# English messages for NetSurf # Menus NetSurf:NetSurf Info:Info AppHelp:Help... F1 Choices:Choices... Quit:Quit Page:Page PageInfo:Info ^F1 Save:Save F3 SaveComp:Full save ‹F3 Export:Export ExportAs:Export as Draw:Draw ‹^F3 Text:Text ^F3 SaveURL:Save location Print:Print... ViewSrc:View source... F8 Object:Object ObjInfo:Info ObjSave:Save ObjReload:Reload URI:Acorn URI URL:ANT URL LinkText:Text Selection:Selection Copy:Copy to clipboard ^C SelectAll:Select all ^A Clear:Clear selection ^Z Navigate:Navigate OpenURL:Open URL... Home:Home page Back:Back one page Forward:Forward one page Reload:Reload this page View:View ScaleView:Scale view Images:Images ForeImg:Foreground images BackImg:Background images AnimImg:Animations DitherImg:Dither images FilterImg:Smooth images Toolbars:Toolbars ToolButtons:Buttons ToolAddress:Address bar ToolThrob:Throbber ToolStatus:Status bar OptDefault:Set as default Help:Help HelpContent:Contents F1 HelpGuide:User guide HelpInfo:User information HelpInter:Interactive help Themes:Themes # Download window Downloaded:Download complete, %s # Forms Form_Submit:Submit Form_Reset:Reset Form_None: Form_Many:(Many) Form_Drop:Drop file here Not2xx:Server returned an error cookiefile:Choices:WWW.NetSurf.Cookies cookiejar:.WWW.NetSurf.Cookies ErrorPage:Page error

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InvalidURL:The address %s could not be understood. NoMemory:NetSurf is running out of memory. Please free some memory and try again. FontBadInst:An error occurred when initialising fonts due to the presence of obsolete copies of the ROM fonts on disc. NetSurf will exit and launch a program which will attempt to fix this. FontError:Failed to open font "Homerton.Medium" (%s). Resolvers:No domain name servers are configured, so only browsing local files will be possible. Use Configure to set your name server(s). PathToURL:An error occurred converting the file path to an URL: SaveError:The file could not be saved due to an error: MenuError:An error occurred when opening the menu: DragError:An error occurred when dragging the icon: TbarError:An error occurred when constructing the toolbar: WimpError:An unexpected Window Manager error occurred: Template:A window template is missing from the Templates file. Please reinstall NetSurf. MiscError:An unexpected error occurred: FileError:File does not exist: # Some general purpose words and phrases Bytes: B kBytes: kB MBytes: MB GBytes: GB # Progress Loading:Opening page... RecPercent:Received %s of %s (%u%%) Received:Received %s Converting:Converting %lu bytes BadRedirect:Bad redirect URL FetchFailed:Unable to fetch document Complete:Page complete (%gs) Redirecting:Redirecting... Processing:Processing document Formatting:Formatting document FetchObjs:Loading %u objects FetchObjs2:Loading %u objects: %s Done:Document done FetchStyle:Loading %u stylesheets FetchStyle2:Loading %u stylesheets: %s NotCSS:Warning: stylesheet is not CSS BadObject:Warning: bad object type ObjError:Error loading object: %s DrawTitle:Draw image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes) GIFTitle:GIF image (%lux%lu) JPEGTitle:JPEG image (%ux%u, %lu bytes) PNGTitle:PNG image (%lux%lu) SpriteTitle:Sprite image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes) SelectMenu:Select SaveSource:Source SaveDraw:Webpage SaveText:Webpage SaveObject:Object SaveLink:Link # Interactive help HelpToolbar0:\Tback button.|M\Straverse back one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information. HelpToolbar1:\Tforward button.|M\Straverse forward one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information. HelpToolbar5:\Thistory button.|M\Sopen the local history \w. HelpToolbar6:\Tsave button.|M\Ssave the current document. HelpToolbar9:\Tscale view button.|M\Sscale the page, affecting both text and images. HelpToolbar12:\TURL bar.|MType in the address of a site to visit and press Return to go there. HelpToolbar13:\Tthrobber.|MIt animates while this \w is active. HelpStatus0:\Tstatus bar.|MIt displays information on what the browser \w is doing. HelpStatus1:\Tstatus bar resizer.