...for case where there is no MC_SEARCH_CB_INVALID or MC_SEARCH_CB_SKIP
return codes (for search from file manager), so we can copy line
at regex buffer all at once.
Thanks Sergey Naumov <sknaumov@gmail.com> for the original patch.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <aborodin@vmail.ru>
...if file encoding and locale are different.
Example: locale is KOI8-R, file encoding is UTF-8. Note: those encodings
are not same.
File content is following (in Russian):
The difference is in first line char only: Й (lowercase letter) and й
(uppercase letter). The search of Ê gives the result Й independently of
case sensitivity. й isn't found.
If switch "All charsets" on, nothing is found.
The main idea of fix is modification of search API to allow set of search
pattern charset and use if within search engine.
Old API:
mc_search_new (pattern, pattern_len);
New API:
mc_search_new (pattern, pattern_len, pattern_charset);
Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <aborodin@vmail.ru>
* moved src/global.h into lib/global.h
* moved glibcompat.[ch] from ./src/ into ./lib/
* moved fs.h from ./src/ into ./lib/
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <slavazanko@gmail.com>