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synced 2025-03-04 21:11:30 +03:00

Test files are more polite regarding the use of globals when locals would do, and when globals are necessary deleting them after use.
1544 lines
41 KiB
1544 lines
41 KiB
-- $Id: testes/api.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
if T==nil then
(Message or print)('\n >>> testC not active: skipping API tests <<<\n')
local debug = require "debug"
local pack = table.pack
-- standard error message for memory errors
local MEMERRMSG = "not enough memory"
local function tcheck (t1, t2)
assert(t1.n == (t2.n or #t2) + 1)
for i = 2, t1.n do assert(t1[i] == t2[i - 1]) end
local function checkerr (msg, f, ...)
local stat, err = pcall(f, ...)
assert(not stat and string.find(err, msg))
print('testing C API')
local a = T.testC("pushvalue R; return 1")
assert(a == debug.getregistry())
-- absindex
assert(T.testC("settop 10; absindex -1; return 1") == 10)
assert(T.testC("settop 5; absindex -5; return 1") == 1)
assert(T.testC("settop 10; absindex 1; return 1") == 1)
assert(T.testC("settop 10; absindex R; return 1") < -10)
-- testing alignment
a = T.d2s(12458954321123.0)
assert(a == string.pack("d", 12458954321123.0))
assert(T.s2d(a) == 12458954321123.0)
local a,b,c = T.testC("pushnum 1; pushnum 2; pushnum 3; return 2")
assert(a == 2 and b == 3 and not c)
local f = T.makeCfunc("pushnum 1; pushnum 2; pushnum 3; return 2")
a,b,c = f()
assert(a == 2 and b == 3 and not c)
-- test that all trues are equal
a,b,c = T.testC("pushbool 1; pushbool 2; pushbool 0; return 3")
assert(a == b and a == true and c == false)
a,b,c = T.testC"pushbool 0; pushbool 10; pushnil;\
tobool -3; tobool -3; tobool -3; return 3"
assert(a==false and b==true and c==false)
a,b,c = T.testC("gettop; return 2", 10, 20, 30, 40)
assert(a == 40 and b == 5 and not c)
local t = pack(T.testC("settop 5; return *", 2, 3))
tcheck(t, {n=4,2,3})
t = pack(T.testC("settop 0; settop 15; return 10", 3, 1, 23))
assert(t.n == 10 and t[1] == nil and t[10] == nil)
t = pack(T.testC("remove -2; return *", 2, 3, 4))
tcheck(t, {n=2,2,4})
t = pack(T.testC("insert -1; return *", 2, 3))
tcheck(t, {n=2,2,3})
t = pack(T.testC("insert 3; return *", 2, 3, 4, 5))
tcheck(t, {n=4,2,5,3,4})
t = pack(T.testC("replace 2; return *", 2, 3, 4, 5))
tcheck(t, {n=3,5,3,4})
t = pack(T.testC("replace -2; return *", 2, 3, 4, 5))
tcheck(t, {n=3,2,3,5})
t = pack(T.testC("remove 3; return *", 2, 3, 4, 5))
tcheck(t, {n=3,2,4,5})
t = pack(T.testC("copy 3 4; return *", 2, 3, 4, 5))
tcheck(t, {n=4,2,3,3,5})
t = pack(T.testC("copy -3 -1; return *", 2, 3, 4, 5))
tcheck(t, {n=4,2,3,4,3})
do -- testing 'rotate'
local t = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
for i = -6, 6 do
local s = string.format("rotate 2 %d; return 7", i)
local t1 = pack(T.testC(s, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60))
tcheck(t1, t)
table.insert(t, 1, table.remove(t))
t = pack(T.testC("rotate -2 1; return *", 10, 20, 30, 40))
tcheck(t, {10, 20, 40, 30})
t = pack(T.testC("rotate -2 -1; return *", 10, 20, 30, 40))
tcheck(t, {10, 20, 40, 30})
-- some corner cases
t = pack(T.testC("rotate -1 0; return *", 10, 20, 30, 40))
tcheck(t, {10, 20, 30, 40})
t = pack(T.testC("rotate -1 1; return *", 10, 20, 30, 40))
tcheck(t, {10, 20, 30, 40})
t = pack(T.testC("rotate 5 -1; return *", 10, 20, 30, 40))
tcheck(t, {10, 20, 30, 40})
-- testing warnings
warningC "#This shold be a"
warningC " single "
warning "warning"
warningC "#This should be "
warning "another one"
-- testing message handlers
local f = T.makeCfunc[[
getglobal error
pushstring bola
pcall 1 1 1 # call 'error' with given handler
return 2 # return error message and status
local msg, st = f(string.upper) -- function handler
assert(st == "ERRRUN" and msg == "BOLA")
local msg, st = f(string.len) -- function handler
assert(st == "ERRRUN" and msg == 4)
t = pack(T.testC("insert 3; pushvalue 3; remove 3; pushvalue 2; remove 2; \
insert 2; pushvalue 1; remove 1; insert 1; \
insert -2; pushvalue -2; remove -3; return *",
2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 40, 90))
tcheck(t, {n=7,2,3,4,5,10,40,90})
t = pack(T.testC("concat 5; return *", "alo", 2, 3, "joao", 12))
tcheck(t, {n=1,"alo23joao12"})
-- testing MULTRET
t = pack(T.testC("call 2,-1; return *",
function (a,b) return 1,2,3,4,a,b end, "alo", "joao"))
tcheck(t, {n=6,1,2,3,4,"alo", "joao"})
do -- test returning more results than fit in the caller stack
local a = {}
for i=1,1000 do a[i] = true end; a[999] = 10
local b = T.testC([[pcall 1 -1 0; pop 1; tostring -1; return 1]],
table.unpack, a)
assert(b == "10")
-- testing globals
_G.AA = 14; _G.BB = "a31"
local a = {T.testC[[
getglobal AA;
getglobal BB;
getglobal BB;
setglobal AA;
return *
assert(a[2] == 14 and a[3] == "a31" and a[4] == nil and _G.AA == "a31")
_G.AA, _G.BB = nil
-- testing arith
assert(T.testC("pushnum 10; pushnum 20; arith /; return 1") == 0.5)
assert(T.testC("pushnum 10; pushnum 20; arith -; return 1") == -10)
assert(T.testC("pushnum 10; pushnum -20; arith *; return 1") == -200)
assert(T.testC("pushnum 10; pushnum 3; arith ^; return 1") == 1000)
