Midnight Commander for QNX -------------------------- 1. Compiling 2. Running 'mc' under QNX 3. List of modifications on mc-4.1.33 4. TODO 5. Contact information 1. Compiling ------------ 1.1 Make utility ---------------- Use 'gmake'. (This is the default 'make' under QNX 4.23+). [The old 'qmake' can not handle the makefiles in the mc-source.] 1.2 Configuring --------------- If you don't have an installed TCP/IP development kit, you have to 'hide' the library file 'socket3r.lib' (can be installed by e.g. Watcom C 10.6) in /usr/lib or /usr/watcom/10.6/usr/lib, because the existence of this file will confuse 'configure': it will erranously assume you have the complete TCP/IP development kit (with headers) and will enable compiling of the network-related VFS code (not only tarfs). [A patch would be required in the configure-script to check the existence of the TCP/IP-related headers also...] Use '--disable-nls' option, if you don't have the binary utilities of GNU 'gettext' package (e.g. 'msgfmt'). ['--with-included-gettext' doesn't really work in 4.1.33, there are configuration/compiling problems...] 1.3 Compiler ------------ It is adviced to use Watcom C 10.6+ to compile the source, because older compilers (e.g. 9.52) do not support some convenient/required features. [e.g. 'ar'-compatible 'wlib',...] 1.4 "No prototype found for ''" warnings -------------------------------------------------- It is adviced to use high warning level (e.g. 'CFLAGS="-w4" ./configure'), when compiling the source, because Watcom C uses a special parameter passing convention for functions with fixed number of arguments only. So if the compiler doesn't see the correct prototype of a function with variable number of arguments (like printf()), it will produce a warning about the missing prototype, but generates function call code according to the special parameter passing convention, not the required CDECL convention (it is used by default for functions with variable number of arguments). So the calling convention of the function call code and the function code itself will not match! So you MUST provide the correct prototype for function with variable number of arguments! (Or you can force using the stack-based calling convention as a default, if you have the stack-call-conv version of all of the required libraries ('3s.lib')...[Watcom C 10.6 required!]) [The latest release version (4.1.33/qnx) is checked against these types of missing prototypes...] 1.5 Tested configuration ------------------------ QNX 4.24 Watcom C 10.6 (release version, no newer beta patches) Photon 1.12 no TCP/IP development kit (-> VFS: tarfs only!) mc-4.1.33, mc-4.1.34 2. Running 'mc' under QNX ------------------------- Using 'qnx*' terminals: You can not use your keyboard correctly, if you disable the "Full 8 bits input" feature in the 'Options|Display bits...' dialog. On 'qnx*' terminals 'mc' will run in black and white mode by default, because these types of terminals use non-ANSI-compatible color sequences. Accessing remote nodes via the native QNX-network: [The problem exists under the older versions of 'mc' only...] If directory panels can not handle '//' prefix in directory names, use directory links in order to access remote nodes on the native QNX network: mkdir /net ln -sf //1/ /net/1 ... Extension and menu files: Default 'tar' uses 'stderr' (and not 'stdout' as its 'normal' output with '-t' option. Default 'tar' is not a GNU 'tar', so does not understand '-z' option. Special key-mappings: Restrictions of the META-? as Alt-? functionality: [META-? as ESC-? will always work!!!] Alt-TAB -> Ctrl-TAB (Alt-TAB reserved in Photon [1.12+]) Alt-ENTER -> Ctrl-ENTER ('qnx*' terminals only) Alt-: doesn't work 'qansi*' terminals: Problem [QNX 4.23+ only]: screen corruption (strange line-drawing character set handling) on 'qansi*' terminals, if linked with mc/Slang/terminfo terminal management. (Older versions of QNX and Slang/termcap not affected.) This problem is solved, see the comments in slang/sldisply.c about SLTT_TRANSP_ACS_PATCH and QNX_QANSI_SLANG_COMPAT_ACS! other terminals: I have tested 'mc' under QNX on 'qnx*' and 'qansi*' terminals only. toggle panels on/off (CTRL-o): Currently not supported, but could be implemented later... 3. List of modifications on mc-4.1.33/mc-4.1.34 ----------------------------------------------- edit/ syntax.c: (4.1.33 only, fixed in 4.1.34) line 100,191: WCC 10.6 doesn't like "