#include #include #include #include #include #include "misc.h" #include "machine.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "vm.h" #define DEBUG_printf(args...) (void)0 //#define DEBUG_printf(args...) printf(args) #define DEBUG_OP_printf(args...) (void)0 //#define DEBUG_OP_printf(args...) printf(args) // enable/disable float support with this definition #define PY_FLOAT (1) typedef machine_int_t py_small_int_t; #define IS_O(o, k) (((((py_small_int_t)(o)) & 1) == 0) && (((py_obj_base_t*)(o))->kind == (k))) #define IS_SMALL_INT(o) (((py_small_int_t)(o)) & 1) #define FROM_SMALL_INT(o) (((py_small_int_t)(o)) >> 1) #define TO_SMALL_INT(o) ((py_obj_t)(((o) << 1) | 1)) #ifdef PY_FLOAT typedef machine_float_t float_t; #endif typedef enum { O_CONST, O_STR, #ifdef PY_FLOAT O_FLOAT, #endif O_FUN_0, O_FUN_1, O_FUN_2, O_FUN_N, O_FUN_BC, O_BOUND_METH, O_LIST, O_SET, O_MAP, O_CLASS, } py_obj_kind_t; typedef enum { MAP_QSTR, MAP_PY_OBJ, } py_map_kind_t; typedef struct _py_map_elem_t { py_obj_t key; py_obj_t value; } py_map_elem_t; typedef struct _py_map_t { py_map_kind_t kind; machine_uint_t alloc; machine_uint_t used; py_map_elem_t *table; } py_map_t; typedef struct _py_obj_base_t { py_obj_kind_t kind; union { const char *id; qstr u_str; #ifdef PY_FLOAT float_t flt; #endif struct { // for O_FUN_[012N] void *fun; int n_args; } u_fun; struct { // for O_FUN_BC byte *code; uint len; int n_args; } u_fun_bc; struct { // for O_BOUND_METH py_obj_t meth; py_obj_t self; } u_bound_meth; struct { // for O_LIST int alloc; int len; py_obj_t *items; } u_list; struct { // for O_SET int alloc; int used; py_obj_t *table; } u_set; py_map_t u_map; // for O_MAP /* struct { // for O_MAP int alloc; int used; py_map_elem_t *table; } u_map; */ struct { // for O_CLASS py_map_t *map; } u_class; }; } py_obj_base_t; py_obj_t py_const_none; py_obj_t py_const_false; py_obj_t py_const_true; py_map_t map_name; py_map_t map_builtins; // approximatelly doubling primes; made with Mathematica command: Table[Prime[Floor[(1.7)^n]], {n, 3, 24}] static int doubling_primes[] = {7, 19, 43, 89, 179, 347, 647, 1229, 2297, 4243, 7829, 14347, 26017, 47149, 84947, 152443, 273253, 488399, 869927, 1547173, 2745121, 4861607}; int get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(int x) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(doubling_primes) / sizeof(int); i++) { if (doubling_primes[i] >= x) { return doubling_primes[i]; } } // ran out of primes in the table! // return something sensible, at least make it odd return x | 1; } void py_map_init(py_map_t *map, py_map_kind_t kind, int n) { map->kind = kind; map->alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(n + 1); map->used = 0; map->table = m_new(py_map_elem_t, map->alloc); for (int i = 0; i < map->alloc; i++) { map->table[i].key = NULL; map->table[i].value = NULL; } } py_map_t *py_map_new(py_map_kind_t kind, int n) { py_map_t *map = m_new(py_map_t, 1); py_map_init(map, kind, n); return map; } int py_obj_hash(py_obj_t o_in) { if (IS_SMALL_INT(o_in)) { return FROM_SMALL_INT(o_in); } else if (IS_O(o_in, O_STR)) { return ((py_obj_base_t*)o_in)->u_str; } else { assert(0); return 0; } } bool py_obj_equal(py_obj_t o1, py_obj_t o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return true; } else if (IS_SMALL_INT(o1) && IS_SMALL_INT(o2)) { return false; } else if (IS_O(o1, O_STR) && IS_O(o2, O_STR)) { return ((py_obj_base_t*)o1)->u_str == ((py_obj_base_t*)o2)->u_str; } else { assert(0); return false; } } py_map_elem_t* py_map_lookup_helper(py_map_t *map, py_obj_t index, bool add_if_not_found) { bool is_map_py_obj = (map->kind == MAP_PY_OBJ); machine_uint_t hash; if (is_map_py_obj) { hash = py_obj_hash(index); } else { hash = (machine_uint_t)index; } uint pos = hash % map->alloc; for (;;) { py_map_elem_t *elem = &map->table[pos]; if (elem->key == NULL) { // not in table if (add_if_not_found) { if (map->used + 1 >= map->alloc) { // not enough room in table, rehash it int old_alloc = map->alloc; py_map_elem_t *old_table = map->table; map->alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(map->alloc + 1); map->used = 0; map->table = m_new(py_map_elem_t, map->alloc); for (int i = 0; i < old_alloc; i++) { if (old_table[i].key != NULL) { py_map_lookup_helper(map, old_table[i].key, true)->value = old_table[i].value; } } m_free(old_table); // restart the search for the new element pos = hash % map->alloc; } else { map->used += 1; elem->key = index; return elem; } } else { return NULL; } } else if (elem->key == index || (is_map_py_obj && py_obj_equal(elem->key, index))) { // found it if (add_if_not_found) { elem->key = index; } return elem; } else { // not yet found, keep searching in this table pos = (pos + 1) % map->alloc; } } } py_map_elem_t* py_qstr_map_lookup(py_map_t *map, qstr index, bool add_if_not_found) { py_obj_t o = (py_obj_t)(machine_uint_t)index; return py_map_lookup_helper(map, o, add_if_not_found); } py_map_elem_t* py_map_lookup(py_obj_t o, py_obj_t index, bool add_if_not_found) { assert(IS_O(o, O_MAP)); return py_map_lookup_helper(&((py_obj_base_t *)o)->u_map, index, add_if_not_found); } static bool fit_small_int(py_small_int_t o) { return true; } py_obj_t py_obj_new_const(const char *id) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_CONST; o->id = id; return (py_obj_t)o; } py_obj_t py_obj_new_str(qstr qstr) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_STR; o->u_str = qstr; return (py_obj_t)o; } #ifdef PY_FLOAT py_obj_t py_obj_new_float(float_t val) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_FLOAT; o->flt = val; return (py_obj_t)o; } #endif py_obj_t list_append(py_obj_t self_in, py_obj_t arg) { assert(IS_O(self_in, O_LIST)); py_obj_base_t *self = self_in; if (self->u_list.len >= self->u_list.alloc) { self->u_list.alloc *= 2; self->u_list.items = m_renew(py_obj_t, self->u_list.items, self->u_list.alloc); } self->u_list.items[self->u_list.len++] = arg; return arg; } static qstr q_append; static qstr q_print; static qstr q_len; static qstr q___build_class__; typedef enum { PY_CODE_NATIVE, PY_CODE_BYTE, } py_code_kind_t; typedef struct _py_code_t { py_code_kind_t kind; int n_args; union { struct { py_fun_t fun; } u_native; struct { byte *code; uint len; } u_byte; }; } py_code_t; static int next_unique_code_id; static py_code_t *unique_codes; py_obj_t fun_list_append; py_obj_t py_builtin_print(py_obj_t o) { if (IS_O(o, O_STR)) { // special case, print string raw printf("%s\n", qstr_str(((py_obj_base_t*)o)->u_str)); } else { // print the object Python style py_obj_print(o); printf("\n"); } return py_const_none; } py_obj_t py_builtin_len(py_obj_t o_in) { py_small_int_t len = 0; if (IS_O(o_in, O_LIST)) { py_obj_base_t *o = o_in; len = o->u_list.len; } else if (IS_O(o_in, O_MAP)) { py_obj_base_t *o = o_in; len = o->u_map.used; } else { assert(0); } return TO_SMALL_INT(len); } py_obj_t py_builtin___build_class__(py_obj_t o1, py_obj_t o2) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_CLASS; o->u_class.map = py_map_new(MAP_QSTR, 0); return o; } FILE *fp_native = NULL; void rt_init() { q_append = qstr_from_str_static("append"); q_print = qstr_from_str_static("print"); q_len = qstr_from_str_static("len"); q___build_class__ = qstr_from_str_static("__build_class__"); py_const_none = py_obj_new_const("None"); py_const_false = py_obj_new_const("False"); py_const_true = py_obj_new_const("True"); py_map_init(&map_name, MAP_QSTR, 0); py_map_init(&map_builtins, MAP_QSTR, 