assert(T.testC("pushnum 10; pushstring 20; arith /; return 1") == 0.5)
assert(T.testC("pushstring 10; pushnum 20; arith -; return 1") == -10)
assert(T.testC("pushstring 10; pushstring -20; arith *; return 1") == -200)
assert(T.testC("pushstring 10; pushstring 3; arith ^; return 1") == 1000)
assert(T.testC("arith /; return 1", 2, 0) == 10.0/0)
a = T.testC("pushnum 10; pushint 3; arith \\; return 1")
assert(a == 3.0 and math.type(a) == "float")
a = T.testC("pushint 10; pushint 3; arith \\; return 1")
assert(a == 3 and math.type(a) == "integer")
a = assert(T.testC("pushint 10; pushint 3; arith +; return 1"))
assert(a == 13 and math.type(a) == "integer")
a = assert(T.testC("pushnum 10; pushint 3; arith +; return 1"))
assert(a == 13 and math.type(a) == "float")
a,b,c = T.testC([[pushnum 1;
pushstring 10; arith _;
pushstring 5; return 3]])
assert(a == 1 and b == -10 and c == "5")
local mt = {
__add = function (a,b) return setmetatable({a[1] + b[1]}, mt) end,
__mod = function (a,b) return setmetatable({a[1] % b[1]}, mt) end,
__unm = function (a) return setmetatable({a[1]* 2}, mt) end}
a,b,c = setmetatable({4}, mt),
setmetatable({8}, mt),
setmetatable({-3}, mt)
local x,y,z = T.testC("arith +; return 2", 10, a, b)
assert(x == 10 and y[1] == 12 and z == nil)
assert(T.testC("arith %; return 1", a, c)[1] == 4%-3)
assert(T.testC("arith _; arith +; arith %; return 1", b, a, c)[1] ==
8 % (4 + (-3)*2))
-- errors in arithmetic
checkerr("divide by zero", T.testC, "arith \\", 10, 0)
checkerr("%%0", T.testC, "arith %", 10, 0)
-- testing lessthan and lessequal
assert(T.testC("compare LT 2 5, return 1", 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2))
assert(T.testC("compare LE 2 5, return 1", 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2))
assert(not T.testC("compare LT 3 4, return 1", 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2))
assert(T.testC("compare LE 3 4, return 1", 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2))
assert(T.testC("compare LT 5 2, return 1", 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2))
assert(not T.testC("compare LT 2 -3, return 1", "4", "2", "2", "3", "2", "2"))
assert(not T.testC("compare LT -3 2, return 1", "3", "2", "2", "4", "2", "2"))
-- non-valid indices produce false
assert(not T.testC("compare LT 1 4, return 1"))
assert(not T.testC("compare LE 9 1, return 1"))
assert(not T.testC("compare EQ 9 9, return 1"))
local b = {__lt = function (a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end}
local a1,a3,a4 = setmetatable({1}, b),
setmetatable({3}, b),
setmetatable({4}, b)
assert(T.testC("compare LT 2 5, return 1", a3, 2, 2, a4, 2, 2))
assert(T.testC("compare LE 2 5, return 1", a3, 2, 2, a4, 2, 2))
assert(T.testC("compare LT 5 -6, return 1", a4, 2, 2, a3, 2, 2))
a,b = T.testC("compare LT 5 -6, return 2", a1, 2, 2, a3, 2, 20)
assert(a == 20 and b == false)
a,b = T.testC("compare LE 5 -6, return 2", a1, 2, 2, a3, 2, 20)
assert(a == 20 and b == false)
a,b = T.testC("compare LE 5 -6, return 2", a1, 2, 2, a1, 2, 20)
assert(a == 20 and b == true)
do -- testing lessthan and lessequal with metamethods
local mt = {__lt = function (a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end,
__le = function (a,b) return a[1] <= b[1] end,
__eq = function (a,b) return a[1] == b[1] end}
local function O (x)
return setmetatable({x}, mt)
local a, b = T.testC("compare LT 2 3; pushint 10; return 2", O(1), O(2))
assert(a == true and b == 10)
local a, b = T.testC("compare LE 2 3; pushint 10; return 2", O(3), O(2))
assert(a == false and b == 10)
local a, b = T.testC("compare EQ 2 3; pushint 10; return 2", O(3), O(3))
assert(a == true and b == 10)
-- testing length
local t = setmetatable({x = 20}, {__len = function (t) return t.x end})
a,b,c = T.testC([[
len 2;
Llen 2;
objsize 2;
return 3
]], t)
assert(a == 20 and b == 20 and c == 0)
t.x = "234"; t[1] = 20
a,b,c = T.testC([[
len 2;
Llen 2;
objsize 2;
return 3
]], t)
assert(a == "234" and b == 234 and c == 1)
t.x = print; t[1] = 20
a,c = T.testC([[
len 2;
objsize 2;
return 2
]], t)
assert(a == print and c == 1)
-- testing __concat
a = setmetatable({x="u"}, {__concat = function (a,b) return a.x..'.'..b.x end})
x,y = T.testC([[
pushnum 5
pushvalue 2;
pushvalue 2;
concat 2;
pushvalue -2;
return 2;
]], a, a)
assert(x == a..a and y == 5)
-- concat with 0 elements
assert(T.testC("concat 0; return 1") == "")
-- concat with 1 element
assert(T.testC("concat 1; return 1", "xuxu") == "xuxu")
-- testing lua_is
local function B (x) return x and 1 or 0 end
local function count (x, n)
n = n or 2
local prog = [[
isnumber %d;
isstring %d;
isfunction %d;
iscfunction %d;
istable %d;
isuserdata %d;
isnil %d;
isnull %d;
return 8
prog = string.format(prog, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n)
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = T.testC(prog, x)
return B(a)+B(b)+B(c)+B(d)+B(e)+B(f)+B(g)+(100*B(h))
assert(count(3) == 2)
assert(count('alo') == 1)
assert(count('32') == 2)
assert(count({}) == 1)
assert(count(print) == 2)
assert(count(function () end) == 1)
assert(count(nil) == 1)
assert(count(io.stdin) == 1)
assert(count(nil, 15) == 100)
-- testing lua_to...
