From 5da0c8f06f5cc0afd263c91c19b3547e282f2360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Miguel de Icaza Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 03:50:55 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Removed unused information -mig --- lib/ | 81 ++------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ index a09a79d95..b11675ac5 100644 --- a/lib/ +++ b/lib/ @@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ # user defined name (those will be listed in the extension dependent pop-up # menu). # -# Icon name is name of the corresponding icon (XPM). If it has no path, -# the default path for mc icons @prefix@/lib/mc/icons is assumed. -# # Title is the default icon title for objects. %p is expanded into the # name of that file and %d/%p to a name with full path. Default title # (if none is specified) is %p @@ -106,63 +103,47 @@ regex/\.t([gp]?z|ar\.g?[zZ])$ Open=%cd %p#utar View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf - Extract=gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar xf - - Icon=compressed.xpm regex/\.tar\.bz$ # Open=%cd %p#utar View=%view{ascii} bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf - Extract=bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar xf - - Icon=compressed.xpm regex/\.tar\.bz2$ Open=%cd %p#utar View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf - Extract=bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar xf - - Icon=compressed.xpm # .tar shell/.tar Open=%cd %p#utar View=%view{ascii} tar tvvf %f Extract=tar xf %f - Icon=tar.xpm # bzipped regex/\.bz$ Open=bzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more} View=%view{ascii} bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null Uncompress=bunzip %f - Icon=compressed.xpm regex/\.bz2$ Open=bzip2 -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more} View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null Uncompress=bunzip2 %f - Icon=compressed.xpm # a directory -directory/^\.\.$ - Icon=parent_dir.xpm -directory/^News$ - Icon=news_dir.xpm -directory/^Mail$ - Icon=mail_dir.xpm -directory/^\..*$ - Icon=hidden_dir.xpm directory/^.*$ Start XTerm here=cd %p; exec xterm & Make tar.gz=I=%{Enter destination file name:}; if test -n "$I"; then tar cvf - %p | gzip > $I; fi - Icon=plain_dir.xpm # ls-lR regex/^ls-?lR$ Open=%cd %p#lslR View=%view{ascii} - Icon=plain_dir.xpm + regex/^ls-?lR\.(g?z|Z)$ Open=%cd %p#lslR View=%view{ascii} gunzip -c %f - Icon=plain_dir.xpm # ftplist regex/\.ftplist$ @@ -183,7 +164,6 @@ regex/\.deb$ regex/\.(zip|ZIP|jar|JAR)$ Open=%cd %p#uzip View=%view{ascii} unzip -v %f - Icon=zip.xpm Extract=unzip %f Extract (with flags)=I=%{Enter any Unzip flags:}; if test -n "$I"; then unzip $I %f; fi Unzip=unzip %f '*' @@ -192,14 +172,12 @@ regex/\.(zip|ZIP|jar|JAR)$ shell/.zoo Open=%cd %p#uzoo View=%view{ascii} zoo l %f - Icon=zoo.xpm Extract=zoo x %f '*' # lha regex/\.(lha|LHA|lzh|LZH)$ Open=%cd %p#ulha View=%view{ascii} lharc l %f - Icon=lharc.xpm Extract=lharc x %f '*' Extract (with flags)=I=%{Enter any LHarc flags:}; if test -n "$I"; then lharc x $I %f; fi @@ -207,7 +185,6 @@ regex/\.(lha|LHA|lzh|LZH)$ regex/\.a(rj|[0-9][0-9])$ Open=%cd %p#uarj View=%view{ascii} unarj l %f - Icon=zip.xpm Extract=unarj x %f '*' Extract (with flags)=I=%{Enter any Unarj flags:}; if test -n "$I"; then unarj x $I %f; fi @@ -222,7 +199,6 @@ shell/.c View=%view{ascii} Compile=%var{CC:cc} -O -c %f Link=%var{CC:cc} -O -o %d/`basename %f .c` %f - Icon=c.xpm shell/.f Open=gedit %f @@ -232,12 +208,10 @@ shell/.f shell/.h Open=gedit %f - Icon=h.xpm shell/.o Open=%view{hex} %f Link=%var{CC:cc} -O %f - Icon=o.xpm Display object file symbols=%view{ascii} nm %f Disassemble=%view{ascii} objdump -d -r %f @@ -245,17 +219,14 @@ shell/.s Open=gedit %f Assemble=%var{CC:cc} -O -c %f Link=%var{CC:cc} -O -o %d/`basename %f .s` %f - Icon=s.xpm shell/.dvi Open=xdvi %f - Icon=binary.xpm View=xdvi %f Convert file to Postscript=dvips %f shell/.tex Open=gedit %f - Icon=tex.xpm TeX this file=tex %f LaTeX this file=tex %f @@ -263,122 +234,93 @@ shell/^RMAIL$ Start Emacs on this RMAIL file=emacs %f Open=emacs %f -regex/\.(te?xi)|(texinfo)$ - Icon=tex.xpm - # C++ regex/\.(C|cc)$ Open=gedit %f View=%view{ascii} %f Compile=c++ -O -c %f Link=c++ -O -o %d/`basename %f .c` %f - Icon=cc.xpm # ar library regex/\.s?a$ Open=%view{ascii} ar tv %f View=%view{ascii} nm %f - Icon=a.xpm # .so libraries are not manual pages regex/\.so\.[0-9\.]