/* Search text engine. Regex search Copyright (C) 2009 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Slava Zanko , 2009. This file is part of the Midnight Commander. The Midnight Commander is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Midnight Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "../src/global.h" #include "../src/search/search.h" #include "../src/search/internal.h" #include "../src/strutil.h" #include "../src/strescape.h" #include "../src/charsets.h" /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ /*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/ /*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/ typedef enum { REPLACE_T_NO_TRANSFORM = 0, REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM_CHAR = 1, REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM_CHAR = 2, REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM = 4, REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM = 8 } replace_transform_type_t; /*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ /*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/ static gboolean mc_search__regex_str_append_if_special (GString * copy_to, GString * regex_str, gsize * offset) { char *tmp_regex_str; gsize spec_chr_len; const char **spec_chr; const char *special_chars[] = { "\\s", "\\S", "\\d", "\\D", "\\B", "\\B", "\\w", "\\W", "\\t", "\\n", "\\r", "\\f", "\\a", "\\e", "\\x", "\\X", "\\c", "\\C", "\\l", "\\L", "\\u", "\\U", "\\E", "\\Q", NULL }; spec_chr = special_chars; tmp_regex_str = &(regex_str->str[*offset]); while (*spec_chr) { spec_chr_len = strlen (*spec_chr); if (!strncmp (tmp_regex_str, *spec_chr, spec_chr_len)) { if (!strutils_is_char_escaped (regex_str->str, tmp_regex_str)) { if (!strncmp ("\\x", *spec_chr, spec_chr_len)) { if (*(tmp_regex_str + spec_chr_len) == '{') { while ((spec_chr_len < regex_str->len - *offset) && *(tmp_regex_str + spec_chr_len) != '}') spec_chr_len++; if (*(tmp_regex_str + spec_chr_len) == '}') spec_chr_len++; } else spec_chr_len += 2; } g_string_append_len (copy_to, tmp_regex_str, spec_chr_len); *offset += spec_chr_len; return TRUE; } } spec_chr++; } return FALSE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_hex_add (const char *charset, GString * str_to, const char *one_char, gsize str_len) { GString *upp, *low; gchar *tmp_str; gsize loop; upp = mc_search__toupper_case_str (charset, one_char, str_len); low = mc_search__tolower_case_str (charset, one_char, str_len); for (loop = 0; loop < upp->len; loop++) { if (loop < low->len) { if (upp->str[loop] == low->str[loop]) tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ("\\x%02X", (unsigned char) upp->str[loop]); else tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ("[\\x%02X\\x%02X]", (unsigned char) upp->str[loop], (unsigned char) low->str[loop]); } else { tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ("\\x%02X", (unsigned char) upp->str[loop]); } g_string_append (str_to, tmp_str); g_free (tmp_str); } g_string_free (upp, TRUE); g_string_free (low, TRUE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_accum_append (const char *charset, GString * str_to, GString * str_from) { GString *recoded_part; gchar *one_char; gsize loop; gboolean just_letters; loop = 0; recoded_part = g_string_new (""); while (loop < str_from->len) { one_char = mc_search__get_one_symbol (charset, &(str_from->str[loop]), (str_from->len - loop > 6) ? 6 : str_from->len - loop, &just_letters); if (!strlen (one_char)) { loop++; continue; } if (just_letters) { mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_hex_add (charset, recoded_part, one_char, strlen (one_char)); } else { g_string_append (recoded_part, one_char); } loop += strlen (one_char); if (!strlen (one_char)) loop++; g_free (one_char); } g_string_append (str_to, recoded_part->str); g_string_free (recoded_part, TRUE); g_string_set_size (str_from, 0); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static GString * mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_ci_str (const char *charset, const char *str, gsize str_len) { GString *accumulator, *spec_char, *ret_str; gsize loop; GString *tmp; tmp = g_string_new_len (str, str_len); ret_str = g_string_new (""); accumulator = g_string_new (""); spec_char = g_string_new (""); loop = 0; while (loop <= str_len) { if (mc_search__regex_str_append_if_special (spec_char, tmp, &loop)) { mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_accum_append (charset, ret_str, accumulator); g_string_append_len (ret_str, spec_char->str, spec_char->len); g_string_set_size (spec_char, 0); continue; } if (tmp->str[loop] == '[' && !strutils_is_char_escaped (tmp->str, &(tmp->str[loop]))) { mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_accum_append (charset, ret_str, accumulator); while (loop < str_len && !