local function to (s, x, n)
n = n or 2
return T.testC(string.format("%s %d; return 1", s, n), x)
local null = T.pushuserdata(0)
local hfunc = string.gmatch("", "") -- a "heavy C function" (with upvalues)
assert(debug.getupvalue(hfunc, 1))
assert(to("tostring", {}) == nil)
assert(to("tostring", "alo") == "alo")
assert(to("tostring", 12) == "12")
assert(to("tostring", 12, 3) == nil)
assert(to("objsize", {}) == 0)
assert(to("objsize", {1,2,3}) == 3)
assert(to("objsize", "alo\0\0a") == 6)
assert(to("objsize", T.newuserdata(0)) == 0)
assert(to("objsize", T.newuserdata(101)) == 101)
assert(to("objsize", 124) == 0)
assert(to("objsize", true) == 0)
assert(to("tonumber", {}) == 0)
assert(to("tonumber", "12") == 12)
assert(to("tonumber", "s2") == 0)
assert(to("tonumber", 1, 20) == 0)
assert(to("topointer", 10) == null)
assert(to("topointer", true) == null)
assert(to("topointer", nil) == null)
assert(to("topointer", "abc") ~= null)
assert(to("topointer", string.rep("x", 10)) ==
to("topointer", string.rep("x", 10))) -- short strings
do -- long strings
local s1 = string.rep("x", 300)
local s2 = string.rep("x", 300)
assert(to("topointer", s1) ~= to("topointer", s2))
assert(to("topointer", T.pushuserdata(20)) ~= null)
assert(to("topointer", io.read) ~= null) -- light C function
assert(to("topointer", hfunc) ~= null) -- "heavy" C function
assert(to("topointer", function () end) ~= null) -- Lua function
assert(to("topointer", io.stdin) ~= null) -- full userdata
assert(to("func2num", 20) == 0)
assert(to("func2num", T.pushuserdata(10)) == 0)
assert(to("func2num", io.read) ~= 0) -- light C function
assert(to("func2num", hfunc) ~= 0) -- "heavy" C function (with upvalue)
a = to("tocfunction", math.deg)
assert(a(3) == math.deg(3) and a == math.deg)
print("testing panic function")
-- trivial error
assert(T.checkpanic("pushstring hi; error") == "hi")
-- using the stack inside panic
assert(T.checkpanic("pushstring hi; error;",
[[checkstack 5 XX
pushstring ' alo'
pushstring ' mundo'
concat 3]]) == "hi alo mundo")
-- "argerror" without frames
assert(T.checkpanic("loadstring 4") ==
"bad argument #4 (string expected, got no value)")
-- memory error
T.totalmem(T.totalmem()+10000) -- set low memory limit (+10k)
assert(T.checkpanic("newuserdata 20000") == MEMERRMSG)
T.totalmem(0) -- restore high limit
-- stack error
if not _soft then
local msg = T.checkpanic[[
pushstring "function f() f() end"
loadstring -1; call 0 0
getglobal f; call 0 0
assert(string.find(msg, "stack overflow"))
-- exit in panic still close to-be-closed variables
pushstring "return {__close = function () Y = 'ho'; end}"
loadstring -2
call 0 1
setmetatable -2
toclose -1
pushstring "hi"
getglobal Y
concat 2 # concat original error with global Y
]]) == "hiho")
-- testing deep C stack
if not _soft then
print("testing stack overflow")
checkerr("XXXX", T.testC, "checkstack 1000023 XXXX") -- too deep
-- too deep (with no message)
checkerr("^stack overflow$", T.testC, "checkstack 1000023 ''")
local s = string.rep("pushnil;checkstack 1 XX;", 1000000)
checkerr("overflow", T.testC, s)
local lim = _soft and 500 or 12000
local prog = {"checkstack " .. (lim * 2 + 100) .. "msg", "newtable"}
for i = 1,lim do
prog[#prog + 1] = "pushnum " .. i
prog[#prog + 1] = "pushnum " .. i * 10
prog[#prog + 1] = "rawgeti R 2" -- get global table in registry
prog[#prog + 1] = "insert " .. -(2*lim + 2)
for i = 1,lim do
prog[#prog + 1] = "settable " .. -(2*(lim - i + 1) + 1)
prog[#prog + 1] = "return 2"
prog = table.concat(prog, ";")
local g, t = T.testC(prog)
assert(g == _G)
for i = 1,lim do assert(t[i] == i*10); t[i] = undef end
assert(next(t) == nil)
prog, g, t = nil
-- testing errors
a = T.testC([[
loadstring 2; pcall 0 1 0;
pushvalue 3; insert -2; pcall 1 1 0;
pcall 0 0 0;
return 1
]], "XX=150", function (a) assert(a==nil); return 3 end)
assert(type(a) == 'string' and XX == 150)
_G.XX = nil
local function check3(p, ...)
