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synced 2025-03-28 12:23:03 +03:00

Calling strstrwrapper() with the Backwards, Casesens, and Regex flags unset is equivalent to calling mbstrcasestr(). So... do that instead and quit saving and restoring the flags for each call of findfile(). This saving-and-restoring has been redundant since commit b0957254 from eight years ago.
717 lines
22 KiB
717 lines
22 KiB
* browser.c -- This file is part of GNU nano. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2001-2011, 2013-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016, 2020 Benno Schulenberg *
* *
* GNU nano is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, *
* or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* GNU nano is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. *
* *
#include "prototypes.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static char **filelist = NULL;
/* The list of files to display in the file browser. */
static size_t list_length = 0;
/* The number of files in the list. */
static size_t usable_rows = 0;
/* The number of screen rows we can use to display the list. */
static int piles = 0;
/* The number of files that we can display per screen row. */
static int gauge = 0;
/* The width of a 'pile' -- the widest filename plus ten. */
static size_t selected = 0;
/* The currently selected filename in the list; zero-based. */
/* Fill 'filelist' with the names of the files in the given directory, set
* 'list_length' to the number of names in that list, set 'gauge' to the
* width of the widest filename plus ten, and set 'piles' to the number of
* files that can be displayed per screen row. And sort the list too. */
void read_the_list(const char *path, DIR *dir)
size_t path_len = strlen(path);
const struct dirent *entry;
size_t widest = 0;
size_t index = 0;
/* Find the width of the widest filename in the current folder. */
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
size_t span = breadth(entry->d_name);
if (span > widest)
widest = span;
/* Reserve ten columns for blanks plus file size. */
gauge = widest + 10;
/* If needed, make room for ".. (parent dir)". */
if (gauge < 15)
gauge = 15;
/* Make sure we're not wider than the window. */
if (gauge > COLS)
gauge = COLS;
free_chararray(filelist, list_length);
list_length = index;
index = 0;
filelist = nmalloc(list_length * sizeof(char *));
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL && index < list_length) {
/* Don't show the useless dot item. */
if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0)
filelist[index] = nmalloc(path_len + strlen(entry->d_name) + 1);
sprintf(filelist[index], "%s%s", path, entry->d_name);
/* Maybe the number of files in the directory decreased between
* the first time we scanned and the second time. */
list_length = index;
/* Sort the list of names. */
qsort(filelist, list_length, sizeof(char *), diralphasort);
/* Calculate how many files fit on a line -- feigning room for two
* spaces beyond the right edge, and adding two spaces of padding
* between columns. */
piles = (COLS + 2) / (gauge + 2);
usable_rows = editwinrows - (ISSET(ZERO) && LINES > 1 ? 1 : 0);
/* Reselect the given file or directory name, if it still exists. */
void reselect(const char *name)
size_t looking_at = 0;
while (looking_at < list_length && strcmp(filelist[looking_at], name) != 0)
/* If the sought name was found, select it; otherwise, just move
* the highlight so that the changed selection will be noticed,
* but make sure to stay within the current available range. */
if (looking_at < list_length)
selected = looking_at;
else if (selected > list_length)
selected = list_length - 1;
/* Display at most a screenful of filenames from the gleaned filelist. */
void browser_refresh(void)
int row = 0, col = 0;
/* The current row and column while the list is getting displayed. */
int the_row = 0, the_column = 0;
/* The row and column of the selected item. */
char *info;
/* The additional information that we'll display about a file. */
for (size_t index = selected - selected % (usable_rows * piles);
index < list_length && row < usable_rows; index++) {
const char *thename = tail(filelist[index]);
/* The filename we display, minus the path. */
size_t namelen = breadth(thename);
/* The length of the filename in columns. */
size_t infolen;
/* The length of the file information in columns. */
size_t infomaxlen = 7;
/* The maximum length of the file information in columns:
* normally seven, but will be twelve for "(parent dir)". */
bool dots = (COLS >= 15 && namelen >= gauge - infomaxlen);
/* Whether to put an ellipsis before the filename? We don't
* waste space on dots when there are fewer than 15 columns. */
char *disp = display_string(thename, dots ?
namelen + infomaxlen + 4 - gauge : 0, gauge, FALSE, FALSE);
/* The filename (or a fragment of it) in displayable format.
