
DefaultFonts:Famiglia Font
# Images pane
ImgStyle0:Usa OS
ImgStyle1:Direttamente a video
ImgStyle3:Errore diffuso
# Menu items used in the Amiga version.
# Some of these are copies of other strings but without the
# embedded shortcut keys. (NS suffix = No Shortcut)
# Project menu
NewWindowNS:Nuova finestra
NewTab:Nuova scheda
CloseTab:Chiudi scheda
CloseWindow:Chiudi finestra
SaveAs:Salva come
# Edit menu
SelectAllNS:Seleziona tutto
ClearNS:Cancella selezione
# Browser menu
HistGlobalNS:Mostra cronologia globale...
# Hotlist menu
HotlistShowNS:Mostra Hotlist...
# Settings menu
SnapshotWindow:Fissa finestra
SettingsSave:Salva impostazioni
# Context menu
LinkNewTab:Open in new tab
LinkNewWin:Open in new window
CopyURL:Copy URL to clipboard
ObjShow:Show object
SelectFile:Select file...
# Treeview interface tokens
# =========================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the treeview
# component. (For example, in the main hotlist/global history windows)
# Tree URL text
TreeAdded:Aggiunto: %s
TreeLast:Ultimi visitati: %s
TreeVisited:Visitati: %s
TreeVisits:Navigati: %i
TreeValue:Valore: %s
TreeComment:Commento: %s
TreeDomain:Dominio: %s%s
TreePath:Percorso: %s%s
TreeExpires:Scomparsi: %s
TreeLastUsed:Ultimi usati: %s
TreeSecure:Solo Host sicuri: %s
TreeVersion:Versione: %s
TreePersistent:Persistenza: %s
TreeHeaders: (da intestazioni)
TreeVersion1:RFC 2109
TreeVersion2:RFC 2965
TreeSession:Fine sessione
TreeImport:URL Importati
TreeNewFolder:Nuova cartella
TreeLaunch:Visita URL
# Tree export
TreeHotlist:Hotlist di NetSurf
# Hotlist user interface tokens
# =============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in various parts of
# the hotlist user interface.
# Hotlist sub-window titles
NewLink:Crea nuovo indirizzo
NewFolder:Crea nuova cartella
EditLink:Modifica indirizzo
EditFolder:Rinomina cartella
# Default hotlist page names
HotlistHomepage:HomePage di NetSurf
HotlistTestBuild:Versioni Beta di NetSurf
HotlistDocumentation:Documentazione di NetSurf
HotlistBugTracker:Bug Tracker di NetSurf
HotlistFeatureRequest:Proposte su NetSurf
# Global history user interface tokens
# ====================================
# This section contains tokens which are used in various parts of
# the global history user interface.
GlobalHistory:Cronologia globale
Date1Week:Ultima settimana
Date2Week:2 settimane fa
Date3Week:3 settimane fa
# Download user interface tokens
# ==============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the download
# window.
Download:%s di %s ? %s/s ? %s al termine
DownloadU:%s sconosciuto ? %s/s ? %s totale
Downloaded:%s completato ? media %s/s ? %s totale
Unwritten:Scrittura dei dati sul file fallita.
# Amiga download window tokens
# This section contains tokens which are used in the Amiga
# download window.
amiDownload:%ld di %ld byte scaricati
amiDownloadU:%ld byte scaricati
# GTK download window tokens
# This section contains tokens which are used in the gtk
# download window.
gtkSizeInfo:%s di %s
gtkProgressBar:%. di %% su %u file
gtkProgressBarPulse:Scaricamento dei file %u
gtkProgressBarPulseSingle:Scaricamento del file %u
# Column Headers
gtkRemaining:Al termine
# Status Messages
# spaces necessary
gtkError: Errore
gtkComplete: Completo
gtkCanceled: Annullato
gtkWorking: In corso
# Dialogs
gtkQuit:Sei sicuro di voler uscire da NetSurf?
gtkDownloadsRunning:Ci sono alcuni file in download in attesa di essere completati, chiudendo questa sessione tutti i file incompleti verranno cancellati.
gtkStartDownload:Scaricare il file?
