/* Utilities - Win32 utilities (Windows NT and Windows '95) Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 the Free Software Foundation. Written 1996 by Juan Grigera<grigera@isis.unlp.edu.ar> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <windows.h> #include "util_win32.h" #include "trace_nt.h" /* int win32_GetPlatform () Checks in which OS Midnight Commander is running. Returns: OS_WinNT - Windows NT 3.x OS_Win95 - Windows 4.x Note: GetVersionEx (Win32API) is called only once. */ int win32_GetPlatform () { static int platform = 0; return (platform ? platform : (platform = win32_GetVersionEx()) ); } /* int win32_GetVersionEx () intended for use by win32_GetPlatform only */ int win32_GetVersionEx () { OSVERSIONINFO ovi; ovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(ovi); win32APICALL( GetVersionEx(&ovi) ); return ovi.dwPlatformId; } /* int win32_GetEXEType (const char* filename) Determines whether filename (an Executable) is a Console application (CUI) or a Graphical application(GUI). filename - Name of executable file to check Returns: EXE_win16 - Windows 3.x archive or OS/2 EXE_win32CUI - NT or Chicago Console API, also OS/2 EXE_win32GUI - NT or Chicago GUI API EXE_otherCUI - DOS COM, MZ, ZM, Phar Lap EXE_Unknown - Unknown EXE_Error - Couldn't read file/EXE image TODO: better management of OS/2 images EXE_CompressedArchive can be easily implemented Notes: This function parses the executable header (the only ugly way to do it). If header is not found or not understood, 0 is returned. Information on NE, LE, LX and MZ taken from Ralf Brown's interrupt list, under INT 21-function 4B ("EXEC" - LOAD AND/OR EXECUTE PROGRAM), Tables 0806 - 836. Parsing of PE header (Win32 signature, "Portable Executable") taken from MSKBase article Number: Q90493. */ /* ---- Executable Signatures ---- */ /* Alternative DOS signagure */ #define IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE_ALTERNATIVE 0x4D5A /* ZM */ /* Phar Lap .EXP files */ #define IMAGE_OLDPHARLAP_SIGNATURE 0x504D /* MP */ #define IMAGE_NEWPHARLAP_286_SIGNATURE 0x3250 /* P2 */ #define IMAGE_NEWPHARLAP_386_SIGNATURE 0x3350 /* P3 */ /* New Executables */ #define IMAGE_LX_SIGNATURE 0x584C /* LX */ #define IMAGE_PE_SIGNATURE 0x4550 /* PE */ int win32_GetEXEType (const char* a_szFileName) { /* FIXME: MinGW cannot compile this code */ #ifndef __MINGW32__ HANDLE hImage; DWORD dwDumm; DWORD SectionOffset; DWORD CoffHeaderOffset; WORD wSignature; /* DWORD MoreDosHeader[16]; */ IMAGE_DOS_HEADER image_dos_header; IMAGE_FILE_HEADER image_file_header; IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER image_optional_header; /* IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER image_section_header; */ /* Open the EXE file - Use Native API for SHARE compatibility */ hImage = CreateFile(a_szFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hImage == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { win32Trace (("win32_GetEXEType: Could not open file %s. API Error %d.", a_szFileName, GetLastError())); return EXE_Error; } /* Read the MZ (DOS) image header. */ win32APICALL( ReadFile (hImage, (LPVOID)&image_dos_header, sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER), &dwDumm, NULL) ); switch (image_dos_header.e_magic) { case IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE: /* MZ or ZM */ case IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE_ALTERNATIVE: break; case IMAGE_OLDPHARLAP_SIGNATURE: /* MP, P2, P3: Phar Lap executables */ case IMAGE_NEWPHARLAP_286_SIGNATURE: case IMAGE_NEWPHARLAP_386_SIGNATURE: return EXE_otherCUI; default: return EXE_otherCUI; /* Probably .COM? */ } /* Read more MS-DOS header. */ /* win32APICALL( ReadFile (hImage, MoreDosHeader, sizeof(MoreDosHeader)); */ /* Get new executable header */ CoffHeaderOffset = SetFilePointer(hImage, image_dos_header.e_lfanew, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); /* + sizeof(ULONG); */ win32APICALL( ReadFile (hImage, (LPVOID) &wSignature, sizeof(WORD), &dwDumm, NULL) ); switch (wSignature) { case IMAGE_PE_SIGNATURE: /* PE - Portable Executable */ break; case IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE: /* NE - New Executable OS/2 and Windows 3.x */ case IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE: /* LE - Linear Execuable (Windows 3.x) */ case IMAGE_LX_SIGNATURE: /* LX - Linear Execuable (OS/2) */ return EXE_win16; default: return EXE_Unknown; /* unknown New Executable or bad pointer */ } /* Continue parsing PE (COFF-like) */ SectionOffset = CoffHeaderOffset + IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER + IMAGE_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL_HEADER; win32APICALL( ReadFile(hImage, (LPVOID) &image_file_header, IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER, &dwDumm, NULL) ); /* Read optional header. */ win32APICALL( ReadFile(hImage, (LPVOID) &image_optional_header, IMAGE_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL_HEADER, &dwDumm, NULL) ); switch (image_optional_header.Subsystem) { case IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI: return EXE_win32GUI; case IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI: case IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_OS2_CUI: case IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI: return EXE_win32CUI; case IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN: case IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE: return EXE_Unknown; /* FIXME: what is "NATIVE??" */ default: win32Trace(("Unknown type %u.\n", image_optional_header.Subsystem)); return EXE_Unknown; } #else return EXE_Unknown; #endif /* !__MINGW32__ */ }