TIM3 is no longer used by USB CDC for triggering outgoing data, so we can now make it available to the user. PWM fading on LED(4) is now gone, but will be reinstated in a new way.
508 lines
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508 lines
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* This file is part of the Micro Python project, http://micropython.org/
* Taken from ST Cube library and heavily modified. See below for original
* copyright header.
* @file USB_Device/CDC_Standalone/Src/usbd_cdc_interface.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.0.1
* @date 26-February-2014
* @brief Source file for USBD CDC interface
* @attention
* <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
* Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "usbd_cdc_msc_hid.h"
#include "usbd_cdc_interface.h"
#include "pendsv.h"
#include "py/obj.h"
#include "irq.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "usb.h"
// CDC control commands
#define CDC_SET_LINE_CODING 0x20
#define CDC_GET_LINE_CODING 0x21
#define CDC_SEND_BREAK 0x23
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define APP_RX_DATA_SIZE 1024 // I think this must be at least CDC_DATA_FS_OUT_PACKET_SIZE=64 (APP_RX_DATA_SIZE was 2048)
#define APP_TX_DATA_SIZE 1024 // I think this can be any value (was 2048)
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
static __IO uint8_t dev_is_connected = 0; // indicates if we are connected
static uint8_t UserRxBuffer[APP_RX_DATA_SIZE]; // received data from USB OUT endpoint is stored in this buffer
static uint16_t UserRxBufCur = 0; // points to next available character in UserRxBuffer
static uint16_t UserRxBufLen = 0; // counts number of valid characters in UserRxBuffer
static uint8_t UserTxBuffer[APP_TX_DATA_SIZE]; // data for USB IN endpoind is stored in this buffer
static uint16_t UserTxBufPtrIn = 0; // increment this pointer modulo APP_TX_DATA_SIZE when new data is available
static __IO uint16_t UserTxBufPtrOut = 0; // increment this pointer modulo APP_TX_DATA_SIZE when data is drained
static uint16_t UserTxBufPtrOutShadow = 0; // shadow of above
static uint8_t UserTxBufPtrWaitCount = 0; // used to implement a timeout waiting for low-level USB driver
static uint8_t UserTxNeedEmptyPacket = 0; // used to flush the USB IN endpoint if the last packet was exactly the endpoint packet size
static int user_interrupt_char = -1;
static void *user_interrupt_data = NULL;
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
static int8_t CDC_Itf_Init (void);
static int8_t CDC_Itf_DeInit (void);
static int8_t CDC_Itf_Control (uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* pbuf, uint16_t length);
static int8_t CDC_Itf_Receive (uint8_t* pbuf, uint32_t *Len);
const USBD_CDC_ItfTypeDef USBD_CDC_fops = {
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
* @brief CDC_Itf_Init
* Initializes the CDC media low layer
* @param None
* @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
static int8_t CDC_Itf_Init(void)
#if 0
/*##-1- Configure the UART peripheral ######################################*/
/* Put the USART peripheral in the Asynchronous mode (UART Mode) */
/* USART configured as follow:
- Word Length = 8 Bits
- Stop Bit = One Stop bit
- Parity = No parity
- BaudRate = 115200 baud
- Hardware flow control disabled (RTS and CTS signals) */
UartHandle.Instance = USARTx;
UartHandle.Init.BaudRate = 115200;
UartHandle.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B;
UartHandle.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1;
UartHandle.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;
UartHandle.Init.HwFlowCtl = UART_HWCONTROL_NONE;
UartHandle.Init.Mode = UART_MODE_TX_RX;
if(HAL_UART_Init(&UartHandle) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
/*##-2- Put UART peripheral in IT reception process ########################*/
/* Any data received will be stored in "UserTxBuffer" buffer */
if(HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&UartHandle, (uint8_t *)UserTxBuffer, 1) != HAL_OK)
/* Transfer error in reception process */
/*##-3- Configure the TIM Base generation #################################*/
now done in HAL_MspInit
/*##-5- Set Application Buffers ############################################*/
USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer(&hUSBDDevice, UserTxBuffer, 0);
USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer(&hUSBDDevice, UserRxBuffer);
UserRxBufCur = 0;
UserRxBufLen = 0;
/* NOTE: we cannot reset these here, because USBD_CDC_SetInterrupt
* may be called before this init function to set these values.
* This can happen if the USB enumeration occurs after the call to
* USBD_CDC_SetInterrupt.
