#! /usr/bin/env python3 import os import subprocess import sys import platform import argparse import re from glob import glob # Tests require at least CPython 3.3. If your default python3 executable # is of lower version, you can point MICROPY_CPYTHON3 environment var # to the correct executable. if os.name == 'nt': CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3.exe') MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', '../windows/micropython.exe') else: CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3') MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', '../unix/micropython') # Set PYTHONIOENCODING so that CPython will use utf-8 on systems which set another encoding in the locale os.environ['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8' os.environ['MICROPYPATH'] = '' def rm_f(fname): if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname) def run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file): if pyb is None: # run on PC if test_file.startswith(('cmdline/', 'feature_check/')) or test_file == 'micropython/meminfo.py': # special handling for tests of the unix cmdline program # check for any cmdline options needed for this test args = [MICROPYTHON] with open(test_file, 'rb') as f: line = f.readline() if line.startswith(b'# cmdline:'): # subprocess.check_output on Windows only accepts strings, not bytes args += [str(c, 'utf-8') for c in line[10:].strip().split()] # run the test, possibly with redirected input try: if 'repl_' in test_file: # Need to use a PTY to test command line editing try: import pty except ImportError: # in case pty module is not available, like on Windows return b'SKIP\n' import select def get(required=False): rv = b'' while True: ready = select.select([master], [], [], 0.02) if ready[0] == [master]: rv += os.read(master, 1024) else: if not required or rv: return rv def send_get(what): os.write(master, what) return get() with open(test_file, 'rb') as f: # instead of: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(args, stdin=f) master, slave = pty.openpty() p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0) banner = get(True) output_mupy = banner + b''.join(send_get(line) for line in f) p.kill() os.close(master) os.close(slave) else: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(args + [test_file]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return b'CRASH' # unescape wanted regex chars and escape unwanted ones def convert_regex_escapes(line): cs = [] escape = False for c in str(line, 'utf8'): if escape: escape = False cs.append(c) elif c == '\\': escape = True elif c in ('(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '.', '*', '+', '^', '$'): cs.append('\\' + c) else: cs.append(c) # accept carriage-return(s) before final newline if cs[-1] == '\n': cs[-1] = '\r*\n' return bytes(''.join(cs), 'utf8') # convert parts of the output that are not stable across runs with open(test_file + '.exp', 'rb') as f: lines_exp = [] for line in f.readlines(): if line == b'########\n': line = (line,) else: line = (line, re.compile(convert_regex_escapes(line))) lines_exp.append(line) lines_mupy = [line + b'\n' for line in output_mupy.split(b'\n')] if output_mupy.endswith(b'\n'): lines_mupy = lines_mupy[:-1] # remove erroneous last empty line i_mupy = 0 for i in range(len(lines_exp)): if lines_exp[i][0] == b'########\n': # 8x #'s means match 0 or more whole lines line_exp = lines_exp[i + 1] skip = 0 while i_mupy + skip < len(lines_mupy) and not line_exp[1].match(lines_mupy[i_mupy + skip]): skip += 1 if i_mupy + skip >= len(lines_mupy): lines_mupy[i_mupy] = b'######## FAIL\n' break del lines_mupy[i_mupy:i_mupy + skip] lines_mupy.insert(i_mupy, b'########\n') i_mupy += 1 else: # a regex if lines_exp[i][1].match(lines_mupy[i_mupy]): lines_mupy[i_mupy] = lines_exp[i][0] else: #print("don't match: %r %s" % (lines_exp[i][1], lines_mupy[i_mupy])) # DEBUG pass i_mupy += 1 if i_mupy >= len(lines_mupy): break output_mupy = b''.join(lines_mupy) if os.name == 'nt': output_mupy = output_mupy.