local arg = {...}
assert(#arg == 3)
assert(string.find(arg[3], p))
check3(":1:", T.testC("loadstring 2; return *", "x="))
check3("%.", T.testC("loadfile 2; return *", "."))
check3("xxxx", T.testC("loadfile 2; return *", "xxxx"))
-- test errors in non protected threads
local function checkerrnopro (code, msg)
local th = coroutine.create(function () end) -- create new thread
local stt, err = pcall(T.testC, th, code) -- run code there
assert(not stt and string.find(err, msg))
if not _soft then
collectgarbage("stop") -- avoid __gc with full stack
checkerrnopro("pushnum 3; call 0 0", "attempt to call")
print"testing stack overflow in unprotected thread"
function F () F() end
checkerrnopro("getglobal 'F'; call 0 0;", "stack overflow")
F = nil
-- testing table access
do -- getp/setp
local a = {}
local a1 = T.testC("rawsetp 2 1; return 1", a, 20)
assert(a == a1)
assert(a[T.pushuserdata(1)] == 20)
local a1, res = T.testC("rawgetp -1 1; return 2", a)
assert(a == a1 and res == 20)
do -- using the table itself as index
local a = {}
a[a] = 10
local prog = "gettable -1; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, a)}
assert(#res == 2 and res[1] == prog and res[2] == 10)
local prog = "settable -2; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, a, 20)}
assert(a[a] == 20)
assert(#res == 1 and res[1] == prog)
-- raw
a[a] = 10
local prog = "rawget -1; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, a)}
assert(#res == 2 and res[1] == prog and res[2] == 10)
local prog = "rawset -2; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, a, 20)}
assert(a[a] == 20)
assert(#res == 1 and res[1] == prog)
-- using the table as the value to set
local prog = "rawset -1; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, 30, a)}
assert(a[30] == a)
assert(#res == 1 and res[1] == prog)
local prog = "settable -1; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, 40, a)}
assert(a[40] == a)
assert(#res == 1 and res[1] == prog)
local prog = "rawseti -1 100; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, a)}
assert(a[100] == a)
assert(#res == 1 and res[1] == prog)
local prog = "seti -1 200; return *"
local res = {T.testC(prog, a)}
assert(a[200] == a)
assert(#res == 1 and res[1] == prog)
a = {x=0, y=12}
x, y = T.testC("gettable 2; pushvalue 4; gettable 2; return 2",
a, 3, "y", 4, "x")
assert(x == 0 and y == 12)
T.testC("settable -5", a, 3, 4, "x", 15)
assert(a.x == 15)
a[a] = print
x = T.testC("gettable 2; return 1", a) -- table and key are the same object!
assert(x == print)
T.testC("settable 2", a, "x") -- table and key are the same object!
assert(a[a] == "x")
b = setmetatable({p = a}, {})
getmetatable(b).__index = function (t, i) return t.p[i] end
local k, x = T.testC("gettable 3, return 2", 4, b, 20, 35, "x")
assert(x == 15 and k == 35)
k = T.testC("getfield 2 y, return 1", b)
assert(k == 12)
getmetatable(b).__index = function (t, i) return a[i] end
getmetatable(b).__newindex = function (t, i,v ) a[i] = v end
y = T.testC("insert 2; gettable -5; return 1", 2, 3, 4, "y", b)
assert(y == 12)
k = T.testC("settable -5, return 1", b, 3, 4, "x", 16)
assert(a.x == 16 and k == 4)
a[b] = 'xuxu'
y = T.testC("gettable 2, return 1", b)
assert(y == 'xuxu')
T.testC("settable 2", b, 19)
assert(a[b] == 19)
do -- testing getfield/setfield with long keys
local t = {_012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 = 32}
local a = T.testC([[
getfield 2 _012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
return 1
]], t)
assert(a == 32)
local a = T.testC([[
pushnum 33
setglobal _012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
assert(_012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 == 33)
_012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 = nil
-- testing next
a = {}
t = pack(T.testC("next; return *", a, nil))
tcheck(t, {n=1,a})
a = {a=3}
t = pack(T.testC("next; return *", a, nil))
tcheck(t, {n=3,a,'a',3})
t = pack(T.testC("next; pop 1; next; return *", a, nil))
tcheck(t, {n=1,a})
-- testing upvalues
local A = T.testC[[ pushnum 10; pushnum 20; pushcclosure 2; return 1]]
t, b, c = A([[pushvalue U0; pushvalue U1; pushvalue U2; return 3]])
assert(b == 10 and c == 20 and type(t) == 'table')
a, b = A([[tostring U3; tonumber U4; return 2]])
assert(a == nil and b == 0)
A([[pushnum 100; pushnum 200; replace U2; replace U1]])
b, c = A([[pushvalue U1; pushvalue U2; return 2]])
assert(b == 100 and c == 200)
A([[replace U2; replace U1]], {x=1}, {x=2})
b, c = A([[pushvalue U1; pushvalue U2; return 2]])
assert(b.x == 1 and c.x == 2)
-- testing absent upvalues from C-function pointers
assert(T.testC[[isnull U1; return 1]] == true)
assert(T.testC[[isnull U100; return 1]] == true)
assert(T.testC[[pushvalue U1; return 1]] == nil)
local f = T.testC[[ pushnum 10; pushnum 20; pushcclosure 2; return 1]]
assert(T.upvalue(f, 1) == 10 and
T.upvalue(f, 2) == 20 and
T.upvalue(f, 3) == nil)
T.upvalue(f, 2, "xuxu")
assert(T.upvalue(f, 2) == "xuxu")
-- large closures
local A = "checkstack 300 msg;" ..
string.rep("pushnum 10;", 255) ..
