/* editor text drawing. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 the Free Software Foundation Authors: 1996, 1997 Paul Sheer $Id$ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "edit.h" #define MAX_LINE_LEN 1024 #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET #include "src/charsets.h" #endif extern int column_highlighting; static void status_string (WEdit * edit, char *s, int w, int fill, int font_width) { char byte_str[16]; /* * If we are at the end of file, print , * otherwise print the current character as is (if printable), * as decimal and as hex. */ if (edit->curs1 < edit->last_byte) { unsigned char cur_byte = edit_get_byte (edit, edit->curs1); g_snprintf (byte_str, sizeof(byte_str), "%c %3d 0x%02X", is_printable(cur_byte) ? cur_byte : '.', cur_byte, cur_byte); } else { strcpy(byte_str, ""); } /* The field lengths just prevent the status line from shortening too much */ g_snprintf (s, w, "[%c%c%c%c] %2ld L:[%3ld+%2ld %3ld/%3ld] *(%-4ld/%4ldb)= %s", edit->mark1 != edit->mark2 ? ( column_highlighting ? 'C' : 'B') : '-', edit->modified ? 'M' : '-', edit->macro_i < 0 ? '-' : 'R', edit->overwrite == 0 ? '-' : 'O', edit->curs_col / font_width, edit->start_line + 1, edit->curs_row, edit->curs_line + 1, edit->total_lines + 1, edit->curs1, edit->last_byte, byte_str); } /* how to get as much onto the status line as is numerically possible :) */ void edit_status (WEdit * edit) { int w, i, t; char *s; w = edit->widget.cols - (edit->have_frame * 2); s = malloc (w + 15); if (w < 4) w = 4; memset (s, ' ', w); attrset (SELECTED_COLOR); if (w > 4) { widget_move (edit, edit->have_frame, edit->have_frame); i = w > 24 ? 18 : w - 6; i = i < 13 ? 13 : i; strcpy (s, (char *) name_trunc (edit->filename ? edit->filename : "", i)); i = strlen (s); s[i] = ' '; t = w - 20; if (t < 0) t = 0; status_string (edit, s + 20, t, ' ', 1); } s[w] = 0; printw ("%-*s", w, s); attrset (NORMAL_COLOR); free (s); } /* result is boolean */ int cursor_in_screen (WEdit * edit, long row) { if (row < 0 || row >= edit->num_widget_lines) return 0; else return 1; } /* returns rows from the first displayed line to the cursor */ int cursor_from_display_top (WEdit * edit) { if (edit->curs1 < edit->start_display) return -edit_move_forward (edit, edit->curs1, 0, edit->start_display); else return edit_move_forward (edit, edit->start_display, 0, edit->curs1); } /* returns how far the cursor is out of the screen */ int cursor_out_of_screen (WEdit * edit) { int row = cursor_from_display_top (edit); if (row >= edit->num_widget_lines) return row - edit->num_widget_lines + 1; if (row < 0) return row; return 0; } /* this scrolls the text so that cursor is on the screen */ void edit_scroll_screen_over_cursor (WEdit * edit) { int p; int outby; int b_extreme, t_extreme, l_extreme, r_extreme; if (edit->num_widget_lines <= 0 || edit->num_widget_columns <= 0) return; r_extreme = EDIT_RIGHT_EXTREME; l_extreme = EDIT_LEFT_EXTREME; b_extreme = EDIT_BOTTOM_EXTREME; t_extreme = EDIT_TOP_EXTREME; if (edit->found_len) { b_extreme = max (edit->num_widget_lines / 4, b_extreme); t_extreme = max (edit->num_widget_lines / 4, t_extreme); } if (b_extreme + t_extreme + 1 > edit->num_widget_lines) { int n; n = b_extreme + t_extreme; b_extreme = (b_extreme * (edit->num_widget_lines - 1)) / n; t_extreme = (t_extreme * (edit->num_widget_lines - 1)) / n; } if (l_extreme + r_extreme + 1 > edit->num_widget_columns) { int n; n = l_extreme + t_extreme; l_extreme = (l_extreme * (edit->num_widget_columns - 1)) / n; r_extreme = (r_extreme * (edit->num_widget_columns - 1)) / n; } p = edit_get_col (edit); edit_update_curs_row (edit); outby = p + edit->start_col - edit->num_widget_columns + 1 + (r_extreme + edit->found_len); if (outby > 0) edit_scroll_right (edit, outby); outby = l_extreme - p - edit->start_col; if (outby > 0) edit_scroll_left (edit, outby); p = edit->curs_row; outby = p - edit->num_widget_lines + 1 + b_extreme; if (outby > 0) edit_scroll_downward (edit, outby); outby = t_extreme - p; if (outby > 0) edit_scroll_upward (edit, outby); edit_update_curs_row (edit); } #define set_color(font) attrset (font) #define edit_move(x,y) widget_move(edit, y, x); static void print_to_widget (WEdit * edit, long row, int start_col, float start_col_real, long end_col, unsigned int line[]) { int x = (float) start_col_real + EDIT_TEXT_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET; int x1 = start_col + EDIT_TEXT_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET; int y = row + EDIT_TEXT_VERTICAL_OFFSET; set_color (EDITOR_NORMAL_COLOR); edit_move (x1, y); hline (' ', end_col + 1 - EDIT_TEXT_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET - x1); edit_move (x + FONT_OFFSET_X, y + FONT_OFFSET_Y); { unsigned int *p = line; int textchar = ' '; long style; while (*p) { style = *p >> 8; textchar = *p & 0xFF; #ifdef HAVE_SYNTAXH if (!(style & (0xFF - MOD_ABNORMAL - MOD_CURSOR))) SLsmg_set_color ((*p & 0x007F0000) >> 16); #endif if (style & MOD_ABNORMAL) textchar = '.'; if (style & MOD_HIGHLIGHTED) { set_color (EDITOR_BOLD_COLOR); } else if (style & MOD_MARKED) { set_color (EDITOR_MARKED_COLOR); } if (style & MOD_UNDERLINED) { set_color (EDITOR_UNDERLINED_COLOR); } if (style & MOD_BOLD) { set_color (EDITOR_BOLD_COLOR); } addch (textchar); p++; } } } /* b is a pointer to the beginning of the line */ static void edit_draw_this_line (WEdit * edit, long b, long row, long start_col, long end_col) { static unsigned int line[MAX_LINE_LEN]; unsigned int *p = line; long m1 = 0, m2 = 0, q, c1, c2; int col, start_col_real; unsigned int c; int fg, bg; int i, book_mark = -1; #if 0 if (!book_mark_query (edit, edit->start_line + row, &book_mark)) book_mark = -1; #endif edit_get_syntax_color (edit, b - 1, &fg, &bg); q = edit_move_forward3 (edit, b, start_col - edit->start_col, 0); start_col_real = (col = (int) edit_move_forward3 (edit, b, 0, q)) + edit->start_col; c1 = min (edit->column1, edit->column2); c2 = max (edit->column1, edit->column2); if (col + 16 > -edit->start_col) { eval_marks (edit, &m1, &m2); if (row <= edit->total_lines - edit->start_line) { while (col <= end_col - edit->start_col) { *p = 0; if (q == edit->curs1) *p |= MOD_CURSOR * 256; if (q >= m1 && q < m2) { if (column_highlighting) { int x; x = edit_move_forward3 (edit, b, 0, q); if (x >= c1 && x < c2) *p |= MOD_MARKED * 256; } else *p |= MOD_MARKED * 256; } if (q == edit->bracket) *p |= MOD_BOLD * 256; if (q >= edit->found_start && q < edit->found_start + edit->found_len) *p |= MOD_HIGHLIGHTED * 256; c = edit_get_byte (edit, q); /* we don't use bg for mc - fg contains both */ if (book_mark == -1) { edit_get_syntax_color (edit, q, &fg, &bg); *p |= fg << 16; } else { *p |= book_mark << 16; } q++; switch (c) { case '\n': col = end_col - edit->start_col + 1; /* quit */ *(p++) |= ' '; break; case '\t': i = TAB_SIZE - ((int) col % TAB_SIZE); *p |= ' '; c = *(p++) & (0xFFFFFFFF - MOD_CURSOR * 256); col += i; while (--i) *(p++) = c; break; case '\r': break; default: #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET if (c >= 0 && c <= 255) c = conv_displ[ c ]; #endif if (is_printable (c)) { *(p++) |= c; } else { *(p++) = '.'; *p |= (256 * MOD_ABNORMAL); } col++; break; } } } } else { start_col_real = start_col = 0; } *p = 0; print_to_widget (edit, row, start_col, start_col_real, end_col, line); } #define key_pending(x) (!is_idle()) static void edit_draw_this_char (WEdit * edit, long curs, long row) { int b = edit_bol (edit, curs); edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, 0, edit->num_widget_columns - 1); } /* cursor must be in screen for other than REDRAW_PAGE passed in force */ void render_edit_text (WEdit * edit, long start_row, long start_column, long end_row, long end_column) { long row = 0, curs_row; static int prev_curs_row = 0; static int prev_start_col = 0; static long prev_curs = 0; static long prev_start = -1; int force = edit->force; long b; CPushFont ("editor", 0); /* * If the position of the page has not moved then we can draw the cursor * character only. This will prevent line flicker when using arrow keys. */ if ((!