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* Copyright 2004 James Bursa <bursa@users.sourceforge.net>
* This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** \file
* Content for text/html (private data).
#include "content/content_protected.h"
#include "desktop/selection.h"
#include "render/html.h"
typedef enum {
HTML_DRAG_NONE, /** No drag */
HTML_DRAG_SELECTION, /** Own; Text selection */
HTML_DRAG_SCROLLBAR, /** Not own; drag in scrollbar widget */
HTML_DRAG_TEXTAREA_SELECTION, /** Not own; drag in textarea widget */
HTML_DRAG_TEXTAREA_SCROLLBAR, /** Not own; drag in textarea widget */
HTML_DRAG_CONTENT_SELECTION, /** Not own; drag in child content */
HTML_DRAG_CONTENT_SCROLL /** Not own; drag in child content */
} html_drag_type;
union html_drag_owner {
bool no_owner;
struct box *content;
struct scrollbar *scrollbar;
struct box *textarea;
}; /**< For drags we don't own */
typedef enum {
HTML_SELECTION_NONE, /** No selection */
HTML_SELECTION_TEXTAREA, /** Selection in one of our textareas */
HTML_SELECTION_SELF, /** Selection in this html content */
HTML_SELECTION_CONTENT /** Selection in child content */
} html_selection_type;
union html_selection_owner {
bool none;
struct box *textarea;
struct box *content;
}; /**< For getting at selections in this content or things in this content */
typedef enum {
HTML_FOCUS_SELF, /** Focus is our own */
HTML_FOCUS_CONTENT, /** Focus belongs to child content */
HTML_FOCUS_TEXTAREA /** Focus belongs to textarea */
} html_focus_type;
union html_focus_owner {
bool self;
struct box *textarea;
struct box *content;
}; /**< For directing input */
/** Data specific to CONTENT_HTML. */
typedef struct html_content {
struct content base;
dom_hubbub_parser *parser; /**< Parser object handle */
bool parse_completed; /**< Whether the parse has been completed */
/** Document tree */
dom_document *document;
/** Quirkyness of document */
dom_document_quirks_mode quirks;
/** Encoding of source, NULL if unknown. */
char *encoding;
/** Source of encoding information. */
dom_hubbub_encoding_source encoding_source;
/** Base URL (may be a copy of content->url). */
nsurl *base_url;
/** Base target */
char *base_target;
/** Content has been aborted in the LOADING state */
bool aborted;
/** Whether a meta refresh has been handled */
bool refresh;
/** Whether a layout (reflow) is in progress */
bool reflowing;
/* Title element node */
dom_node *title;
/** A talloc context purely for the render box tree */
int *bctx;
/** Box tree, or NULL. */
struct box *layout;
/** Document background colour. */
colour background_colour;
/** Font callback table */
const struct font_functions *font_func;
/** Number of entries in scripts */
unsigned int scripts_count;
/** Scripts */
struct html_script *scripts;
/** javascript context */
struct jscontext *jscontext;
/** Number of entries in stylesheet_content. */
unsigned int stylesheet_count;
/** Stylesheets. Each may be NULL. */
struct html_stylesheet *stylesheets;
/**< Style selection context */
css_select_ctx *select_ctx;
/**< Universal selector */
lwc_string *universal;
/** Number of entries in object_list. */
unsigned int num_objects;
/** List of objects. */
struct content_html_object *object_list;
/** Forms, in reverse order to document. */
struct form *forms;
/** Hash table of imagemaps. */
struct imagemap **imagemaps;
/** Browser window containing this document, or NULL if not open. */
struct browser_window *bw;
/** Frameset information */
struct content_html_frames *frameset;
/** Inline frame information */
struct content_html_iframe *iframe;
/** Content of type CONTENT_HTML containing this, or NULL if not an
* object within a page. */
struct html_content *page;
/** Current drag type */
html_drag_type drag_type;
/** Widget capturing all mouse events */
union html_drag_owner drag_owner;
/** Current selection state */
html_selection_type selection_type;
/** Current selection owner */
union html_selection_owner selection_owner;
/** Current input focus target type */
html_focus_type focus_type;
/** Current input focus target */
union html_focus_owner focus_owner;
/** HTML content's own text selection object */
struct selection sel;
/** Open core-handled form SELECT menu,
* or NULL if none currently open. */
struct form_control *visible_select_menu;
/** Context for free text search, or NULL if none */
struct search_context *search;
/** Search string or NULL */
char *search_string;
} html_content;
/** Render padding and margin box outlines in html_redraw(). */
extern bool html_redraw_debug;
void html_set_status(html_content *c, const char *extra);
void html__redraw_a_box(html_content *html, struct box *box);
* Set our drag status, and inform whatever owns the content
* \param html HTML content
* \param drag_type Type of drag
* \param drag_owner What owns the drag
* \param rect Pointer movement bounds
void html_set_drag_type(html_content *html, html_drag_type drag_type,
union html_drag_owner drag_owner, const struct rect *rect);
* Set our selection status, and inform whatever owns the content
* \param html HTML content
* \param selection_type Type of selection
* \param selection_owner What owns the selection
* \param read_only True iff selection is read only