"pushcclosure 255; return 1"
A = T.testC(A)
for i=1,255 do
assert(A(("pushvalue U%d; return 1"):format(i)) == 10)
assert(A("isnull U256; return 1"))
assert(not A("isnil U256; return 1"))
-- testing get/setuservalue
-- bug in 5.1.2
checkerr("got number", debug.setuservalue, 3, {})
checkerr("got nil", debug.setuservalue, nil, {})
checkerr("got light userdata", debug.setuservalue, T.pushuserdata(1), {})
-- testing multiple user values
local b = T.newuserdata(0, 10)
for i = 1, 10 do
local v, p = debug.getuservalue(b, i)
assert(v == nil and p)
do -- indices out of range
local v, p = debug.getuservalue(b, -2)
assert(v == nil and not p)
local v, p = debug.getuservalue(b, 11)
assert(v == nil and not p)
local t = {true, false, 4.56, print, {}, b, "XYZ"}
for k, v in ipairs(t) do
debug.setuservalue(b, v, k)
for k, v in ipairs(t) do
local v1, p = debug.getuservalue(b, k)
assert(v1 == v and p)
assert(not debug.getuservalue(4))
debug.setuservalue(b, function () return 10 end, 10)
collectgarbage() -- function should not be collected
assert(debug.getuservalue(b, 10)() == 10)
debug.setuservalue(b, 134)
collectgarbage() -- number should not be a problem for collector
assert(debug.getuservalue(b) == 134)
-- test barrier for uservalues
local oldmode = collectgarbage("incremental")
assert(T.gccolor(b) == "black")
debug.setuservalue(b, {x = 100})
T.gcstate("pause") -- complete collection
assert(debug.getuservalue(b).x == 100) -- uvalue should be there
-- long chain of userdata
for i = 1, 1000 do
local bb = T.newuserdata(0, 1)
debug.setuservalue(bb, b)
b = bb
collectgarbage() -- nothing should not be collected
for i = 1, 1000 do
b = debug.getuservalue(b)
assert(debug.getuservalue(b).x == 100)
b = nil
-- testing locks (refs)
-- reuse of references
local i = T.ref{}
assert(T.ref{} == i)
local Arr = {}
local Lim = 100
for i=1,Lim do -- lock many objects
Arr[i] = T.ref({})
assert(T.ref(nil) == -1 and T.getref(-1) == nil)
T.unref(-1); T.unref(-1)
for i=1,Lim do -- unlock all them
local function printlocks ()
local f = T.makeCfunc("gettable R; return 1")
local n = f("n")
print("n", n)
for i=0,n do
print(i, f(i))
for i=1,Lim do -- lock many objects
Arr[i] = T.ref({})
for i=1,Lim,2 do -- unlock half of them
assert(type(T.getref(Arr[2])) == 'table')
assert(T.getref(-1) == nil)
a = T.ref({})
assert(type(T.getref(a)) == 'table')
-- colect in cl the `val' of all collected userdata
local tt = {}
local cl = {n=0}
A = nil; B = nil
local F
F = function (x)
local udval = T.udataval(x)
table.insert(cl, udval)
local d = T.newuserdata(100) -- create garbage
d = nil
assert(debug.getmetatable(x).__gc == F)
assert(load("table.insert({}, {})"))() -- create more garbage
assert(not collectgarbage()) -- GC during GC (no op)
local dummy = {} -- create more garbage during GC
if A ~= nil then
assert(type(A) == "userdata")
assert(T.udataval(A) == B)
debug.getmetatable(A) -- just access it
A = x -- ressurect userdata
B = udval
return 1,2,3
tt.__gc = F
-- test whether udate collection frees memory in the right time
local x = collectgarbage("count");
local a = T.newuserdata(5001)
assert(T.testC("objsize 2; return 1", a) == 5001)
assert(collectgarbage("count") >= x+4)
a = nil
assert(collectgarbage("count") <= x+1)
-- udata without finalizer
x = collectgarbage("count")
for i=1,1000 do T.newuserdata(0) end
assert(collectgarbage("count") > x+10)
assert(collectgarbage("count") <= x+1)
-- udata with finalizer
x = collectgarbage("count")
a = {__gc = function () end}
for i=1,1000 do debug.setmetatable(T.newuserdata(0), a) end
assert(collectgarbage("count") >= x+10)
collectgarbage() -- this collection only calls TM, without freeing memory
assert(collectgarbage("count") >= x+10)
collectgarbage() -- now frees memory
assert(collectgarbage("count") <= x+1)
-- create 3 userdatas with tag `tt'
a = T.newuserdata(0); debug.setmetatable(a, tt); local na = T.udataval(a)
b = T.newuserdata(0); debug.setmetatable(b, tt); local nb = T.udataval(b)
c = T.newuserdata(0); debug.setmetatable(c, tt); local nc = T.udataval(c)
-- create userdata without meta table
x = T.newuserdata(4)
y = T.newuserdata(0)
checkerr("FILE%* expected, got userdata", io.input, a)
checkerr("FILE%* expected, got userdata", io.input, x)
assert(debug.getmetatable(x) == nil and debug.getmetatable(y) == nil)
local d = T.ref(a);
local e = T.ref(b);
local f = T.ref(c);
t = {T.getref(d), T.getref(e), T.getref(f)}
assert(t[1] == a and t[2] == b and t[3] == c)
t=nil; a=nil; c=nil;
T.unref(e); T.unref(f)
-- check that unref objects have been collected