gtkOverwrite:Il file "%s" è già esistente. Si desidera sovrascriverlo?
gtkOverwriteInfo:Il file è già esistente in "%s". Sostituirlo comporterà la sovrascrittura del file.
gtkFailed:Scaricamento fallito
gtkFileError:Errore File: %s
gtkInfo:%s da %s è %s come dimensione
gtkSave:Salva file come...
gtkUnknownHost:un Host sconosciuto
# Printing user interface tokens
# ==============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the printing
# dialog box.
PrintSheetFilled:Il foglio di stampa è pieno
PrintSheetsFilled:I fogli di stampa sono pieni
# Find text user interface tokens
# ===============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the find text
# dialog box.
NotFound:Non trovato
# 401 login user interface tokens
# ===============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the 401 login
# (authentication) dialog box.
Username:Nome Utente
# Content
# =======
# This section contains tokens used by contents
# Forms
Form_Drop:Inserisci un file qui
FormSelect:Clicca per scegliere un oggetto del form
FormCheckbox:Clicca per verificare questa opzione
FormRadio:Clicca per scegliere questa opzione
FormSubmit:Invia form a %s
FormBadSubmit:Attenzione: Il form non può essere inviato
FormTextarea:Clicca per editare il testo
FormTextbox:Clicca per editare il campo
FormReset:Resetta form (non ancora implementato)
FormFile:Inserisci un file da inviare qui
# Content titles
DrawTitle:Immagine Draw (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
GIFTitle:Immagine GIF (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
BMPTitle:Immagine BMP (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
ICOTitle:Immagine ICO (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
JPEGTitle:Immagine JPEG (%ux%u, %lu byte)
PNGTitle:Immagine PNG (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
JNGTitle:Immagine JNG (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
MNGTitle:Immagine MNG (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
SpriteTitle:Immagine Sprite (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
ArtWorksTitle:Immagine ArtWorks (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
# HTML page character set
Encoding0:da intestazioni HTTP
Encoding2:da <meta>
# Misc
FrameDrag:Ridimensionamento dei frame
# Errors
# ======
# This section contains error and warning messages which
# are displayed to the user.
# Fetching errors - displayed as an HTML page
Not2xx:Il Server ha riportato un errore
InvalidURL:L'indirizzo <em>%s</em> non è stato riconosciuto.
# HTML error page
ErrorPage:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Errore nella pagina</title></head><body><h1>Spiacente, NetSurf non può visualizzare questa pagina.</h1><p><strong>%s</strong></p></body></html>
# General errors - displayed in a dialog box
# These may be augmented with further relevant information, which
# is displayed after the contents of the relevant token.
PathToURL:Si è verificato un errore durante la conversione del percorso del file all'URL:
SaveError:Il file non può essere salvato a causa di un errore:
LoadError:Il file non può essere caricato a causa di un errore:
MenuError:Si è verificato un errore durante l'apertura del menu:
DragError:Si è verificato un errore durante il trascinamento dell'icona:
TbarError:Si è verificato un errore durante la costruzione della barra strumenti:
WimpError:Si è verificato un errore inatteso sulla finestra principale:
DownloadWarn:Questo trasferimento potrebbe essere incompleto:
MiscError:Si è verificato un errore inatteso:
FileError:Il file è inesistente:
PrintError:Si è verificato un errore durante la stampa:
AWNotSeen:Per favore imposta l'applicazione AWViewer e riprova ancora.
# Specific errors - displayed in a dialog box
NoMemory:Non sembra esserci abbastanza mamoria per far girare NetSurf. Per favore liberane un po' e riprova ancora.
FontBadInst:Si è verificato un errore durante l'inizializzazione dei font a causa della presenza di una copia obsoleta dei font ROM nel disco. NetSurf si chiuderà cercando di lanciare un programma in grado di risolvere questo problema.
FontError:Impossibile aprire il font "Homerton.Medium" (%s).
Resolvers:Non è stato configurato nessun nome per i domini dei server, perciò sarà possibile solo una navigazione dei file in locale. Usa "Configura" per impostare il tuo nome del/dei server.
NoDiscSpace:Spazio insufficiente nel disco.
