docs: use a space after #, like everywhere else in the sample nanorc

Also, use a more mnemonic example shortcut for copy-to-clipboard.
This commit is contained in:
Benno Schulenberg 2024-03-10 17:32:09 +01:00
parent 623ff4e1ed
commit 778f000a3b
1 changed files with 34 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -289,11 +289,11 @@
## For quickly uppercasing or lowercasing the word under or after the cursor.
## (These effectively select a word and pipe it through a sed command.)
#bind Sh-M-U "{nextword}{mark}{prevword}{execute}|sed 's/.*/\U&/'{enter}" main
#bind Sh-M-L "{nextword}{mark}{prevword}{execute}|sed 's/.*/\L&/'{enter}" main
# bind Sh-M-U "{nextword}{mark}{prevword}{execute}|sed 's/.*/\U&/'{enter}" main
# bind Sh-M-L "{nextword}{mark}{prevword}{execute}|sed 's/.*/\L&/'{enter}" main
## For copying a marked region to the system clipboard:
# bind Sh-M-T "{execute}|xsel -ib{enter}{undo}" main
# bind Sh-M-C "{execute}|xsel -ib{enter}{undo}" main
## For snipping trailing blanks when you save a file:
# bind ^S "{execute}| sed 's/\s\+$//' {enter}{savefile}" main
@ -301,34 +301,34 @@
## If you would like nano to have keybindings that are more "usual",
## such as ^O for Open, ^F for Find, ^H for Help, and ^Q for Quit,
## then uncomment these:
#bind ^X cut main
#bind ^C copy main
#bind ^V paste all
#bind ^Q exit all
#bind ^S savefile main
#bind ^W writeout main
#bind ^O insert main
#set multibuffer
#bind ^H help all
#bind ^H exit help
#bind ^F whereis all
#bind ^G findnext all
#bind ^B wherewas all
#bind ^D findprevious all
#bind ^R replace main
#unbind ^U all
#unbind ^N main
#unbind ^Y all
#unbind M-J main
#unbind M-T main
#bind ^A mark main
#bind ^P location main
#bind ^T gotoline main
#bind ^T gotodir browser
#bind ^T cutrestoffile execute
#bind ^L linter execute
#bind ^E execute main
#bind ^K "{mark}{end}{zap}" main
#bind ^U "{mark}{home}{zap}" main
#bind ^Z undo main
#bind ^Y redo main
# bind ^X cut main
# bind ^C copy main
# bind ^V paste all
# bind ^Q exit all
# bind ^S savefile main
# bind ^W writeout main
# bind ^O insert main
# set multibuffer
# bind ^H help all
# bind ^H exit help
# bind ^F whereis all
# bind ^G findnext all
# bind ^B wherewas all
# bind ^D findprevious all
# bind ^R replace main
# unbind ^U all
# unbind ^N main
# unbind ^Y all
# unbind M-J main
# unbind M-T main
# bind ^A mark main
# bind ^P location main
# bind ^T gotoline main
# bind ^T gotodir browser
# bind ^T cutrestoffile execute
# bind ^L linter execute
# bind ^E execute main
# bind ^K "{mark}{end}{zap}" main
# bind ^U "{mark}{home}{zap}" main
# bind ^Z undo main
# bind ^Y redo main