assert(#cl == 1 and cl[1] == nc)
x = T.getref(d)
assert(type(x) == 'userdata' and debug.getmetatable(x) == tt)
x =nil
tt.b = b -- create cycle
tt=nil -- frees tt for GC
A = nil
b = nil
local n5 = T.newuserdata(0)
debug.setmetatable(n5, {__gc=F})
n5 = T.udataval(n5)
assert(#cl == 4)
-- check order of collection
assert(cl[2] == n5 and cl[3] == nb and cl[4] == na)
a, na = {}, {}
for i=30,1,-1 do
a[i] = T.newuserdata(0)
debug.setmetatable(a[i], {__gc=F})
na[i] = T.udataval(a[i])
cl = {}
a = nil; collectgarbage()
assert(#cl == 30)
for i=1,30 do assert(cl[i] == na[i]) end
na = nil
for i=2,Lim,2 do -- unlock the other half
x = T.newuserdata(41); debug.setmetatable(x, {__gc=F})
assert(T.testC("objsize 2; return 1", x) == 41)
cl = {}
a = {[x] = 1}
x = T.udataval(x)
-- old `x' cannot be collected (`a' still uses it)
assert(#cl == 0)
for n in pairs(a) do a[n] = undef end
assert(#cl == 1 and cl[1] == x) -- old `x' must be collected
-- testing lua_equal
assert(T.testC("compare EQ 2 4; return 1", print, 1, print, 20))
assert(T.testC("compare EQ 3 2; return 1", 'alo', "alo"))
assert(T.testC("compare EQ 2 3; return 1", nil, nil))
assert(not T.testC("compare EQ 2 3; return 1", {}, {}))
assert(not T.testC("compare EQ 2 3; return 1"))
assert(not T.testC("compare EQ 2 3; return 1", 3))
-- testing lua_equal with fallbacks
local map = {}
local t = {__eq = function (a,b) return map[a] == map[b] end}
local function f(x)
local u = T.newuserdata(0)
debug.setmetatable(u, t)
map[u] = x
return u
assert(f(10) == f(10))
assert(f(10) ~= f(11))
assert(T.testC("compare EQ 2 3; return 1", f(10), f(10)))
assert(not T.testC("compare EQ 2 3; return 1", f(10), f(20)))
t.__eq = nil
assert(f(10) ~= f(10))
-- testing changing hooks during hooks
_G.TT = {}
# set a line hook after 3 count hooks
sethook 4 0 '
getglobal TT;
pushvalue -3; append -2
pushvalue -2; append -2
']], "c", 3)
local a = 1 -- counting
a = 1 -- counting
a = 1 -- count hook (set line hook)
a = 1 -- line hook
a = 1 -- line hook
local t = _G.TT
assert(t[1] == "line")
local line = t[2]
assert(t[3] == "line" and t[4] == line + 1)
assert(t[5] == "line" and t[6] == line + 2)
assert(t[7] == nil)
_G.TT = nil
do -- testing errors during GC
local a = {}
for i=1,20 do
a[i] = T.newuserdata(i) -- creates several udata
for i=1,20,2 do -- mark half of them to raise errors during GC
{__gc = function (x) error("@expected error in gc") end})
for i=2,20,2 do -- mark the other half to count and to create more garbage
debug.setmetatable(a[i], {__gc = function (x) load("A=A+1")() end})
a = nil
_G.A = 0
assert(A == 10) -- number of normal collections
_G.A = nil
-- test for userdata vals
local a = {}; local lim = 30
for i=0,lim do a[i] = T.pushuserdata(i) end
for i=0,lim do assert(T.udataval(a[i]) == i) end
for i=0,lim do assert(T.pushuserdata(i) == a[i]) end
for i=0,lim do a[a[i]] = i end
for i=0,lim do a[T.pushuserdata(i)] = i end
assert(type(tostring(a[1])) == "string")
-- testing multiple states
L1 = T.newstate()
assert(T.doremote(L1, "X='a'; return 'a'") == 'a')
assert(#pack(T.doremote(L1, "function f () return 'alo', 3 end; f()")) == 0)
a, b = T.doremote(L1, "return f()")
assert(a == 'alo' and b == '3')
T.doremote(L1, "_ERRORMESSAGE = nil")
-- error: `sin' is not defined
a, b, c = T.doremote(L1, "return sin(1)")
assert(a == nil and c == 2) -- 2 == run-time error
-- error: syntax error
a, b, c = T.doremote(L1, "return a+")
assert(a == nil and c == 3 and type(b) == "string") -- 3 == syntax error
a, b, c = T.doremote(L1, [[
string = require'string'
a = require'_G'; assert(a == _G and require("_G") == a)
io = require'io'; assert(type(io.read) == "function")
assert(require("io") == io)
a = require'table'; assert(type(a.insert) == "function")
a = require'debug'; assert(type(a.getlocal) == "function")
a = require'math'; assert(type(a.sin) == "function")
return string.sub('okinama', 1, 2)
assert(a == "ok")
L1 = T.newstate()
T.doremote(L1, "a = {}")
T.testC(L1, [[getglobal "a"; pushstring "x"; pushint 1;
settable -3]])
assert(T.doremote(L1, "return a.x") == "1")
L1 = nil
-- testing to-be-closed variables
print"testing to-be-closed variables"
local openresource = {}
local function newresource ()
local x = setmetatable({10}, {__close = function(y)
assert(openresource[#openresource] == y)
openresource[#openresource] = nil
y[1] = y[1] + 1
openresource[#openresource + 1] = x
return x
local a, b = T.testC([[
call 0 1 # create resource
toclose -2 # mark call result to be closed
toclose -1 # mark nil to be closed (will be ignored)
return 2
]], newresource)
