
643 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

; Installation script for NetSurf
(procedure p_setmimetype #type #mimetype
(transcript "Setting MIME Type " #mimetype " for default " #type " icon")
(set #fullpath (cat "ENVARC:Sys/def_" #type))
(prompt "Setting MIME type")
(help @tooltype-help)
(dest #fullpath)
(settooltype "MIMETYPE" #mimetype)
; The below procedure is part of "fitr", see
(procedure p_fitr #filename #text #comment #flags
(set #comstring "")
(if #comment (set #comstring (cat "COMMENT=\"" #comment "\"")))
(set #comment "")
(set #switches "")
(if #flags (set #switches (cat " " #flags)))
(set #flags "")
(if #text
(transcript "Adding " @app-name " section to " #filename)
(dest "t:fitr-installer.tmp")
(append #text)
(run (cat "fitr \"" #filename "\" \"" @app-name "\" t:fitr-installer.tmp " #comstring #switches))
(delete "t:fitr-installer.tmp")
(transcript "Removing " @app-name " section from " #filename)
(run (cat "fitr \"" #filename "\" \"" @app-name "\" " #comstring #switches))
(procedure p_failedsobjs
(if #failedsobjs
(message "The following shared objects failed to copy. These will be updated on next reboot.\n\n" #failedsobjs)
(procedure p_schedulesobj #sobj
(transcript "Scheduling update of " #sobj " for next reboot")
(set #failedsobjs (cat #failedsobjs "\n" #sobj))
(makedir "SObjs:so-installer")
(source (tackon "SObjs" #sobj))
(dest "SObjs:so-installer")
(startup "Shared object installer"
(prompt "Adding commands to user-startup to schedule copy of " #sobj " on next reboot")
(help @startup-help)
(command "if EXISTS SObjs:so-installer\n")
(command " copy SObjs:so-installer SObjs: CLONE FORCE QUIET\n")
(command " delete SObjs:so-installer ALL FORCE QUIET\n")
(command "endif\n")
(procedure p_comparesobj2 #sobj1_full #sobj2_full
(set #same 0)
(set #sobj-version (getversion (#sobj1_full)))
(if (= #sobj-version 0)
(if (exists (#sobj2_full))
(set #file-newer (earlier (#sobj2_full) (#sobj1_full)))
(set #old-size (getsize (#sobj2_full)))
(set #new-size (getsize (#sobj1_full)))
(if (AND (= #old-size #new-size) (= #file-newer 0)) (set #same 1))
; else if version info is available
(set #sobj-oldversion (getversion (#sobj2_full)))
(if (<= #sobj-version #sobj-oldversion) (set #same 1))
(procedure p_comparesobj #sobj
(set #sobj1 (tackon "SObjs/" #sobj))
(set #sobj2 (tackon "SObjs:" #sobj))
(p_comparesobj2 #sobj1 #sobj2)
(procedure p_linksobj #sobj #sobj_link
(set #sobj2 (tackon "SObjs:" #sobj_link))
(p_comparesobj2 (tackon "SObjs/" #sobj) #sobj2)
(if (= #same 0) ;if #sobj is newer than that pointed to by #sobj_link
(if (exists (#sobj2))
(transcript "Deleting " #sobj2)
(delete #sobj2 (optional "force")) ;prevent dodgy recursive links
(set #linkcmd (cat "makelink " #sobj2 " SObjs:" #sobj " soft"))
(transcript "Running " #linkcmd)
(run #linkcmd)
(procedure p_copysobj #sobj
(set #sobj-version (getversion (tackon "SObjs/" #sobj)))
(if (= #sobj-version 0)
(transcript "Date compare " #sobj)
(if (exists (tackon "SObjs:" #sobj))
(set #file-newer (earlier (tackon "SObjs:" #sobj) (tackon "SObjs/" #sobj)))
(if (= #file-newer 0)
(set #newer-text "has an older datestamp")
(set #newer-text "has a newer datestamp")
(set #old-size (getsize (tackon "SObjs:" #sobj)))
(set #new-size (getsize (tackon "SObjs/" #sobj)))
(if (AND (= #old-size #new-size) (= #file-newer 0))
(set #copy 0)
(if (OR (= @user-level 2) (AND (= @user-level 1) (<> #file-newer 0)))
; Expert users are always prompted
; Average users are prompted if the file trying to be copied is newer
; Novice users are never prompted
; This is roughly equivalent to (copylib (confirm))
; No prompting occurs if the destination does not exist (silent copy)
; or the files are the same size and the one being copied isn't newer (don't copy)
(set #copy
(prompt "Copying " #sobj "...\n\n"
"Version to install: " #new-size " bytes\n"
"Version currently installed: " #old-size " bytes\n\n"
"The file to copy " #newer-text)
(help @askbool-help)
(default #file-newer)
(choices "Proceed with copy" "Skip this part")
(set #copy #file-newer)
; else if dest file does not exist
(set #copy 1)
(if (<> #copy 0)
(if (<> #AutoInstall 1)
(prompt "Copying " #sobj "...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "SObjs/" #sobj))
(dest "SObjs:")
(optional "nofail" "force")
(run "CopyStore SObjs/" #sobj " SObjs:")
(p_comparesobj #sobj)
(if (= #same 0)
(p_schedulesobj #sobj)
; else if version info is available
(if (<> #AutoInstall 1)
(prompt "Copying " #sobj "...")
