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synced 2024-12-14 14:57:09 +03:00
* New formatter code to support syntaxes like go which have tools to automatically lint and reformat the text for you (gofmt), which is lovely. rcfile option formatter, function text.c:do_formatter() and some other calls. git-svn-id: svn://svn.savannah.gnu.org/nano/trunk/nano@5100 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
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46 lines
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## Here is an example for Go.
syntax "go" "\.go$"
# Types.
color green "\<(bool|u?int(8|16|32|64)?|float(32|64)|complex(64|128)|byte|rune|uintptr|string|error)\>"
color green "\<((<-[[:space:]]*)chan|chan[[:space:]]*<-|const|func|interface|map|struct|type|var)\>"
# Predefined functions.
color blue "\<(append|cap|close|complex|copy|delete|imag|len|make|new|panic|print|println|real|recover)\>"
# Control structures.
color brightyellow "\<(case|default|defer|else|for|go|if|range|select|switch)\>"
# Control flow.
color magenta "\<(break|continue|fallthrough|goto|return)\>"
# Declarations.
color brightcyan "\<(package|import)\>"
color brightcyan "//[[:space:]]*\+build[[:space:]]+(([a-zA-Z_0-9]+[[:space:]]*)+,[[:space:]]*)*[a-zA-Z_0-9]+"
# Literals.
color red "\<[0-9]+\.[0-9]*([Ee][+-][0-9]+)?i?\>"
color red "\<[0-9]+[Ee][+-][0-9]+i?\>"
color red "\<\.[0-9]+([Ee][+-][0-9]+)?i?\>"
color red "\<[0-9]+i\>"
color red "\<[1-9][0-9]*\>"
color red "\<0[0-7]*\>"
icolor red "\<0x[0-9a-f]+\>"
# Strings and characters; slightly fuzzy.
color red "\<(true|false|nil|iota|_)\>"
color red "'(\\.|[^'])+'"
color red ""(\\.|[^"])*""
color red start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*""
# Comments.
color brightblue "//.*"
color brightblue start="/\*" end="\*/"
# Trailing whitespace.
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
# Set up the formatter since spelling is probably useless...
formatter gofmt -w