(force & REDRAW_CHAR_ONLY)) || (force & REDRAW_PAGE)) { if (!(force & REDRAW_IN_BOUNDS)) { /* !REDRAW_IN_BOUNDS means to ignore bounds and redraw whole rows */ start_row = 0; end_row = edit->num_widget_lines - 1; start_column = 0; end_column = edit->num_widget_columns - 1; } if (force & REDRAW_PAGE) { row = start_row; b = edit_move_forward (edit, edit->start_display, start_row, 0); while (row <= end_row) { if (key_pending (edit)) goto exit_render; edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, start_column, end_column); b = edit_move_forward (edit, b, 1, 0); row++; } } else { curs_row = edit->curs_row; if (force & REDRAW_BEFORE_CURSOR) { if (start_row < curs_row) { long upto = curs_row - 1 <= end_row ? curs_row - 1 : end_row; row = start_row; b = edit->start_display; while (row <= upto) { if (key_pending (edit)) goto exit_render; edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, start_column, end_column); b = edit_move_forward (edit, b, 1, 0); } } } /* if (force & REDRAW_LINE) ---> default */ b = edit_bol (edit, edit->curs1); if (curs_row >= start_row && curs_row <= end_row) { if (key_pending (edit)) goto exit_render; edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, curs_row, start_column, end_column); } if (force & REDRAW_AFTER_CURSOR) { if (end_row > curs_row) { row = curs_row + 1 < start_row ? start_row : curs_row + 1; b = edit_move_forward (edit, b, 1, 0); while (row <= end_row) { if (key_pending (edit)) goto exit_render; edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, start_column, end_column); b = edit_move_forward (edit, b, 1, 0); row++; } } } if (force & REDRAW_LINE_ABOVE && curs_row >= 1) { row = curs_row - 1; b = edit_move_backward (edit, edit_bol (edit, edit->curs1), 1); if (row >= start_row && row <= end_row) { if (key_pending (edit)) goto exit_render; edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, start_column, end_column); } } if (force & REDRAW_LINE_BELOW && row < edit->num_widget_lines - 1) { row = curs_row + 1; b = edit_bol (edit, edit->curs1); b = edit_move_forward (edit, b, 1, 0); if (row >= start_row && row <= end_row) { if (key_pending (edit)) goto exit_render; edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, start_column, end_column); } } } } else { if (prev_curs_row < edit->curs_row) { /* with the new text highlighting, we must draw from the top down */ edit_draw_this_char (edit, prev_curs, prev_curs_row); edit_draw_this_char (edit, edit->curs1, edit->curs_row); } else { edit_draw_this_char (edit, edit->curs1, edit->curs_row); edit_draw_this_char (edit, prev_curs, prev_curs_row); } } edit->force = 0; prev_curs_row = edit->curs_row; prev_curs = edit->curs1; prev_start_col = edit->start_col; exit_render: edit->screen_modified = 0; prev_start = edit->start_line; CPopFont (); return; } void edit_set_space_width (int s); extern int option_long_whitespace; void edit_render (WEdit * edit, int page, int row_start, int col_start, int row_end, int col_end) { if (page) /* if it was an expose event, 'page' would be set */ edit->force |= REDRAW_PAGE | REDRAW_IN_BOUNDS; if (edit->force & REDRAW_COMPLETELY) redraw_labels (edit->widget.parent, (Widget *) edit); render_edit_text (edit, row_start, col_start, row_end, col_end); /* * edit->force != 0 means a key was pending and the redraw * was halted, so next time we must redraw everything in case stuff * was left undrawn from a previous key press. */ if (edit->force) edit->force |= REDRAW_PAGE; } void edit_render_keypress (WEdit * edit) { edit_render (edit, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }