diff --git a/misc/syntax/Makefile.am b/misc/syntax/Makefile.am index cb1f9cf47..f25ce5af8 100644 --- a/misc/syntax/Makefile.am +++ b/misc/syntax/Makefile.am @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ SYNTAXFILES = \ glsl.syntax \ go.syntax \ haskell.syntax \ + hive.syntax \ html.syntax \ idl.syntax \ ini.syntax \ diff --git a/misc/syntax/Syntax.in b/misc/syntax/Syntax.in index 1e3b427b9..361119eec 100644 --- a/misc/syntax/Syntax.in +++ b/misc/syntax/Syntax.in @@ -151,6 +151,9 @@ include octave.syntax file ..\*\\.(sql|SQL)$ SQL\sProgram include sql.syntax +file ..\*\\.(hql|HQL)$ HiveQL\sProgram +include hive.syntax + file ..\*\\.(spec|spec\\.in)$ RPM\sSpecfile include spec.syntax diff --git a/misc/syntax/hive.syntax b/misc/syntax/hive.syntax new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8b01d7d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/syntax/hive.syntax @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +# HQL syntax highlighting +# by Michal Lorek + +caseinsensitive + +context default + +# Keywords + keyword whole TRUE white + keyword whole FALSE white + keyword whole ALL white + keyword whole NONE white + keyword whole AND white + keyword whole OR white + keyword whole NOT white + keyword whole ! brightcyan + keyword whole LIKE white + keyword whole ANY white + keyword whole IF white + keyword whole EXISTS white + keyword whole ASC white + keyword whole DESC white + keyword whole NULLS white + keyword whole LAST white + keyword whole ORDER white + keyword whole GROUP white + keyword whole BY white + keyword whole HAVING white + keyword whole WHERE white + keyword whole FROM white + keyword whole AS white + keyword whole SELECT white + keyword whole DISTINCT white + keyword whole INSERT white + keyword whole OVERWRITE magenta + keyword whole OUTER white + keyword whole UNIQUEJOIN white + keyword whole PRESERVE white + keyword whole JOIN white + keyword whole LEFT white + keyword whole RIGHT white + keyword whole FULL white + keyword whole ON white + keyword whole PARTITION white + keyword whole PARTITIONS white + keyword whole TABLE white + keyword whole TABLES white + keyword whole COLUMNS white + keyword whole INDEX white + keyword whole INDEXES white + keyword whole REBUILD white + keyword whole FUNCTIONS white + keyword whole SHOW white + keyword whole MSCK white + keyword whole REPAIR white + keyword whole DIRECTORY magenta + keyword whole LOCAL magenta + keyword whole TRANSFORM white + keyword whole USING white + keyword whole CLUSTER white + keyword whole DISTRIBUTE white + keyword whole SORT white + keyword whole UNION white + keyword whole EXCEPT white + keyword whole LOAD white + keyword whole EXPORT white + keyword whole IMPORT white + keyword whole REPLICATION white + keyword whole METADATA white + keyword whole DATA white + keyword whole INPATH white + keyword whole IS white + keyword whole NULL white + keyword whole CREATE white + keyword whole EXTERNAL white + keyword whole ALTER white + keyword whole CHANGE white + keyword whole COLUMN white + keyword whole FIRST white + keyword whole AFTER white + keyword whole DESCRIBE magenta + keyword whole DROP white + keyword whole RENAME white + keyword whole TO white + keyword whole COMMENT white + keyword whole BOOLEAN white + keyword whole TINYINT white + keyword whole SMALLINT white + keyword whole INT white + keyword whole INTEGER white + keyword whole BIGINT white + keyword whole FLOAT white + keyword whole DOUBLE white + keyword whole PRECISION white + keyword whole DATE white + keyword whole DATETIME white + keyword whole TIMESTAMP white + keyword whole TIMESTAMPTZ white + keyword whole TIME white + keyword whole ZONE white + keyword whole INTERVAL white + keyword whole DECIMAL white + keyword whole DEC white + keyword whole NUMERIC white + keyword whole STRING white + keyword whole CHAR white + keyword whole VARCHAR white + keyword whole ARRAY white + keyword whole STRUCT white + keyword whole MAP white + keyword whole UNIONTYPE white + keyword whole REDUCE white + keyword whole PARTITIONED white + keyword whole CLUSTERED white + keyword whole SORTED white + keyword whole INTO white + keyword whole BUCKETS white + keyword whole ROW magenta + keyword whole ROWS magenta + keyword whole FORMAT magenta + keyword whole DELIMITED magenta + keyword whole FIELDS magenta + keyword whole TERMINATED magenta + keyword whole ESCAPED magenta + keyword whole COLLECTION white + keyword whole ITEMS white + keyword whole KEYS white + keyword whole $KEY$ white + keyword whole LINES magenta + keyword whole STORED magenta + keyword whole FILEFORMAT magenta + keyword whole INPUTFORMAT magenta + keyword whole OUTPUTFORMAT magenta + keyword