Template:Una finestra di template risulta mancante. Per favore reinstalla NetSurf.
HotlistSaveError:Non è stato possibile salvare correttamente l'Hotlist.
HotlistLoadError:Non è stato possibile caricare correttamente l'Hotlist.
NoPathError:Per salvare, trascinare l'icona in una directory di visualizzazione.
NoNameError:Inserisci un nome
NoURLError:Inserisci un URL
URIError:NetSurf non è stato in grado di processare questo file URI a causa di un errore di sintassi.
EmptyError:Il file è vuoto.
PrintErrorRO2:Sembra che la stampante sia occupata.
AWNotSeen:Per favore imposta l'applicazione AWViewer e riprova ancora.
# Error messages for Amiga version only
NoMode:Questa modalità non coincide nel database degli schermi
# Queries
# =======
# This section contains queries which are displayed to the user
AbortDownload:Sei sicuro di voler annullare questo trasferimento?
QuitDownload:Uno o più file sono in attesa di essere scaricati completamente. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere?
OverwriteFile:Un file con questo nome è già esistente, continuando potrebbe andare perduto.
# Page fetching
# =============
# This section contains messages which may be displayed whilst
# fetching a page or other content
# Fetch status messages - displayed in status bar
Progress:%s di %s
Loading:Apertura della pagina...
RecPercent:Ricevuti %s (%u%%)
Received:Ricevuti %s
Converting:Convertiti %lu byte
Complete:Pagina completata (%gs)
Processing:Elaborazione del documento
Formatting:Formattazione del documento
Done:Documento completato
# Fetch warning/error messages - displayed in status bar
BadRedirect:Errata redirezione dell'URL
FetchFailed:Impossibile ottenere il documento
NotCSS:Attenzione: "Foglio di stile" non significa CSS
BadObject:Attenzione: errato tipo di oggetto
ObjError:Errore di caricamento dell'oggetto: %s
ParsingFail:Analisi del documento fallita.
BadGIF:Lettura GIF fallita.
BadBMP:Lettura BMP fallita.
BadICO:Lettura ICO fallita.
PNGError:Errore durante la conversione PNG.
MNGError:Errore durante la conversione MNG/PNG/JNG: %i
BadSprite:Dati Sprite invalidi o corrotti.
# HTTP status codes
HTTP203:Informazione non autorevole
HTTP204:Nessun contenuto
HTTP205:Resetta contenuto
HTTP206:Contenuto parziale
HTTP300:Scelte multiple
HTTP301:Rimosso permanentemente
HTTP303:Vedi altro
HTTP304:Non modificato
HTTP305:Usa Proxy
HTTP307:Redirezione temporanea
HTTP400:Richiesta errata
HTTP401:Non autorizzato
HTTP402:Richiesto pagamento
HTTP404:Non trovato
HTTP405:Metodo non permesso
HTTP406:Non accettabile
HTTP407:Autentificazione Proxy necessaria
HTTP408:Richiesta TimeOut
HTTP411:Lunghezza richiesta
HTTP412:Precondizione fallita
HTTP413:Entità richiesta troppo larga
HTTP414:Richiesta URI troppo lunga
HTTP415:Tipo di media non supportato
HTTP416:Estensione richiesta non soddisfabile
HTTP417:Previsione fallita
HTTP500:Errore interno del server
HTTP501:Non implementato
HTTP502:Gateway errato
HTTP503:Servizio non disponibile
HTTP504:TimeOut Gateway
HTTP505:Versione HTTP non supportata
# User interface
# ==============
# This section contains messages to deal with user interface
# features.
# Scrollbars - displayed in status bar
ScrollUp:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare in alto
ScrollPUp:Clicca per scrollare in alto di una pagina
ScrollV:Trascina la barra per scrollare verticalmente
ScrollPDown:Clicca per scrollare in basso di una pagina
ScrollDown:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare in basso
ScrollLeft:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare a sinistra
ScrollPLeft:Clicca per scrollare a sinistra di una pagina
ScrollH:Trascina la barra per scrollare orizzontalmente
ScrollPRight:Clicca per scrollare a destra di una pagina
ScrollRight:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare a destra
# Saving
# ======
# Messages used when saving
SaveDraw:Pagina Web
SaveText:Pagina Web
# Themes
# ======
# Messages used when installing new themes
ThemeInstActive:Il tema è attualmente in fase di scaricamento o di installazione. Attendere il completamente del processo o annullare l'operazione prima di installare altri temi.
