/* * Copyright 2010 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "content/urldb.h" #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "desktop/tree.h" #include "desktop/tree_url_node.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "atari/gui.h" #include "atari/treeview.h" #include "atari/plot/plot.h" #include "atari/misc.h" #include "atari/gemtk/gemtk.h" #include "cflib.h" enum treeview_area_e { TREEVIEW_AREA_WORK = 0, TREEVIEW_AREA_TOOLBAR, TREEVIEW_AREA_CONTENT }; extern int mouse_hold_start[3]; extern browser_mouse_state bmstate; extern short last_drag_x; extern short last_drag_y; extern long atari_plot_flags; extern int atari_plot_vdi_handle; static void atari_treeview_resized(struct tree *tree,int w,int h, void *pw); static void atari_treeview_scroll_visible(int y, int h, void *pw); static void atari_treeview_get_dimensions(int *width, int *height, void *pw); static void atari_treeview_get_grect(NSTREEVIEW tree, enum treeview_area_e mode, GRECT *dest); static const struct treeview_table atari_tree_callbacks = { atari_treeview_request_redraw, atari_treeview_resized, atari_treeview_scroll_visible, atari_treeview_get_dimensions }; static void __CDECL on_mbutton_event(NSTREEVIEW tv, EVMULT_OUT *ev_out, short msg[8]); static void __CDECL on_keybd_event(NSTREEVIEW tv, EVMULT_OUT *ev_out, short msg[8]); static void __CDECL on_redraw_event(NSTREEVIEW tv, EVMULT_OUT *ev_out, short msg[8]); static short handle_event(GUIWIN *win, EVMULT_OUT *ev_out, short msg[8]) { NSTREEVIEW tv = (NSTREEVIEW) guiwin_get_user_data(win); if( (ev_out->emo_events & MU_MESAG) != 0 ) { // handle message switch (msg[0]) { case WM_REDRAW: on_redraw_event(tv, ev_out, msg); break; case WM_SIZED: case WM_FULLED: //atari_treeview_resized(tv->tree, tv->extent.x, tv->extent.y, tv); break; default: break; } } if( (ev_out->emo_events & MU_KEYBD) != 0 ) { printf("Treeview keybd\n"); on_keybd_event(tv, ev_out, msg); // handle key } if( (ev_out->emo_events & MU_TIMER) != 0 ) { // handle_timer(); } if( (ev_out->emo_events & MU_BUTTON) != 0 ) { LOG(("Treeview click at: %d,%d\n", ev_out->emo_mouse.p_x, ev_out->emo_mouse.p_y)); printf("Treeview click at: %d,%d\n", ev_out->emo_mouse.p_x, ev_out->emo_mouse.p_y); on_mbutton_event(tv, ev_out, msg); } if(tv != NULL && tv->user_func != NULL){ tv->user_func(win, ev_out, msg); } return(0); } static void __CDECL on_keybd_event(NSTREEVIEW tv, EVMULT_OUT *ev_out, short msg[8]) { bool r=false; long kstate = 0; long kcode = 0; long ucs4; long ik; unsigned short nkc = 0; unsigned short nks = 0; unsigned char ascii; kstate = ev_out->emo_kmeta; kcode = ev_out->emo_kreturn; nkc= gem_to_norm( (short)kstate, (short)kcode ); ascii = (nkc & 0xFF); ik = nkc_to_input_key( nkc, &ucs4 ); if( ik == 0 ){ if (ascii >= 9 ) { r = tree_keypress( tv->tree, ucs4 ); } } else { r = tree_keypress( tv->tree, ik ); } } static void __CDECL on_redraw_event(NSTREEVIEW tv, EVMULT_OUT *ev_out, short msg[8]) { GRECT work, clip; struct guiwin_scroll_info_s *slid; if( tv == NULL ) return; guiwin_get_grect(tv->window, GUIWIN_AREA_CONTENT, &work); slid = guiwin_get_scroll_info(tv->window); clip = work; if ( !rc_intersect( (GRECT*)&msg[4], &clip ) ) return; clip.g_x -= work.g_x; clip.g_y -= work.g_y; if( clip.g_x < 0 ) { clip.g_w = work.g_w + clip.g_x; clip.g_x = 0; } if( clip.g_y < 0 ) { clip.g_h = work.g_h + clip.g_y; clip.g_y = 0; } if( clip.g_h > 0 && clip.g_w > 0 ) { // TODO: get slider values atari_treeview_request_redraw((slid->x_pos*slid->x_unit_px) + clip.g_x, (slid->y_pos*slid->y_unit_px) + clip.g_y, clip.g_w, clip.g_h, tv ); } } static void __CDECL on_mbutton_event(NSTREEVIEW tv, EVMULT_OUT *ev_out, short msg[8]) { struct guiwin_scroll_info_s *slid; GRECT work; if(tv == NULL) return; if( evnt.mbut & 2 ) { /* do not handle right click */ return; } guiwin_get_grect(tv->window, GUIWIN_AREA_CONTENT, &work); slid = guiwin_get_scroll_info(tv->window); /* mouse click relative origin: */ short origin_rel_x = (ev_out->emo_mouse.p_x-work.g_x) + (slid->x_pos*slid->x_unit_px); short origin_rel_y = (ev_out->emo_mouse.p_y-work.g_y) + (slid->y_pos*slid->y_unit_px); if( origin_rel_x >= 0 && origin_rel_y >= 0 && evnt.mx < work.g_x + work.g_w && evnt.my < work.g_y + work.g_h ) { int bms; bool ignore=false; short cur_rel_x, cur_rel_y, dummy, mbut; if( evnt.nb_click == 2 ){ tree_mouse_action(tv->tree, BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 | BROWSER_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK, origin_rel_x, origin_rel_y ); return; } graf_mkstate(&cur_rel_x, &cur_rel_x, &mbut, &dummy); if( (mbut&1) == 0 ){ bms = BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 | BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1; if( evnt.nb_click == 2 ) { bms = BROWSER_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK; } tree_mouse_action(tv->tree, bms, origin_rel_x, origin_rel_y ); } else { /* button still pressed */ short prev_x = origin_rel_x; short prev_y = origin_rel_y; cur_rel_x = origin_rel_x; cur_rel_y = origin_rel_y; if( tree_is_edited(tv->tree) ){ gem_set_cursor(&gem_cursors.ibeam); } else { gem_set_cursor(&gem_cursors.hand); } tv->startdrag.x = origin_rel_x; tv->startdrag.y = origin_rel_y; tree_mouse_action( tv->tree, BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_1 | BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_ON , cur_rel_x, cur_rel_y ); do{ if( abs(prev_x-cur_rel_x) > 5 || abs(prev_y-cur_rel_y) > 5 ){ tree_mouse_action( tv->tree, BROWSER_MOUSE_HOLDING_1 | BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_ON, cur_rel_x, cur_rel_y); prev_x = cur_rel_x; prev_y = cur_rel_y; } if( tv->redraw ) atari_treeview_redraw( tv ); /* sample mouse button state: */ graf_mkstate(&cur_rel_x, &cur_rel_y, &mbut, &dummy); cur_rel_x = (cur_rel_x-work.g_x)+(slid->x_pos*slid->x_unit_px); cur_rel_y = (cur_rel_y-work.g_y)+(slid->y_pos*slid->y_unit_px); } while( mbut & 1 ); tree_drag_end(tv->tree, 0, tv->startdrag.x, tv->startdrag.y, cur_rel_x, cur_rel_y ); gem_set_cursor(&gem_cursors.arrow); } } } NSTREEVIEW atari_treeview_create(uint32_t flags, GUIWIN *win, guiwin_event_handler_f user_func) { struct guiwin_scroll_info_s *slid; if( win == NULL ) return( NULL ); NSTREEVIEW new = malloc(sizeof(struct atari_treeview)); if (new == NULL) return NULL; memset( new, 0, sizeof(struct atari_treeview)); new->tree = tree_create(flags, &atari_tree_callbacks, new); if (new->tree == NULL) { free(new); return NULL; } new->window = win; new->user_func = user_func; guiwin_set_event_handler(win, handle_event); guiwin_set_user_data(win, (void*)new); slid = guiwin_get_scroll_info(new->window); slid->y_unit_px = 16; slid->x_unit_px = 16; return(new); } void atari_treeview_open( NSTREEVIEW tv ) { if( tv->window != NULL ) { tree_set_redraw(tv->tree, true); } } void atari_treeview_close( NSTREEVIEW tv ) { if( tv->window != NULL ) { tree_set_redraw(tv->tree, false); } } void atari_treeview_destroy( NSTREEVIEW tv ) { if( tv != NULL ){ tv->disposing = true; LOG(("tree: %p", tv)); if( tv->tree != NULL ) { tree_delete(tv->tree); tv->tree = NULL; } free( tv ); } } bool atari_treeview_mevent( NSTREEVIEW tv, browser_mouse_state bms, int x, int y) { GRECT work; struct guiwin_scroll_info_s *slid; if( tv == NULL ) return ( false ); guiwin_get_grect(tv->window, GUIWIN_AREA_CONTENT, &work); slid = guiwin_get_scroll_info(tv->window); int rx = (x-work.g_x)+(slid->x_pos*slid->x_unit_px); int ry = (y-work.g_y)+(slid->y_pos*slid->y_unit_px); tree_mouse_action(tv->tree, bms, rx, ry); tv->click.x = rx; tv->click.y = ry; return( true ); } void atari_treeview_redraw( NSTREEVIEW tv) { if (tv != NULL) { if( tv->redraw && ((atari_plot_flags & PLOT_FLAG_OFFSCREEN) == 0) ) { short todo[4]; GRECT work; short handle = guiwin_get_handle(tv->window); struct guiwin_scroll_info_s *slid; guiwin_get_grect(tv->window, GUIWIN_AREA_CONTENT, &work); slid = guiwin_get_scroll_info(tv->window); struct redraw_context ctx = { .interactive = true, .background_images = true, .plot = &atari_plotters }; plot_set_dimensions(work.g_x, work.g_y, work.g_w, work.g_h); if (plot_lock() == false) return; if( wind_get(handle, WF_FIRSTXYWH, &todo[0], &todo[1], &todo[2], &todo[3] )!=0 ) { while (todo[2] && todo[3]) { short pxy[4]; pxy[0] = todo[0]; pxy[1] = todo[1]; pxy[2] = todo[0] + todo[2]-1; pxy[3] = todo[1] + todo[3]-1; vs_clip(atari_plot_vdi_handle, 1, (short*)&pxy); /* convert screen to treeview coords: */ todo[0] = todo[0] - work.g_x + slid->x_pos*slid->x_unit_px; todo[1] = todo[1] - work.g_y + slid->y_pos*slid->y_unit_px; if( todo[0] < 0 ){ todo[2] = todo[2] + todo[0]; todo[0] = 0; } if( todo[1] < 0 ){ todo[3] = todo[3] + todo[1]; todo[1] = 0; } // TODO: get slider values if (rc_intersect((GRECT *)&tv->rdw_area,(GRECT *)&todo)) { tree_draw(tv->tree, -(slid->x_pos*slid->x_unit_px), -(slid->y_pos*slid->y_unit_px), todo[0], todo[1], todo[2], todo[3], &ctx ); } vs_clip(atari_plot_vdi_handle, 0, (short*)&pxy); if (wind_get(handle, WF_NEXTXYWH, &todo[0], &todo[1], &todo[2], &todo[3])==0) { break; } } } else { plot_unlock(); return; } plot_unlock(); tv->redraw = false; tv->rdw_area.g_x = 65000; tv->rdw_area.g_y = 65000; tv->rdw_area.g_w = -1; tv->rdw_area.g_h = -1; } else { /* just copy stuff from the offscreen buffer */ } } } /** * Callback to force a redraw of part of the treeview window. * * \param x Min X Coordinate of area to be redrawn. * \param y Min Y Coordinate of area to be redrawn. * \param width Width of area to be redrawn. * \param height Height of area to be redrawn. * \param pw The treeview object to be redrawn. */ void atari_treeview_request_redraw(int