This has implications all over the place. I have to admit that you can instantly see that usability improves, but it costs 3K. At the same time I took the oportunity to rename the '/SFLASH' drive to '/flash' which improves compatibility with the pyboard.
247 lines
5.4 KiB
247 lines
5.4 KiB
APP_INC += -I..
APP_INC += -Ifatfs/src
APP_INC += -Ifatfs/src/drivers
APP_INC += -IFreeRTOS/Source/include
APP_INC += -IFreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3
APP_INC += -Iftp
APP_INC += -Ihal
APP_INC += -Ihal/inc
APP_INC += -Imisc
APP_INC += -Imods
APP_INC += -I../drivers/cc3100/inc
APP_INC += -Isimplelink
APP_INC += -Isimplelink/oslib
APP_INC += -Itelnet
APP_INC += -Iutil
APP_INC += -Ibootmgr
APP_INC += -I$(BUILD)/genhdr
APP_INC += -I../lib/fatfs
APP_INC += -I../lib/mp-readline
APP_INC += -I../stmhal
APP_FATFS_SRC_C = $(addprefix fatfs/src/,\
drivers/sflash_diskio.c \
drivers/sd_diskio.c \
option/syscall.c \
diskio.c \
ffconf.c \
APP_RTOS_SRC_C = $(addprefix FreeRTOS/Source/,\
croutine.c \
event_groups.c \
list.c \
queue.c \
tasks.c \
timers.c \
portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c \
portable/MemMang/heap_4.c \
APP_FTP_SRC_C = $(addprefix ftp/,\
ftp.c \
updater.c \
APP_HAL_SRC_C = $(addprefix hal/,\
adc.c \
aes.c \
cc3200_hal.c \
cpu.c \
crc.c \
des.c \
gpio.c \
i2c.c \
i2s.c \
interrupt.c \
pin.c \
prcm.c \
sdhost.c \
shamd5.c \
spi.c \
startup_gcc.c \
systick.c \
timer.c \
uart.c \
utils.c \
wdt.c \
APP_MISC_SRC_C = $(addprefix misc/,\
FreeRTOSHooks.c \
pin_named_pins.c \
help.c \
mpcallback.c \
mperror.c \
mpexception.c \
mpsystick.c \
pin_defs_cc3200.c \
APP_MODS_SRC_C = $(addprefix mods/,\
modnetwork.c \
modpyb.c \
moduos.c \
modusocket.c \
modutime.c \
modwlan.c \
pybadc.c \
pybpin.c \
pybi2c.c \
pybrtc.c \
pybsd.c \
pybsleep.c \
pybspi.c \
pybuart.c \
pybwdt.c \
APP_CC3100_SRC_C = $(addprefix drivers/cc3100/src/,\
device.c \
driver.c \
flowcont.c \
fs.c \
netapp.c \
netcfg.c \
socket.c \
wlan.c \
APP_SL_SRC_C = $(addprefix simplelink/,\
oslib/osi_freertos.c \
cc_pal.c \
APP_TELNET_SRC_C = $(addprefix telnet/,\
telnet.c \
APP_UTIL_SRC_C = $(addprefix util/,\
fifo.c \
gccollect.c \
random.c \
socketfifo.c \
APP_UTIL_SRC_S = $(addprefix util/,\
gchelper.s \
sleeprestore.s \
main.c \
mptask.c \
APP_LIB_SRC_C = $(addprefix lib/,\
fatfs/ff.c \
fatfs/option/ccsbcs.c \
libc/string0.c \
mp-readline/readline.c \
APP_STM_SRC_C = $(addprefix stmhal/,\
bufhelper.c \
file.c \
import.c \
input.c \
irq.c \
lexerfatfs.c \
moduselect.c \
printf.c \
pyexec.c \
pybstdio.c \
OBJ = $(PY_O) $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(APP_FATFS_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_RTOS_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_FTP_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_HAL_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_MISC_SRC_C:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(APP_MODS_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_CC3100_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_SL_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_TELNET_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_UTIL_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_UTIL_SRC_S:.s=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(APP_MAIN_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_LIB_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(APP_STM_SRC_C:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(BUILD)/pins.o
# Add the linker script
LINKER_SCRIPT = application.lds
# Add the application specific CFLAGS
# Disable strict aliasing for the simplelink driver
$(BUILD)/drivers/cc3100/src/driver.o: CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing
# Check if we would like to debug the port code
ifeq ($(BTYPE), release)
# Optimize everything and define the NDEBUG flag
ifeq ($(BTYPE), debug)
# Define the DEBUG flag
# Optimize the stable sources only
$(BUILD)/extmod/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/lib/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/fatfs/src/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/FreeRTOS/Source/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/ftp/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/hal/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/misc/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/py/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/simplelink/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/drivers/cc3100/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/stmhal/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/telnet/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/util/%.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/pins.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/main.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/mptask.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(BUILD)/servertask.o: CFLAGS += -Os
$(error Invalid BTYPE specified)
SHELL = bash
APP_SIGN = appsign.sh
all: $(BUILD)/mcuimg.bin
$(BUILD)/application.axf: $(OBJ) $(LINKER_SCRIPT)
$(ECHO) "LINK $@"
$(Q)$(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
$(Q)$(SIZE) $@
$(BUILD)/application.bin: $(BUILD)/application.axf
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(BUILD)/mcuimg.bin: $(BUILD)/application.bin
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
MAKE_PINS = boards/make-pins.py
BOARD_PINS = boards/$(BOARD)/pins.csv
AF_FILE = boards/cc3200_af.csv
PREFIX_FILE = boards/cc3200_prefix.c
GEN_PINS_SRC = $(BUILD)/pins.c
GEN_PINS_QSTR = $(BUILD)/pins_qstr.h
# Making OBJ use an order-only dependency on the generated pins.h file
# has the side effect of making the pins.h file before we actually compile
# any of the objects. The normal dependency generation will deal with the
# case when pins.h is modified. But when it doesn't exist, we don't know
# which source files might need it.
# Call make-pins.py to generate both pins_gen.c and pins.h
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MAKE_PINS) --board $(BOARD_PINS) --af $(AF_FILE) --prefix $(PREFIX_FILE) --hdr $(GEN_PINS_HDR) --qstr $(GEN_PINS_QSTR) > $(GEN_PINS_SRC)
$(BUILD)/pins.o: $(BUILD)/pins.c
$(call compile_c)