ThemeInstDown:Per favore attendere lo scaricamento del tema.
ThemeInvalid:Il tema scaricato è invalido oppure richiede una versione più recente di NetSurf.
ThemeInstall:Si desidera installare il tema '%s' di %s?
ThemeInstallErr:Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di installazione del tema scaricato.
ThemeApplyErr:Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di applicazione del tema scaricato.
# General
# =======
# Some general purpose words and phrases
Bytes: B
kBytes: KB
MBytes: MB
GBytes: GB
Replace:Sostituisci file
DontReplace:Non sostituire
styl:foglio di stile
styls:fogli di stile
# Interactive help
# ================
# This section contains interactive help messages
HelpToolbar0:\Tback button.|M\Straverse back one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar1:\Tforward button.|M\Straverse forward one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar2:\Tstop button.|M\Sstop loading this page.
HelpToolbar3:\Treload button.|M\Sreload this page.|M\Areload this page and any objects it contains.
HelpToolbar4:\Thome button.|M\Sgo to your home page.
HelpToolbar5:\Thistory button.|M\Sopen the local history \w.|M\Aopen the global history \w.
HelpToolbar6:\Tsave button.|M\Ssave the current document.
HelpToolbar7:\Tprint button.|M\Sopen the print dialogue box.
HelpToolbar8:\Thotlist button.|M\Sopen the hotlist management \w.|M\Aadd this address to the hotlist.
HelpToolbar9:\Tscale view button.|M\Sscale the page, affecting both text and images.
HelpToolbar10:\Tsearch button.|M\Sfind instances of a string of text on the page.
HelpToolbar11:\Tup button.|M\Straverse up one level on the current website
HelpToolbar14:\TURL bar.|MType in the address of a site to visit and press Return to go there.
HelpToolbar15:\TURL suggestion icon.|M\Sopen a list of recently typed URLs.
HelpToolbar16:\Tthrobber.|MIt animates while this \w is active.
HelpStatus0:\Tstatus bar resizer.|MDrag to alter the size of the status bar.
HelpStatus1:\Tstatus bar.|MIt displays information on what the browser \w is doing.
HelpIconMenu0:\Rview information about this software.
HelpIconMenu1:\Sview NetSurf's documentation.
HelpIconMenu2:\Ropen a window.
HelpIconMenu2-0:\Renter an address to visit.
HelpIconMenu2-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpIconMenu2-2:\Sopen the global history \w.
HelpIconMenu2-3:\Sopen the cookie management \w.
HelpIconMenu3:\Sopen the Choices dialogue box.
HelpIconMenu4:\Squit NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu0:\Rsee the options relating to the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-0:\Rsee information about the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-1:\Rsave the current page as an HTML file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-2:\Rsave the current page including all the images and style sheets used.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-0:\Rexport the current page as a Drawfile.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-1:\Rexport the current page as a plain text file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4:\Rsave the address of the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-0:\Rsave the current address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-1:\Rsave the current address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-2:\Rsave the current address as plain text.
HelpBrowserMenu0-5:\Sopen the print dialogue box.
HelpBrowserMenu0-6:\Sopen the current page in a new window.
HelpBrowserMenu0-7:\Sview the source code of the current page in a text editor.
HelpBrowserMenu1:\Rsee the options relating to the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-0:\Rsee information about the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-1:\Rsave the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2-0:\Rsave the image as a Sprite.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3:\Rsave the address of the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-0:\Rsave the current item's address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-1:\Rsave the current item's address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-2:\Rsave the current item's address as plain text.
HelpBrowserMenu1-4:\Sreload all the items on this page.
HelpBrowserMenu2:\Rsee the navigation options.
HelpBrowserMenu2-0:\Sreturn to the configured home page.
HelpBrowserMenu2-1:\Sgo back a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-2:\Sstep forward a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-3:\Straverse up one level in the directory tree.