x, int y, int w, int h, void *pw) { if ( pw != NULL ) { NSTREEVIEW tv = (NSTREEVIEW) pw; if( tv->redraw == false ){ tv->redraw = true; tv->rdw_area.g_x = x; tv->rdw_area.g_y = y; tv->rdw_area.g_w = w; tv->rdw_area.g_h = h; } else { /* merge the redraw area to the new area.: */ int newx1 = x+w; int newy1 = y+h; int oldx1 = tv->rdw_area.g_x + tv->rdw_area.g_w; int oldy1 = tv->rdw_area.g_y + tv->rdw_area.g_h; tv->rdw_area.g_x = MIN(tv->rdw_area.g_x, x); tv->rdw_area.g_y = MIN(tv->rdw_area.g_y, y); tv->rdw_area.g_w = ( oldx1 > newx1 ) ? oldx1 - tv->rdw_area.g_x : newx1 - tv->rdw_area.g_x; tv->rdw_area.g_h = ( oldy1 > newy1 ) ? oldy1 - tv->rdw_area.g_y : newy1 - tv->rdw_area.g_y; } dbg_grect("atari_treeview_request_redraw", &tv->rdw_area); } } /** * Callback to notify us of a new overall tree size. * * \param tree The tree being resized. * \param width The new width of the window. * \param height The new height of the window. * \param *pw The treeview object to be resized. */ void atari_treeview_resized(struct tree *tree, int width, int height, void *pw) { GRECT area; if (pw != NULL) { NSTREEVIEW tv = (NSTREEVIEW) pw; if( tv->disposing ) return; tv->extent.x = width; tv->extent.y = height; struct guiwin_scroll_info_s *slid = guiwin_get_scroll_info(tv->window); guiwin_get_grect(tv->window, GUIWIN_AREA_CONTENT, &area); slid->x_pos_max = (width/slid->x_unit_px);//-(area.g_w/slid->x_unit_px)+1; slid->y_pos_max = (height/slid->y_unit_px);//-(area.g_h/slid->y_unit_px)+1; printf("units content: %d, units viewport: %d\n", (height/slid->y_unit_px), (area.g_h/slid->y_unit_px)); guiwin_update_slider(tv->window, GUIWIN_VH_SLIDER); } } /** * Callback to request that a section of the tree is scrolled into view. * * \param y The Y coordinate of top of the area in NS units. * \param height The height of the area in NS units. * \param *pw The treeview object affected. */ void atari_treeview_scroll_visible(int y, int height, void *pw) { /* we don't support dragging outside the treeview */ /* so we don't need to implement this? */ } static void atari_treeview_get_grect(NSTREEVIEW tv, enum treeview_area_e mode, GRECT *dest) { if (mode == TREEVIEW_AREA_CONTENT) { guiwin_get_grect(tv->window, GUIWIN_AREA_CONTENT, dest); } else if (mode == TREEVIEW_AREA_TOOLBAR) { guiwin_get_grect(tv->window, GUIWIN_AREA_TOOLBAR, dest); } } /** * Callback to return the tree window dimensions to the treeview system. * * \param *width Return the window width. * \param *height Return the window height. * \param *pw The treeview object to use. */ void atari_treeview_get_dimensions(int *width, int *height, void *pw) { if (pw != NULL && (width != NULL || height != NULL)) { NSTREEVIEW tv = (NSTREEVIEW) pw; GRECT work; atari_treeview_get_grect(tv, TREEVIEW_AREA_CONTENT, &work); *width = work.g_w; *height = work.g_h; } } /** * Translates a content_type to the name of a respective icon * * \param content_type content type * \param buffer buffer for the icon name */ void tree_icon_name_from_content_type(char *buffer, content_type type) { switch (type) { case CONTENT_HTML: case CONTENT_TEXTPLAIN: case CONTENT_CSS: case CONTENT_IMAGE: default: strcpy( buffer, "content.png" ); break; } }