mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 16:33:37 +03:00
tweaks: adjust whitespace after the previous change
This commit is contained in:
@ -2398,217 +2398,208 @@ void edit_draw(filestruct *fileptr, const char *converted, int
startmatch.rm_eo <= from_x)
start_col = (startmatch.rm_so <= from_x) ?
0 : strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
startmatch.rm_so) - from_col;
thetext = converted + actual_x(converted, start_col);
paintlen = actual_x(thetext, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
startmatch.rm_eo) - from_col - start_col);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin + start_col,
thetext, paintlen);
goto tail_of_loop;
/* Second case: varnish is a multiline expression. */
const filestruct *start_line = fileptr->prev;
/* The first line before fileptr that matches 'start'. */
const filestruct *end_line = fileptr;
/* The line that matches 'end'. */
/* First see if the multidata was maybe already calculated. */
if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == CNONE)
goto tail_of_loop;
else if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == CWHOLELINE) {
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, -1);
goto tail_of_loop;
} else if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == CBEGINBEFORE) {
regexec(varnish->end, fileptr->data, 1, &endmatch, 0);
/* If the coloured part is scrolled off, skip it. */
if (endmatch.rm_eo <= from_x)
goto tail_of_loop;
paintlen = actual_x(converted, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
endmatch.rm_eo) - from_col);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, paintlen);
goto tail_of_loop;
/* There is no precalculated multidata, or it is CENDAFTER or
* CSTARTENDHERE. In all cases, find out what to paint. */
/* When the multidata is unitialized, assume CNONE until one
* of the steps below concludes otherwise. */
if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == -1)
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CNONE;
/* First check if the beginning of the line is colored by a
* start on an earlier line, and an end on this line or later.
* So: find the first line before fileptr matching the start.
* If every match on that line is followed by an end, then go
* to step two. Otherwise, find a line after start_line that
* matches the end. If that line is not before fileptr, then
* paint the beginning of this line. */
while (start_line != NULL && regexec(varnish->start,
start_line->data, 1, &startmatch, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) {
/* There is no start; but if there is an end on this line,
* there is no need to look for starts on earlier lines. */
if (regexec(varnish->end, start_line->data, 0, NULL, 0) == 0)
goto step_two;
start_line = start_line->prev;
/* If no start was found, skip to the next step. */
if (start_line == NULL)
goto step_two;
/* If a found start has been qualified as an end earlier,
* believe it and skip to the next step. */
if (start_line->multidata != NULL &&
(start_line->multidata[varnish->id] == CBEGINBEFORE ||
start_line->multidata[varnish->id] == CSTARTENDHERE))
goto step_two;
/* Skip over a zero-length regex match. */
if (startmatch.rm_so == startmatch.rm_eo)
goto tail_of_loop;
/* Now start_line is the first line before fileptr containing
* a start match. Is there a start on that line not followed
* by an end on that line? */
while (TRUE) {
index += startmatch.rm_so;
startmatch.rm_eo -= startmatch.rm_so;
if (regexec(varnish->end, start_line->data +
index + startmatch.rm_eo, 0, NULL,
(index + startmatch.rm_eo == 0) ?
/* No end found after this start. */
if (regexec(varnish->start, start_line->data + index,
1, &startmatch, REG_NOTBOL) == REG_NOMATCH)
/* No later start on this line. */
goto step_two;
/* Indeed, there is a start without an end on that line. */
/* We've already checked that there is no end before fileptr
* and after the start. But is there an end after the start
* at all? We don't paint unterminated starts. */
while (end_line != NULL && regexec(varnish->end,
end_line->data, 1, &endmatch, 0) == REG_NOMATCH)
end_line = end_line->next;
/* If no end was found, or it is too early, next step. */
if (end_line == NULL)
goto step_two;
if (end_line == fileptr && endmatch.rm_eo <= from_x) {
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CBEGINBEFORE;
goto step_two;
/* Now paint the start of the line. However, if the end match
* is on a different line, paint the whole line, and go on. */
if (end_line != fileptr) {
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, -1);
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CWHOLELINE;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " Marking for id %i line %i as CWHOLELINE\n", varnish->id, line);
/* Don't bother looking for any more starts. */
goto tail_of_loop;
} else {
paintlen = actual_x(converted, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
endmatch.rm_eo) - from_col);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, paintlen);
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CBEGINBEFORE;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " Marking for id %i line %i as CBEGINBEFORE\n", varnish->id, line);
/* Second step: look for starts on this line, but begin
* looking only after an end match, if there is one. */
index = (paintlen == 0) ? 0 : endmatch.rm_eo;
while (regexec(varnish->start, fileptr->data + index,
1, &startmatch, (index == 0) ?