3); py_qstr_map_lookup(&map_builtins, q_print, true)->value = rt_make_function_1(py_builtin_print); py_qstr_map_lookup(&map_builtins, q_len, true)->value = rt_make_function_1(py_builtin_len); py_qstr_map_lookup(&map_builtins, q___build_class__, true)->value = rt_make_function_2(py_builtin___build_class__); next_unique_code_id = 1; unique_codes = NULL; fun_list_append = rt_make_function_2(list_append); fp_native = fopen("out-native", "wb"); } void rt_deinit() { if (fp_native != NULL) { fclose(fp_native); } } int rt_get_new_unique_code_id() { return next_unique_code_id++; } void rt_assign_native_code(int unique_code_id, py_fun_t fun, uint len, int n_args) { if (unique_codes == NULL) { unique_codes = m_new(py_code_t, next_unique_code_id); } assert(1 <= unique_code_id && unique_code_id < next_unique_code_id); unique_codes[unique_code_id].kind = PY_CODE_NATIVE; unique_codes[unique_code_id].n_args = n_args; unique_codes[unique_code_id].u_native.fun = fun; DEBUG_printf("assign native code: id=%d fun=%p len=%u n_args=%d\n", unique_code_id, fun, len, n_args); byte *fun_data = (byte*)(((machine_uint_t)fun) & (~1)); // need to clear lower bit in case it's thumb code for (int i = 0; i < 128 && i < len; i++) { if (i > 0 && i % 16 == 0) { DEBUG_printf("\n"); } DEBUG_printf(" %02x", fun_data[i]); } DEBUG_printf("\n"); if (fp_native != NULL) { fwrite(fun_data, len, 1, fp_native); } } void rt_assign_byte_code(int unique_code_id, byte *code, uint len, int n_args) { if (unique_codes == NULL) { unique_codes = m_new(py_code_t, next_unique_code_id); } assert(unique_code_id < next_unique_code_id); unique_codes[unique_code_id].kind = PY_CODE_BYTE; unique_codes[unique_code_id].n_args = n_args; unique_codes[unique_code_id].u_byte.code = code; unique_codes[unique_code_id].u_byte.len = len; DEBUG_printf("assign byte code: id=%d code=%p len=%u n_args=%d\n", unique_code_id, code, len, n_args); } const char *py_obj_get_type_str(py_obj_t o_in) { if (IS_SMALL_INT(o_in)) { return "int"; } else { py_obj_base_t *o = o_in; switch (o->kind) { case O_CONST: if (o == py_const_none) { return "NoneType"; } else { return "bool"; } case O_STR: return "str"; #ifdef PY_FLOAT case O_FLOAT: return "float"; #endif case O_LIST: return "list"; case O_SET: return "set"; case O_MAP: return "dict"; default: assert(0); return "UnknownType"; } } } void py_obj_print(py_obj_t o_in) { if (IS_SMALL_INT(o_in)) { printf("%d", (int)FROM_SMALL_INT(o_in)); } else { py_obj_base_t *o = o_in; switch (o->kind) { case O_CONST: printf("%s", o->id); break; case O_STR: // TODO need to escape chars etc printf("'%s'", qstr_str(o->u_str)); break; #ifdef PY_FLOAT case O_FLOAT: printf("%f", o->flt); break; #endif case O_LIST: printf("["); for (int i = 0; i < o->u_list.len; i++) { if (i > 0) { printf(", "); } py_obj_print(o->u_list.items[i]); } printf("]"); break; case O_SET: { bool first = true; printf("{"); for (int i = 0; i < o->u_set.alloc; i++) { if (o->u_set.table[i] != NULL) { if (!first) { printf(", "); } first = false; py_obj_print(o->u_set.table[i]); } } printf("}"); break; } case O_MAP: { bool first = true; printf("{"); for (int i = 0; i < o->u_map.alloc; i++) { if (o->u_map.table[i].key != NULL) { if (!first) { printf(", "); } first = false; py_obj_print(o->u_map.table[i].key); printf(": "); py_obj_print(o->u_map.table[i].value); } } printf("}"); break; } default: assert(0); } } } int rt_is_true(py_obj_t arg) { DEBUG_OP_printf("is true %p\n", arg); if (IS_SMALL_INT(arg)) { if (FROM_SMALL_INT(arg) == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } else if (arg == py_const_none) { return 0; } else if (arg == py_const_false) { return 0; } else if (arg == py_const_true) { return 1; } else { assert(0); return 