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synced 2024-11-25 06:09:38 +03:00
Some Yaml files use path names and sometimes version numbers as keys, even though / and . are not officially in the character set allowed for key names (just like underscore is not), as far as I understand. Also, do not colorize any backslash escapes as invalid because some of them occur sometimes in value strings. Also, colorize only the valid double-exclamation tags.
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48 lines
1.3 KiB
## Syntax highlighting for YAML files.
## Original author: Benno Schulenberg
## License: GPL version 3 or newer
syntax yaml "\.ya?ml$"
header "^%YAML |^---( |$)"
tabgives " "
comment "#"
# Keys:
color lightgreen "(\w|::|[/.-])+:( |$)"
color lightgreen "\[(\w|::|[/., -])+\]:( |$)"
# Values (booleans, numbers, octal/hex):
color lightmagenta "[:,] +(Y(es)?|No?|y(es)?|no?|[Tt]rue|[Ff]alse|[Oo](n|ff))( *[]}]|, | +#|$)"
color lightmagenta "[:,] +[+-]?[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+)?)?( *[]}]|, | +#|$)"
color lightmagenta " 0(o[0-7]+|x[[:xdigit:]]+)( *[]}]|, | +#|$)"
color normal "[:,]( |$)"
# Values (dates, strings):
color lightmagenta " [12][0-9]{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])"
color lightmagenta "("([^"]|\\")+"|'[^']+')"
# Anchors and aliases:
color pink " [&*](\w|-)+( |$)"
# Symbols:
color bold,lagoon "^(%YAML +[1-9]\.[0-9]$|%TAG |(---|\.\.\.)( |$))"
color bold,lagoon " [|>]([1-9]?[+-]|[+-][1-9]?)?$"
color bold,yellow "^ *(\?|([?:] +)?-) "
color yellow "[]{}[]"
color normal "^ *: "
# Tags:
color mint " !!(binary|bool|float|int|map|null|omap|seq|set|str)( |,|$)"
color mint " ![^! ][^ ]*( |$)"
# Escaped characters:
color orange "\\([0abefnrtv"/ \_NLP]|$)"
color orange "\\(x[[:xdigit:]]{2}|u[[:xdigit:]]{4}|U[[:xdigit:]]{8})"
# Mistakes (control codes, trailing space):
color ,red "[[:cntrl:]]| +$"
# Comments:
color italic,cyan "(^| )#.*"