A big change. Micro Python objects are allocated as individual structs with the first element being a pointer to the type information (which is itself an object). This scheme follows CPython. Much more flexible, not necessarily slower, uses same heap memory, and can allocate objects statically. Also change name prefix, from py_ to mp_ (mp for Micro Python).
161 lines
5.2 KiB
161 lines
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stm32f4xx.h>
#include <stm32f4xx_rcc.h>
#include <stm32f4xx_gpio.h>
#include <stm32f4xx_tim.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "mpconfig.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "servo.h"
// PWM
// TIM2 and TIM5 have CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 on PA0-PA3 respectively
// they are both 32-bit counters
// 16-bit prescaler
// TIM2_CH3 also on PB10 (used below)
void servo_init(void) {
// TIM2 clock enable
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2, ENABLE);
// for PB10
// GPIOB Configuration: TIM2_CH3 (PB10)
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
// Connect TIM2 pins to AF1
GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB, GPIO_PinSource10, GPIO_AF_TIM2);
// for PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3
// GPIOA Configuration: TIM2_CH0, TIM2_CH1 (PA0, PA1)
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0 | GPIO_Pin_1 | GPIO_Pin_2 | GPIO_Pin_3;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
// Connect TIM2 pins to AF1
// Compute the prescaler value so TIM2 runs at 100kHz
uint16_t PrescalerValue = (uint16_t) ((SystemCoreClock / 2) / 100000) - 1;
// Time base configuration
TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 2000; // timer cycles at 50Hz
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = PrescalerValue;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM2, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
// PWM Mode configuration
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStructure;
TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCMode = TIM_OCMode_PWM1;
TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable;
TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = 150; // units of 10us
TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCPolarity = TIM_OCPolarity_High;
TIM_OC1Init(TIM2, &TIM_OCInitStructure); // channel 1
TIM_OC2Init(TIM2, &TIM_OCInitStructure); // channel 2
TIM_OC3Init(TIM2, &TIM_OCInitStructure); // channel 3
TIM_OC4Init(TIM2, &TIM_OCInitStructure); // channel 4
// ?
TIM_OC1PreloadConfig(TIM2, TIM_OCPreload_Enable); // channel 1
TIM_OC2PreloadConfig(TIM2, TIM_OCPreload_Enable); // channel 2
TIM_OC3PreloadConfig(TIM2, TIM_OCPreload_Enable); // channel 3
TIM_OC4PreloadConfig(TIM2, TIM_OCPreload_Enable); // channel 4
// ?
TIM_ARRPreloadConfig(TIM2, ENABLE);
// TIM2 enable counter
/* Micro Python bindings */
mp_obj_t pyb_servo_set(mp_obj_t port, mp_obj_t value) {
int p = mp_obj_get_int(port);
int v = mp_obj_get_int(value);
if (v < 50) { v = 50; }
if (v > 250) { v = 250; }
switch (p) {
case 1: TIM2->CCR1 = v; break;
case 2: TIM2->CCR2 = v; break;
case 3: TIM2->CCR3 = v; break;
case 4: TIM2->CCR4 = v; break;
return mp_const_none;
mp_obj_t pyb_pwm_set(mp_obj_t period, mp_obj_t pulse) {
int pe = mp_obj_get_int(period);
int pu = mp_obj_get_int(pulse);
TIM2->ARR = pe;
TIM2->CCR3 = pu;
return mp_const_none;
typedef struct _pyb_servo_obj_t {
mp_obj_base_t base;
uint servo_id;
} pyb_servo_obj_t;
static void servo_obj_print(void (*print)(void *env, const char *fmt, ...), void *env, mp_obj_t self_in) {
pyb_servo_obj_t *self = self_in;
print(env, "<Servo %lu>", self->servo_id);
static mp_obj_t servo_obj_angle(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t angle) {
pyb_servo_obj_t *self = self_in;
machine_int_t v = 152 + 85.0 * mp_obj_get_float(angle) / 90.0;
if (v < 65) { v = 65; }
if (v > 210) { v = 210; }
switch (self->servo_id) {
case 1: TIM2->CCR1 = v; break;
case 2: TIM2->CCR2 = v; break;
case 3: TIM2->CCR3 = v; break;
case 4: TIM2->CCR4 = v; break;
return mp_const_none;
static MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_2(servo_obj_angle_obj, servo_obj_angle);
static const mp_obj_type_t servo_obj_type = {
{ &mp_const_type },
servo_obj_print, // print
NULL, // call_n
NULL, // unary_op
NULL, // binary_op
NULL, // getiter
NULL, // iternext
{ // method list
{ "angle", &servo_obj_angle_obj },
mp_obj_t pyb_Servo(mp_obj_t servo_id) {
pyb_servo_obj_t *o = m_new_obj(pyb_servo_obj_t);
o->base.type = &servo_obj_type;
o->servo_id = mp_obj_get_int(servo_id);
return o;