.. _machine.I2C: class I2C -- a two-wire serial protocol ======================================= I2C is a two-wire protocol for communicating between devices. At the physical level it consists of 2 wires: SCL and SDA, the clock and data lines respectively. I2C objects are created attached to a specific bus. They can be initialised when created, or initialised later on. .. only:: port_wipy Example:: from machine import I2C i2c = I2C(0) # create on bus 0 i2c = I2C(0, I2C.MASTER) # create and init as a master i2c.init(I2C.MASTER, baudrate=20000) # init as a master i2c.deinit() # turn off the peripheral Printing the i2c object gives you information about its configuration. .. only:: port_wipy A master must specify the recipient's address:: i2c.init(I2C.MASTER) i2c.writeto(0x42, '123') # send 3 bytes to slave with address 0x42 i2c.writeto(addr=0x42, b'456') # keyword for address Master also has other methods:: i2c.scan() # scan for slaves on the bus, returning # a list of valid addresses i2c.readfrom_mem(0x42, 2, 3) # read 3 bytes from memory of slave 0x42, # starting at address 2 in the slave i2c.writeto_mem(0x42, 2, 'abc') # write 'abc' (3 bytes) to memory of slave 0x42 # starting at address 2 in the slave, timeout after 1 second Constructors ------------ .. only:: port_wipy .. class:: machine.I2C(bus, ...) Construct an I2C object on the given bus. `bus` can only be 0. If the bus is not given, the default one will be selected (0). Methods ------- .. method:: i2c.deinit() Turn off the I2C bus. .. only:: port_wipy .. method:: i2c.init(mode, \*, baudrate=100000, pins=(SDA, SCL)) Initialise the I2C bus with the given parameters: - ``mode`` must be ``I2C.MASTER`` - ``baudrate`` is the SCL clock rate - ``pins`` is an optional tuple with the pins to assign to the I2C bus. .. method:: i2c.readfrom(addr, nbytes) Read ``nbytes`` from the slave specified by ``addr``. Returns a ``bytes`` object with the data read. .. method:: i2c.readfrom_into(addr, buf) Read into ``buf`` from the slave specified by ``addr``. Returns the number of bytes read. .. method:: i2c.writeto(addr, buf, \*, stop=True) Write ``buf`` to the slave specified by ``addr``. Set ``stop`` to ``False`` if the transfer should be continued. Returns the number of bytes written. .. method:: i2c.readfrom_mem(addr, memaddr, nbytes, \*, addrsize=8) Read ``nbytes`` from the slave specified by ``addr`` starting from the memory address specified by ``memaddr``. Param ``addrsize`` specifies the address size in bits. Returns a ``bytes`` object with the data read. .. method:: i2c.readfrom_mem_into(addr, memaddr, buf, \*, addrsize=8) Read into ``buf`` from the slave specified by ``addr`` starting from the memory address specified by ``memaddr``. Param ``addrsize`` specifies the address size in bits. Returns the number of bytes read. .. method:: i2c.writeto_mem(addr, memaddr, buf, \*, addrsize=8) Write ``buf`` to the slave specified by ``addr`` starting from the memory address specified by ``memaddr``. Param ``addrsize`` specifies the address size in bits. Set ``stop`` to ``False`` if the transfer should be continued. Returns the number of bytes written. .. method:: i2c.scan() Scan all I2C addresses between 0x08 and 0x77 inclusive and return a list of those that respond. Only valid when in master mode. Constants --------- .. data:: I2C.MASTER for initialising the bus to master mode