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n') else: # a standard test try: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output([MICROPYTHON, '-X', 'emit=' + args.emit, test_file]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output_mupy = b'CRASH' else: # run on pyboard import pyboard pyb.enter_raw_repl() try: output_mupy = pyb.execfile(test_file).replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') except pyboard.PyboardError: output_mupy = b'CRASH' return output_mupy def run_tests(pyb, tests, args): test_count = 0 testcase_count = 0 passed_count = 0 failed_tests = [] skipped_tests = [] skip_tests = set() skip_native = False # Check if micropython.native is supported, and skip such tests if it's not native = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/native_check.py') if native == b'CRASH': skip_native = True # Check if emacs repl is supported, and skip such tests if it's not t = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/repl_emacs_check.py') if not 'True' in str(t, 'ascii'): skip_tests.add('cmdline/repl_emacs_keys.py') # These tests are now broken because showbc uses buffered printf if True: skip_tests.add('cmdline/cmd_verbose.py') skip_tests.add('cmdline/cmd_showbc.py') upy_byteorder = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/byteorder.py') has_complex = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/complex.py') == b'complex\n' cpy_byteorder = subprocess.check_output([CPYTHON3, 'feature_check/byteorder.py']) skip_endian = (upy_byteorder != cpy_byteorder) # Some tests shouldn't be run under Travis CI if os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'true': skip_tests.add('basics/memoryerror.py') if not has_complex: skip_tests.add('float/complex1.py') skip_tests.add('float/int_big_float.py') skip_tests.add('float/true_value.py') skip_tests.add('float/types.py') # Some tests shouldn't be run on pyboard if pyb is not None: skip_tests.add('basics/exception_chain.py') # warning is not printed skip_tests.add('float/float_divmod.py') # tested by float/float_divmod_relaxed.py instead skip_tests.add('float/float2int_doubleprec.py') # requires double precision floating point to work skip_tests.add('micropython/meminfo.py') # output is very different to PC output skip_tests.add('extmod/machine1.py') # raw memory access not supported skip_tests.add('extmod/machine_mem.py') # raw memory access not supported if args.target == 'wipy': skip_tests.add('misc/print_exception.py') # requires error reporting full skip_tests.add('misc/recursion.py') # requires stack checking enabled skip_tests.add('misc/recursive_data.py') # requires stack checking enabled skip_tests.add('misc/recursive_iternext.py') # requires stack checking enabled skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py') # requires floating point skip_tests.update({'extmod/uctypes_%s.py' % t for t in 'bytearray le native_le ptr_le ptr_native_le sizeof sizeof_native'.split()}) # requires uctypes skip_tests.add('extmod/zlibd_decompress.py') # requires zlib skip_tests.add('extmod/ujson_dumps_float.py') # requires floating point skip_tests.add('extmod/ujson_loads_float.py') # requires floating point skip_tests.add('extmod/uheapq1.py') # uheapq not supported by WiPy # Some tests are known to fail on 64-bit machines if pyb is None and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': pass # Some tests use unsupported features on Windows if os.name == 'nt': skip_tests.add('import/import_file.py') # works but CPython prints forward slashes # Some tests are known to fail with native emitter # Remove them from the below when they work if args.emit == 'native': skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'gen_yield_from gen_yield_from_close gen_yield_from_ducktype gen_yield_from_exc gen_yield_from_iter gen_yield_from_send gen_yield_from_throw generator1 generator2 generator_args generator_close generator_closure generator_exc generator_return generator_send'.split()}) # require yield skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'bytes_gen class_store_class globals_del string_join'.split()}) # require yield skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'try_reraise try_reraise2'.split()}) # require raise_varargs skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'with1 with_break with_continue with_return'.split()}) # require with skip_tests.add('basics/array_construct2.py') # requires generators skip_tests.add('basics/bool1.py') # seems to randomly fail skip_tests.add('basics/del_deref.py') # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add('basics/del_local.py') # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add('basics/exception_chain.py') # raise from is not supported skip_tests.add('basics/try_finally_loops.py') # requires proper try finally code skip_tests.add('basics/try_finally_return.py') # requires proper try finally code skip_tests.add('basics/unboundlocal.py') # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add('import/gen_context.py') # requires yield_value skip_tests.add('io/file_with.py') # requires with skip_tests.add('io/stringio_with.py') # requires with skip_tests.add('misc/features.py') # requires raise_varargs skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py') # requires yield