/** \file color-internal.h
 *  \brief Header: Internal stuff of color setup


#include <sys/types.h>          /* size_t */

#include "lib/global.h"

#include "tty-slang.h"
#include "tty-ncurses.h"
#endif /* HAVE_SLANG */

/*** typedefs(not structures) and defined constants **********************************************/

/*** enums ***************************************************************************************/

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
typedef enum {
    SPEC_A_REVERSE              = -100,
    SPEC_A_BOLD                 = -101,
    SPEC_A_BOLD_REVERSE         = -102,
    SPEC_A_UNDERLINE            = -103
} tty_special_color_t;
/* *INDENT-ON* */

/*** structures declarations (and typedefs of structures)*****************************************/

typedef struct mc_color_pair_struct
    int ifg;
    int ibg;
    int attr;
    size_t pair_index;
    gboolean is_temp;
} tty_color_pair_t;

/*** global variables defined in .c file *********************************************************/

extern gboolean use_colors;
extern gboolean mc_tty_color_disable;

/*** declarations of public functions ************************************************************/

const char *tty_color_get_name_by_index (int);
int tty_color_get_index_by_name (const char *);
int tty_attr_get_bits (const char *);

void tty_color_init_lib (gboolean, gboolean);
void tty_color_deinit_lib (void);

void tty_color_try_alloc_pair_lib (tty_color_pair_t *);

/*** inline functions ****************************************************************************/
#endif /* MC_COLOR_INTERNAL_H */