* When a fragment, account for dots plus one space padding. */
struct stat state;
/* If this is the selected item, draw its highlighted bar upfront, and
* remember its location to be able to place the cursor on it. */
if (index == selected) {
wattron(midwin, interface_color_pair[SELECTED_TEXT]);
mvwprintw(midwin, row, col, "%*s", gauge, " ");
the_row = row;
the_column = col;
/* If the name is too long, we display something like "...ename". */
if (dots)
mvwaddstr(midwin, row, col, "...");
mvwaddstr(midwin, row, dots ? col + 3 : col, disp);
col += gauge;
/* Show information about the file: "--" for symlinks (except when
* they point to a directory) and for files that have disappeared,
* "(dir)" for directories, and the file size for normal files. */
if (lstat(filelist[index], &state) == -1 || S_ISLNK(state.st_mode)) {
if (stat(filelist[index], &state) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(state.st_mode))
info = copy_of("--");
/* TRANSLATORS: Try to keep this at most 7 characters. */
info = copy_of(_("(dir)"));
} else if (S_ISDIR(state.st_mode)) {
if (strcmp(thename, "..") == 0) {
/* TRANSLATORS: Try to keep this at most 12 characters. */
info = copy_of(_("(parent dir)"));
infomaxlen = 12;
} else
info = copy_of(_("(dir)"));
} else {
off_t result = state.st_size;
char modifier;
info = nmalloc(infomaxlen + 1);
/* Massage the file size into a human-readable form. */
if (state.st_size < (1 << 10))
modifier = ' '; /* bytes */
else if (state.st_size < (1 << 20)) {
result >>= 10;
modifier = 'K'; /* kilobytes */
} else if (state.st_size < (1 << 30)) {
result >>= 20;
modifier = 'M'; /* megabytes */
} else {
result >>= 30;
modifier = 'G'; /* gigabytes */
/* Show the size if less than a terabyte, else show "(huge)". */
if (result < (1 << 10))
sprintf(info, "%4ju %cB", (intmax_t)result, modifier);
/* TRANSLATORS: Try to keep this at most 7 characters.
* If necessary, you can leave out the parentheses. */
info = mallocstrcpy(info, _("(huge)"));
/* Make sure info takes up no more than infomaxlen columns. */
infolen = breadth(info);
if (infolen > infomaxlen) {
info[actual_x(info, infomaxlen)] = '\0';
infolen = infomaxlen;
mvwaddstr(midwin, row, col - infolen, info);
/* If this is the selected item, finish its highlighting. */
if (index == selected)
wattroff(midwin, interface_color_pair[SELECTED_TEXT]);
/* Add some space between the columns. */
col += 2;
/* If the next item will not fit on this row, move to next row. */
if (col > COLS - gauge) {
col = 0;
/* If requested, put the cursor on the selected item and switch it on. */
wmove(midwin, the_row, the_column);
/* Look for the given needle in the list of files. If forwards is TRUE,
* search forward in the list; otherwise, search backward. */
void findfile(const char *needle, bool forwards)
size_t looking_at = selected;
/* The location in the file list of the filename we're looking at. */
const char *thename;
/* The plain filename, without the path. */
/* Step through each filename in the list until a match is found or
* we've come back to the point where we started. */
while (TRUE) {
if (forwards) {
if (looking_at++ == list_length - 1) {
looking_at = 0;
statusbar(_("Search Wrapped"));
} else {
if (looking_at-- == 0) {
looking_at = list_length - 1;
statusbar(_("Search Wrapped"));
/* Get the bare filename, without the path. */
thename = tail(filelist[looking_at]);
/* If the needle matches, we're done. And if we're back at the file
* where we started, it is the only occurrence. */
if (mbstrcasestr(thename, needle)) {
if (looking_at == selected)
statusbar(_("This is the only occurrence"));
/* If we're back at the beginning and didn't find any match... */
if (looking_at == selected) {
/* Select the one we've found. */
selected = looking_at;
/* Prepare the prompt and ask the user what to search for; then search for it.
* If forwards is TRUE, search forward in the list; otherwise, search backward. */
void search_filename(bool forwards)
char *thedefault;
int response;
/* If something was searched for before, show it between square brackets. */
if (*last_search != '\0') {
char *disp = display_string(last_search, 0, COLS / 3, FALSE, FALSE);
thedefault = nmalloc(strlen(disp) + 7);
/* We use (COLS / 3) here because we need to see more on the line. */
sprintf(thedefault, " [%s%s]", disp,
(breadth(last_search) > COLS / 3) ? "..." : "");
} else
thedefault = copy_of("");
/* Now ask what to search for. */
response = do_prompt(MWHEREISFILE, "", &search_history,
browser_refresh, "%s%s%s", _("Search"),
/* TRANSLATORS: A modifier of the Search prompt. */
!forwards ? _(" [Backwards]") : "", thedefault);
/* If the user cancelled, or typed <Enter> on a blank answer and
* nothing was searched for yet during this session, get out. */
if (response == -1 || (response == -2 && *last_search == '\0')) {
/* If the user typed an answer, remember it. */
if (*answer != '\0') {
last_search = mallocstrcpy(last_search, answer);
update_history(&search_history, answer, PRUNE_DUPLICATE);
if (response == 0 || response == -2)
findfile(last_search, forwards);
/* Search again without prompting for the last given search string,
* either forwards or backwards. */
void research_filename(bool forwards)
/* If nothing was searched for yet, take the last item from history. */
if (*last_search == '\0' && searchbot->prev != NULL)
last_search = mallocstrcpy(last_search, searchbot->prev->data);
if (*last_search == '\0')
statusbar(_("No current search pattern"));
else {
findfile(last_search, forwards);
/* Select the first file in the list -- called by ^W^Y. */
void to_first_file(void)
selected = 0;
/* Select the last file in the list -- called by ^W^V. */
void to_last_file(void)
selected = list_length - 1;
/* Strip one element from the end of path, and return the stripped path.