HelpBrowserMenu2-4:\Sfetch the current page again.
HelpBrowserMenu2-5:\Sstop NetSurf from continuing to load this page.
HelpBrowserMenu3:\Rset the local display options.
HelpBrowserMenu3-0:\Rscale the page, affecting both text and images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1:\Rset the local image options.
#HelpBrowserMenu3-1-0:\Stoggle the display of foreground images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-1:\Stoggle the display of background images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-2:\Stoggle the display of animations.|MIf turned off, the first frame is displayed.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-1:\Stoggle the display of the address (URL) bar.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-2:\Stoggle the display of the throbber.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-3:\Stoggle the display of the status bar.|MHorizontal scroll bar uses the remaining width.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-4:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3:\Scontrol the manner in which the display is rendered.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-0:\Stoggle whether animations are not displayed until all calculations are complete.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-1:\Stoggle whether everything is not displayed until all calculations are complete.
HelpBrowserMenu3-4:\Smake your local display options the default options for NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu4:\Rto access NetSurf's built in utilities.|MUtilities are tools such as the hotlist, history tree and various setup options.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0:\Rmanage the hotlist.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0-0:\Sadd the current page to the hotlist.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1:\Rview the history options.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1-0:\Sopen the local history \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1-1:\Sopen the global history \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-2:\Rmanage your cookies.
HelpBrowserMenu4-2-0:\Sopen the cookie management \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3:\Rsearch for instances of a string of text on the page.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4:\Rcontrol the default \w positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-0:\Sto make the current \w position the default.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-1:\Sto toggle whether subsequent windows are staggered down the screen.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-2:\Sto toggle whether child windows copy the size and position of their parent.|MWhen off, all new windows open in the default position.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-3:\Sto return to the default \w positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu5:\Rsee the help resources available.
HelpBrowserMenu5-0:\Sopen the documentation contents page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-1:\Sopen the user guide in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-2:\Sopen the user information page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-3:\Sopen the NetSurf about page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-4:\Srun Help.
HelpBrowser-1:Click \s on a link to follow it.|MClick \a on a link to open it in a new \w.|MShift+\s click on a link to download the link target contents.|MShift+\a click to save the link target address.
HelpIconbar:\TNetSurf icon.|M\Sopen a new browser \w.|M\Aopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpHistory:Use this \w to navigate around the local history tree.|M\Son a thumbnail to return to that page.
HelpPrint:Use this \w to print the page.
HelpSaveAs0:Drag SELECT this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file.
HelpSaveAs1:This is the filename under which this document will be saved.
HelpSaveAs2:\Ssave the file with the current filename.|MIf a full path is not set, you must drag the icon to a directory.
HelpSaveAs3:\Sclose this \w without saving.
HelpScaleView:Use this \w to change the scale the page is displayed at.
HelpScaleView1:Enter the scale you wish the page to be displayed at.
HelpScaleView2:\Sreduce the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView3:\Sincrease the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView5:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 75%.
HelpScaleView6:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 100%.
HelpScaleView7:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 150%.
HelpScaleView8:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 200%.
HelpScaleView9:\Scancel changes.|MThe current scale will not be changed.
HelpScaleView10:\Schange the view to the scale you have chosen.
HelpSearch:Use this \w to search for text within the page.
HelpSearch0:Enter the search text. # matches any single character, * matches 0 or more characters.
HelpSearch1:Choose whether the search should regard upper and lower case characters as different.
HelpSearch2:\Smove to the next match.
HelpSearch3:\Smove to the previous match.
HelpSearch4:\Sstop searching and close this \w.
HelpHotFolder:Use this \w to set the directory name.
HelpHotEntry:Use this \w to set the entry details.
HelpHotlist:\Thotlist management window.
HelpHotlist0:\Sopen this directory.
HelpHotlist1:\Sclose this directory.
HelpHotlist2:\Sshow the entry details.
HelpHotlist3:\Shide the entry details.
HelpHotlist4:\Sselect this directory.|MDouble-click \s to open this directory.
HelpHotlist5:\Sselect this entry.|MDouble-click \s to launch this URL.
HelpHotlist6:Release the mouse buttons to complete your selection.
