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synced 2025-03-22 15:53:01 +03:00

Suppose we have 3 files with version in their names: * file-2.1.tgz * file-2.2.tgz * file-2.10.tgz It is impossible to see them in natural order using standard facilities, they will be sorted in alphabet order: * file-2.1.tgz * file-2.10.tgz * file-2.2.tgz There was some attempts to fix this. I've picked up the patch by Roland Illig <roland illig gmx de> (http://mail.gnome.org/archives/mc-devel/2004-July/msg00016.html) and adopted it for today's git snapshot. It adds "version" option to the sort menu, which uses copy of strverscmp function from glibc. Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <slavazanko@gmail.com>
513 lines
17 KiB
513 lines
17 KiB
#ifndef MC_STRUTIL_H
#define MC_STRUTIL_H
#include "lib/global.h" /* include glib.h */
/* Header file for strutil.c, strutilascii.c, strutil8bit.c, strutilutf8.c.
* There are two sort of functions:
* 1. functions for working with growing strings and conversion strings between
* different encodings.
* (implemented directly in strutil.c)
* 2. functions, that hide differences between encodings derived from ASCII.
* (implemented separately in strutilascii.c, strutil8bit.c, strutilutf8.c)
* documentation is made for UTF-8 version of functions.
/* invalid strings
* function, that works with invalid strings are marked with "I"
* in documentation
* invalid bytes of string are handled as one byte characters with width 1, they
* are displayed as questionmarks, I-maked comparing functions try to keep
* the original value of these bytes.
/* combining characters
* displaynig: all handled as zero with characters, expect combing character
* at the begin of string, this character has with one (space add before),
* so str_term_width is not good for computing width of singles characters
* (never return zero, expect emtpy string)
* for compatibility are strings composed before displaynig
* comparing: comparing decompose all string before comparing, n-compare
* functions do not work as is usual, because same strings do not have to be
* same length in UTF-8. So they return 0 if one string is prefix of the other
* one.
* str_prefix is used to determine, how many characters from one string are
* prefix in second string. However, str_prefix return number of characters in
* decompose form. (used in do_search (screen.c))
/* results of conversion function
typedef enum {
/* success means, that convertion has been finished successully
/* problem means, that not every characters was successfully converted (They are
* replaced with questionmark). So is impossible convert string back.
/* failure means, that conversion is not possible (example: wrong encoding
* of input string)
} estr_t;
/* alignment strings on terminal
typedef enum {
J_LEFT = 0x01,
J_RIGHT = 0x02,
J_CENTER = 0x03,
/* if there is enough space for string on terminal,
* string is centered otherwise is aligned to left */
/* fit alignment, if string is to long, is truncated with '~' */
J_LEFT_FIT = 0x11,
J_RIGHT_FIT = 0x12,
J_CENTER_FIT = 0x13,
} align_crt_t;
#define IS_FIT(x) ((x) & 0x0010)
#define MAKE_FIT(x) ((x) | 0x0010)
#define HIDE_FIT(x) ((x) & 0x000f)
#define INVALID_CONV ((GIConv) (-1))
/* standard convertors */
extern GIConv str_cnv_to_term;
extern GIConv str_cnv_from_term;
/* from terminal encoding to terminal encoding */
extern GIConv str_cnv_not_convert;
/* all functions in str_class must be defined for every encoding */
struct str_class {
gchar *(*conv_gerror_message) (GError *error, const char *def_msg); /*I*/
estr_t (*vfs_convert_to) (GIConv coder, const char *string,
int size, GString *buffer); /*I*/
void (*insert_replace_char) (GString *buffer);
int (*is_valid_string) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*is_valid_char) (const char *, size_t); /*I*/
void (*cnext_char) (const char **);
void (*cprev_char) (const char **);
void (*cnext_char_safe) (const char **); /*I*/
void (*cprev_char_safe) (const char **); /*I*/
int (*cnext_noncomb_char) (const char **text); /*I*/
int (*cprev_noncomb_char) (const char **text, const char *begin); /*I*/
