/* * Copyright 2005 Richard Wilson <info@tinct.net> * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** \file * HTML lists (implementation). */ #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> #include "css/css.h" #include "render/list.h" #include "utils/log.h" struct list_counter { char *name; /** Counter name */ struct list_counter_state *first; /** First counter state */ struct list_counter_state *state; /** Current counter state */ struct list_counter *next; /** Next counter */ }; struct list_counter_state { int count; /** Current count */ struct list_counter_state *parent; /** Parent counter, or NULL */ struct list_counter_state *next; /** Next counter, or NULL */ }; static struct list_counter *list_counter_pool = NULL; static char list_counter_workspace[16]; static const char *list_counter_roman[] = { "I", "IV", "V", "IX", "X", "XL", "L", "XC", "C", "CD", "D", "CM", "M"}; static const int list_counter_decimal[] = { 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000}; #define ROMAN_DECIMAL_CONVERSIONS (sizeof(list_counter_decimal) \ / sizeof(list_counter_decimal[0])) static struct list_counter *render_list_find_counter(const char *name); static char *render_list_encode_counter(struct list_counter_state *state, enum css_list_style_type_e style); static char *render_list_encode_roman(int value); /* static void render_list_counter_output(char *name); */ /** * Finds a counter from the current pool, or adds a new one. * * \param name the name of the counter to find * \return the counter, or NULL if it couldn't be found/created. */ static struct list_counter *render_list_find_counter(const char *name) { struct list_counter *counter; assert(name); /* find a current counter */ for (counter = list_counter_pool; counter; counter = counter->next) if (!strcasecmp(name, counter->name)) return counter; /* create a new counter */ counter = calloc(1, sizeof(struct list_counter)); if (!counter) { LOG(("No memory for calloc()")); return NULL; } counter->name = malloc(strlen(name) + 1); if (!counter->name) { LOG(("No memory for malloc()")); free(counter); return NULL; } strcpy(counter->name, name); counter->next = list_counter_pool; list_counter_pool = counter; return counter; } /** * Removes all counters from the current pool. */ void render_list_destroy_counters(void) { struct list_counter *counter = list_counter_pool; struct list_counter *next_counter; struct list_counter_state *state; struct list_counter_state *next_state; while (counter) { next_counter = counter->next; free(counter->name); state = counter->first; free(counter); counter = next_counter; while (state) { next_state = state->next; free(state); state = next_state; } } list_counter_pool = NULL; } /** * Resets a counter in accordance with counter-reset (CSS 2.1/12.4). * * \param name the name of the counter to reset * \param value the value to reset the counter to * \return true on success, false on failure. */ bool render_list_counter_reset(const char *name, int value) { struct list_counter *counter; struct list_counter_state *state; struct list_counter_state *link; assert(name); counter = render_list_find_counter(name); if (!counter) return false; state = calloc(1, sizeof(struct list_counter_state)); if (!state) { LOG(("No memory for calloc()")); return false; } state->count = value; state->parent = counter->state; counter->state = state; if (!counter->first) { counter->first = state; } else { for (link = counter->first; link->next; link = link->next); link->next = state; } /* render_list_counter_output(name); */ return true; } /** * Increments a counter in accordance with counter-increment (CSS 2.1/12.4). * * \param name the name of the counter to reset * \param value the value to increment the counter by * \return true on success, false on failure. */ bool render_list_counter_increment(const char *name, int value) { struct list_counter *counter; assert(name); counter = render_list_find_counter(name); if (!counter) return false; /* if no counter-reset used, it is assumed the counter has been reset * to 0 by the root element. */ if (!counter->state) { if (counter->first) { counter->state = counter->first; counter->state->count = 0; } else { render_list_counter_reset(name, 0); } } if (counter->state) counter->state->count += value; /* render_list_counter_output(name); */ return counter->state != NULL; } /** * Ends the scope of a counter. * * \param name the name of the counter to end the scope for * \return true on success, false on failure. */ bool render_list_counter_end_scope(const char *name) { struct list_counter *counter; assert(name); counter = render_list_find_counter(name); if ((!counter) || (!counter->state)) return false; counter->state = counter->state->parent; /* render_list_counter_output(name); */ return true; } /** * Returns a textual representation of a counter for counter() or counters() * (CSS 2.1/12.2). * * \param css_counter the counter to convert * \return a textual representation of the counter, or NULL on failure */ char *render_list_counter(const css_computed_content_item *css_counter) { struct list_counter *counter; struct list_counter_state *state; char *compound = NULL; char *merge, *extend; lwc_string *name = NULL, *sep = NULL; uint8_t style; assert(css_counter); if (css_counter->type == CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTER) { name = css_counter->data.counter.name; style = css_counter->data.counter.style; } else { assert(css_counter->type == CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTERS); name = css_counter->data.counters.name; sep = css_counter->data.counters.sep; style = css_counter->data.counters.style; } counter = render_list_find_counter(lwc_string_data(name)); if (!counter) { LOG(("Failed to find/create counter for conversion")); return NULL; } /* handle counter() first */ if (sep == NULL) return