assert(a[1] == 11 and b == nil)
assert(#openresource == 0) -- was closed
-- repeat the test, but calling function in a 'multret' context
local a = {T.testC([[
call 0 1 # create resource
toclose 2 # mark it to be closed
return 2
]], newresource)}
assert(type(a[1]) == "string" and a[2][1] == 11)
assert(#openresource == 0) -- was closed
-- closing by error
local a, b = pcall(T.makeCfunc[[
call 0 1 # create resource
toclose -1 # mark it to be closed
error # resource is the error object
]], newresource)
assert(a == false and b[1] == 11)
assert(#openresource == 0) -- was closed
-- non-closable value
local a, b = pcall(T.makeCfunc[[
newtable # create non-closable object
toclose -1 # mark it to be closed (should raise an error)
abort # will not be executed
assert(a == false and
string.find(b, "non%-closable value"))
local function check (n)
assert(#openresource == n)
-- closing resources with 'closeslot'
_ENV.xxx = true
local a = T.testC([[
pushvalue 2 # stack: S, NR, CH, NR
call 0 1 # create resource; stack: S, NR, CH, R
toclose -1 # mark it to be closed
pushvalue 2 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, NR
call 0 1 # create another resource; stack: S, NR, CH, R, R
toclose -1 # mark it to be closed
pushvalue 3 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, R, CH
pushint 2 # there should be two open resources
call 1 0 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, R
closeslot -1 # close second resource
pushvalue 3 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, R, CH
pushint 1 # there should be one open resource
call 1 0 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, R
closeslot 4
setglobal "xxx" # previous op. erased the slot
pop 1 # pop other resource from the stack
pushint *
return 1 # return stack size
]], newresource, check)
assert(a == 3 and _ENV.xxx == nil) -- no extra items left in the stack
-- closing resources with 'pop'
local a = T.testC([[
pushvalue 2 # stack: S, NR, CH, NR
call 0 1 # create resource; stack: S, NR, CH, R
toclose -1 # mark it to be closed
pushvalue 2 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, NR
call 0 1 # create another resource; stack: S, NR, CH, R, R
toclose -1 # mark it to be closed
pushvalue 3 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, R, CH
pushint 2 # there should be two open resources
call 1 0 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, R
pop 1 # pop second resource
pushvalue 3 # stack: S, NR, CH, R, CH
pushint 1 # there should be one open resource
call 1 0 # stack: S, NR, CH, R
pop 1 # pop other resource from the stack
pushvalue 3 # stack: S, NR, CH, CH
pushint 0 # there should be no open resources
call 1 0 # stack: S, NR, CH
pushint *
return 1 # return stack size
]], newresource, check)
assert(a == 3) -- no extra items left in the stack
-- non-closable value
local a, b = pcall(T.makeCfunc[[
pushint 32
toclose -1
assert(not a and string.find(b, "(C temporary)"))
** {==================================================================
** Testing memory limits
** ===================================================================
print("memory-allocation errors")
checkerr("block too big", T.newuserdata, math.maxinteger)
local f = load"local a={}; for i=1,100000 do a[i]=i end"
checkerr(MEMERRMSG, f)
T.alloccount() -- remove limit
-- test memory errors; increase limit for maximum memory by steps,
-- o that we get memory errors in all allocations of a given
-- task, until there is enough memory to complete the task without
-- errors.
local function testbytes (s, f)
local M = T.totalmem()
local oldM = M
local a,b = nil
while true do
collectgarbage(); collectgarbage()
a, b = T.testC("pcall 0 1 0; pushstatus; return 2", f)
T.totalmem(0) -- remove limit
if a and b == "OK" then break end -- stop when no more errors
if b ~= "OK" and b ~= MEMERRMSG then -- not a memory error?
error(a, 0) -- propagate it
M = M + 7 -- increase memory limit
print(string.format("minimum memory for %s: %d bytes", s, M - oldM))
return a
-- test memory errors; increase limit for number of allocations one
-- by one, so that we get memory errors in all allocations of a given
-- task, until there is enough allocations to complete the task without
-- errors.
local function testalloc (s, f)
local M = 0
local a,b = nil
while true do
collectgarbage(); collectgarbage()
a, b = T.testC("pcall 0 1 0; pushstatus; return 2", f)
T.alloccount() -- remove limit
if a and b == "OK" then break end -- stop when no more errors
if b ~= "OK" and b ~= MEMERRMSG then -- not a memory error?