0; } } int rt_get_int(py_obj_t arg) { if (IS_SMALL_INT(arg)) { return FROM_SMALL_INT(arg); } else { assert(0); return 0; } } py_obj_t rt_load_const_str(qstr qstr) { DEBUG_OP_printf("load '%s'\n", qstr_str(qstr)); return py_obj_new_str(qstr); } py_obj_t rt_load_name(qstr qstr) { // logic: search locals, globals, builtins DEBUG_OP_printf("load %s\n", qstr_str(qstr)); py_map_elem_t *elem = py_qstr_map_lookup(&map_name, qstr, false); if (elem == NULL) { elem = py_qstr_map_lookup(&map_builtins, qstr, false); if (elem == NULL) { printf("name doesn't exist: %s\n", qstr_str(qstr)); assert(0); } } return elem->value; } py_obj_t rt_load_global(qstr qstr) { return rt_load_name(qstr); // TODO } py_obj_t rt_load_build_class() { DEBUG_OP_printf("load_build_class\n"); py_map_elem_t *elem = py_qstr_map_lookup(&map_builtins, q___build_class__, false); if (elem == NULL) { printf("name doesn't exist: __build_class__\n"); assert(0); } return elem->value; } void rt_store_name(qstr qstr, py_obj_t obj) { DEBUG_OP_printf("store %s <- %p\n", qstr_str(qstr), obj); py_qstr_map_lookup(&map_name, qstr, true)->value = obj; } py_obj_t rt_unary_op(int op, py_obj_t arg) { assert(0); return py_const_none; } py_obj_t rt_binary_op(int op, py_obj_t lhs, py_obj_t rhs) { DEBUG_OP_printf("binary %d %p %p\n", op, lhs, rhs); if (op == RT_BINARY_OP_SUBSCR) { if (IS_O(lhs, O_LIST) && IS_SMALL_INT(rhs)) { return ((py_obj_base_t*)lhs)->u_list.items[FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs)]; } else { assert(0); } } else if (IS_SMALL_INT(lhs) && IS_SMALL_INT(rhs)) { py_small_int_t val; switch (op) { case RT_BINARY_OP_ADD: case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_ADD: val = FROM_SMALL_INT(lhs) + FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs); break; case RT_BINARY_OP_SUBTRACT: val = FROM_SMALL_INT(lhs) - FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs); break; case RT_BINARY_OP_MULTIPLY: val = FROM_SMALL_INT(lhs) * FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs); break; case RT_BINARY_OP_FLOOR_DIVIDE: val = FROM_SMALL_INT(lhs) / FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs); break; #ifdef PY_FLOAT case RT_BINARY_OP_TRUE_DIVIDE: return py_obj_new_float((float_t)FROM_SMALL_INT(lhs) / (float_t)FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs)); #endif default: printf("%d\n", op); assert(0); val = 0; } if (fit_small_int(val)) { return TO_SMALL_INT(val); } } else if (IS_O(lhs, O_STR) && IS_O(rhs, O_STR)) { const char *lhs_str = qstr_str(((py_obj_base_t*)lhs)->u_str); const char *rhs_str = qstr_str(((py_obj_base_t*)rhs)->u_str); char *val; switch (op) { case RT_BINARY_OP_ADD: case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_ADD: val = m_new(char, strlen(lhs_str) + strlen(rhs_str) + 1); strcpy(val, lhs_str); strcat(val, rhs_str); break; default: printf("%d\n", op); assert(0); val = NULL; } return py_obj_new_str(qstr_from_str_take(val)); } assert(0); return py_const_none; } py_obj_t rt_compare_op(int op, py_obj_t lhs, py_obj_t rhs) { DEBUG_OP_printf("compare %d %p %p\n", op, lhs, rhs); if (IS_SMALL_INT(lhs) && IS_SMALL_INT(rhs)) { int cmp; switch (op) { case RT_COMPARE_OP_LESS: cmp = FROM_SMALL_INT(lhs) < FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs); break; case RT_COMPARE_OP_MORE: cmp = FROM_SMALL_INT(lhs) > FROM_SMALL_INT(rhs); break; default: assert(0); cmp = 0; } if (cmp) { return py_const_true; } else { return py_const_false; } } assert(0); return py_const_none; } py_obj_t rt_make_function_from_id(int unique_code_id) { DEBUG_OP_printf("make_function_from_id %d\n", unique_code_id); if (unique_code_id < 1 || unique_code_id >= next_unique_code_id) { // illegal code id return py_const_none; } py_code_t *c = &unique_codes[unique_code_id]; py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); switch (c->kind) { case PY_CODE_NATIVE: switch (c->n_args) { case 0: o->kind = O_FUN_0; break; case 1: o->kind = O_FUN_1; break; case 2: o->kind = O_FUN_2; break; default: assert(0); } o->u_fun.fun = c->u_native.fun; break; case PY_CODE_BYTE: o->kind = O_FUN_BC; o->u_fun_bc.code = c->u_byte.code; o->u_fun_bc.len = c->u_byte.len; o->u_fun_bc.n_args = c->n_args; break; default: assert(0); } return o; } py_obj_t rt_make_function_0(py_fun_0_t fun) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_FUN_0; o->u_fun.fun = fun; return o; } py_obj_t rt_make_function_1(py_fun_1_t fun) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_FUN_1; o->u_fun.fun = fun; return o; } py_obj_t rt_make_function_2(py_fun_2_t fun) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_FUN_2; o->u_fun.fun = fun; return o; } py_obj_t rt_make_function(int n_args, py_fun_t code) { // assumes code is a pointer to a py_fun_t (i think this is safe...) py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_FUN_N; o->u_fun.fun = code; o->u_fun.n_args = n_args; return o; } py_obj_t rt_call_function_0(py_obj_t fun) { if (IS_O(fun, O_FUN_0)) { py_obj_base_t *o = fun; DEBUG_OP_printf("calling native %p...\n", o->u_fun.fun); return ((py_fun_0_t)o->u_fun.fun)(); } else if (IS_O(fun, O_FUN_BC)) { py_obj_base_t *o = fun; assert(o->u_fun_bc.n_args == 0); DEBUG_OP_printf("calling byte code %p...\n", o->u_fun_bc.code); return py_execute_byte_code(o->u_fun_bc.code, o->u_fun_bc.len, NULL, 0); } else { printf("fun0:%p\n", fun); assert(0); return py_const_none; } } py_obj_t rt_call_function_1(py_obj_t fun, py_obj_t arg) { if (IS_O(fun, O_FUN_1)) { py_obj_base_t *o = fun; DEBUG_OP_printf("calling native %p...\n", o->u_fun.fun); return ((py_fun_1_t)o->u_fun.fun)(arg); } else if (IS_O(fun, O_FUN_BC)) { py_obj_base_t *o = fun; assert(o->u_fun_bc.n_args == 1); DEBUG_OP_printf("calling byte code %p...\n", o->u_fun_bc.code); return py_execute_byte_code(o->u_fun_bc.code, o->u_fun_bc.len, &arg, 1); } else if (IS_O(fun, O_BOUND_METH)) { py_obj_base_t *o = fun; return rt_call_function_2(o->u_bound_meth.meth, o->u_bound_meth.self, arg); } else { printf("fun1:%p\n", fun); assert(0); return py_const_none; } } py_obj_t rt_call_function_2(py_obj_t fun, py_obj_t arg1, py_obj_t arg2) { if (IS_O(fun, O_FUN_2)) { py_obj_base_t *o = fun; DEBUG_OP_printf("calling native %p...\n", o->u_fun.fun); return ((py_fun_2_t)o->u_fun.fun)(arg1, arg2); } else if (IS_O(fun, O_FUN_BC)) { py_obj_base_t *o = fun; assert(o->u_fun_bc.n_args == 2); DEBUG_OP_printf("calling byte code %p...\n", o->u_fun_bc.code); py_obj_t args[2]; args[0] = arg1; args[1] = arg2; return py_execute_byte_code(o->u_fun_bc.code, o->u_fun_bc.len, &args[0], 2); } else { assert(0); return py_const_none; } } py_obj_t rt_call_method_1(py_obj_t fun, py_obj_t self) { DEBUG_OP_printf("call method %p %p\n", fun, self); if (self == NULL) { return rt_call_function_0(fun); } else { return rt_call_function_1(fun, self); } } py_obj_t rt_call_method_2(py_obj_t fun, py_obj_t self, py_obj_t arg) { DEBUG_OP_printf("call method %p %p %p\n", fun, self, arg); if (self == NULL) { return rt_call_function_1(fun, arg); } else { return rt_call_function_2(fun, self, arg); } } // items are in reverse order py_obj_t rt_build_list(int n_args, py_obj_t *items) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_LIST; o->u_list.alloc = n_args; if (o->u_list.alloc < 4) { o->u_list.alloc = 4; } o->u_list.len = n_args; o->u_list.items = m_new(py_obj_t, o->u_list.alloc); for (int i = 0; i < n_args; i++) { o->u_list.items[i] = items[n_args - i - 1]; } return o; } py_obj_t py_set_lookup(py_obj_t o_in, py_obj_t