whole INPUTDRIVER white + keyword whole OUTPUTDRIVER white + keyword whole ENABLE white + keyword whole DISABLE white + keyword whole LOCATION magenta + keyword whole TABLESAMPLE white + keyword whole BUCKET white + keyword whole OUT white + keyword whole OF white + keyword whole PERCENT white + keyword whole CAST cyan + keyword whole ADD white + keyword whole REPLACE white + keyword whole RLIKE white + keyword whole REGEXP white + keyword whole TEMPORARY white + keyword whole FUNCTION white + keyword whole MACRO white + keyword whole FILE white + keyword whole JAR white + keyword whole EXPLAIN white + keyword whole EXTENDED white + keyword whole FORMATTED white + keyword whole PRETTY white + keyword whole DEPENDENCY white + keyword whole LOGICAL white + keyword whole SERDE white + keyword whole WITH white + keyword whole DEFERRED white + keyword whole SERDEPROPERTIES white + keyword whole DBPROPERTIES white + keyword whole LIMIT white + keyword whole OFFSET white + keyword whole SET white + keyword whole UNSET white + keyword whole TBLPROPERTIES white + keyword whole IDXPROPERTIES white + keyword whole $VALUE$ white + keyword whole $ELEM$ white + keyword whole DEFINED white + keyword whole CASE white + keyword whole WHEN white + keyword whole THEN white + keyword whole ELSE white + keyword whole END white + keyword whole MAPJOIN white + keyword whole STREAMTABLE white + keyword whole CLUSTERSTATUS white + keyword whole UTC white + keyword whole UTC_TMESTAMP white + keyword whole LONG white + keyword whole DELETE white + keyword whole PLUS white + keyword whole MINUS white + keyword whole FETCH white + keyword whole INTERSECT white + keyword whole VIEW white + keyword whole VIEWS white + keyword whole IN white + keyword whole DATABASE white + keyword whole DATABASES white + keyword whole MATERIALIZED white + keyword whole SCHEMA white + keyword whole SCHEMAS white + keyword whole GRANT white + keyword whole REVOKE white + keyword whole SSL white + keyword whole UNDO white + keyword whole LOCK white + keyword whole LOCKS white + keyword whole UNLOCK white + keyword whole SHARED white + keyword whole EXCLUSIVE white + keyword whole PROCEDURE white + keyword whole UNSIGNED white + keyword whole WHILE white + keyword whole READ white + keyword whole READS white + keyword whole PURGE white + keyword whole RANGE white + keyword whole ANALYZE white + keyword whole BEFORE white + keyword whole BETWEEN white + keyword whole BOTH white + keyword whole BINARY white + keyword whole CROSS white + keyword whole CONTINUE white + keyword whole CURSOR white + keyword whole TRIGGER white + keyword whole RECORDREADER white + keyword whole RECORDWRITER white + keyword whole SEMI white + keyword whole LATERAL magenta + keyword whole TOUCH white + keyword whole ARCHIVE magenta + keyword whole UNARCHIVE magenta + keyword whole COMPUTE white + keyword whole STATISTICS white + keyword whole USE magenta + keyword whole OPTION white + keyword whole CONCATENATE magenta + keyword whole SHOW_DATABASE white + keyword whole UPDATE white + keyword whole RESTRICT white + keyword whole CASCADE white + keyword whole SKEWED white + keyword whole ROLLUP white + keyword whole CUBE white + keyword whole DIRECTORIES white + keyword whole FOR white + keyword whole WINDOW white + keyword whole UNBOUNDED white + keyword whole PRECEDING white + keyword whole FOLLOWING white + keyword whole CURRENT white + keyword whole CURRENT_DATE white + keyword whole CURRENT_TIMESTAMP white + keyword whole LESS white + keyword whole MORE white + keyword whole OVER white + keyword whole GROUPING white + keyword whole SETS white + keyword whole TRUNCATE white + keyword whole NOSCAN white + keyword whole PARTIALSCAN white + keyword whole USER white + keyword whole ROLE white + keyword whole ROLES white + keyword whole INNER white + keyword whole EXCHANGE white + keyword whole URI white + keyword whole SERVER white + keyword whole ADMIN white + keyword whole OWNER white + keyword whole PRINCIPALS white + keyword whole COMPACT white + keyword whole COMPACTIONS white + keyword whole TRANSACTIONS white + keyword whole REWRITE white + keyword whole AUTHORIZATION white + keyword whole CONF white + keyword whole VALUES white + keyword whole RELOAD white + keyword whole YEAR white + keyword whole YEARS white + keyword whole QUARTER white + keyword whole MONTH white + keyword whole MONTHS white + keyword whole WEEK white + keyword whole WEEKS white + keyword whole DAY white + keyword whole DAYS white + keyword whole DAYOFWEEK white + keyword whole HOUR white + keyword whole HOURS white + keyword whole MINUTE white + keyword whole MINUTES white + keyword whole SECOND white + keyword