*$ View=%view{hex} - Icon=so.xpm # Manual page regex/(([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|n)|\.man)$ Open=gedit %f View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff @TROFFASCII@ @MANDOC@ %f - Icon=man.xpm # Troff with me macros. shell/.me Open=gedit %f View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff @TROFFASCII@ -me %f - Icon=man.xpm # Troff with ms macros. shell/.ms Open=gedit %f View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff @TROFFASCII@ -ms %f - Icon=man.xpm # Manual page - compressed regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][a-z]?|n)\.g?[Zz]$ Open=%view{ascii,nroff} gunzip -dc %f | nroff @TROFFASCII@ @MANDOC@ View=%view{ascii,nroff} gunzip -dc %f | nroff @TROFFASCII@ @MANDOC@ - Icon=man.xpm - -regex/(read\.?me$)|(README) - Icon=info.xpm - -shell/core - Icon=core.xpm type/PostScript Open=gv %f - Icon=postscript.xpm View with GhostView=gv %f type/GIF\ image Open=ee %f - Icon=gif.xpm Include=image-options type/GIF\ picture Open=ee %f - Icon=gif.xpm Include=image-options type/JPEG\ picture Open=ee %f - Icon=jpeg.xpm Include=image-options type/PC\ bitmap Open=ee %f - Icon=bitmap.xpm Include=image-options type/PNG\ image Open=ee %f - Icon=gif.xpm Include=image-options type/JPEG\ image Open=ee %f - Icon=jpeg.xpm Include=image-options type/TIFF\ file Open=ee %f - Icon=tiff.xpm Include=image-options type/PBM Open=ee %f - Icon=pbm.xpm Include=image-options type/PGM Open=ee %f - Icon=pgm.xpm Include=image-options type/PPM Open=ee %f - Icon=ppm.xpm Include=image-options shell/.xbm Open=bitmap %f - Icon=xbm.xpm shell/.xpm Open=ee %f View=sxpm %f Include=image-options - Icon=xpm.xpm include/image-options Set root window to this image=background-properties --setwallpaper %f & @@ -387,18 +329,15 @@ include/image-options # Sound files shell/.mod Open=tracker %f - Icon=sound.xpm + regex/\.(wav)|(snd)|(voc)|(au)$ Open=play %f - Icon=sound.xpm type/FrameMaker Open=fmclient -f %f - Icon=framemaker.xpm type/mail Open=elm -f %f - Icon=mail.xpm View=%view{ascii} mcmfmt < %f # gzipped @@ -407,22 +346,18 @@ type/gzip View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null Edit=I=`date +%%s`; export I; gzip -cd %f >/tmp/gzed.$I && %var{EDITOR:vi} /tmp/gzed.$I && gzip -c /tmp/gzed.$I > %f; rm -f /tmp/gzed.$I Uncompress=gunzip %f - Icon=compressed.xpm type/compress Open=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null Edit=I=`date +%%s`; export I; gzip -cd %f >/tmp/gzed.$I && %var{EDITOR:vi} /tmp/gzed.$I && gzip -c /tmp/gzed.$I > %f; rm -f /tmp/gzed.$I - Icon=compressed.xpm # Makefile regex/[Mm]akefile Open=make -f %f %{Enter parameters} - Icon=makefile.xpm shell/Imakefile Open=xmkmf -a - Icon=makefile.xpm type/PDF Open=xpdf %f @@ -435,7 +370,6 @@ type/executable Execute in XTerm=xterm -e %f & View Required Libraries=%view{ascii} ldd %f Strip binary=strip %f - Icon=application.xpm # MPegs regex/\.mpe?g$ @@ -448,7 +382,6 @@ regex/\.html?$ # Open=if echo "%d/%p" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer %d/%p; else $viewer file:%p; fi Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x ]; then lynx -force_html %f; else (@X11_WWW@ %f &); fi View=%view{ascii} lynx -dump -force_html %f; - Icon=html.xpm Run with AppletViewer=appletviewer %f View with @X11_WWW@=@X11_WWW@ file://%f @@ -467,27 +400,22 @@ regex/\.(dbf|DBF)$ # wav regex/\.(wav|WAV)$ Open=vplay %f - Icon=wav.xpm # wav22 regex/\.(wav22|WAV22)$ Open=vplay -s 22 %f - Icon=wav.xpm # REXX script regex/\.(rexx)|(rex)|(cmd)$ Open=rexx %f %{Enter parameters};echo "Press ENTER";read y - Icon=rexx.xpm # Microsoft Word Document regex/\.(doc|DOC)$ # View=%view{ascii} catdoc -w %f View=%view{ascii} word2x -f text %f - - Icon=word.xpm type/Microsoft Word Document # View=%view{ascii} catdoc -w %f View=%view{ascii} word2x -f text %f - - Icon=word.xpm # cpio rules @@ -495,29 +423,24 @@ shell/.cpio.Z Open=%cd %d/%p#ucpio/ View=%view{ascii} compress -dc '%f' | cpio -ictv Extract=compress -dc '%f' | cpio -ic - Icon=compressed.xpm shell/.cpio.gz Open=%cd %d/%p#ucpio/ View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc '%f' | cpio -ictv Extract=gzip -dc '%f' | cpio -ic - Icon=compressed.xpm shell/.cpio Open=%cd %d/%p#ucpio/ View=%view{ascii} cat '%f' | cpio -ictv Extract=cat '%f' | cpio -ic - Icon=cpio.xpm shell/.mp3 Open=mpg123 %f View=mpg123 %f - Icon=sound.xpm # Default target for anything not described above default/* Open= View=%view{ascii} Drop= - Icon=plain.xpm Title=%p