error(a, 0) -- propagate it
M = M + 1 -- increase allocation limit
print(string.format("minimum allocations for %s: %d allocations", s, M))
return a
local function testamem (s, f)
testalloc(s, f)
return testbytes(s, f)
-- doing nothing
b = testamem("doing nothing", function () return 10 end)
assert(b == 10)
-- testing memory errors when creating a new state
testamem("state creation", function ()
local st = T.newstate()
if st then T.closestate(st) end -- close new state
return st
testamem("empty-table creation", function ()
return {}
testamem("string creation", function ()
return "XXX" .. "YYY"
testamem("coroutine creation", function()
return coroutine.create(print)
-- testing to-be-closed variables
testamem("to-be-closed variables", function()
local flag
local x <close> =
setmetatable({}, {__close = function () flag = true end})
flag = false
local x = {}
return flag
-- testing threads
-- get main thread from registry (at index LUA_RIDX_MAINTHREAD == 1)
local mt = T.testC("rawgeti R 1; return 1")
assert(type(mt) == "thread" and coroutine.running() == mt)
local function expand (n,s)
if n==0 then return "" end
local e = string.rep("=", n)
return string.format("T.doonnewstack([%s[ %s;\n collectgarbage(); %s]%s])\n",
e, s, expand(n-1,s), e)
G=0; collectgarbage(); a =collectgarbage("count")
assert(G==20); collectgarbage(); -- assert(gcinfo() <= a+1)
G = nil
testamem("running code on new thread", function ()
return T.doonnewstack("local x=1") == 0 -- try to create thread
-- testing memory x compiler
testamem("loadstring", function ()
return load("x=1") -- try to do load a string
local testprog = [[
local function foo () return end
local t = {"x"}
AA = "aaa"
for i = 1, #t do AA = AA .. t[i] end
return true
-- testing memory x dofile
_G.AA = nil
local t =os.tmpname()
local f = assert(io.open(t, "w"))
testamem("dofile", function ()
local a = loadfile(t)
return a and a()
assert(_G.AA == "aaax")
-- other generic tests
testamem("gsub", function ()
local a, b = string.gsub("alo alo", "(a)", function (x) return x..'b' end)
return (a == 'ablo ablo')
testamem("dump/undump", function ()
local a = load(testprog)
local b = a and string.dump(a)
a = b and load(b)
return a and a()
_G.AA = nil
local t = os.tmpname()
testamem("file creation", function ()
local f = assert(io.open(t, 'w'))
assert (not io.open"nomenaoexistente")
return not loadfile'nomenaoexistente'
testamem("table creation", function ()
local a, lim = {}, 10
for i=1,lim do a[i] = i; a[i..'a'] = {} end
return (type(a[lim..'a']) == 'table' and a[lim] == lim)
testamem("constructors", function ()
local a = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50; a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5}
return (type(a) == 'table' and a.e == 5)
local a = 1
local close = nil
testamem("closure creation", function ()
function close (b)
return function (x) return b + x end
return (close(2)(4) == 6)
testamem("using coroutines", function ()
local a = coroutine.wrap(function ()
coroutine.yield(string.rep("a", 10))
return {}
assert(string.len(a()) == 10)
return a()
do -- auxiliary buffer
local lim = 100
local a = {}; for i = 1, lim do a[i] = "01234567890123456789" end
testamem("auxiliary buffer", function ()
return (#table.concat(a, ",") == 20*lim + lim - 1)
testamem("growing stack", function ()
local function foo (n)
if n == 0 then return 1 else return 1 + foo(n - 1) end
return foo(100)
-- }==================================================================
do -- testing failing in 'lua_checkstack'
local res = T.testC([[rawcheckstack 500000; return 1]])
assert(res == false)
local L = T.newstate()
T.alloccount(0) -- will be unable to reallocate the stack
res = T.testC(L, [[rawcheckstack 5000; return 1]])
assert(res == false)
do -- closing state with no extra memory
local L = T.newstate()
do -- garbage collection with no extra memory
local L = T.newstate()
local res = (T.doremote(L, [[
_ENV = require"_G"
local T = require"T"
local a = {}
for i = 1, 1000 do a[i] = 'i' .. i end -- grow string table
local stsize, stuse = T.querystr()
assert(stuse > 1000)
local function foo (n)
if n > 0 then foo(n - 1) end
foo(180) -- grow stack
local _, stksize = T.stacklevel()
assert(stksize > 180)
a = nil
-- stack and string table could not be reallocated,
-- so they kept their sizes (without errors)
assert(select(2, T.stacklevel()) == stksize)
assert(T.querystr() == stsize)
return 'ok'
assert(res == 'ok')
-- testing some auxlib functions
local function gsub (a, b, c)
a, b = T.testC("gsub 2 3 4; gettop; return 2", a, b, c)
assert(b == 5)
return a
assert(gsub("alo.alo.uhuh.", ".", "//") == "alo//alo//uhuh//")
assert(gsub("alo.alo.uhuh.", "alo", "//") == "//.//.uhuh.")
assert(gsub("", "alo", "//") == "")
assert(gsub("...", ".", "/.") == "/././.")
assert(gsub("...", "...", "") == "")
-- testing luaL_newmetatable
local mt_xuxu, res, top = T.testC("newmetatable xuxu; gettop; return 3")
assert(type(mt_xuxu) == "table" and res and top == 3)
local d, res, top = T.testC("newmetatable xuxu; gettop; return 3")
assert(mt_xuxu == d and not res and top == 3)
d, res, top = T.testC("newmetatable xuxu1; gettop; return 3")
assert(mt_xuxu ~= d and res and top == 3)
x = T.newuserdata(0);
y = T.newuserdata(0);
T.testC("pushstring xuxu; gettable R; setmetatable 2", x)
assert(getmetatable(x) == mt_xuxu)
-- testing luaL_testudata
-- correct metatable
local res1, res2, top = T.testC([[testudata -1 xuxu
testudata 2 xuxu
return 3]], x)
assert(res1 and res2 and top == 4)
-- wrong metatable
res1, res2, top = T.testC([[testudata -1 xuxu1
testudata 2 xuxu1
return 3]], x)
assert(not res1 and not res2 and top == 4)
-- non-existent type
res1, res2, top = T.testC([[testudata -1 xuxu2
testudata 2 xuxu2
return 3]], x)
assert(not res1 and not res2 and top == 4)
-- userdata has no metatable
res1, res2, top = T.testC([[testudata -1 xuxu
testudata 2 xuxu
return 3]], y)
assert(not res1 and not res2 and top == 4)
-- erase metatables
local r = debug.getregistry()
assert(r.xuxu == mt_xuxu and r.xuxu1 == d)
r.xuxu = nil; r.xuxu1 = nil