<p>Sprites should be contained in a single file named "Sprites".</p>
<p>Throbber sprites should display the various stages of progress and should be named "throbberN", where N is a numerical suffix (eg throbber0, throbber 23 etc).</p>
<p>Button sprites can be called whatever you like. The only limitation is that two sprites are provided per button - one unpressed, the other pressed. Also, the template validation strings for each button should contain the sprite names (eg Sbackl,backp)</p>
<subsectiontitle="Optional Preview Sprite">
<p>You may optionally provide a preview sprite for display in the theme configuration dialogue box. The sprite must be in a file called "Preview" and the sprite itself must be called "preview".</p>
<sectiontitle="Packaging your Theme">
<p>The default packaging for NetSurf themes is simply a folder named the same as your theme name (eg "Clear" for the Clear theme). Simply place all the files for your theme into a single directory, name the directory appropriately and create a Zip archive containing your theme.</p>
<sectiontitle="Submitting your Theme">
<p>Themes may be uploaded to the central NetSurf theme repository at <referencetype="link"href="http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/themes/">http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/themes/</reference></p>
<emailname="NetSurf Development Team"address="netsurf-develop@lists.sourceforge.net"/>