You can now append a zipfile (containining uncomressed python sources) to the micropython.hex file. Use MEMZIP_DIR=directory when you call make, or set that in your environment to include a different tree of source files. Added sample /boot.py, /src/main.py, /test.py and /src/test.py files. Added run command so that you can execute scripts from REPL (until import is implemented). Added build directory to .gitignore
Build Instructions for Teensy 3.1
This assumes that you have TeensyDuino installed and set the ARUINO environment variable pointing to the where Arduino with TeensyDuino is installed.
cd teensy
ARDUINO=~/arduino-1.0.5 make
To upload micropython to the Teensy 3.1.
Press the Program button on the Teensy 3.1
make upload
Currently, the python prompt is through the USB serial interface.