tweaks: reshuffle and rename a few things, to elide duplication

This commit is contained in:
Benno Schulenberg 2019-12-19 10:52:06 +01:00
parent a0055f3640
commit cb44a2bd2c

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@ -1405,8 +1405,10 @@ bool do_wrap(void)
/* The line to be wrapped, if needed and possible. */
size_t line_len = strlen(line->data);
/* The length of this line. */
size_t pre_len = quote_length(line->data);
/* The length of the leading quoting, plus later also indentation. */
size_t quot_len = quote_length(line->data);
/* The length of the quoting part of this line. */
size_t lead_len = quot_len + indent_length(line->data + quot_len);
/* The length of the quoting part plus subsequent whitespace. */
size_t cursor_x = openfile->current_x;
/* The current cursor position, for comparison with the wrap point. */
ssize_t wrap_loc;
@ -1416,18 +1418,16 @@ bool do_wrap(void)
size_t rest_length;
/* The length of the remainder. */
pre_len += indent_length(line->data + pre_len);
/* First find the last blank character where we can break the line. */
wrap_loc = break_line(line->data + pre_len,
wrap_at - wideness(line->data, pre_len), FALSE);
wrap_loc = break_line(line->data + lead_len,
wrap_at - wideness(line->data, lead_len), FALSE);
/* If no wrapping point was found before end-of-line, we don't wrap. */
if (wrap_loc == -1 || wrap_loc + pre_len == line_len)
if (wrap_loc == -1 || wrap_loc + lead_len == line_len)
return FALSE;
/* Step forward to the character just after the blank. */
wrap_loc = step_right(line->data + pre_len, wrap_loc) + pre_len;
wrap_loc = step_right(line->data + lead_len, wrap_loc) + lead_len;
/* When now at end-of-line, no need to wrap. */
if (line->data[wrap_loc] == '\0')
@ -1438,9 +1438,8 @@ bool do_wrap(void)
bool autowhite = ISSET(AUTOINDENT);
size_t lead_len = quote_length(line->data);
if (lead_len > 0)
if (quot_len > 0)
@ -1508,9 +1507,7 @@ bool do_wrap(void)
/* If the original line has quoting, copy it to the spillage line. */
if (lead_len > 0) {
lead_len += indent_length(line->data + lead_len);
if (quot_len > 0) {
line = line->next;
line_len = strlen(line->data);
line->data = charealloc(line->data, lead_len + line_len + 1);