Remove RMB trapping from the treeviews, previously used for context menus

The context menus for treeviews were removed ages ago, and any replacement won't need RMB trapping
This commit is contained in:
Chris Young 2016-02-14 14:21:52 +00:00
parent 769eb3f13b
commit e19d30027a

View File

@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ struct treeview_window {
int max_height;
struct gui_globals globals;
struct sslcert_session_data *ssl_data;
BOOL rmbtrapped;
char *wintitle;
char *sslerr;
char *sslaccept;
@ -980,31 +979,6 @@ BOOL ami_tree_event(struct treeview_window *twin)
if((twin->win->MouseX - bbox->Left >=0) &&
(twin->win->MouseX - bbox->Width - bbox->Left <=0) &&
(twin->win->MouseY - bbox->Top >=0) &&
(twin->win->MouseY - bbox->Height - bbox->Top <=0))
if((twin->type != AMI_TREE_SSLCERT) &&
(twin->rmbtrapped == FALSE))
#ifdef __amigaos4__
SetWindowAttr(twin->win, WA_RMBTrap, (APTR)(BOOL)TRUE, sizeof(BOOL));
twin->rmbtrapped = TRUE;
if(twin->rmbtrapped == TRUE)
#ifdef __amigaos4__
SetWindowAttr(twin->win, WA_RMBTrap, (APTR)(BOOL)FALSE, sizeof(BOOL));
twin->rmbtrapped = FALSE;
GetAttr(SCROLLER_Top, twin->objects[OID_HSCROLL], (ULONG *)&xs);
x = twin->win->MouseX - bbox->Left + xs;