render_list_encode_counter(counter->state, style); /* loop through all states for counters() */ for (state = counter->first; state; state = state->next) { merge = render_list_encode_counter(state, style); if (!merge) { free(compound); return NULL; } if (!compound) { compound = merge; } else { extend = realloc(compound, strlen(compound) + strlen(merge) + 1); if (!extend) { LOG(("No memory for realloc()")); free(compound); free(merge); return NULL; } compound = extend; strcat(compound, merge); } if (state->next) { merge = realloc(compound, strlen(compound) + lwc_string_length(sep) + 1); if (!merge) { LOG(("No memory for realloc()")); free(compound); return NULL; } compound = merge; strcat(compound, lwc_string_data(sep)); } } return compound; } /** * Returns a textual representation of a counter state in a specified style. * * \param state the counter state to represent * \param style the counter style to use * \return a textual representation of the counter state, or NULL on failure */ static char *render_list_encode_counter(struct list_counter_state *state, enum css_list_style_type_e style) { char *result = NULL; int i; /* no counter state means that the counter is currently out of scope */ if (!state) { result = malloc(1); if (!result) return NULL; result[0] = '\0'; return result; } /* perform the relevant encoding to upper case where applicable */ switch (style) { case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_LOWER_ALPHA: case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_UPPER_ALPHA: if (state->count <= 0) result = calloc(1, 1); else result = malloc(2); if (!result) return NULL; if (state->count > 0) { result[0] = 'A' + (state->count - 1) % 26; result[1] = '\0'; } break; case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_DISC: case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_CIRCLE: case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_SQUARE: result = malloc(2); if (!result) return NULL; result[0] = '?'; result[1] = '\0'; break; case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_LOWER_ROMAN: case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_UPPER_ROMAN: result = render_list_encode_roman(state->count); if (!result) return NULL; break; case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_DECIMAL: snprintf(list_counter_workspace, sizeof list_counter_workspace, "%i", state->count); result = malloc(strlen(list_counter_workspace) + 1); if (!result) return NULL; strcpy(result, list_counter_workspace); break; case CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_NONE: result = malloc(1); if (!result) return NULL; result[0] = '\0'; break; default: break; } /* perform case conversion */ if ((style == CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_LOWER_ALPHA) || (style == CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_LOWER_ROMAN)) for (i = 0; result[i]; i++) result[i] = tolower(result[i]); return result; } /** * Encodes a value in roman numerals. * For values that cannot be represented (ie <=0) an empty string is returned. * * \param value the value to represent * \return a string containing the representation, or NULL on failure */ static char *render_list_encode_roman(int value) { int i, overflow, p = 0; char temp[10]; char *result; /* zero and below is returned as an empty string and not erred as * if it is counters() will fail to complete other scopes. */ if (value <= 0) { result = malloc(1); if (!result) return NULL; result[0] = '\0'; return result; } /* we only calculate 1->999 and then add a M for each thousand */ overflow = value / 1000; value = value % 1000; /* work backwards through the array */ for (i = ROMAN_DECIMAL_CONVERSIONS - 1; i >= 0; i--) { while (value >= list_counter_decimal[0]) { if (value - list_counter_decimal[i] < list_counter_decimal[0] - 1) break; value -= list_counter_decimal[i]; temp[p++] = list_counter_roman[i][0]; if (i & 0x1) temp[p++] = list_counter_roman[i][1]; } } temp[p] = '\0'; /* create a copy for the caller including thousands */ result = malloc(p + overflow + 1); if (!result) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < overflow; i++) result[i] = 'M'; strcpy(&result[overflow], temp); return result; } void render_list_test(void) { /* example given in CSS2.1/12.4.1 */ /* render_list_counter_reset("item", 0); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_reset("item", 0); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_reset("item", 0); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_end_scope("item"); render_list_counter_reset("item", 0); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_end_scope("item"); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_end_scope("item"); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_end_scope("item"); render_list_counter_reset("item", 0); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_increment("item", 1); render_list_counter_end_scope("item"); */ } /* static void render_list_counter_output(char *name) { struct list_counter *counter; char *result; struct css_counter css_counter; assert(name); counter = render_list_find_counter(name); if (!counter) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create counter '%s'\n", name); return; } css_counter.name = name; css_counter.style = CSS_LIST_STYLE_TYPE_LOWER_ALPHA; css_counter.separator = NULL; result = render_list_counter(&css_counter); if (!result) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to output counter('%s')\n", name); } else { fprintf(stderr, "counter('%s') is '%s'\n", name, result); free(result); } css_counter.separator = "."; result = render_list_counter(&css_counter); if (!result) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to output counters('%s', '.')\n", name); } else { fprintf(stderr, "counters('%s', '.') is '%s'\n", name, result); free(result); } } */