(tmp->str[loop] == ']' && !strutils_is_char_escaped (tmp->str, &(tmp->str[loop])))) { g_string_append_c (ret_str, tmp->str[loop]); loop++; } g_string_append_c (ret_str, tmp->str[loop]); loop++; continue; } /* TODO: handle [ and ] */ g_string_append_c (accumulator, tmp->str[loop]); loop++; } mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_accum_append (charset, ret_str, accumulator); g_string_free (accumulator, TRUE); g_string_free (spec_char, TRUE); g_string_free (tmp, TRUE); return ret_str; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static mc_search__found_cond_t mc_search__regex_found_cond_one (mc_search_t * mc_search, mc_search_regex_t * regex, GString * search_str) { #ifdef SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB GError *error = NULL; if (!g_regex_match_full (regex, search_str->str, -1, 0, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANY, &mc_search->regex_match_info, &error)) { g_match_info_free (mc_search->regex_match_info); mc_search->regex_match_info = NULL; if (error) { mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX; mc_search->error_str = str_conv_gerror_message (error, _(" Regular expression error ")); g_error_free (error); return COND__FOUND_ERROR; } return COND__NOT_FOUND; } mc_search->num_rezults = g_match_info_get_match_count (mc_search->regex_match_info); #else /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ mc_search->num_rezults = pcre_exec (regex, mc_search->regex_match_info, search_str->str, search_str->len - 1, 0, 0, mc_search->iovector, MC_SEARCH__NUM_REPLACE_ARGS); if (mc_search->num_rezults < 0) { return COND__NOT_FOUND; } #endif /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ return COND__FOUND_OK; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static mc_search__found_cond_t mc_search__regex_found_cond (mc_search_t * mc_search, GString * search_str) { gsize loop1; mc_search_cond_t *mc_search_cond; mc_search__found_cond_t ret; for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < mc_search->conditions->len; loop1++) { mc_search_cond = (mc_search_cond_t *) g_ptr_array_index (mc_search->conditions, loop1); if (!mc_search_cond->regex_handle) continue; ret = mc_search__regex_found_cond_one (mc_search, mc_search_cond->regex_handle, search_str); if (ret != COND__NOT_FOUND) return ret; } return COND__NOT_ALL_FOUND; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int mc_search_regex__get_max_num_of_replace_tokens (const gchar * str, gsize len) { int max_token = 0; gsize loop; for (loop = 0; loop < len - 1; loop++) { if (str[loop] == '\\' && (str[loop + 1] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30 /* 0-9 */ ) { if (strutils_is_char_escaped (str, &str[loop])) continue; if (max_token < str[loop + 1] - '0') max_token = str[loop + 1] - '0'; continue; } if (str[loop] == '$' && str[loop + 1] == '{') { gsize tmp_len; char *tmp_str; int tmp_token; if (strutils_is_char_escaped (str, &str[loop])) continue; for (tmp_len = 0; loop + tmp_len + 2 < len && (str[loop + 2 + tmp_len] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30; tmp_len++); if (str[loop + 2 + tmp_len] == '}') { tmp_str = g_strndup (&str[loop + 2], tmp_len); tmp_token = atoi (tmp_str); if (max_token < tmp_token) max_token = tmp_token; g_free (tmp_str); } } } return max_token; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char * mc_search_regex__get_token_by_num (const mc_search_t * mc_search, gsize index) { int fnd_start = 0, fnd_end = 0; #ifdef SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB g_match_info_fetch_pos (mc_search->regex_match_info, index, &fnd_start, &fnd_end); #else /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ fnd_start = mc_search->iovector[index * 2 + 0]; fnd_end = mc_search->iovector[index * 2 + 1]; #endif /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ if (fnd_end - fnd_start == 0) return NULL; return g_strndup (mc_search->regex_buffer->str + fnd_start, fnd_end - fnd_start); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int mc_search_regex__process_replace_str (const GString * replace_str, const gsize current_pos, gsize * skip_len, replace_transform_type_t * replace_flags) { int ret = -1; char *tmp_str; const char *curr_str = &(replace_str->str[current_pos]); if (current_pos > replace_str->len) return -1; *skip_len = 0; if (*curr_str == '$' && *(curr_str + 1) == '{' && (*(curr_str + 2) & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30) { if (strutils_is_char_escaped (replace_str->str, curr_str)) { *skip_len = 1; return -1; } for (*skip_len = 0; current_pos + *skip_len + 2 < replace_str->len && (*(curr_str + 2 + *skip_len) & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30; (*skip_len)++); if (*(curr_str + 2 + *skip_len) != '}') return -1; tmp_str = g_strndup (curr_str + 2, *skip_len); if (tmp_str == NULL) return -1; ret = atoi (tmp_str); g_free (tmp_str); *skip_len += 3; /* ${} */ return ret; } if (*curr_str == '\\') { if (strutils_is_char_escaped (replace_str->str, curr_str)) { *skip_len = 1; return -1; } if ((*(curr_str + 1) & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30) { ret = *(curr_str + 1) - '0'; *skip_len = 2; /* \\ and one digit */ return ret; } ret = -2; *skip_len += 2; switch (*(curr_str + 1)) { case 'U': *replace_flags |= REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM; *replace_flags &= ~REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM; break; case 'u': *replace_flags |= REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM_CHAR; break; case 'L': *replace_flags |= REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM; *replace_flags &= ~REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM; break; case 'l': *replace_flags |= REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM_CHAR; break; case 'E': *replace_flags = REPLACE_T_NO_TRANSFORM; break; default: ret = -1; break; } } return ret; } static void mc_search_regex__process_append_str (GString * dest_str, const char *from, gsize len, replace_transform_type_t * replace_flags) { gsize loop = 0; gsize char_len; char *tmp_str; GString *tmp_string; if (len == (gsize) -1) len = strlen (from); if (*replace_flags == REPLACE_T_NO_TRANSFORM) { g_string_append_len (dest_str, from, len); return; } while (loop < len) { tmp_str = mc_search__get_one_symbol (NULL, from + loop, len - loop, NULL); char_len = strlen (tmp_str); if (*replace_flags & REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM_CHAR) { *replace_flags &= !REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM_CHAR; tmp_string = mc_search__toupper_case_str (NULL, tmp_str, char_len); g_string_append (dest_str, tmp_string->str); g_string_free (tmp_string, TRUE); } else if (*replace_flags & REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM_CHAR) { *replace_flags &= !REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM_CHAR; tmp_string = mc_search__toupper_case_str (NULL, tmp_str, char_len); g_string_append (dest_str, tmp_string->str); g_string_free (tmp_string, TRUE); } else if (*replace_flags & REPLACE_T_UPP_TRANSFORM) { tmp_string = mc_search__toupper_case_str (NULL, tmp_str, char_len); g_string_append (dest_str, tmp_string->str); g_string_free (tmp_string, TRUE); } else if (*replace_flags & REPLACE_T_LOW_TRANSFORM) { tmp_string = mc_search__tolower_case_str (NULL, tmp_str, char_len); g_string_append (dest_str, tmp_string->str); g_string_free (tmp_string, TRUE); } else { g_string_append (dest_str, tmp_str); } g_free (tmp_str); loop += char_len; } } /*** public functions ****************************************************************************/ void mc_search__cond_struct_new_init_regex (const char *charset, mc_search_t * mc_search, mc_search_cond_t * mc_search_cond) { GString *tmp = NULL; #ifdef SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB GError *error = NULL; #else /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ const char *error; int erroffset; #endif /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ if (!mc_search->is_case_sentitive) { tmp = g_string_new_len (mc_search_cond->str->str, mc_search_cond->str->len); g_string_free (mc_search_cond->str, TRUE); mc_search_cond->str = mc_search__cond_struct_new_regex_ci_str (charset, tmp->str, tmp->len); g_string_free (tmp, TRUE); } #ifdef SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB mc_search_cond->regex_handle = g_regex_new (mc_search_cond->str->str, G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE | G_REGEX_RAW | G_REGEX_DOTALL, 0, &error); if (error != NULL) { mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_COMPILE; mc_search->error_str = str_conv_gerror_message (error, _(" Regular expression error ")); g_error_free (error); return; } #else /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ mc_search_cond->regex_handle = pcre_compile (mc_search_cond->str->str, PCRE_EXTRA, &error, &erroffset, NULL); if (mc_search_cond->regex_handle == NULL) { mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_COMPILE; mc_search->error_str = g_strdup (error); return; } mc_search->regex_match_info = pcre_study (mc_search_cond->regex_handle, 