(help @copylib-help)
(source (tackon "SObjs/" #sobj))
(dest "SObjs:")
(optional "nofail" "force")
(confirm "expert")
(run "CopyStore SObjs/" #sobj " SObjs:")
(p_comparesobj #sobj)
(if (= #same 0)
(p_schedulesobj #sobj)
(procedure p_copylib #lib
(if (<> #AutoInstall 1)
(prompt "Copying " #lib "...")
(help @copylib-help)
(source (tackon "Libs/" #lib))
(dest "Libs:")
(optional "nofail" "force")
(confirm "expert")
(run "CopyStore Libs/" #lib " Libs:")
(procedure p_chk_launch-handler #protocol
(run "C:Search >T:NS_Install.tmp " (tackon "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL" #protocol) " NetSurf" (safe))
(set #has_entry (getsize "T:NS_Install.tmp"))
;;; Script execution starts here ;;;
(if (= @app-name "NetSurfAutoInstall") (set #AutoInstall 1))
(set @app-name "NetSurf")
(if (<> #AutoInstall 1) (welcome))
(complete 0)
(set @default-dest (getenv "AppPaths/NetSurf"))
; If env-var did not exist, this is a first time install.
; For novice users we must take care to put the files somewhere sensible.
(if (= @default-dest "")
; Workaround for Installer bug picking TEXTCLIP: as a sensible location
(if (= @default-dest "TextClip:") (set @default-dest "SYS:Internet"))
(if (= @user-level 0)
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "NetSurf") (infos))
(set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "NetSurf"))
(set @default-dest
(prompt "Where would you like to install NetSurf?\n"
"(a drawer WILL NOT be created)")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(complete 5)
(working "Checking existing installation...")
(set #icon-exists (exists (tackon @default-dest "")))
(set osver (getversion))
(set osver (/ osver 65536))
(set #versions-available 0)
(set #static-filename "NetSurf")
(set #cairo-filename "NetSurf")
(if (exists "NetSurf")
(if (exists "SObjs")
(if (>= osver 53)
(set #cairo-name "Shared objects/part-Cairo")
(set #versions-available (+ #versions-available 1))
(set #cairo-version 1)
(set #cairo-version 0)
(set #cairo-name "")
; assume static if sobjs is not present
(set #static-name "Static/graphics.library")
(set #versions-available (+ #versions-available 1))
(set #cairo-version 0)
(set #static-filename "NetSurf")
; else
(set #cairo-version 0)
(set #cairo-name "")
(transcript "Versions avaiable for install: " #versions-available " " #static-name " " #cairo-name)
(if (= #versions-available 0)
(abort "Did not find any compatible versions of NetSurf to install!\n\n"
"NetSurf requires AmigaOS 4.1 or higher.")
(complete 10)
(if (AND (> @user-level 0) (> #versions-available 1))
(set #cairo-version
(prompt "Which version of NetSurf would you like to install?")
(help "The Cairo version has anti-aliasing of graphical elements.\n\n"
(choices #static-name #cairo-name)
(default #cairo-version)
(complete 15)
(set #user (getenv "user"))
(if (= #user "") (set #user "Default"))
(set #user-dir (tackon (tackon @default-dest "Users") #user))
(set #user-options (tackon #user-dir "Choices"))
(set #options-exist (exists #user-options))
(set #searchengines-exist (exists (tackon @default-dest "Resources/SearchEngines")))
(set #aiss-theme "")
(if (= #options-exist 0)
(if (exists "TBimages:" (noreq))
(set #aiss-theme "AISS")
(set #themename
(prompt "Please select theme")
(help "AISS theme requires AISS (and def_pointers for 32-bit "
"pointers), and will only be shown as an option if "
"AISS is installed.\n\n"
(choices "Default" #aiss-theme)
(default 0)
(select #themename
(set #themeshort "Default")
(set #themeshort "AISS")
(set #theme (tackon "PROGDIR:Resources/Themes/" #themeshort))
(complete 18)
(if (>= osver 53)
(set #addlaunchhandler
(prompt "Add NetSurf to launch-handler? (recommended)")
(help "launch-handler is part of OS4.1 which opens URLs "
" by launching a web browser.\n\n"
"The installation will update the configuration of "
"OS4.1 to allow URLs to be opened by NetSurf.")