* The returned string is dynamically allocated, and should be freed. */
char *strip_last_component(const char *path)
char *copy = copy_of(path);
char *last_slash = strrchr(copy, '/');
if (last_slash != NULL)
*last_slash = '\0';
return copy;
/* Allow the user to browse through the directories in the filesystem,
* starting at the given path. */
char *browse(char *path)
char *present_name = NULL;
/* The name of the currently selected file, or of the directory we
* were in before backing up to "..". */
size_t old_selected;
/* The number of the selected file before the current selected file. */
DIR *dir;
/* The directory whose contents we are showing. */
char *chosen = NULL;
/* The name of the file that the user picked, or NULL if none. */
/* We come here when the user refreshes or selects a new directory. */
path = free_and_assign(path, get_full_path(path));
if (path != NULL)
dir = opendir(path);
if (path == NULL || dir == NULL) {
statusline(ALERT, _("Cannot open directory: %s"), strerror(errno));
/* If we don't have a file list, there is nothing to show. */
if (filelist == NULL) {
lastmessage = VACUUM;
return NULL;
path = mallocstrcpy(path, present_path);
present_name = mallocstrcpy(present_name, filelist[selected]);
if (dir != NULL) {
/* Get the file list, and set gauge and piles in the process. */
read_the_list(path, dir);
dir = NULL;
/* If something was selected before, reselect it;
* otherwise, just select the first item (..). */
if (present_name != NULL) {
present_name = NULL;
} else
selected = 0;
old_selected = (size_t)-1;
present_path = mallocstrcpy(present_path, path);
while (TRUE) {
functionptrtype function;
int kbinput;
lastmessage = VACUUM;
/* Display (or redisplay) the file list if the list itself or
* the selected file has changed. */
if (old_selected != selected || ISSET(SHOW_CURSOR))
old_selected = selected;
kbinput = get_kbinput(midwin, ISSET(SHOW_CURSOR));
if (kbinput == KEY_MOUSE) {
int mouse_x, mouse_y;
/* When the user clicked in the file list, select a filename. */
if (get_mouseinput(&mouse_y, &mouse_x, TRUE) == 0 &&
wmouse_trafo(midwin, &mouse_y, &mouse_x, FALSE)) {
selected = selected - selected % (usable_rows * piles) +
(mouse_y * piles) + (mouse_x / (gauge + 2));
/* When beyond end-of-row, select the preceding filename. */
if (mouse_x > piles * (gauge + 2))
/* When beyond end-of-list, select the last filename. */
if (selected > list_length - 1)
selected = list_length - 1;
/* When a filename is clicked a second time, choose it. */
if (old_selected == selected)
kbinput = KEY_ENTER;
if (kbinput == KEY_MOUSE)
#endif /* ENABLE_MOUSE */
#ifndef NANO_TINY
while (bracketed_paste)
kbinput = get_kbinput(midwin, BLIND);
if (kbinput == BRACKETED_PASTE_MARKER) {
function = interpret(kbinput);
if (function == full_refresh || function == do_help) {
#ifndef NANO_TINY
/* Simulate a terminal resize to force a directory reread,
* or because the terminal dimensions might have changed. */
kbinput = KEY_WINCH;
} else if (function == do_toggle && get_shortcut(kbinput)->toggle == NO_HELP) {
kbinput = KEY_WINCH;
} else if (function == do_search_backward) {
} else if (function == do_search_forward) {
} else if (function == do_findprevious) {
} else if (function == do_findnext) {
} else if (function == do_left) {
if (selected > 0)
} else if (function == do_right) {
if (selected < list_length - 1)
} else if (function == to_prev_word) {
selected -= (selected % piles);
} else if (function == to_next_word) {
selected += piles - 1 - (selected % piles);
if (selected >= list_length)
selected = list_length - 1;
} else if (function == do_up) {
if (selected >= piles)
selected -= piles;
} else if (function == do_down) {
if (selected + piles <= list_length - 1)
selected += piles;
} else if (function == to_prev_block) {
selected = ((selected / (usable_rows * piles)) * usable_rows * piles) +
selected % piles;
} else if (function == to_next_block) {
selected = ((selected / (usable_rows * piles)) * usable_rows * piles) +
selected % piles + usable_rows * piles - piles;
if (selected >= list_length)
selected = (list_length / piles) * piles + selected % piles;
if (selected >= list_length)
selected -= piles;
} else if (function == do_page_up) {
if (selected < piles)
selected = 0;
else if (selected < usable_rows * piles)
selected = selected % piles;
selected -= usable_rows * piles;
} else if (function == do_page_down) {