0, &error); if (mc_search->regex_match_info == NULL) { if (error) { mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_COMPILE; mc_search->error_str = g_strdup (error); g_free (mc_search_cond->regex_handle); mc_search_cond->regex_handle = NULL; return; } } #endif /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gboolean mc_search__run_regex (mc_search_t * mc_search, const void *user_data, gsize start_search, gsize end_search, gsize * found_len) { gsize current_pos, virtual_pos; int current_chr = 0; gint start_pos; gint end_pos; if (mc_search->regex_buffer != NULL) g_string_free (mc_search->regex_buffer, TRUE); mc_search->regex_buffer = g_string_new (""); virtual_pos = current_pos = start_search; while (virtual_pos <= end_search) { g_string_set_size (mc_search->regex_buffer, 0); mc_search->start_buffer = current_pos; while (1) { current_chr = mc_search__get_char (mc_search, user_data, current_pos); if (current_chr == MC_SEARCH_CB_ABORT) break; current_pos++; if (current_chr == MC_SEARCH_CB_SKIP) continue; virtual_pos++; g_string_append_c (mc_search->regex_buffer, (char) current_chr); if (current_chr == 0 || (char) current_chr == '\n') break; if (virtual_pos > end_search) break; } switch (mc_search__regex_found_cond (mc_search, mc_search->regex_buffer)) { case COND__FOUND_OK: #ifdef SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB g_match_info_fetch_pos (mc_search->regex_match_info, 0, &start_pos, &end_pos); #else /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ start_pos = mc_search->iovector[0]; end_pos = mc_search->iovector[1]; #endif /* SEARCH_TYPE_GLIB */ if (found_len) *found_len = end_pos - start_pos; mc_search->normal_offset = mc_search->start_buffer + start_pos; return TRUE; break; case COND__NOT_ALL_FOUND: break; default: g_string_free (mc_search->regex_buffer, TRUE); mc_search->regex_buffer = NULL; return FALSE; break; } if (mc_search->update_fn != NULL) { if ((mc_search->update_fn) (user_data, current_pos) == MC_SEARCH_CB_SKIP) { g_string_free (mc_search->regex_buffer, TRUE); mc_search->regex_buffer = NULL; mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_NOTFOUND; mc_search->error_str = NULL; return FALSE; } } if (current_chr == MC_SEARCH_CB_ABORT) break; } g_string_free (mc_search->regex_buffer, TRUE); mc_search->regex_buffer = NULL; mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_NOTFOUND; mc_search->error_str = g_strdup (_(STR_E_NOTFOUND)); return FALSE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GString * mc_search_regex_prepare_replace_str (mc_search_t * mc_search, GString * replace_str) { GString *ret; gchar *tmp_str; int num_replace_tokens, index; gsize loop; gsize len = 0; gchar *prev_str; replace_transform_type_t replace_flags = REPLACE_T_NO_TRANSFORM; num_replace_tokens = mc_search_regex__get_max_num_of_replace_tokens (replace_str->str, replace_str->len); if (mc_search->num_rezults < 0) return g_string_new_len (replace_str->str, replace_str->len); if (num_replace_tokens > mc_search->num_rezults - 1 || num_replace_tokens > MC_SEARCH__NUM_REPLACE_ARGS) { mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_REPLACE; mc_search->error_str = g_strdup (STR_E_RPL_NOT_EQ_TO_FOUND); return NULL; } ret = g_string_new (""); prev_str = replace_str->str; for (loop = 0; loop < replace_str->len - 1; loop++) { index = mc_search_regex__process_replace_str (replace_str, loop, &len, &replace_flags); if (index == -1) { if (len != 0) { mc_search_regex__process_append_str (ret, prev_str, replace_str->str - prev_str + loop, &replace_flags); mc_search_regex__process_append_str (ret, replace_str->str + loop + 1, len - 1, &replace_flags); prev_str = replace_str->str + loop + len; loop += len - 1; } continue; } if (index == -2) { if (loop) mc_search_regex__process_append_str (ret, prev_str, replace_str->str - prev_str + loop, &replace_flags); prev_str = replace_str->str + loop + len; loop += len - 1; continue; } if (index > mc_search->num_rezults) { g_string_free (ret, TRUE); mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_REPLACE; mc_search->error_str = g_strdup_printf (STR_E_RPL_INVALID_TOKEN, index); return NULL; } tmp_str = mc_search_regex__get_token_by_num (mc_search, index); if (tmp_str == NULL) continue; if (loop) mc_search_regex__process_append_str (ret, prev_str, replace_str->str - prev_str + loop, &replace_flags); prev_str = replace_str->str + loop + len; mc_search_regex__process_append_str (ret, tmp_str, -1, &replace_flags); g_free (tmp_str); loop += len - 1; } mc_search_regex__process_append_str (ret, prev_str, replace_str->str - prev_str + replace_str->len, &replace_flags); return ret; }