0 : REG_NOTBOL) == 0) {
/* Translate the match to be relative to the
* beginning of the line. */
startmatch.rm_so += index;
startmatch.rm_eo += index;
start_col = (startmatch.rm_so <= from_x) ?
0 : strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
startmatch.rm_so) - from_col;
thetext = converted + actual_x(converted, start_col);
if (regexec(varnish->end, fileptr->data +
startmatch.rm_eo, 1, &endmatch,
(startmatch.rm_eo == 0) ?
paintlen = actual_x(thetext, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
startmatch.rm_eo) - from_col - start_col);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin + start_col,
thetext, paintlen);
goto tail_of_loop;
/* Second case: varnish is a multiline expression. */
const filestruct *start_line = fileptr->prev;
/* The first line before fileptr that matches 'start'. */
const filestruct *end_line = fileptr;
/* The line that matches 'end'. */
/* First see if the multidata was maybe already calculated. */
if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == CNONE)
goto tail_of_loop;
else if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == CWHOLELINE) {
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, -1);
goto tail_of_loop;
} else if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == CBEGINBEFORE) {
regexec(varnish->end, fileptr->data, 1, &endmatch, 0);
/* If the coloured part is scrolled off, skip it. */
if (endmatch.rm_eo <= from_x)
goto tail_of_loop;
paintlen = actual_x(converted, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
endmatch.rm_eo) - from_col);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, paintlen);
goto tail_of_loop;
/* There is no precalculated multidata, or it is CENDAFTER or
* CSTARTENDHERE. In all cases, find out what to paint. */
/* When the multidata is unitialized, assume CNONE until one
* of the steps below concludes otherwise. */
if (fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] == -1)
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CNONE;
/* First check if the beginning of the line is colored by a
* start on an earlier line, and an end on this line or later.
* So: find the first line before fileptr matching the start.
* If every match on that line is followed by an end, then go
* to step two. Otherwise, find a line after start_line that
* matches the end. If that line is not before fileptr, then
* paint the beginning of this line. */
while (start_line != NULL && regexec(varnish->start,
start_line->data, 1, &startmatch, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) {
/* There is no start; but if there is an end on this line,
* there is no need to look for starts on earlier lines. */
if (regexec(varnish->end, start_line->data, 0, NULL, 0) == 0)
goto step_two;
start_line = start_line->prev;
/* If no start was found, skip to the next step. */
if (start_line == NULL)
goto step_two;
/* If a found start has been qualified as an end earlier,
* believe it and skip to the next step. */
if (start_line->multidata != NULL &&
(start_line->multidata[varnish->id] == CBEGINBEFORE ||
start_line->multidata[varnish->id] == CSTARTENDHERE))
goto step_two;
/* Skip over a zero-length regex match. */
if (startmatch.rm_so == startmatch.rm_eo)
goto tail_of_loop;
/* Now start_line is the first line before fileptr containing
* a start match. Is there a start on that line not followed
* by an end on that line? */
while (TRUE) {
index += startmatch.rm_so;
startmatch.rm_eo -= startmatch.rm_so;
if (regexec(varnish->end, start_line->data +
index + startmatch.rm_eo, 0, NULL,
(index + startmatch.rm_eo == 0) ?
