By using the phase jitter between the DFLL48M clock and the FDPLL96M clock. Even if both use the same reference source, they have a different jitter. SysTick is driven by FDPLL96M, the us counter by DFLL48M. As a random source, the us counter is read out on every SysTick and the value is used to accumulate a simple multiply, add and xor register. According to tests it creates about 30 bit random bit-flips per second. That mechanism will pass quite a few RNG tests, has a suitable frequency distribution and serves better than just the time after boot to seed the PRNG.
MicroPython Documentation
The MicroPython documentation can be found at: http://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/
The documentation you see there is generated from the files in the docs tree: https://github.com/micropython/micropython/tree/master/docs
Building the documentation locally
If you're making changes to the documentation, you may want to build the documentation locally so that you can preview your changes.
Install Sphinx, and optionally (for the RTD-styling), sphinx_rtd_theme, preferably in a virtualenv:
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
In micropython/docs
, build the docs:
make html
You'll find the index page at micropython/docs/build/html/index.html
Having readthedocs.org build the documentation
If you would like to have docs for forks/branches hosted on GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket an alternative to building the docs locally is to sign up for a free https://readthedocs.org account. The rough steps to follow are:
- sign-up for an account, unless you already have one
- in your account settings: add GitHub as a connected service (assuming you have forked this repo on github)
- in your account projects: import your forked/cloned micropython repository into readthedocs
- in the project's versions: add the branches you are developing on or for which you'd like readthedocs to auto-generate docs whenever you push a change
PDF manual generation
This can be achieved with:
make latexpdf
but requires a rather complete install of LaTeX with various extensions. On Debian/Ubuntu, try (1GB+ download):
apt install texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-xetex texlive-fonts-extra cm-super xindy