whole SECONDS white + keyword whole START white + keyword whole TRANSACTION white + keyword whole COMMIT white + keyword whole ROLLBACK white + keyword whole WORK white + keyword whole ONLY white + keyword whole WRITE white + keyword whole ISOLATION white + keyword whole LEVEL white + keyword whole SNAPSHOT white + keyword whole AUTOCOMMIT white + keyword whole CACHE white + keyword whole PRIMARY white + keyword whole FOREIGN white + keyword whole REFERENCES white + keyword whole CONSTRAINT white + keyword whole VALIDATE white + keyword whole NOVALIDATE white + keyword whole RELY white + keyword whole NORELY white + keyword whole UNIQUE white + keyword whole KEY white + keyword whole ABORT white + keyword whole EXTRACT white + keyword whole FLOOR white + keyword whole MERGE white + keyword whole MATCHED white + keyword whole REPL white + keyword whole DUMP white + keyword whole STATUS white + keyword whole VECTORIZATION white + keyword whole SUMMARY white + keyword whole OPERATOR white + keyword whole EXPRESSION white + keyword whole DETAIL white + keyword whole WAIT white + +# Storage Formats + keyword whole TEXTFILE brightblue + keyword whole ORC brightblue + keyword whole SEQUENCEFILE brightblue + keyword whole RCFILE brightblue + keyword whole PARQUET brightblue + keyword whole AVRO brightblue + +# Comments + keyword /\* brown + keyword \*/ brown + keyword -- brown + +# Operators + keyword > brightcyan + keyword < brightcyan + keyword \+ brightcyan + keyword - brightcyan + keyword \* brightcyan + keyword / brightcyan + keyword % brightcyan + keyword = brightcyan + keyword ( brightcyan + keyword ) brightcyan + keyword , brightcyan + keyword ; brightcyan + keyword . white + keyword \| white + keyword != white + keyword \^ white + keyword \~ white + keyword whole DIV white + keyword [ brightcyan + keyword ] brightcyan + keyword { brightcyan + keyword } brightcyan + keyword : white + keyword & white + keyword ? white + +# Mathematical Functions + keyword whole round yellow + keyword whole bround yellow + keyword whole floor yellow + keyword whole ceil yellow + keyword whole rand yellow + keyword whole exp yellow + keyword whole ln yellow + keyword whole log10 yellow + keyword whole log2 yellow + keyword whole log yellow + keyword whole pow yellow + keyword whole sqrt yellow + keyword whole bin yellow + keyword whole hex yellow + keyword whole unhex yellow + keyword whole conv yellow + keyword whole abs yellow + keyword whole pmod yellow + keyword whole sin yellow + keyword whole asin yellow + keyword whole cos yellow + keyword whole acos yellow + keyword whole tan yellow + keyword whole atan yellow + keyword whole degrees yellow + keyword whole radians yellow + keyword whole positive yellow + keyword whole negative yellow + keyword whole sign yellow + keyword whole e() yellow + keyword whole pi() yellow + keyword whole factorial yellow + keyword whole cbrt yellow + keyword whole shiftleft yellow + keyword whole shiftright yellow + keyword whole shiftrightunsigned yellow + keyword whole greatest yellow + keyword whole least yellow + keyword whole width_bucket yellow + +# Collection Functions + keyword whole size yellow + keyword whole map_keys yellow + keyword whole map_values yellow + keyword whole array_contains yellow + keyword whole sort_array yellow + +# Type Conversion +# binary # keyword +# cast # keyword + +# Date Functions + keyword whole from_unixtime yellow + keyword whole unix_timestamp yellow + keyword whole to_date yellow + keyword whole year yellow + keyword whole quarter yellow + keyword whole month yellow + keyword whole day yellow + keyword whole hour yellow + keyword whole minute yellow + keyword whole second yellow + keyword whole weekofyear yellow + keyword whole extract yellow + keyword whole datediff yellow + keyword whole date_add yellow + keyword whole date_sub yellow + keyword whole from_utc_timestamp yellow + keyword whole to_utc_timestamp yellow + keyword whole current_date yellow + keyword whole add_months yellow + keyword whole last_day yellow + keyword whole next_day yellow + keyword whole trunc yellow + keyword whole months_between yellow + keyword whole date_format yellow + +# Conditional Functions + keyword whole if yellow + keyword whole isnull yellow + keyword whole isnotnull yellow + keyword whole coalesce yellow + keyword whole nullif yellow + keyword whole assert_true yellow + +# String Functions + keyword whole ascii yellow + keyword whole base64 yellow + keyword whole character_length yellow + keyword whole chr yellow + keyword whole concat yellow + keyword whole context_ngrams yellow + keyword whole concat_ws yellow + keyword whole decode yellow + keyword whole elt yellow + keyword whole encode yellow + keyword whole field yellow + keyword whole find_in_set yellow + keyword whole format_number yellow + keyword whole get_json_object yellow + keyword whole in_file yellow + keyword whole instr yellow + keyword whole length yellow + keyword whole locate yellow + keyword whole lower yellow + keyword whole lpad yellow + keyword whole ltrim yellow + keyword whole ngrams yellow + keyword whole octet_length yellow + keyword whole parse_url yellow + keyword whole printf yellow + keyword whole regexp_extract yellow + keyword whole regexp_replace yellow + keyword whole repeat yellow + keyword whole replace yellow + keyword whole reverse yellow + keyword whole rpad yellow + keyword whole rtrim yellow + keyword whole sentences yellow + keyword whole space yellow + keyword whole split yellow + keyword whole str_to_map yellow + keyword whole substr yellow + keyword whole substr_index yellow + keyword whole translate yellow + keyword whole trim yellow + keyword whole unbase64 yellow + keyword whole upper yellow + keyword whole initcap yellow + keyword whole levenshtein yellow + keyword whole soundex yellow + +# Data Masking Functions + keyword whole mask yellow + keyword whole mask_first_n yellow + keyword whole mask_last_n yellow + keyword whole mask_show_first_n yellow + keyword whole mask_show_last_n yellow + keyword whole mask_hash yellow + +# Misc. Functions + keyword whole java_method yellow + keyword whole reflect yellow + keyword whole hash yellow + keyword whole current_user yellow + keyword whole logged_user yellow + keyword whole md5 yellow + keyword whole sha1 yellow + keyword whole sha yellow + keyword whole crc32 yellow + keyword whole sha2 yellow + keyword whole aes_encrypt yellow + keyword whole aes_decrypt yellow + keyword whole version yellow + +# xpath + keyword whole xpath yellow + keyword whole xpath_short yellow + keyword whole xpath_int yellow + keyword whole xpath_long yellow + keyword whole xpath_float yellow + keyword whole xpath_double yellow + keyword whole xpath_number yellow + keyword whole xpath_string yellow + +# Aggregate Functions + keyword whole count yellow + keyword whole sum yellow + keyword whole avg yellow + keyword whole min yellow + keyword whole max yellow + keyword whole variance yellow + keyword whole var_samp yellow + keyword whole stddev_pop yellow + keyword whole stddev_samp yellow + keyword whole covar_pop yellow + keyword whole covar_samp yellow + keyword whole corr yellow + keyword whole percentile yellow + keyword whole regr_avgx yellow + keyword whole regr_avgy yellow + keyword whole regr_count yellow + keyword whole regr_intercept yellow + keyword whole regr_r2 yellow + keyword whole regr_slope yellow + keyword whole regr_sxx yellow + keyword whole regr_sxy yellow + keyword whole regr_syy yellow + keyword whole histogram_numeric yellow + keyword whole collect_set yellow + keyword whole collect_list yellow + keyword whole ntile yellow + +# Table-Generating Functions + keyword whole explode yellow + keyword whole posexplode yellow + keyword whole inline yellow + keyword whole stack yellow + keyword whole json_tuple yellow + keyword whole parse_url yellow + +# Window Functions + keyword whole lead yellow + keyword whole lag yellow + keyword whole first_value yellow + keyword whole last_value yellow + keyword whole rank yellow + keyword whole row_number yellow + keyword whole dense_rank yellow + keyword whole cume_dist yellow + keyword whole percent_rank yellow + keyword whole ntile yellow + +# Variables + # oozie variables + keyword whole ${+} brightgreen + # hive variables + keyword whole ${hiveconf:+} magenta + + +# Hive options + keyword wholeright hive.+.+.+ red + keyword wholeright tez.+.+ red + keyword wholeright mapreduce.+.+ red + +# Literals + # float + keyword whole \[0123456789\]\{.\}\[0123456789\] brightmagenta + # float e notation + keyword whole \[0123456789\]\[.\]\[0123456789\]\{e\}\[\+-\]\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightmagenta + + # tinyint + keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]Y magenta + # smallint + keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]S magenta + # bigint + keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]L magenta + # int + keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightmagenta + # big decimal + keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]BD magenta + +context exclusive -- \n brown + spellcheck + +context exclusive /\* \*/ brown + spellcheck + +context ' ' green + keyword \\' brightgreen + # oozie variables + keyword whole ${+} brightgreen + # hive variables + keyword whole ${hiveconf:+} magenta + +context " " red + keyword \\" brightred