|MDrag to alter the size of the status bar. HelpIconMenu0:\Rview information about this software. HelpIconMenu1:\Sview NetSurf's documentation. HelpIconMenu2:\Sopen the Choices dialogue box. HelpIconMenu3:\Squit NetSurf. HelpBrowserMenu0:\Rsee the options relating to the current page. HelpBrowserMenu0-0:\Rsee information about the current page. HelpBrowserMenu0-1:\Rsave the current page as an HTML file. HelpBrowserMenu0-2:\Rsave the current page including all the images and style sheets used. HelpBrowserMenu0-3:\Rsee the export options. HelpBrowserMenu0-3-0:\Rexport the current page as a Drawfile. HelpBrowserMenu0-3-1:\Rexport the current page as a plain text file. HelpBrowserMenu0-4:\Rsave the address of the current page. HelpBrowserMenu0-4-0:\Rsave the current address in Acorn URI format. HelpBrowserMenu0-4-1:\Rsave the current address in Ant URL format. HelpBrowserMenu0-4-2:\Rsave the current address as plain text. #HelpBrowserMenu0-5:\Sopen the print dialogue box. HelpBrowserMenu0-6:\Sview the source code of the current page in a text editor. HelpBrowserMenu1:\Rsee the options relating to the current item. HelpBrowserMenu1-0:\Rsee information about the current item. HelpBrowserMenu1-1:\Rsave the current item. HelpBrowserMenu1-2:\Rsee the export options. HelpBrowserMenu1-2-0:\Rsave the image as a Sprite. HelpBrowserMenu1-3:\Rsave the address of the current item. HelpBrowserMenu1-3-0:\Rsave the current item's address in Acorn URI format. HelpBrowserMenu1-3-1:\Rsave the current item's address in Ant URL format. HelpBrowserMenu1-3-2:\Rsave the current item's address as plain text. HelpBrowserMenu2:\Rsee the navigation options. #HelpBrowserMenu2-0:\Sreturn to the configured home page. HelpBrowserMenu2-1:\Sgo back a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted. HelpBrowserMenu2-2:\Sstep forward a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted. #HelpBrowserMenu2-3:\Sfetch the current page again. HelpBrowserMenu3:\Rset the local display options. HelpBrowserMenu3-0:\Rscale the page, affecting both text and images. HelpBrowserMenu3-1:\Rset the local image options. #HelpBrowserMenu3-1-0:\Stoggle the display of foreground images. #HelpBrowserMenu3-1-1:\Stoggle the display of background images. HelpBrowserMenu3-1-2:\Stoggle the display of animations.|MIf turned off, the first frame is displayed. HelpBrowserMenu3-1-3:\Stoggle dithering of images.|MImproves display in sub true colour screen modes. #HelpBrowserMenu3-1-4:\Stoggle smoothing of scaled images.|MUses bi-linear filtering to enhance display of scaled images. HelpBrowserMenu3-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars. HelpBrowserMenu3-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.|MURL bar uses the remaining space. HelpBrowserMenu3-2-1:\Stoggle the display of the address (URL) bar. HelpBrowserMenu3-2-2:\Stoggle the display of the throbber.|MURL bar uses the remaining space. HelpBrowserMenu3-2-3:\Stoggle the display of the status bar.|MHorizontal scroll bar uses the remaining width. HelpBrowserMenu3-3:\Smake your local display options the default options for NetSurf. HelpBrowserMenu4:\Rsee the help resources available. HelpBrowserMenu4-0:\Sopen the documentation contents page in a new \w. HelpBrowserMenu4-1:\Sopen the user guide in a new \w. HelpBrowserMenu4-2:\Sopen the user information page in a new \w. HelpBrowserMenu4-3:\Srun Help. HelpBrowser-1:Click \s on a link to follow it.|MClick \a on a link to open it in a new \w. HelpIconbar:\TNetSurf icon.|M\Sopen a new browser window. HelpSaveAs0:Drag SELECT this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file. HelpSaveAs1:This is the filename under which this document will be saved. HelpSaveAs2:\Ssave the file with the current filename.|MIf a full path is not set, you must drag the icon to a directory. HelpSaveAs3:\Sclose this \w without saving. HelpScaleView1:Enter the scale you wish the page to be displayed at. HelpScaleView2:\Sreduce the scale, 10% at a time. HelpScaleView3:\Sincrease the scale, 10% at a time. HelpScaleView5:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 50%. HelpScaleView6:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 80%. HelpScaleView7:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 100%. HelpScaleView8:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 120%. HelpScaleView9:\Scancel changes.|MThe current scale will not be changed. HelpScaleView10:\Schange the view to the scale you have chosen.