Checks are added for pwm.freq(), pwm_duty(), pwm_duty_u10() and
pwm.duty_u16(). This avoids a core dump on ESP32C3, and misleading error
messages on Xtensa ESP32 devices.
Set the size of machine_pin_irq_handler array to GPIO_NUM_MAX:
- Min GPIO_NUM_MAX is 22 for IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3.
- Max GPIO_NUM_MAX is 49 for IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3.
The MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER entry must be hard-coded, because the location
that it's evaluated by the compiler does not include the relevant IDF
header to get a definition of GPIO_NUM_MAX.
Each SoC family has its own clocks and timings/timeouts. For I2C, the
default source clock is either APB (ESP32, ESP32-S2) or XTAL (ESP32-S3,
ESP32-C3) as shown in the datasheets. Since
machine_i2c.c/machine_hw_i2c_init() uses the default clk_flags (0), the
alternate low-power clock source is never selected in ESP-IDF
i2c.c/i2c_param_config(). There is not an API in i2c.c to get the source
clock frequency, so a compile-time value is used based on SoC family.
Also, the maximum timeout is different across the SoC families, so use the
I2C_LL_MAX_TIMEOUT constant to eliminate the warning from
With these changes, the following results were obtained. The I2C SCL
frequencies were measured with a Saleae logic analyzer.
ESP32 (TTGO T Dislay)
I2C(0, scl=22, sda=21, freq=101781) Measured: 100KHz
I2C(0, scl=22, sda=21, freq=430107) Measured: 400KHz
I2C(0, scl=22, sda=21, freq=1212121) Measured: 941KHz
I2C(0, scl=34, sda=33, freq=111111) Measured: 107KHz
I2C(0, scl=34, sda=33, freq=444444) Measured: 400KHz
I2C(0, scl=34, sda=33, freq=1111111) Measured: 842KHz
I2C(0, scl=7, sda=6, freq=107816) Measured: 103KHz
I2C(0, scl=7, sda=6, freq=444444) Measured: 380KHz
I2C(0, scl=7, sda=6, freq=1176470) Measured: 800KHz
(ESP32-S2 board was not available for testing.)
So that it doesn't clash with the extmod version.
Also make the default for this enabled, so that most boards do not need to
configure it.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
This issue affected i.MX RT 1052, 1062 and 1064. It seems to be addressed
by Errata ERR006223, which also mentions i.MX RT101x and 102x, but these
devices worked well even without the change. As a side effect, the current
consumption at an idle REPL drops significantly with this fix.
Fixes issue #7235.
Protect SerCom (UART, SPI, I2C) objects from getting freed by the GC when
they go out of scope without being deinitialized. Otherwise the ISR of a
Sercom may access an invalid data structure.
Any update of freq or duty_cycle requires the previous PWM cycle to be
finished. Otherwise the new settings are not accepted.
Other changes in this commit:
- Report the set duty cycles even when the PWM is not yet started.
- pwm.freq(0) stops the pwm device, instead of raising an expception.
- Clear the duty cycle value cache on soft reset.
Changes are:
- Remove the LED_Pxxx definitions from pins.csv, now that the LED class is
- Remove the '-' lines.
- Add default lines for USB and SWCLK, SWDIO.
Pin numbers are now the MCU port numbers in the range:
PA0..PA31: 0..31
PB0..PB31: 32..63
PC0..PC31: 64..95
PD0..PD31: 96..127
Pins can be denoted by the GPIO port number, the name as defined in
pins.csv or a string in the form Pxnn, like "PA16" or "PD03".
The pins.c and pins.h files are now obsolete. The pin objects are part of
the AF table.
As result of a simplification, the code now supports using pin names or
numbers instead of pin objects for modules like UART, SPI, PWM, I2C, ADC,
This removes the difference in the time.ticks_us() range between SAMD21 and
The function mp_hal_ticks_us_64() is added and used for:
- SAMD51's mp_hal_ticks_us and mp_hal_delay_us().
For SAMD21, keep the previous methods, which are faster.
- mp_hal_ticks_ms() and mp_hal_tick_ms_64(), which saves some bytes
and removes a potential race condition every 50 days.