user_interrupt_char = -1;
user_interrupt_data = NULL;
return (USBD_OK);
* @brief CDC_Itf_DeInit
* DeInitializes the CDC media low layer
* @param None
* @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
static int8_t CDC_Itf_DeInit(void)
#if 0
/* DeInitialize the UART peripheral */
if(HAL_UART_DeInit(&UartHandle) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
return (USBD_OK);
* @brief CDC_Itf_Control
* Manage the CDC class requests
* @param Cmd: Command code
* @param Buf: Buffer containing command data (request parameters)
* @param Len: Number of data to be sent (in bytes)
* @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
static int8_t CDC_Itf_Control(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* pbuf, uint16_t length) {
switch (cmd) {
/* Add your code here */
/* Add your code here */
/* Add your code here */
/* Add your code here */
/* Add your code here */
#if 0
LineCoding.bitrate = (uint32_t)(pbuf[0] | (pbuf[1] << 8) |\
(pbuf[2] << 16) | (pbuf[3] << 24));
LineCoding.format = pbuf[4];
LineCoding.paritytype = pbuf[5];
LineCoding.datatype = pbuf[6];
/* Set the new configuration */
#if 0
pbuf[0] = (uint8_t)(LineCoding.bitrate);
pbuf[1] = (uint8_t)(LineCoding.bitrate >> 8);
pbuf[2] = (uint8_t)(LineCoding.bitrate >> 16);
pbuf[3] = (uint8_t)(LineCoding.bitrate >> 24);
pbuf[4] = LineCoding.format;
pbuf[5] = LineCoding.paritytype;
pbuf[6] = LineCoding.datatype;
/* Add your code here */
pbuf[0] = (uint8_t)(115200);
pbuf[1] = (uint8_t)(115200 >> 8);
pbuf[2] = (uint8_t)(115200 >> 16);
pbuf[3] = (uint8_t)(115200 >> 24);
pbuf[4] = 0; // stop bits (1)
pbuf[5] = 0; // parity (none)
pbuf[6] = 8; // number of bits (8)
dev_is_connected = length & 1; // wValue is passed in Len (bit of a hack)
/* Add your code here */
return USBD_OK;
// This function is called to process outgoing data. We hook directly into the
// SOF (start of frame) callback so that it is called exactly at the time it is
// needed (reducing latency), and often enough (increasing bandwidth).
void HAL_PCD_SOFCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) {
if (!dev_is_connected) {
// CDC device is not connected to a host, so we are unable to send any data
if (UserTxBufPtrOut == UserTxBufPtrIn && !UserTxNeedEmptyPacket) {
// No outstanding data to send
if (UserTxBufPtrOut != UserTxBufPtrOutShadow) {
// We have sent data and are waiting for the low-level USB driver to
// finish sending it over the USB in-endpoint.
// SOF occurs every 1ms, so we have a 150 * 1ms = 150ms timeout
if (UserTxBufPtrWaitCount < 150) {
USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef *USBx = hpcd->Instance;
// USB in-endpoint is still reading the data
UserTxBufPtrOut = UserTxBufPtrOutShadow;
if (UserTxBufPtrOutShadow != UserTxBufPtrIn || UserTxNeedEmptyPacket) {
uint32_t buffptr;
uint32_t buffsize;
if (UserTxBufPtrOutShadow > UserTxBufPtrIn) { // rollback
buffsize = APP_TX_DATA_SIZE - UserTxBufPtrOutShadow;
} else {
buffsize = UserTxBufPtrIn - UserTxBufPtrOutShadow;
buffptr = UserTxBufPtrOutShadow;
USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer(&hUSBDDevice, (uint8_t*)&UserTxBuffer[buffptr], buffsize);
if (USBD_CDC_TransmitPacket(&hUSBDDevice) == USBD_OK) {
UserTxBufPtrOutShadow += buffsize;
if (UserTxBufPtrOutShadow == APP_TX_DATA_SIZE) {
UserTxBufPtrOutShadow = 0;
UserTxBufPtrWaitCount = 0;
// According to the USB specification, a packet size of 64 bytes (CDC_DATA_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
// gets held at the USB host until the next packet is sent. This is because a
// packet of maximum size is considered to be part of a longer chunk of data, and
// the host waits for all data to arrive (ie, waits for a packet < max packet size).
// To flush a packet of exactly max packet size, we need to send a zero-size packet.
// See eg http://www.cypress.com/?id=4&rID=92719
UserTxNeedEmptyPacket = (buffsize > 0 && buffsize % CDC_DATA_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE == 0 && UserTxBufPtrOutShadow == UserTxBufPtrIn);
* @brief CDC_Itf_DataRx
* Data received over USB OUT endpoint is processed here.
* @param Buf: Buffer of data received
* @param Len: Number of data received (in bytes)
* @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
* @note The buffer we are passed here is just UserRxBuffer, so we are
* free to modify it.