index, bool add_if_not_found) { assert(IS_O(o_in, O_SET)); py_obj_base_t *o = o_in; int hash = py_obj_hash(index); int pos = hash % o->u_set.alloc; for (;;) { py_obj_t elem = o->u_set.table[pos]; if (elem == NULL) { // not in table if (add_if_not_found) { if (o->u_set.used + 1 >= o->u_set.alloc) { // not enough room in table, rehash it int old_alloc = o->u_set.alloc; py_obj_t *old_table = o->u_set.table; o->u_set.alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(o->u_set.alloc + 1); o->u_set.used = 0; o->u_set.table = m_new(py_obj_t, o->u_set.alloc); for (int i = 0; i < old_alloc; i++) { if (old_table[i] != NULL) { py_set_lookup(o, old_table[i], true); } } m_free(old_table); // restart the search for the new element pos = hash % o->u_set.alloc; } else { o->u_set.used += 1; o->u_set.table[pos] = index; return index; } } else { return NULL; } } else if (py_obj_equal(elem, index)) { // found it return elem; } else { // not yet found, keep searching in this table pos = (pos + 1) % o->u_set.alloc; } } } py_obj_t rt_build_set(int n_args, py_obj_t *items) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_SET; o->u_set.alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(n_args + 1); o->u_set.used = 0; o->u_set.table = m_new(py_obj_t, o->u_set.alloc); for (int i = 0; i < o->u_set.alloc; i++) { o->u_set.table[i] = NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < n_args; i++) { py_set_lookup(o, items[i], true); } return o; } py_obj_t rt_build_map(int n_args) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_MAP; py_map_init(&o->u_map, MAP_PY_OBJ, n_args); return o; } py_obj_t rt_store_map(py_obj_t map, py_obj_t key, py_obj_t value) { assert(IS_O(map, O_MAP)); // should always be py_map_lookup(map, key, true)->value = value; return map; } void rt_store_subscr(py_obj_t base, py_obj_t index, py_obj_t value) { if (IS_O(base, O_LIST) && IS_SMALL_INT(index)) { // list store py_obj_base_t *o = base; int idx = FROM_SMALL_INT(index); if (idx < 0) { idx += o->u_list.len; } if (0 <= idx && idx < o->u_list.len) { o->u_list.items[idx] = value; } else { assert(0); } } else if (IS_O(base, O_MAP)) { // map store py_map_lookup(base, index, true)->value = value; } else { assert(0); } } py_obj_t build_bound_method(py_obj_t self, py_obj_t meth) { py_obj_base_t *o = m_new(py_obj_base_t, 1); o->kind = O_BOUND_METH; o->u_bound_meth.meth = meth; o->u_bound_meth.self = self; return o; } py_obj_t rt_load_attr(py_obj_t base, qstr attr) { DEBUG_OP_printf("load %s\n", qstr_str(attr)); if (IS_O(base, O_LIST) && attr == q_append) { return build_bound_method(base, fun_list_append); } else if (IS_O(base, O_CLASS)) { py_obj_base_t *o = base; py_map_elem_t *elem = py_qstr_map_lookup(o->u_class.map, attr, false); if (elem == NULL) { printf("Nope! %s\n", qstr_str(attr)); assert(0); } return elem->value; } else { printf("AttributeError: '%s' object has no attribute '%s'\n", py_obj_get_type_str(base), qstr_str(attr)); assert(0); return py_const_none; } } void rt_load_method(py_obj_t base, qstr attr, py_obj_t *dest) { DEBUG_OP_printf("load method %s\n", qstr_str(attr)); if (IS_O(base, O_LIST) && attr == q_append) { dest[1] = fun_list_append; dest[0] = base; } else { dest[1] = rt_load_attr(base, attr); dest[0] = NULL; } } void *rt_fun_table[RT_F_NUMBER_OF] = { rt_load_const_str, rt_load_name, rt_load_global, rt_load_attr, rt_load_method, rt_store_name, rt_store_subscr, rt_is_true, rt_unary_op, rt_build_list, rt_build_map, rt_store_map, rt_build_set, rt_make_function_from_id, rt_call_function_0, rt_call_function_1, rt_call_function_2, rt_call_method_1, rt_call_method_2, rt_binary_op, rt_compare_op, }; /* void rt_f_vector(rt_fun_kind_t fun_kind) { (rt_f_table[fun_kind])(); } */