/* * Copyright 2011 Chris Young <chris@unsatisfactorysoftware.co.uk> * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** \file * DataTypes animation handler (implementation) */ #ifdef WITH_AMIGA_DATATYPES #include "amiga/os3support.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <proto/datatypes.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/intuition.h> #include <datatypes/animationclass.h> #include <datatypes/pictureclass.h> #ifdef __amigaos4__ #include <graphics/blitattr.h> #endif #include <intuition/classusr.h> #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "content/content_protected.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "image/bitmap.h" #include "amiga/bitmap.h" #include "amiga/filetype.h" #include "amiga/datatypes.h" #include "amiga/misc.h" #include "amiga/plotters.h" typedef struct amiga_dt_anim_content { struct content base; struct bitmap *bitmap; /**< Created NetSurf bitmap */ Object *dto; int x; int y; int w; int h; } amiga_dt_anim_content; APTR ami_colormap_to_clut(struct ColorMap *cmap); static nserror amiga_dt_anim_create(const content_handler *handler, lwc_string *imime_type, const struct http_parameter *params, llcache_handle *llcache, const char *fallback_charset, bool quirks, struct content **c); static bool amiga_dt_anim_convert(struct content *c); static void amiga_dt_anim_reformat(struct content *c, int width, int height); static void amiga_dt_anim_destroy(struct content *c); static bool amiga_dt_anim_redraw(struct content *c, struct content_redraw_data *data, const struct rect *clip, const struct redraw_context *ctx); static void amiga_dt_anim_open(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct object_params *params); static void amiga_dt_anim_close(struct content *c); static nserror amiga_dt_anim_clone(const struct content *old, struct content **newc); static content_type amiga_dt_anim_content_type(void); static void *amiga_dt_anim_get_internal(const struct content *c, void *context) { amiga_dt_anim_content *adta_c = (amiga_dt_anim_content *)c; return adta_c->bitmap; } static const content_handler amiga_dt_anim_content_handler = { .create = amiga_dt_anim_create, .data_complete = amiga_dt_anim_convert, .reformat = amiga_dt_anim_reformat, .destroy = amiga_dt_anim_destroy, .redraw = amiga_dt_anim_redraw, .open = amiga_dt_anim_open, .close = amiga_dt_anim_close, .clone = amiga_dt_anim_clone, .get_internal = amiga_dt_anim_get_internal, .type = amiga_dt_anim_content_type, .no_share = false, }; nserror amiga_dt_anim_init(void) { struct DataType *dt, *prevdt = NULL; lwc_string *type; nserror error; struct Node *node = NULL; while((dt = ObtainDataType(DTST_RAM, NULL, DTA_DataType, prevdt, DTA_GroupID, GID_ANIMATION, TAG_DONE)) != NULL) { ReleaseDataType(prevdt); prevdt = dt; do { node = ami_mime_from_datatype(dt, &type, node); if(node) { error = content_factory_register_handler( lwc_string_data(type), &amiga_dt_anim_content_handler); if (error != NSERROR_OK) return error; } }while (node != NULL); } ReleaseDataType(prevdt); return NSERROR_OK; } nserror amiga_dt_anim_create(const content_handler *handler, lwc_string *imime_type, const struct http_parameter *params, llcache_handle *llcache, const char *fallback_charset, bool quirks, struct content **c) { amiga_dt_anim_content *plugin; nserror error; plugin = calloc(1, sizeof(amiga_dt_anim_content)); if (plugin == NULL) return NSERROR_NOMEM; error = content__init(&plugin->base, handler, imime_type, params, llcache, fallback_charset, quirks); if (error != NSERROR_OK) { free(plugin); return error; } *c = (struct content *) plugin; return NSERROR_OK; } bool amiga_dt_anim_convert(struct content *c) { LOG("amiga_dt_anim_convert"); amiga_dt_anim_content *plugin = (amiga_dt_anim_content *) c; union content_msg_data msg_data; int width, height; const uint8 *data; UBYTE *bm_buffer; ULONG size; struct BitMapHeader *bmh; unsigned int bm_flags = BITMAP_NEW | BITMAP_OPAQUE; struct adtFrame adt_frame; APTR clut; data = (uint8 *)content__get_source_data(c, &size); if((plugin->dto = NewDTObject(NULL, DTA_SourceType, DTST_MEMORY, DTA_SourceAddress, data, DTA_SourceSize, size, DTA_GroupID, GID_ANIMATION, TAG_DONE))) { if(GetDTAttrs(plugin->dto, PDTA_BitMapHeader, &bmh, TAG_DONE)) { width = (int)bmh->bmh_Width; height = (int)bmh->bmh_Height; plugin->bitmap = amiga_bitmap_create(width, height, bm_flags); if (!plugin->bitmap) { msg_data.error = messages_get("NoMemory"); content_broadcast(c, CONTENT_MSG_ERROR, msg_data); return false; } bm_buffer = amiga_bitmap_get_buffer(plugin->bitmap); adt_frame.MethodID = ADTM_LOADFRAME; adt_frame.alf_TimeStamp = 0; IDoMethodA(plugin->dto, (Msg)&adt_frame); clut = ami_colormap_to_clut(adt_frame.alf_CMap); #ifdef __amigaos4__ BltBitMapTags( BLITA_Width, width, BLITA_Height, height, BLITA_Source, adt_frame.alf_BitMap, BLITA_SrcType, BLITT_BITMAP, BLITA_Dest, bm_buffer, BLITA_DestType, BLITT_RGB24, BLITA_DestBytesPerRow, width, BLITA_CLUT, clut, TAG_DONE); #else #warning FIXME: Need to use a different blitter function for OS3! #endif FreeVec(clut); adt_frame.MethodID = ADTM_UNLOADFRAME; IDoMethodA(plugin->dto, (Msg)&adt_frame); } else return false; } else return false; c->width = width; c->height = height; /* snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)", width, height, size); content__set_title(c, title); */ amiga_bitmap_modified(plugin->bitmap); content_set_ready(c); content_set_done(c); content_set_status(c, ""); return true; } void amiga_dt_anim_destroy(struct content *c) { amiga_dt_anim_content *plugin = (amiga_dt_anim_content *) c; LOG("amiga_dt_anim_destroy"); if (plugin->bitmap != NULL) amiga_bitmap_destroy(plugin->bitmap); DisposeDTObject(plugin->dto); return; } bool amiga_dt_anim_redraw(struct content *c, struct content_redraw_data *data, const struct rect *clip, const struct redraw_context *ctx) { amiga_dt_anim_content *plugin = (amiga_dt_anim_content *) c; bitmap_flags_t flags = BITMAPF_NONE; LOG("amiga_dt_anim_redraw"); if (data->repeat_x) flags |= BITMAPF_REPEAT_X; if (data->repeat_y) flags |= BITMAPF_REPEAT_Y; return ctx->plot->bitmap(data->x, data->y, data->width, data->height, plugin->bitmap, data->background_colour, flags); } /** * Handle a window containing a CONTENT_PLUGIN being opened. * * \param c content that has been opened * \param bw browser window containing the content * \param page content of type CONTENT_HTML containing c, or 0 if not an * object within a page * \param box box containing c, or 0 if not an object * \param params object parameters, or 0 if not an object */ void amiga_dt_anim_open(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct object_params *params) { LOG("amiga_dt_anim_open"); return; } void amiga_dt_anim_close(struct content *c) { LOG("amiga_dt_anim_close"); return; } void amiga_dt_anim_reformat(struct content *c, int width, int height) { LOG("amiga_dt_anim_reformat"); return; } nserror amiga_dt_anim_clone(const struct content *old, struct content **newc) { amiga_dt_anim_content *plugin; nserror error; LOG("amiga_dt_anim_clone"); plugin = calloc(1, sizeof(amiga_dt_anim_content)); if (plugin == NULL) return NSERROR_NOMEM; error = content__clone(old, &plugin->base); if (error != NSERROR_OK) { content_destroy(&plugin->base); return error; } /* We "clone" the old content by replaying conversion */ if (old->status == CONTENT_STATUS_READY || old->status == CONTENT_STATUS_DONE) { if (amiga_dt_anim_convert(&plugin->base) == false) { content_destroy(&plugin->base); return NSERROR_CLONE_FAILED; } } *newc = (struct content *) plugin; return NSERROR_OK; } content_type amiga_dt_anim_content_type(void) { return CONTENT_IMAGE; } APTR ami_colormap_to_clut(struct ColorMap *cmap) { int i; UBYTE *clut = ami_misc_allocvec_clear(256 * 4, 0); /* NB: Was not MEMF_PRIVATE */ ULONG colr[256 * 4]; if(!clut) return NULL; /* Get the palette from the ColorMap */ GetRGB32(cmap, 0, 256, (ULONG *)&colr); /* convert it to a table of ARGB values */ for(i = 0; i < 1024; i += 4) { clut[i] = (0xff << 24) | ((colr[i] & 0xff000000) >> 8) | ((colr[i + 1] & 0xff000000) >> 16) | ((colr[i + 2] & 0xff000000) >> 24); } return clut; } #endif