static int8_t CDC_Itf_Receive(uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t *Len) {
#if 0
// this sends the data over the UART using DMA
HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&UartHandle, Buf, *Len);
// TODO improve this function to implement a circular buffer
// if we have processed all the characters, reset the buffer counters
if (UserRxBufCur > 0 && UserRxBufCur >= UserRxBufLen) {
memmove(UserRxBuffer, UserRxBuffer + UserRxBufLen, *Len);
UserRxBufCur = 0;
UserRxBufLen = 0;
uint32_t delta_len;
if (user_interrupt_char == -1) {
// no special interrupt character
delta_len = *Len;
} else {
// filter out special interrupt character from the buffer
bool char_found = false;
uint8_t *dest = Buf;
uint8_t *src = Buf;
uint8_t *buf_top = Buf + *Len;
for (; src < buf_top; src++) {
if (*src == user_interrupt_char) {
char_found = true;
// raise exception when interrupts are finished
} else {
if (char_found) {
*dest = *src;
// length of remaining characters
delta_len = dest - Buf;
if (UserRxBufLen + delta_len + CDC_DATA_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE > APP_RX_DATA_SIZE) {
// if we keep this data then the buffer can overflow on the next USB rx
// so we don't increment the length, and throw this data away
} else {
// data fits, leaving room for another CDC_DATA_FS_OUT_PACKET_SIZE
UserRxBufLen += delta_len;
// initiate next USB packet transfer, to append to existing data in buffer
USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer(&hUSBDDevice, UserRxBuffer + UserRxBufLen);
return USBD_OK;
int USBD_CDC_IsConnected(void) {
return dev_is_connected;
void USBD_CDC_SetInterrupt(int chr, void *data) {
user_interrupt_char = chr;
user_interrupt_data = data;
int USBD_CDC_TxHalfEmpty(void) {
int32_t tx_waiting = (int32_t)UserTxBufPtrIn - (int32_t)UserTxBufPtrOut;
if (tx_waiting < 0) {
tx_waiting += APP_TX_DATA_SIZE;
return tx_waiting <= APP_TX_DATA_SIZE / 2;
// timout in milliseconds.
// Returns number of bytes written to the device.
int USBD_CDC_Tx(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Wait until the device is connected and the buffer has space, with a given timeout
uint32_t start = HAL_GetTick();
while (!dev_is_connected || ((UserTxBufPtrIn + 1) & (APP_TX_DATA_SIZE - 1)) == UserTxBufPtrOut) {
// Wraparound of tick is taken care of by 2's complement arithmetic.
if (HAL_GetTick() - start >= timeout) {
// timeout
return i;
if (query_irq() == IRQ_STATE_DISABLED) {
// IRQs disabled so buffer will never be drained; return immediately
return i;
__WFI(); // enter sleep mode, waiting for interrupt
// Write data to device buffer
UserTxBuffer[UserTxBufPtrIn] = buf[i];
UserTxBufPtrIn = (UserTxBufPtrIn + 1) & (APP_TX_DATA_SIZE - 1);
// Success, return number of bytes read
return len;
// Always write all of the data to the device tx buffer, even if the
// device is not connected, or if the buffer is full. Has a small timeout
// to wait for the buffer to be drained, in the case the device is connected.
void USBD_CDC_TxAlways(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// If the CDC device is not connected to the host then we don't have anyone to receive our data.
// The device may become connected in the future, so we should at least try to fill the buffer
// and hope that it doesn't overflow by the time the device connects.
// If the device is not connected then we should go ahead and fill the buffer straight away,
// ignoring overflow. Otherwise, we should make sure that we have enough room in the buffer.
if (dev_is_connected) {
// If the buffer is full, wait until it gets drained, with a timeout of 500ms
// (wraparound of tick is taken care of by 2's complement arithmetic).
uint32_t start = HAL_GetTick();
while (((UserTxBufPtrIn + 1) & (APP_TX_DATA_SIZE - 1)) == UserTxBufPtrOut && HAL_GetTick() - start <= 500) {
if (query_irq() == IRQ_STATE_DISABLED) {
// IRQs disabled so buffer will never be drained; exit loop
__WFI(); // enter sleep mode, waiting for interrupt
// Some unused code that makes sure the low-level USB buffer is drained.
// Waiting for low-level is handled in HAL_PCD_SOFCallback.
start = HAL_GetTick();
PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd = hUSBDDevice.pData;
if (hpcd->IN_ep[0x83 & 0x7f].is_in) {
//volatile uint32_t *xfer_count = &hpcd->IN_ep[0x83 & 0x7f].xfer_count;
//volatile uint32_t *xfer_len = &hpcd->IN_ep[0x83 & 0x7f].xfer_len;
USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef *USBx = hpcd->Instance;
while (
// *xfer_count < *xfer_len // using this works
// (USBx_INEP(3)->DIEPTSIZ & USB_OTG_DIEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ) // using this works
&& HAL_GetTick() - start <= 2000) {
__WFI(); // enter sleep mode, waiting for interrupt
UserTxBuffer[UserTxBufPtrIn] = buf[i];
UserTxBufPtrIn = (UserTxBufPtrIn + 1) & (APP_TX_DATA_SIZE - 1);
// Returns number of bytes in the rx buffer.
int USBD_CDC_RxNum(void) {
return UserRxBufLen - UserRxBufCur;
// timout in milliseconds.
// Returns number of bytes read from the device.
int USBD_CDC_Rx(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout) {
// loop to read bytes
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Wait until we have at least 1 byte to read
uint32_t start = HAL_GetTick();
while (UserRxBufLen == UserRxBufCur) {
// Wraparound of tick is taken care of by 2's complement arithmetic.
if (HAL_GetTick() - start >= timeout) {
// timeout
return i;
if (query_irq() == IRQ_STATE_DISABLED) {
// IRQs disabled so buffer will never be filled; return immediately
return i;
__WFI(); // enter sleep mode, waiting for interrupt
// Copy byte from device to user buffer
buf[i] = UserRxBuffer[UserRxBufCur++];
// Success, return number of bytes read
return len;