/* No end found after this start. */
if (regexec(varnish->start, start_line->data + index,
1, &startmatch, REG_NOTBOL) == REG_NOMATCH)
/* No later start on this line. */
goto step_two;
/* Indeed, there is a start without an end on that line. */
/* We've already checked that there is no end before fileptr
* and after the start. But is there an end after the start
* at all? We don't paint unterminated starts. */
while (end_line != NULL && regexec(varnish->end, end_line->data,
1, &endmatch, 0) == REG_NOMATCH)
end_line = end_line->next;
/* If no end was found, or it is too early, next step. */
if (end_line == NULL)
goto step_two;
if (end_line == fileptr && endmatch.rm_eo <= from_x) {
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CBEGINBEFORE;
goto step_two;
/* Now paint the start of the line. However, if the end match
* is on a different line, paint the whole line, and go on. */
if (end_line != fileptr) {
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, -1);
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CWHOLELINE;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " Marking for id %i line %i as CWHOLELINE\n", varnish->id, line);
/* Don't bother looking for any more starts. */
goto tail_of_loop;
} else {
paintlen = actual_x(converted, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
endmatch.rm_eo) - from_col);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin, converted, paintlen);
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CBEGINBEFORE;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " Marking for id %i line %i as CBEGINBEFORE\n", varnish->id, line);
/* Second step: look for starts on this line, but begin
* looking only after an end match, if there is one. */
index = (paintlen == 0) ? 0 : endmatch.rm_eo;
while (regexec(varnish->start, fileptr->data + index,
1, &startmatch, (index == 0) ?
0 : REG_NOTBOL) == 0) {
/* Translate the end match to be relative to
* the beginning of the line. */
endmatch.rm_so += startmatch.rm_eo;
endmatch.rm_eo += startmatch.rm_eo;
/* There is an end on this line. But does
* it appear on this page, and is the match
* more than zero characters long? */
if (endmatch.rm_eo > from_x &&
/* Translate the match to be relative to the
* beginning of the line. */
startmatch.rm_so += index;
startmatch.rm_eo += index;
start_col = (startmatch.rm_so <= from_x) ?
0 : strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
startmatch.rm_so) - from_col;
thetext = converted + actual_x(converted, start_col);
if (regexec(varnish->end, fileptr->data + startmatch.rm_eo,
1, &endmatch, (startmatch.rm_eo == 0) ?
0 : REG_NOTBOL) == 0) {
/* Translate the end match to be relative to
* the beginning of the line. */
endmatch.rm_so += startmatch.rm_eo;
endmatch.rm_eo += startmatch.rm_eo;
/* There is an end on this line. But does
* it appear on this page, and is the match
* more than zero characters long? */
if (endmatch.rm_eo > from_x &&
endmatch.rm_eo > startmatch.rm_so) {
paintlen = actual_x(thetext, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
paintlen = actual_x(thetext, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
endmatch.rm_eo) - from_col - start_col);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin + start_col,
thetext, paintlen);
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin + start_col,
thetext, paintlen);
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CSTARTENDHERE;
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CSTARTENDHERE;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " Marking for id %i line %i as CSTARTENDHERE\n", varnish->id, line);
index = endmatch.rm_eo;
/* Skip over a zero-length match. */
if (endmatch.rm_so == endmatch.rm_eo)
index += 1;
index = endmatch.rm_eo;
/* Skip over a zero-length match. */
if (endmatch.rm_so == endmatch.rm_eo)
index += 1;
/* There is no end on this line. But we haven't yet
* looked for one on later lines. */
end_line = fileptr->next;
/* There is no end on this line. But maybe on later lines? */
end_line = fileptr->next;
while (end_line != NULL &&
regexec(varnish->end, end_line->data,
end_line = end_line->next;
while (end_line != NULL && regexec(varnish->end, end_line->data,
end_line = end_line->next;
/* If there is no end, we're done on this line. */
if (end_line == NULL)
/* If there is no end, we're done with this regex. */
if (end_line == NULL)
/* Paint the rest of the line. */
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin + start_col, thetext, -1);
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CENDAFTER;
/* Paint the rest of the line. */
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, margin + start_col, thetext, -1);
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CENDAFTER;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " Marking for id %i line %i as CENDAFTER\n", varnish->id, line);
/* We've painted to the end of the line, so don't
* bother checking for any more starts. */
/* We've painted to the end of the line, so don't
* bother checking for any more starts. */
wattroff(edit, varnish->attributes);
Reference in New Issue
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