int (*isspace) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*ispunct) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*isalnum) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*isdigit) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*isprint) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*iscombiningmark) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*length) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*length2) (const char *, int); /*I*/
int (*length_noncomb) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*toupper) (const char *, char **, size_t *);
int (*tolower) (const char *, char **, size_t *);
void (*fix_string) (char *); /*I*/
const char *(*term_form) (const char *); /*I*/
const char *(*fit_to_term) (const char *, int, align_crt_t); /*I*/
const char *(*term_trim) (const char *text, int width); /*I*/
void (*msg_term_size) (const char *, int *, int *); /*I*/
const char *(*term_substring) (const char *, int, int); /*I*/
int (*term_width1) (const char *); /*I*/
int (*term_width2) (const char *, size_t); /*I*/
int (*term_char_width) (const char *); /*I*/
const char *(*trunc) (const char *, int); /*I*/
int (*offset_to_pos) (const char *, size_t); /*I*/
int (*column_to_pos) (const char *, size_t); /*I*/
char *(*create_search_needle) (const char *, int);
void (*release_search_needle) (char *, int);
const char *(*search_first) (const char *, const char *, int);
const char *(*search_last) (const char *, const char *, int);
int (*compare) (const char *, const char *); /*I*/
int (*ncompare) (const char *, const char *); /*I*/
int (*casecmp) (const char *, const char *); /*I*/
int (*ncasecmp) (const char *, const char *); /*I*/
int (*prefix) (const char *, const char *); /*I*/
int (*caseprefix) (const char *, const char *); /*I*/
char *(*create_key) (const char *text, int case_sen); /*I*/
char *(*create_key_for_filename) (const char *text, int case_sen); /*I*/
int (*key_collate) (const char *t1, const char *t2, int case_sen); /*I*/
void (*release_key) (char *key, int case_sen); /*I*/
struct str_class str_utf8_init (void);
struct str_class str_8bit_init (void);
struct str_class str_ascii_init (void);
/* create convertor from "from_enc" to terminal encoding
* if "from_enc" is not supported return INVALID_CONV
GIConv str_crt_conv_from (const char *);
/* create convertor from terminal encoding to "to_enc"
* if "to_enc" is not supported return INVALID_CONV
GIConv str_crt_conv_to (const char *);
/* close convertor, do not close str_cnv_to_term, str_cnv_from_term,
* str_cnv_not_convert
void str_close_conv (GIConv);
/* return on of not used buffers (.used == 0) or create new
* returned buffer has set .used to 1
/* convert string using coder, result of conversion is appended at end of buffer
* return ESTR_SUCCESS if there was no problem.
* otherwise return ESTR_PROBLEM or ESTR_FAILURE
estr_t str_convert (GIConv, const char *, GString *);
estr_t str_nconvert (GIConv, const char *, int, GString *);
/* convert GError message (which in UTF-8) to terminal charset
* def_char is used if result of error->str conversion if ESTR_FAILURE
* return new allocated null-terminated string, which is need to be freed
* I
gchar *str_conv_gerror_message (GError *error, const char *def_msg);
/* return only ESTR_SUCCESS or ESTR_FAILURE, because vfs must be able to convert
* result to original string. (so no replace with questionmark)
* if coder is str_cnv_from_term or str_cnv_not_convert, string is only copied,
* so is possible to show file, that is not valid in terminal encoding
estr_t str_vfs_convert_from (GIConv, const char *, GString *);
/* if coder is str_cnv_to_term or str_cnv_not_convert, string is only copied,
* does replace with questionmark
* I
estr_t str_vfs_convert_to (GIConv, const char *, int, GString *);
/* printf functin for str_buffer, append result of printf at the end of buffer
str_printf (GString *, const char *, ...);
/* add standard replacement character in terminal encoding
void str_insert_replace_char (GString *);
/* init strings and set terminal encoding,
* if is termenc NULL, detect terminal encoding
* create all str_cnv_* and set functions for terminal encoding
void str_init_strings (const char *termenc);
/* free all str_buffer and all str_cnv_*
void str_uninit_strings (void);
/* try convert characters in ch to output using conv
