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Test files are more polite regarding the use of globals when locals would do, and when globals are necessary deleting them after use.
83 lines
2.1 KiB
83 lines
2.1 KiB
-- $Id: testes/big.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
if _soft then
return 'a'
print "testing large tables"
local debug = require"debug"
local lim = 2^18 + 1000
local prog = { "local y = {0" }
for i = 1, lim do prog[#prog + 1] = i end
prog[#prog + 1] = "}\n"
prog[#prog + 1] = "X = y\n"
prog[#prog + 1] = ("assert(X[%d] == %d)"):format(lim - 1, lim - 2)
prog[#prog + 1] = "return 0"
prog = table.concat(prog, ";")
local env = {string = string, assert = assert}
local f = assert(load(prog, nil, nil, env))
assert(env.X[lim] == lim - 1 and env.X[lim + 1] == lim)
for k in pairs(env) do env[k] = undef end
-- yields during accesses larger than K (in RK)
setmetatable(env, {
__index = function (t, n) coroutine.yield('g'); return _G[n] end,
__newindex = function (t, n, v) coroutine.yield('s'); _G[n] = v end,
X = nil
local co = coroutine.wrap(f)
assert(co() == 's')
assert(co() == 'g')
assert(co() == 'g')
assert(co() == 0)
assert(X[lim] == lim - 1 and X[lim + 1] == lim)
-- errors in accesses larger than K (in RK)
getmetatable(env).__index = function () end
getmetatable(env).__newindex = function () end
local e, m = pcall(f)
assert(not e and m:find("global 'X'"))
-- errors in metamethods
getmetatable(env).__newindex = function () error("hi") end
local e, m = xpcall(f, debug.traceback)
assert(not e and m:find("'newindex'"))
f, X = nil
if 2^32 == 0 then -- (small integers) {
print "testing string length overflow"
local repstrings = 192 -- number of strings to be concatenated
local ssize = math.ceil(2.0^32 / repstrings) + 1 -- size of each string
assert(repstrings * ssize > 2.0^32) -- it should be larger than maximum size
local longs = string.rep("\0", ssize) -- create one long string
-- create function to concatenate 'repstrings' copies of its argument
local rep = assert(load(
"local a = ...; return " .. string.rep("a", repstrings, "..")))
local a, b = pcall(rep, longs) -- call that function
-- it should fail without creating string (result would be too large)
assert(not a and string.find(b, "overflow"))
end -- }
return 'a'