(set #addlaunchhandler 0)
(complete 19)
(set #runfixfonts
(prompt "Installer will run FixFonts after NetSurf is installed. "
"Unless you have a *very* good reason you should not skip this step.")
(help "FixFonts corrects inconsistencies in the Amiga FONTS: structure. "
"Running it will prevent NetSurf hitting problems when the fonts are scanned.")
(default 1)
(choices "Run FixFonts" "Skip")
(complete 20)
(set #netsurf-name (select #cairo-version #static-filename #cairo-filename))
(working "Installing NetSurf")
(if (= #AutoInstall 0)
(prompt "Copying NetSurf...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source #netsurf-name)
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "NetSurf")
(optional "askuser" "force" "oknodelete")
(confirm "expert")
(run "CopyStore NetSurf" @default-dest)
(complete 30)
(if #searchengines-exist
(rename (tackon @default-dest "Resources/SearchEngines") (tackon @default-dest "Resources/SearchEngines.backup"))
(prompt "Copying files")
(source "")
(choices "Resources" "Rexx" "" "NetSurf.readme")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest @default-dest)
(optional "nofail")
; (all)
(prompt "Copying additional documentation")
(source "")
(pattern "(COPYING|ChangeLog)")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest @default-dest)
(optional "nofail")
(set #complete 40)
(working "Copying Libraries")
(if (exists "Libs")
(foreach "Libs" "#?"
(complete #complete)
(p_copylib @each-name)
(set #complete (+ #complete 2))
(set #complete 60)
(if (= #cairo-version 1)
(working "Copying Shared Objects")
(foreach "SObjs" "#?"
(complete #complete)
(p_copysobj @each-name)
(set #complete (+ #complete 1))
(complete 90)
(if #themeshort
(set #theme-icon
(tackon "Resources/Themes"
(tackon #themeshort "")
(if (exists #theme-icon)
(prompt "Copying theme icon")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source #theme-icon)
(dest @default-dest)
(makedir #user-dir)
(prompt "Setting default options")
(help @textfile-help)
(dest #user-options)
(append "theme:" #theme "\n")
(append "use_pubscreen:Workbench\n")
(complete 95)
(if (= (exists "ENVARC:Sys/") 0)
(prompt "Copying default CSS icon")
(source "Resources/")
(newname "")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest "ENVARC:Sys")
(optional "nofail")
(complete 96)
(working "Setting MIME types")
(p_setmimetype "css" "text/css")
(p_setmimetype "html" "text/html")
(p_setmimetype "ascii" "text/plain")
(p_setmimetype "jpeg" "image/jpeg")
(p_setmimetype "gif" "image/gif")
(p_setmimetype "png" "image/png")
(p_setmimetype "jng" "image/jng")
(p_setmimetype "mng" "image/mng")
(p_setmimetype "svg" "image/svg")
(p_setmimetype "bmp" "image/bmp")
(p_setmimetype "ico" "image/ico")
(p_setmimetype "sprite" "image/x-riscos-sprite")
(p_setmimetype "webp" "image/webp")
(p_setmimetype "lha" "application/x-lha")
(p_setmimetype "zip" "application/x-zip")
(complete 98)
(if (= #addlaunchhandler 1)
; We use fitr here so that the sections are only added once.
; We also check for string "NetSurf" within the files as saving
; the config will overwrite fitr's tags.
; This probably needs rewriting to not use fitr as it isn't really necessary now.
(working "Adding NetSurf to launch-handler config")
(if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "FILE.LH") 0)
(p_fitr "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL/FILE.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"APPDIR:NETSURF\" CMDFORMAT=\"URL=*\"file:///%s*\"\"")
(if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "HTTP.LH") 0)
(p_fitr "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL/HTTP.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"APPDIR:NETSURF\" CMDFORMAT=\"URL=*\"http://%s*\"\"")
(if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "HTTPS.LH") 0)
(p_fitr "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL/HTTPS.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"APPDIR:NETSURF\" CMDFORMAT=\"URL=*\"https://%s*\"\"")
(if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "WWW.LH") 0)
(p_fitr "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL/WWW.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"APPDIR:NETSURF\" CMDFORMAT=\"URL=*\"http://www.%s*\"\"")
; (if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "FTP.LH") 0)
; (p_fitr "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL/FTP.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"APPDIR:NETSURF\" CMDFORMAT=\"URL=*\"ftp://%s*\"\"")
; )
(complete 99)
(working "Running FixFonts")
(if #runfixfonts
(run "SYS:System/FixFonts")
(complete 100)
(if (= #AutoInstall 1)
(exit (quiet))