* ch_size is size of ch, can by (size_t)(-1) (-1 only for ASCII
* compatible encoding, for other must be set)
* return ESTR_SUCCESS if conversion was successfully,
* ESTR_PROBLEM if ch contains only part of characters,
* ESTR_FAILURE if conversion is not possible
estr_t str_translate_char (GIConv conv, const char *ch, size_t ch_size,
char *output, size_t out_size);
/* test, if text is valid in terminal encoding
* I
int str_is_valid_string (const char *text);
/* test, if first char of ch is valid
* size, how many bytes characters occupied, could be (size_t)(-1)
* return 1 if it is valid, -1 if it is invalid or -2 if it is only part of
* multibyte character
* I
int str_is_valid_char (const char *ch, size_t size);
/* return next characters after text, do not call on the end of string
char *str_get_next_char (char *text);
const char *str_cget_next_char (const char *text);
/* return previous characters before text, do not call on the start of strings
char *str_get_prev_char (char *text);
const char *str_cget_prev_char (const char *text);
/* set text to next characters, do not call on the end of string
void str_next_char (char **text);
void str_cnext_char (const char **text);
/* set text to previous characters, do not call on the start of strings
void str_prev_char (char **text);
void str_cprev_char (const char **text);
/* return next characters after text, do not call on the end of string
* works with invalid string
* I
char *str_get_next_char_safe (char *text);
const char *str_cget_next_char_safe (const char *text);
/* return previous characters before text, do not call on the start of strings
* works with invalid string
* I
char *str_get_prev_char_safe (char *text);
const char *str_cget_prev_char_safe (const char *text);
/* set text to next characters, do not call on the end of string
* works with invalid string
* I
void str_next_char_safe (char **text);
void str_cnext_char_safe (const char **text);
/* set text to previous characters, do not call on the start of strings
* works with invalid string
* I
void str_prev_char_safe (char **text);
void str_cprev_char_safe (const char **text);
/* set text to next noncombining characters, check the end of text
* return how many characters was skipped
* works with invalid string
* I
int str_next_noncomb_char (char **text);
int str_cnext_noncomb_char (const char **text);
/* set text to previous noncombining characters, search stop at begin
* return how many characters was skipped
* works with invalid string
* I
int str_prev_noncomb_char (char **text, const char *begin);
int str_cprev_noncomb_char (const char **text, const char *begin);
/* if first characters in ch is space, tabulator or new lines
* I
int str_isspace (const char *ch);
/* if first characters in ch is punctuation or symbol
* I
int str_ispunct (const char *ch);
/* if first characters in ch is alphanum
* I
int str_isalnum (const char *ch);
/* if first characters in ch is digit
* I
int str_isdigit (const char *ch);
/* if first characters in ch is printable
* I
int str_isprint (const char *ch);
/* if first characters in ch is a combining mark (only in utf-8)
* combining makrs are assumed to be zero width
* I
int str_iscombiningmark (const char *ch);
/* write lower from of fisrt characters in ch into out
* decrase remain by size of returned characters
* if out is not big enough, do nothing
int str_toupper (const char *ch, char **out, size_t *remain);
/* write upper from of fisrt characters in ch into out
* decrase remain by size of returned characters
* if out is not big enough, do nothing
int str_tolower (const char *ch, char **out, size_t *remain);
/* return length of text in characters
* I
int str_length (const char* text);
/* return length of text in characters, limit to size
* I
int str_length2 (const char* text, int size);
/* return length of one char
* I
int str_length_char (const char *);
/* return length of text in characters, count only noncombining characters
* I
int str_length_noncomb (const char* text);
/* replace all invalid characters in text with questionmark
* after return, text is valid string in terminal encoding
* I
void str_fix_string (char* text);
/* replace all invalid characters in text with questionmark
* replace all unprintable characters with '.'
