/* * Copyright 2008 - 2014 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "amiga/os3support.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/errors.h" #include "amiga/schedule.h" static struct TimeRequest *tioreq; struct Device *TimerBase; struct TimerIFace *ITimer; struct nscallback { struct TimeVal tv; void *callback; void *p; struct TimeRequest *treq; }; struct ami_schedule_message { struct Message msg; int type; struct nscallback *nscb; } enum { AMI_S_SCHEDULE = 0, AMI_S_STARTUP, AMI_S_EXIT }; static PblHeap *schedule_list; /** * Remove timer event * * \param nscb callback * * The timer event for the callback is aborted */ static void ami_schedule_remove_timer_event(struct nscallback *nscb) { if(!nscb) return; if(nscb->treq) { if(CheckIO((struct IORequest *)nscb->treq)==NULL) AbortIO((struct IORequest *)nscb->treq); WaitIO((struct IORequest *)nscb->treq); FreeVec(nscb->treq); } } /** * Add timer event * * \param nscb callback * \param t time in ms * * NetSurf will be signalled in t ms for this event. */ static nserror ami_schedule_add_timer_event(struct nscallback *nscb, int t) { struct TimeVal tv; ULONG time_us = t * 1000; /* t converted to µs */ nscb->tv.Seconds = time_us / 1000000; nscb->tv.Microseconds = time_us % 1000000; GetSysTime(&tv); AddTime(&nscb->tv,&tv); // now contains time when event occurs if((nscb->treq = AllocVecTagList(sizeof(struct TimeRequest), NULL))) { *nscb->treq = *tioreq; nscb->treq->Request.io_Command=TR_ADDREQUEST; nscb->treq->Time.Seconds=nscb->tv.Seconds; // secs nscb->treq->Time.Microseconds=nscb->tv.Microseconds; // micro SendIO((struct IORequest *)nscb->treq); } else { return NSERROR_NOMEM; } return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Locate a scheduled callback * * \param callback callback function * \param p user parameter, passed to callback function * \param remove remove callback from the heap * * A scheduled callback matching both callback and p is returned, or NULL if none present. */ static struct nscallback *ami_schedule_locate(void (*callback)(void *p), void *p, bool remove) { PblIterator *iterator; struct nscallback *nscb; bool found_cb = false; /* check there is something on the list */ if (schedule_list == NULL) return NULL; if(pblHeapIsEmpty(schedule_list)) return NULL; iterator = pblHeapIterator(schedule_list); while ((nscb = pblIteratorNext(iterator)) != -1) { if ((nscb->callback == callback) && (nscb->p == p)) { if (remove == true) pblIteratorRemove(iterator); found_cb = true; break; } }; pblIteratorFree(iterator); if (found_cb == true) return nscb; else return NULL; } /** * Reschedule a callback. * * \param nscb callback * \param t time in ms * * The nscallback will be rescheduled for t ms. */ static nserror ami_schedule_reschedule(struct nscallback *nscb, int t) { ami_schedule_remove_timer_event(nscb); if (ami_schedule_add_timer_event(nscb, t) != NSERROR_OK) return NSERROR_NOMEM; pblHeapConstruct(schedule_list); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Unschedule a callback. * * \param callback callback function * \param p user parameter, passed to callback function * * All scheduled callbacks matching both callback and p are removed. */ static nserror schedule_remove(void (*callback)(void *p), void *p) { struct nscallback *nscb; nscb = ami_schedule_locate(callback, p, true); if(nscb != NULL) { ami_schedule_remove_timer_event(nscb); FreeVec(nscb); pblHeapConstruct(schedule_list); } return NSERROR_OK; } static void schedule_remove_all(void) { PblIterator *iterator; struct nscallback *nscb; if(pblHeapIsEmpty(schedule_list)) return; iterator = pblHeapIterator(schedule_list); while ((nscb = pblIteratorNext(iterator)) != -1) { ami_schedule_remove_timer_event(nscb); pblIteratorRemove(iterator); FreeVec(nscb); }; pblIteratorFree(iterator); } static int ami_schedule_compare(const void *prev, const void *next) { struct nscallback *nscb1 = *(struct nscallback **)prev; struct nscallback *nscb2 = *(struct nscallback **)next; return CmpTime(&nscb1->tv, &nscb2->tv); } /* exported function documented in amiga/schedule.h */ void schedule_run(void) { struct nscallback *nscb; void (*callback)(void *p); void *p; nscb = pblHeapGetFirst(schedule_list); if(nscb == -1) return; callback = nscb->callback; p = nscb->p; ami_schedule_remove_timer_event(nscb); pblHeapRemoveFirst(schedule_list); FreeVec(nscb); callback(p); } static struct MsgPort *ami_schedule_open_timer(void) { struct MsgPort *msgport = AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_PORT, ASO_NoTrack,FALSE, TAG_DONE); tioreq = (struct TimeRequest *)AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_IOREQUEST, ASOIOR_Size,sizeof(struct TimeRequest), ASOIOR_ReplyPort,msgport, ASO_NoTrack,FALSE, TAG_DONE); OpenDevice("timer.device", UNIT_WAITUNTIL, (struct IORequest *)tioreq, 0); TimerBase = (struct Device *)tioreq->Request.io_Device; ITimer = (struct TimerIFace *)GetInterface((struct Library *)TimerBase,"main",1,NULL); return msgport; } static void ami_schedule_close_timer(struct MsgPort *msgport) { if(ITimer) DropInterface((struct Interface *)ITimer); CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) tioreq); FreeSysObject(ASOT_IOREQUEST, tioreq); FreeSysObject(ASOT_PORT, msgport); } /** * Initialise amiga scheduler * * /return true if initialised ok or false on error. */ struct MsgPort *ami_schedule_create(void) { struct MsgPort *msgport = ami_schedule_open_timer(); schedule_list = pblHeapNew(); if(schedule_list == PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) return NULL; pblHeapSetCompareFunction(schedule_list, ami_schedule_compare); return msgport; } /** * Finalise amiga scheduler * */ void ami_schedule_free(struct MsgPort *msgport) { schedule_remove_all(); pblHeapFree(schedule_list); // this should be empty at this point schedule_list = NULL; ami_schedule_close_timer(msgport); } /* exported function documented in amiga/schedule.h */ nserror ami_schedule(int t, void (*callback)(void *p), void *p) { struct nscallback *nscb; if(schedule_list == NULL) return NSERROR_INIT_FAILED; if (t < 0) return schedule_remove(callback, p); if ((nscb = ami_schedule_locate(callback, p, false))) { return ami_schedule_reschedule(nscb, t); } nscb = AllocVecTagList(sizeof(struct nscallback), NULL); if(!nscb) return NSERROR_NOMEM; if (ami_schedule_add_timer_event(nscb, t) != NSERROR_OK) return NSERROR_NOMEM; nscb->callback = callback; nscb->p = p; pblHeapInsert(schedule_list, nscb); return NSERROR_OK; } static int32 ami_scheduler_process(STRPTR args, int32 length, APTR execbase) { struct Process *proc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL); struct MsgPort *nsmsgport = proc->pr_Task.tc_UserData; struct MsgPort *schedulermsgport = IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_PORT, TAG_END); struct MsgPort *timermsgport = ami_schedule_create(); bool running = true; struct TimerRequest *timermsg = NULL; struct ami_schedule_message *schedulemsg = NULL; ULONG schedulesig = 1L << schedulermsgport->mp_SigBit; ULONG timersig = 1L << timermsgport->mp_SigBit; uint32 signalmask = schedulesig | timersig; uint32 signal = 0; /* Send a startup message to the message port we were given when we were created. * This tells NetSurf where to send scheduler events to. */ struct ami_schedule_message *asmsg = IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_MESSAGE, ASOMSG_Size, sizeof(struct ami_schedule_message), ASOMSG_ReplyPort, schedulermsgport, TAG_END); asmsg.type = AMI_S_STARTUP; PutMsg(nsmsgport, asmsg); /* Main loop for this process */ while(running) { signal = Wait(signalmask); if(signal & timersig) { while((timermsg = (struct TimerRequest *)GetMsg(timermsgport))) { schedule_run(); /* \todo get top scheduled event and signal nsmsgport to run the callback */ ReplyMsg((struct Message *)timermsg); } } if(signal & schedulesig) { while((asmsg = (struct ami_schedule_message *)GetMsg(schedulermsgport))) { /* \todo if it's a reply, free stuff if(asmsg->nscb) FreeVec(asmg->nscb); FreeSysObject(ASOT_Message, asmsg); */ //ReplyMsg((struct Message *)asmsg); } } } ami_schedule_free(timermsgport); return RETURN_OK; } /** * Create a new process for the scheduler. * * \param nsmsgport Message port to send scheduler events to. * \return NSERROR_OK on success or error code on faliure. */ nserror ami_scheduler_process_create(struct MsgPort *nsmsgport) { struct Process *proc = CreateNewProcTags( NP_Name, "NetSurf scheduler", NP_Entry, ami_schedule_process, NP_Child, TRUE, NP_StackSize, 16384, NP_Priority, 1, NP_UserData, nsmsgport, TAG_DONE); if(proc == NULL) { return NSERROR_NOMEM; } return NSERROR_OK; }