void html_set_selection(html_content *html, html_selection_type selection_type,
union html_selection_owner selection_owner, bool read_only);
* Set our input focus, and inform whatever owns the content
* \param html HTML content
* \param focus_type Type of input focus
* \param focus_owner What owns the focus
* \param hide_caret True iff caret to be hidden
* \param x Carret x-coord rel to owner
* \param y Carret y-coord rel to owner
* \param height Carret height
* \param clip Carret clip rect
void html_set_focus(html_content *html, html_focus_type focus_type,
union html_focus_owner focus_owner, bool hide_caret,
int x, int y, int height, const struct rect *clip);
struct browser_window *html_get_browser_window(struct content *c);
* Complete conversion of an HTML document
* \param htmlc Content to convert
void html_finish_conversion(html_content *htmlc);
* Test if an HTML content conversion can begin
* \param htmlc html content to test
* \return true iff the html content conversion can begin
bool html_can_begin_conversion(html_content *htmlc);
* Begin conversion of an HTML document
* \param htmlc Content to convert
bool html_begin_conversion(html_content *htmlc);
/* in render/html_redraw.c */
bool html_redraw(struct content *c, struct content_redraw_data *data,
const struct rect *clip, const struct redraw_context *ctx);
/* in render/html_interaction.c */
void html_mouse_track(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw,
browser_mouse_state mouse, int x, int y);
void html_mouse_action(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw,
browser_mouse_state mouse, int x, int y);
bool html_keypress(struct content *c, uint32_t key);
void html_overflow_scroll_callback(void *client_data,
struct scrollbar_msg_data *scrollbar_data);
void html_search(struct content *c, void *context,
search_flags_t flags, const char *string);
void html_search_clear(struct content *c);
/* in render/html_script.c */
dom_hubbub_error html_process_script(void *ctx, dom_node *node);
void html_free_scripts(html_content *html);
bool html_scripts_exec(html_content *c);
/* in render/html_forms.c */
struct form *html_forms_get_forms(const char *docenc, dom_html_document *doc);
struct form_control *html_forms_get_control_for_node(struct form *forms,
dom_node *node);
/* in render/html_css.c */
nserror html_css_init(void);
void html_css_fini(void);
* Initialise core stylesheets for a content
* \param c content structure to update
* \return nserror
nserror html_css_new_stylesheets(html_content *c);
nserror html_css_quirks_stylesheets(html_content *c);
nserror html_css_free_stylesheets(html_content *html);
bool html_css_process_link(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node);
bool html_css_update_style(html_content *c, dom_node *style);
nserror html_css_new_selection_context(html_content *c,
css_select_ctx **ret_select_ctx);
/* in render/html_css_fetcher.c */
* Register the fetcher for the pseudo x-ns-css scheme.
* \return NSERROR_OK on successful registration or error code on failure.
nserror html_css_fetcher_register(void);
nserror html_css_fetcher_add_item(dom_string *data, nsurl *base_url,
uint32_t *key);
/* in render/html_object.c */
* Start a fetch for an object required by a page.
* \param c content of type CONTENT_HTML
* \param url URL of object to fetch (copied)
* \param box box that will contain the object
* \param permitted_types bitmap of acceptable types
* \param available_width estimate of width of object
* \param available_height estimate of height of object
* \param background this is a background image
* \return true on success, false on memory exhaustion
bool html_fetch_object(html_content *c, nsurl *url, struct box *box,
content_type permitted_types,
int available_width, int available_height,
bool background);
nserror html_object_free_objects(html_content *html);
nserror html_object_close_objects(html_content *html);
nserror html_object_open_objects(html_content *html, struct browser_window *bw);
nserror html_object_abort_objects(html_content *html);
/* Useful dom_string pointers */
struct dom_string;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_map;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_id;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_name;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_area;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_a;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_nohref;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_href;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_target;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_shape;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_default;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_rect;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_rectangle;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_coords;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_circle;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_poly;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_polygon;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_text_javascript;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_type;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_src;