* return static allocated string, "text" is not changed
* returned string do not need to be freed
* I
const char *str_term_form (const char *text);
/* like str_term_form, but text can be alignment to width
* alignment is specified in just_mode (J_LEFT, J_LEFT_FIT, ...)
* result is completed with spaces to width
* I
const char *str_fit_to_term (const char *text, int width, align_crt_t just_mode);
/* like str_term_form, but when text is wider than width, three dots are
* inserted at begin and result is completed with suffix of text
* no additional spaces are inserted
* I
const char *str_term_trim (const char *text, int width);
/* return how many lines and columns will text occupy on terminal
* I
void str_msg_term_size (const char *text, int *lines, int *columns);
/* like str_term_form, but return only specified substring
* start - column (position) on terminal, where substring begin
* result is completed with spaces to width
* I
const char *str_term_substring (const char *text, int start, int width);
/* return width, that will be text occupied on terminal
* I
int str_term_width1 (const char *text);
/* return width, that will be text occupied on terminal
* text is limited by length in characters
* I
int str_term_width2 (const char *text, size_t length);
/* return width, that will be character occupied on terminal
* combining characters are always zero width
* I
int str_term_char_width (const char *text);
/* convert position in characters to position in bytes
* I
int str_offset_to_pos (const char* text, size_t length);
/* convert position on terminal to position in characters
* I
int str_column_to_pos (const char *text, size_t pos);
/* like str_fit_to_term width just_mode = J_LEFT_FIT,
* but do not insert additional spaces
* I
const char *str_trunc (const char *text, int width);
/* create needle, that will be searched in str_search_fist/last,
* so needle can be reused
* in UTF-8 return normalized form of needle
char *str_create_search_needle (const char *needle, int case_sen);
/* free needle returned by str_create_search_needle
void str_release_search_needle (char *needle, int case_sen);
/* search for first occurrence of search in text
const char *str_search_first (const char *text, const char *needle, int case_sen);
/* search for last occurrence of search in text
const char *str_search_last (const char *text, const char *needle, int case_sen);
/* case sensitive compare two strings
* I
int str_compare (const char *t1, const char *t2);
/* case sensitive compare two strings
* if one string is prefix of the other string, return 0
* I
int str_ncompare (const char *t1, const char *t2);
/* case insensitive compare two strings
* I
int str_casecmp (const char *t1, const char *t2);
/* case insensitive compare two strings
* if one string is prefix of the other string, return 0
* I
int str_ncasecmp (const char *t1, const char *t2);
/* return, how many bytes are are same from start in text and prefix
* both strings are decomposed befor comapring and return value is counted
* in decomposed form, too. caling with prefix, prefix, you get size in bytes
* of prefix in decomposed form,
* I
int str_prefix (const char *text, const char *prefix);
/* case insensitive version of str_prefix
* I
int str_caseprefix (const char *text, const char *prefix);
/* create a key that is used by str_key_collate
* I
char *str_create_key (const char *text, int case_sen);
/* create a key that is used by str_key_collate
* should aware dot '.' in text
* I
char *str_create_key_for_filename (const char *text, int case_sen);
/* compare two string using LC_COLLATE, if is possible
* if case_sen is set, comparing is case sensitive,
* case_sen must be same for str_create_key, str_key_collate and str_release_key
* I
int str_key_collate (const char *t1, const char *t2, int case_sen);
/* release_key created by str_create_key, only rigth way to release key
* I
void str_release_key (char *key, int case_sen);
/* return 1 if codeset_name is utf8 or utf-8
* I
int str_isutf8 (const char *codeset_name);
const char *str_detect_termencoding (void);
int str_verscmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
#endif /* MC_STRUTIL_H*/