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If (("<Cache$AppDir>" = "") OR ("<Cache$ForceVars>" = "1")) Then Set Cache$AppDir <Obey$Dir>
IconSprites <Cache$AppDir>.!Sprites
| Find and set up resource paths
WimpSlot -min 64k -max 64k
Run <Cache$AppDir>.Resources.ResFind CacheApp
If (("<Cache$Meta>" = "") OR ("<Cache$ForceVars>" = "1")) Then Set Cache$Meta CacheAppRes:!Meta
| Work out where the cache directory should be -- use Choices$User if set or Default, otherwise.
Set Cache$Suffix "<Choices$User>"
If "<Cache$Suffix>" = "" Then Set Cache$Suffix "Default"
If (("<Cache$Dir>" = "") OR ("<Cache$ForceVars>" = "1")) Then Set Cache$Dir "<Cache$AppDir>.Caches.<Cache$Suffix>"
Unset Cache$Suffix
| Ensure cache directory exists (sadly, unavoidable)
CDir <Cache$Dir>