only reclaim for exclusive heaps in their associated arena
This commit is contained in:
@ -300,6 +300,11 @@ mi_decl_export void mi_subproc_add_current_thread(mi_subproc_id_t sub
// Experimental: visit abandoned heap areas (from threads that have been terminated)
mi_decl_export bool mi_abandoned_visit_blocks(mi_subproc_id_t subproc_id, int heap_tag, bool visit_blocks, mi_block_visit_fun* visitor, void* arg);
// Experimental: create a new heap with a specified heap tag. Set `allow_destroy` to false to allow the thread
// to reclaim abandoned memory (with a compatible heap_tag and arena_id) but in that case `mi_heap_destroy` will
// fall back to `mi_heap_delete`.
mi_decl_export mi_decl_nodiscard mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new_ex(int heap_tag, bool allow_destroy, mi_arena_id_t arena_id);
// deprecated
mi_decl_export int mi_reserve_huge_os_pages(size_t pages, double max_secs, size_t* pages_reserved) mi_attr_noexcept;
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ void* _mi_arena_meta_zalloc(size_t size, mi_memid_t* memid);
void _mi_arena_meta_free(void* p, mi_memid_t memid, size_t size);
typedef struct mi_arena_field_cursor_s { // abstract struct
mi_arena_id_t start;
int count;
size_t start;
size_t end;
size_t bitmap_idx;
mi_subproc_t* subproc;
} mi_arena_field_cursor_t;
@ -850,11 +850,20 @@ void _mi_arena_segment_mark_abandoned(mi_segment_t* segment)
// start a cursor at a randomized arena
void _mi_arena_field_cursor_init(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_subproc_t* subproc, mi_arena_field_cursor_t* current) {
mi_assert_internal(heap == NULL || heap->tld->segments.subproc == subproc);
const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
current->start = (heap == NULL || max_arena == 0 ? 0 : (mi_arena_id_t)( _mi_heap_random_next(heap) % max_arena));
current->count = 0;
current->bitmap_idx = 0;
current->bitmap_idx = 0;
current->subproc = subproc;
const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
if (heap != NULL && heap->arena_id != _mi_arena_id_none()) {
// for a heap that is bound to one arena, only visit that arena
current->start = mi_arena_id_index(heap->arena_id);
current->end = current->start + 1;
else {
// otherwise visit all starting at a random location
current->start = (heap == NULL || max_arena == 0 ? 0 : (mi_arena_id_t)(_mi_heap_random_next(heap) % max_arena));
current->end = current->start + max_arena;
mi_assert_internal(current->start < max_arena);
static mi_segment_t* mi_arena_segment_clear_abandoned_at(mi_arena_t* arena, mi_subproc_t* subproc, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
@ -884,16 +893,15 @@ static mi_segment_t* mi_arena_segment_clear_abandoned_at(mi_arena_t* arena, mi_s
// this does not set the thread id (so it appears as still abandoned)
mi_segment_t* _mi_arena_segment_clear_abandoned_next(mi_arena_field_cursor_t* previous, bool visit_all )
const int max_arena = (int)mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
if (max_arena <= 0 || mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&previous->subproc->abandoned_count) == 0) return NULL;
int count = previous->count;
size_t field_idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(previous->bitmap_idx);
size_t bit_idx = mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(previous->bitmap_idx) + 1;
// visit arena's (from the previous cursor)
for (; count < max_arena; count++, field_idx = 0, bit_idx = 0) {
mi_arena_id_t arena_idx = previous->start + count;
if (arena_idx >= max_arena) { arena_idx = arena_idx % max_arena; } // wrap around
for ( ; previous->start < previous->end; previous->start++, field_idx = 0, bit_idx = 0) {
// index wraps around
size_t arena_idx = (previous->start >= max_arena ? previous->start % max_arena : previous->start);
mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[arena_idx]);
if (arena != NULL) {
bool has_lock = false;
@ -918,11 +926,9 @@ mi_segment_t* _mi_arena_segment_clear_abandoned_next(mi_arena_field_cursor_t* pr
// pre-check if the bit is set
size_t mask = ((size_t)1 << bit_idx);
if mi_unlikely((field & mask) == mask) {
const mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx = mi_bitmap_index_create(field_idx, bit_idx);
mi_segment_t* const segment = mi_arena_segment_clear_abandoned_at(arena, previous->subproc, bitmap_idx);
previous->bitmap_idx = mi_bitmap_index_create(field_idx, bit_idx);
mi_segment_t* const segment = mi_arena_segment_clear_abandoned_at(arena, previous->subproc, previous->bitmap_idx);
if (segment != NULL) {
previous->bitmap_idx = bitmap_idx;
previous->count = count;
//mi_assert_internal(arena->blocks_committed == NULL || _mi_bitmap_is_claimed(arena->blocks_committed, arena->field_count, 1, bitmap_idx));
if (has_lock) { mi_lock_release(&arena->abandoned_visit_lock); }
return segment;
@ -935,8 +941,9 @@ mi_segment_t* _mi_arena_segment_clear_abandoned_next(mi_arena_field_cursor_t* pr
// no more found
mi_assert(previous->start == previous->end);
previous->bitmap_idx = 0;
previous->count = 0;
previous->start = previous->end = 0;
return NULL;
@ -226,17 +226,22 @@ void _mi_heap_init(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_tld_t* tld, mi_arena_id_t arena_id, bool
heap->tld->heaps = heap;
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new_in_arena(mi_arena_id_t arena_id) {
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new_ex(int heap_tag, bool allow_destroy, mi_arena_id_t arena_id) {
mi_heap_t* bheap = mi_heap_get_backing();
mi_heap_t* heap = mi_heap_malloc_tp(bheap, mi_heap_t); // todo: OS allocate in secure mode?
if (heap == NULL) return NULL;
// don't reclaim abandoned pages or otherwise destroy is unsafe
_mi_heap_init(heap, bheap->tld, arena_id, true /* no reclaim */, 0 /* default tag */);
mi_assert(heap_tag >= 0 && heap_tag < 256);
_mi_heap_init(heap, bheap->tld, arena_id, allow_destroy /* no reclaim? */, (uint8_t)heap_tag /* heap tag */);
return heap;
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new_in_arena(mi_arena_id_t arena_id) {
return mi_heap_new_ex(0 /* default heap tag */, false /* don't allow `mi_heap_destroy` */, arena_id);
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new(void) {
return mi_heap_new_in_arena(_mi_arena_id_none());
// don't reclaim abandoned memory or otherwise destroy is unsafe
return mi_heap_new_ex(0 /* default heap tag */, true /* no reclaim */, _mi_arena_id_none());
bool _mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_memid_t memid) {
@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_reclaim(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_heap_t* heap,
mi_heap_t* target_heap = _mi_heap_by_tag(heap, page->heap_tag); // allow custom heaps to separate objects
if (target_heap == NULL) {
target_heap = heap;
_mi_error_message(EINVAL, "page with tag %u cannot be reclaimed by a heap with the same tag (using tag %u instead)\n", page->heap_tag, heap->tag );
_mi_error_message(EINVAL, "page with tag %u cannot be reclaimed by a heap with the same tag (using heap tag %u instead)\n", page->heap_tag, heap->tag );
// associate the heap with this page, and allow heap thread delayed free again.
mi_page_set_heap(page, target_heap);
@ -948,6 +948,7 @@ static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_reclaim(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_heap_t* heap,
bool _mi_segment_attempt_reclaim(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_segment_t* segment) {
if (mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&segment->thread_id) != 0) return false; // it is not abandoned
if (segment->subproc != heap->tld->segments.subproc) return false; // only reclaim within the same subprocess
if (!_mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(heap,segment->memid)) return false; // don't reclaim between exclusive and non-exclusive arena's
// don't reclaim more from a `free` call than half the current segments
// this is to prevent a pure free-ing thread to start owning too many segments
if (heap->tld->segments.reclaim_count * 2 > heap->tld->segments.count) return false;
@ -255,6 +255,12 @@ static void test_leak(void) {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
#ifdef HEAP_WALK
#ifndef NDBEBUG
mi_option_set(mi_option_arena_reserve, 32 * 1024 /* in kib = 32MiB */);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user