skip_tests.add('misc/print_exception.py') # because native doesn't have proper traceback info skip_tests.add('misc/sys_exc_info.py') # sys.exc_info() is not supported for native for test_file in tests: test_file = test_file.replace('\\', '/') test_basename = os.path.basename(test_file) test_name = os.path.splitext(test_basename)[0] is_native = test_name.startswith("native_") or test_name.startswith("viper_") is_endian = test_name.endswith("_endian") if test_file in skip_tests or (skip_native and is_native) or (skip_endian and is_endian): print("skip ", test_file) skipped_tests.append(test_name) continue # get expected output test_file_expected = test_file + '.exp' if os.path.isfile(test_file_expected): # expected output given by a file, so read that in with open(test_file_expected, 'rb') as f: output_expected = f.read() if os.name == 'nt': output_expected = output_expected.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n') else: # run CPython to work out expected output try: output_expected = subprocess.check_output([CPYTHON3, '-B', test_file]) if args.write_exp: with open(test_file_expected, 'wb') as f: f.write(output_expected) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output_expected = b'CPYTHON3 CRASH' if args.write_exp: continue # run Micro Python output_mupy = run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file) if os.name != 'nt': # It may be the case that we run Windows build under Linux # (using Wine). output_mupy = output_mupy.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') if output_mupy == b'SKIP\n' or output_mupy == b'SKIP\r\n': print("skip ", test_file) skipped_tests.append(test_name) continue testcase_count += len(output_expected.splitlines()) filename_expected = test_basename + ".exp" filename_mupy = test_basename + ".out" if output_expected == output_mupy: print("pass ", test_file) passed_count += 1 rm_f(filename_expected) rm_f(filename_mupy) else: with open(filename_expected, "wb") as f: f.write(output_expected) with open(filename_mupy, "wb") as f: f.write(output_mupy) print("FAIL ", test_file) failed_tests.append(test_name) test_count += 1 print("{} tests performed ({} individual testcases)".format(test_count, testcase_count)) print("{} tests passed".format(passed_count)) if len(skipped_tests) > 0: print("{} tests skipped: {}".format(len(skipped_tests), ' '.join(skipped_tests))) if len(failed_tests) > 0: print("{} tests failed: {}".format(len(failed_tests), ' '.join(failed_tests))) return False # all tests succeeded return True def main(): cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run tests for MicroPython.') cmd_parser.add_argument('--target', default='unix', help='the target platform') cmd_parser.add_argument('--device', default='/dev/ttyACM0', help='the serial device or the IP address of the pyboard') cmd_parser.add_argument('-b', '--baudrate', default=115200, help='the baud rate of the serial device') cmd_parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', default='micro', help='the telnet login username') cmd_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default='python', help='the telnet login password') cmd_parser.add_argument('-d', '--test-dirs', nargs='*', help='input test directories (if no files given)') cmd_parser.add_argument('--write-exp', action='store_true', help='save .exp files to run tests w/o CPython') cmd_parser.add_argument('--emit', default='bytecode', help='MicroPython emitter to use (bytecode or native)') cmd_parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', help='input test files') args = cmd_parser.parse_args() if args.target == 'pyboard' or args.target == 'wipy': import pyboard pyb = pyboard.Pyboard(args.device, args.baudrate, args.user, args.password) pyb.enter_raw_repl() elif args.target == 'unix': pyb = None else: raise ValueError('target must be either unix, pyboard or wipy') if len(args.files) == 0: if args.test_dirs is None: if args.target == 'pyboard': # run pyboard tests test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'float', 'misc', 'extmod', 'pyb', 'pybnative', 'inlineasm') elif args.target == 'wipy': # run WiPy tests test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'misc', 'extmod', 'wipy') else: # run PC tests test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'float', 'import', 'io', 'misc', 'unicode', 'extmod', 'unix', 'cmdline') else: # run tests from these directories test_dirs = args.test_dirs tests = sorted(test_file for test_files in (glob('{}/*.py'.format(dir)) for dir in test_dirs) for test_file in test_files) else: # tests explicitly given tests = args.files if not run_tests(pyb, tests, args): sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()