Previous to this patch the printing mechanism was a bit of a tangled mess. This patch attempts to consolidate printing into one interface. All (non-debug) printing now uses the mp_print* family of functions, mainly mp_printf. All these functions take an mp_print_t structure as their first argument, and this structure defines the printing backend through the "print_strn" function of said structure. Printing from the uPy core can reach the platform-defined print code via two paths: either through mp_sys_stdout_obj (defined pert port) in conjunction with mp_stream_write; or through the mp_plat_print structure which uses the MP_PLAT_PRINT_STRN macro to define how string are printed on the platform. The former is only used when MICROPY_PY_IO is defined. With this new scheme printing is generally more efficient (less layers to go through, less arguments to pass), and, given an mp_print_t* structure, one can call mp_print_str for efficiency instead of mp_printf("%s", ...). Code size is also reduced by around 200 bytes on Thumb2 archs.
Build Instructions for Teensy 3.1
Currently the Teensy 3.1 port of Micro Python builds under Linux and not under Windows.
The tool chain required for the build can be found at https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded.
Download the current Linux *.tar.bz2 file. Instructions regarding unpacking the file and moving it to the correct location as well as adding the extracted folders to the enviroment variable can be found at http://eliaselectronics.com/stm32f4-tutorials/setting-up-the-stm32f4-arm-development-toolchain/
In order to download the firmware image to the teensy, you'll need to use the downloader included with TeensyDuino. The following assumes that you have TeensyDuino installed and set the ARDUINO environment variable pointing to the where Arduino with TeensyDuino is installed.
cd teensy
ARDUINO=~/arduino-1.0.5 make
To upload micropython to the Teensy 3.1.
Press the Program button on the Teensy 3.1
sudo ARDUINO=~/arduino-1.0.5/ make deploy
Currently, the Python prompt is through the USB serial interface, i.e.
minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
Install 49-teensy.rules into /etc/udev/rules.d
If you install the 49-teensy.rules file from http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/49-teensy.rules
into your /etc/udev/rules.d
folder then you won't need to use sudo:
sudo cp ~/Downloads/49-teensy.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
Unplug and replug the teensy board, and then you can use: ARDUINO=~/arduino-1.0.5/ make deploy
Create a GNUmakefile to hold your ARDUINO setting.
Create a file call GNUmakefile (note the lowercase m) in the teensy folder with the following contents:
$(info Executing GNUmakefile)
include Makefile
GNUmakefile is not checked into the source code control system, so it will retain your settings when updating your source tree. You can also add additional Makefile customizations this way.