HelpHotlist7:Release the mouse buttons to move the selection.
HelpHotToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all addresses in the hotlist.|M\Acollapse all addresses in the hotlist.|MExpanded addresses show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpHotToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the hotlist.|M\Aclose all directories in the hotlist.
HelpHotToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar4:\Tcreate button.|M\Screate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0:\Rperform an operation on the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0:\Rcreate a new item.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-0:\Rcreate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-1:\Rcreate a new address.
HelpHotlistMenu0-1:\Rexport the hotlist as an HTML file.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2:\Rexpand items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-0:\Sopen all directories and show all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-1:\Sopen all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-2:\Sshow all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3:\Rcollapse items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-1:\Sclose all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-2:\Shide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4-1:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
HelpHotlistMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
HelpHotlistMenu1-0:\Redit the current item.
HelpHotlistMenu1-1:\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpHotlistMenu1-2:\Sdelete the current selection from the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu1-3:\Sreset statistics, such as visit count, for selected items.
HelpHotlistMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
HelpGHistory:\Tglobal history window.
HelpGHistoryToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpGHistoryToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all entries in the history.|M\Acollapse all entries in the history.|MExpanded entries show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpGHistoryToolbar2:\Topen sections button.|M\Sopen all sections in the global history.|M\Aclose all sections in the global history.
HelpGHistoryToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpGHistoryMenu0:\Rperform an operation on global history.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-0:\Rexport global history as an HTML file.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-1:\Rexpand items within global history.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-1-0:\Sopen all directories and show all entry details.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-1-1:\Sopen all directories.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-1-2:\Sshow all entry details.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-2:\Rcollapse items within global history.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-2-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all entry details.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-2-1:\Sclose all directories.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-2-2:\Shide all entry details.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-3:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-3-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
HelpGHistoryMenu0-3-1:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
HelpGHistoryMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
HelpGHistoryMenu1-0:\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpGHistoryMenu1-1:\Sdelete the current selection from global history.
HelpGHistoryMenu1-2:\Sreset statistics, such as visit count, for selected items.
HelpGHistoryMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the history.
HelpGHistoryMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
HelpCookies:\TCookie management window.
HelpCookiesToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpCookiesToolbar1:\Texpand cookies button.|M\Sexpand all cookies in the list.|M\Acollapse all cookies in the list.|MExpanded cookies show additional details.
HelpCookiesToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the list.|M\Aclose all directories in the list.
HelpCookiesMenu0:\Rperform an operation on the cookie list.
HelpCookiesMenu0-0:\Rexpand items within the cookie list.
HelpCookiesMenu0-0-0:\Sopen all directories and show all cookie details.
HelpCookiesMenu0-0-1:\Sopen all directories.
HelpCookiesMenu0-0-2:\Sshow all cookie details.
HelpCookiesMenu0-1:\Rcollapse items within the cookie list.
HelpCookiesMenu0-1-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all cookie details.
HelpCookiesMenu0-1-1:\Sclose all directories.
HelpCookiesMenu0-1-2:\Shide all cookie details.
HelpCookiesMenu0-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpCookiesMenu0-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
HelpCookiesMenu0-2-1:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
HelpCookiesMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
HelpCookiesMenu1-0:\Sdelete any selected cookies.
HelpCookiesMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the cookie list.
HelpCookiesMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
HelpAppInfo:\TNetSurf information \w.|MSee the about page for the contributor list and credits.
HelpConfigure:\Tconfiguration \w for NetSurf
HelpConfigure0:Cache configuration tool
HelpConfigure1:Connection configuration tool
HelpConfigure2:Content configuration tool
HelpConfigure3:Font configuration tool
HelpConfigure4:Home page configuration tool
HelpConfigure5:Image configuration tool
HelpConfigure6:Interface configuration tool
HelpConfigure7:Language configuration tool
HelpConfigure8:Memory configuration tool
HelpConfigure9:Theme configuration tool
HelpConfigure10:Security and Privacy configuration tool
HelpCacheConfig:\Tcache configuration \w.
HelpCacheConfig3:\Tamount of memory to be used for caching content.
HelpCacheConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory.
HelpCacheConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory.
HelpCacheConfig7:\Sreset the Cache options back to their default values.
HelpCacheConfig8:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpCacheConfig9:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpConnectConfig:\Tconnection configuration \w
HelpConnectConfig3:\Tcurrently selected proxy type.|MUse the menu to select a proxy type.
HelpConnectConfig4:\Sselect a proxy type.
HelpConnectConfig6:You can enter the proxy's host name here.
HelpConnectConfig8:You can enter the proxy's port number here.
HelpConnectConfig10:You can enter a username for proxies that require authentication here.
HelpConnectConfig12:You can enter a password for proxies that require authentication here.
HelpConnectConfig16:\Tmaximum number of simultaneous fetches that NetSurf will perform.
HelpConnectConfig17:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultaneous fetches.
HelpConnectConfig18:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultaneous fetches.
HelpConnectConfig20:\Tmaximum number of simultaneous fetches that NetSurf will perform per host.
HelpConnectConfig21:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultaneous fetches per host.
HelpConnectConfig22:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultaneous fetches per host.
HelpConnectConfig24:\Tmaximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig25:\Sreduce the maximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig26:\Sincrease the maximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig27:\Sreset the Connection options back to their default values.
HelpConnectConfig28:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the connection options to the last saved configuration.
HelpConnectConfig29:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpContentConfig:\Tcontent configuration \w
HelpContentConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will attempt to block advertisements on web pages|MIn rare circumstances, this option may cause valid content to be blocked too.
HelpContentConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will stop web sites from automatically opening new windows on your desktop.
HelpContentConfig4:This indicates whether NetSurf will allow external plug-ins to handle additional types of content, such as Flash.
HelpContentConfig7:This indicates whether NetSurf will allow links to open in new windows.
HelpContentConfig8:\Sreset the Content options back to their default values.
HelpContentConfig9:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the content options to the last saved configuration.
HelpContentConfig10:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpFontConfig:\Tfont configuration \w
HelpFontConfig3:\Tcurrently selected sans-serif font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a sans-serif typeface.
HelpFontConfig4:\Sselect a sans-serif font.
HelpFontConfig6:\Tcurrently selected serif font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a serif typeface.
HelpFontConfig7:\Sselect a sans-serif font.
HelpFontConfig9:\Tcurrently selected monospace font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a monospace typeface.
HelpFontConfig10:\Sselect a monospace font.
HelpFontConfig12:\Tcurrently selected cursive font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a cursive typeface.
HelpFontConfig13:\Sselect a cursive font.
HelpFontConfig15:\Tcurrently selected fantasy font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a fantasy typeface.
HelpFontConfig16:\Sselect a fantasy font.
HelpFontConfig18:\Tcurrently selected font family.|MNetSurf will use this wherever a web page does not specify a typeface.
HelpFontConfig19:\Sselect a default font family.
HelpFontConfig23:You can enter a default font size here.|MNetSurf will use this wherever a web page does not specify a font size of its own.
HelpFontConfig24:\Sreduce the default font size.
HelpFontConfig25:\Sincrease the default font size.
HelpFontConfig28:You can enter a minimum font size here.|MNetSurf will not allow web pages to display smaller text than this.
HelpFontConfig29:\Sreduce the minimum font size.
HelpFontConfig30:\Sincrease the minimum font size.
HelpFontConfig32:\Sreset the Font options back to their default values.
HelpFontConfig33:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the font options to the last saved configuration.
HelpFontConfig34:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpHomeConfig:\Thome page configuration \w
HelpHomeConfig3:You can enter a default home page address here.
HelpHomeConfig4:\Sselect a recently typed URL.|MThese addresses have recently been typed into a NetSurf browser \w's URL bar.
HelpHomeConfig5:This indicates whether NetSurf will open a browser \w on start-up.
HelpHomeConfig6:\Sreset the Home page options back to their default values.
HelpHomeConfig7:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the home options to the last saved configuration.
HelpHomeConfig8:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpImageConfig:\Timage configuration \w
HelpImageConfig3:\Tcurrently selected foreground image quality.