if (selected + piles >= list_length - 1)
selected = list_length - 1;
else if (selected + usable_rows * piles >= list_length)
selected = (selected + usable_rows * piles - list_length) % piles +
list_length - piles;
selected += usable_rows * piles;
} else if (function == to_first_file) {
selected = 0;
} else if (function == to_last_file) {
selected = list_length - 1;
} else if (function == goto_dir) {
/* Ask for the directory to go to. */
if (do_prompt(MGOTODIR, "", NULL,
/* TRANSLATORS: This is a prompt. */
browser_refresh, _("Go To Directory")) < 0) {
path = free_and_assign(path, real_dir_from_tilde(answer));
/* If the given path is relative, join it with the current path. */
if (*path != '/') {
path = nrealloc(path, strlen(present_path) +
strlen(answer) + 1);
sprintf(path, "%s%s", present_path, answer);
if (outside_of_confinement(path, FALSE)) {
/* TRANSLATORS: This refers to the confining effect of
* the option --operatingdir, not of --restricted. */
statusline(ALERT, _("Can't go outside of %s"), operating_dir);
path = mallocstrcpy(path, present_path);
/* Snip any trailing slashes, so the name can be compared. */
while (strlen(path) > 1 && path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/')
path[strlen(path) - 1] = '\0';
/* In case the specified directory cannot be entered, select it
* (if it is in the current list) so it will be highlighted. */
for (size_t j = 0; j < list_length; j++)
if (strcmp(filelist[j], path) == 0)
selected = j;
/* Try opening and reading the specified directory. */
goto read_directory_contents;
} else if (function == do_enter) {
struct stat st;
/* It isn't possible to move up from the root directory. */
if (strcmp(filelist[selected], "/..") == 0) {
statusline(ALERT, _("Can't move up a directory"));
/* Note: The selected file can be outside the operating
* directory if it's ".." or if it's a symlink to a
* directory outside the operating directory. */
if (outside_of_confinement(filelist[selected], FALSE)) {
statusline(ALERT, _("Can't go outside of %s"), operating_dir);
/* If for some reason the file is inaccessible, complain. */
if (stat(filelist[selected], &st) == -1) {
statusline(ALERT, _("Error reading %s: %s"),
filelist[selected], strerror(errno));
/* If it isn't a directory, a file was selected -- we're done. */
if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
chosen = copy_of(filelist[selected]);
/* If we are moving up one level, remember where we came from, so
* this directory can be highlighted and easily reentered. */
if (strcmp(tail(filelist[selected]), "..") == 0)
present_name = strip_last_component(filelist[selected]);
/* Try opening and reading the selected directory. */
path = mallocstrcpy(path, filelist[selected]);
goto read_directory_contents;
} else if (function == (functionptrtype)implant) {
implant(first_sc_for(MBROWSER, function)->expansion);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
} else if (kbinput == KEY_WINCH) {
; /* Gets handled below. */
} else if (function == do_exit) {
} else
#ifndef NANO_TINY
/* If the terminal resized (or might have), refresh the file list. */
if (kbinput == KEY_WINCH) {
/* Remember the selected file, to be able to reselect it. */
present_name = copy_of(filelist[selected]);
goto read_directory_contents;
free_chararray(filelist, list_length);
filelist = NULL;
list_length = 0;
return chosen;
/* Prepare to start browsing. If the given path has a directory part,
* start browsing in that directory, otherwise in the current directory. */
char *browse_in(const char *inpath)
char *path = real_dir_from_tilde(inpath);
struct stat fileinfo;
/* If path is not a directory, try to strip a filename from it; if then
* still not a directory, use the current working directory instead. */
if (stat(path, &fileinfo) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(fileinfo.st_mode)) {
path = free_and_assign(path, strip_last_component(path));
if (stat(path, &fileinfo) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(fileinfo.st_mode)) {
path = free_and_assign(path, realpath(".", NULL));
if (path == NULL) {
statusline(ALERT, _("The working directory has disappeared"));
return NULL;
/* If the resulting path isn't in the operating directory,
* use the operating directory instead. */
if (outside_of_confinement(path, FALSE))
path = mallocstrcpy(path, operating_dir);
return browse(path);
#endif /* ENABLE_BROWSER */