Also set the us-counter for SAMD51 to 16 MHz for a faster reading of the
microsecond value.
Note: With SAMD51, mp_hal_ticks_us_64() has a 60 bit range only, which is
still a long time (~36000 years).
Methods implemented are:
- rtc.init(date)
- rtc.datetime([new_date])
- rtc.calibration(value)
The presence of this class can be controlled by MICROPY_PY_MACHINE_RTC. If
the RTC module is used, the time module uses the RTC as well.
For boards without a 32kHz crystal, using RTC makes no sense, since it will
then use the ULP32K oscillator, which is not precise at all. Therefore, it
will by default only be enabled for boards using a crystal, but can be
enabled in the respective mpconfigboard.h.
Using the stream method for uart.flush().
uart.txdone() returns True, if the uart not busy, False otherwise.
uart.flush() waits until all bytes have been transmitted or a timeout
triggers. The timeout is determined by the buffer size and the baud rate.
Also fix two inconsistencies when not using txbuf:
- Report in ioctl as being writeable if there is room in the tx buffer,
only if it is configured.
- Print the txbuf size if configured.
Instead of being hard-coded, and then it works for all MCUs.
That fits except for a Sparkfun SAMD51 Thing Plus (known) bug, which uses
192k - 4 as magic address. Therefore, that address is set as well to avoid
a problem when this bug is fixed by Sparkfun.
Which just sets the CPU clock to 200kHz and switches the peripheral clock
off. There are two modes:
In any mode any configured pin.irq() event will terminate the sleep.
Current consumption in lightsleep for some boards:
- 1.5 - 2.5 mA when supplied trough an active USB
(Seeed XIAO w/o power LED, Adafruit ItsyBitsy)
- 0.8 - 2 mA when supplied through Gnd/+5V (Vusb)
(Seeed XIAO w/o power LED, Adafruit ItsyBitsy)
- < 1 mA for SAMD51 when supplied trough a battery connector
(Sparkfun Thing SAMD51 plus)
Related change: move the calls to SysTick_Config() into set_cpu_freq(). It
is required after each CPU freq change to have ticks_ms run at the proper
Tested with a SD card connected to a SAMD51 board. The SEEED WIO terminal
has a SD-Card reader built-in.
Also a side change to remove a few obsolete lines from Makefile.
The range is 1MHz - 48 MHz. Note that below 8 MHz there is no USB support.
The frequency will be set to an integer fraction of 48 MHz. And after
changing the frequency, the peripherals like PWM, UART, I2C, SPI have to be
Current consumption e.g. of the Seeed Xiao board at 1 MHz is about 1.5 mA,
mostly caused by the on-board LED (green LED with 1k resistor at 3.3V).
The value given for machine.freq(f) is extend to the range of 1_000_000 to
200_000_000. Frequencies below 48 MHz will be forced to an integer
fraction of 48 MHz. At frequencies below 8 MHz USB is switched off. The
power consumption e.g. of ADAFRUIT_ITSYBITSY_M4_EXPRESS drops to about
1.5 mA at 1 MHz.
Since the peripheral frequency is dropped as well, timing e.g. of PWM,
UART, I2C and SPI is affected and frequency/baud rate has to set again
after a frequency change below 48 MHz.
This is necessary to access sites that only support these protocols.
The rp2 port already has ECDH enabled, so this just adds ECDSA there. The
other ports now gain both ECDH and ECDSA. The code size increase is:
- rp2 (PICO_W): +2916 bytes flash, +24 bytes BSS
- stm32 (PYBD_SF6): +20480 bytes flash, +32 bytes data, +48 bytes BSS
- mimxrt (TEENSY41): +20708 bytes flash, +32 bytes data, +48 bytes BSS
- unix (standard x86-64): +39344 executable, +1744 bytes data, +96 BSS
This is obviously a large increase in code size. But there doesn't seem to
be any other option because without elliptic curve cryptography devices are
partially cut off from the internet. For use cases that require small
firmware size, they'll need to build custom firmware with a custom mbedtls
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
The following multi-tests pass (eg with PYBD_SF6+LEGO_HUB_NO6):
These are the same tests that passed prior to this BTstack update.
Also tested on the unix port using H4 transport.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>