HelpImageConfig4:\Sselect a foreground image quality setting.|MError diffused provides the highest quality.
HelpImageConfig6:\Tcurrently selected background image quality.
HelpImageConfig7:\Sselect a background image quality setting.|MError diffused provides the highest quality.
HelpImageConfig8:\Timage quality preview image.|MThe optimum results are achived with both foreground and background image quality set to error diffused.|MThe user guide provides more information on the implications of these options.
HelpImageConfig12:You can enter the minimum time between animation frames here.|MA very low setting can cause your computer to slow down when rapid animations are displayed and is not suitable for slow computers.
HelpImageConfig13:\Sreduce the minimum time between animation frames.
HelpImageConfig14:\Sincrease the minimum time between animation frames.
HelpImageConfig16:This indicates whether NetSurf will disable animations on web pages.|MWhen animations are disabled, NetSurf will show the first frame as a static image.
HelpImageConfig17:\Sreset the Image options back to their default values.
HelpImageConfig18:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the image options to the last saved configuration.
HelpImageConfig19:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpInterfaceConfig:\Tinterface configuration \w
HelpInterfaceConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will strip file extensions when saving files to disc.
HelpInterfaceConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will ask for confirmation before overwriting files of the same name.
HelpInterfaceConfig6:This indicates whether NetSurf's URL suggestion feature is enabled.|MURL suggestion shows options for completing URLs as you type into NetSurf's URL bar.
HelpInterfaceConfig7:This indicates whether the URL for the item under the pointer in NetSurf's local history \w will be displayed.
HelpInterfaceConfig10:This indicates whether NetSurf will use a thumbnail when iconising windows to the Pinboard.
HelpInterfaceConfig11:\Sreset the Interface options back to their default values.
HelpInterfaceConfig12:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the interface options to the last saved configuration.
HelpInterfaceConfig13:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpLanguageConfig:\Tlanguage configuration \w
HelpLanguageConfig3:\Tcurrently selected interface language.|MThe interface language is the language used for NetSurf's messages and dialogue boxes.
HelpLanguageConfig4:\Sselect an interface language.
HelpLanguageConfig6:\Tcurrently selected web page language.|MIf a web site provides a choice of languages, NetSurf will request the page in your preferred language.
HelpLanguageConfig7:\Sselect a preferred web page language.
HelpLanguageConfig8:\Sreset the Language options back to their default values.
HelpLanguageConfig9:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the language options to the last saved configuration.
HelpLanguageConfig10:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpMemoryConfig:\Tmemory configuration \w
HelpMemoryConfig3:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing uncompressed images here.
HelpMemoryConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig7:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig9:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing compressed images here.
HelpMemoryConfig10:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig11:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig13:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig14:\Sreset the Memory options back to their default values.
HelpMemoryConfig15:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the memory options to the last saved configuration.
HelpMemoryConfig16:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpSecurityConfig:\Tsecurity configuration \w
HelpSecurityConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will send site referral information to web servers.|MWhen this is enabled NetSurf will tell the web server of a new page the address of the site you came from, after following a link.
HelpSecurityConfig6:You can enter the length of time that items are stored in global history here.
HelpSecurityConfig7:\Sreduce the global history duration.
HelpSecurityConfig8:\Sincrease the global history duration.
HelpSecurityConfig10:\Sreset the Security options back to their default values.
HelpSecurityConfig11:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the security options to the last saved configuration.
HelpSecurityConfig12:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpThemeConfig:\Ttheme configuration \w
HelpThemeConfig2:\Sreset the Theme options back to their default values.
HelpThemeConfig3:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the theme options to the last saved configuration.
HelpThemeConfig4:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpThemePConfig:This pane shows the available themes.|MThe selected icon theme is used for NetSurf browser \ws, the hotlist, global history and cookie management.
# Configuration tokens
# ====================
# These tokens are used for the configuration icon text.
# Unused tokens
# =============
# These tokens appear to be unused at the current time.
TreeHistory:Cronologia NetSurf
ExportAs:Esporta come
DitherImg:Immagini Dither
FilterImg:Immagini Smooth
RenderText:Mischia testo in sottofondo
Copy:Copia nella clipboard ^C