Roberto Ierusalimschy e0260eb2d4 Bug (kind of) in 'isinstack'
The function 'isinstack' tried to work around the undefined behavior
of subtracting two pointers that do not point to the same object,
but the compiler killed to trick. (It optimizes out the safety check,
because in a correct execution it will be always true.)
2021-02-25 13:39:36 -03:00

638 lines
18 KiB

-- $Id: testes/errors.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
print("testing errors")
local debug = require"debug"
-- avoid problems with 'strict' module (which may generate other error messages)
local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {}
local oldmm = mt.__index
mt.__index = nil
local function checkerr (msg, f, ...)
local st, err = pcall(f, ...)
assert(not st and string.find(err, msg))
local function doit (s)
local f, msg = load(s)
if not f then return msg end
local cond, msg = pcall(f)
return (not cond) and msg
local function checkmessage (prog, msg, debug)
local m = doit(prog)
if debug then print(m) end
assert(string.find(m, msg, 1, true))
local function checksyntax (prog, extra, token, line)
local msg = doit(prog)
if not string.find(token, "^<%a") and not string.find(token, "^char%(")
then token = "'"..token.."'" end
token = string.gsub(token, "(%p)", "%%%1")
local pt = string.format([[^%%[string ".*"%%]:%d: .- near %s$]],
line, token)
assert(string.find(msg, pt))
assert(string.find(msg, msg, 1, true))
-- test error message with no extra info
assert(doit("error('hi', 0)") == 'hi')
-- test error message with no info
assert(doit("error()") == nil)
-- test common errors/errors that crashed in the past
assert(doit("table.unpack({}, 1, n=2^30)"))
assert(not doit("tostring(1)") and doit("tostring()"))
assert(doit"repeat until 1; a")
assert(doit("function a (... , ...) end"))
assert(doit("function a (, ...) end"))
assert(doit("local t={}; t = t[#t] + 1"))
local a = {4
]], "'}' expected (to close '{' at line 1)", "<eof>", 3)
do -- testing errors in goto/break
local function checksyntax (prog, msg, line)
local st, err = load(prog)
assert(string.find(err, "line " .. line))
assert(string.find(err, msg, 1, true))
::A:: a = 1
]], "label 'A' already defined", 1)
a = 1
goto A
do ::A:: end
]], "no visible label 'A'", 2)
if not T then
(Message or print)
('\n >>> testC not active: skipping memory message test <<<\n')
print "testing memory error message"
local a = {}
for i = 1, 10000 do a[i] = true end -- preallocate array
T.totalmem(T.totalmem() + 10000)
-- force a memory error (by a small margin)
local st, msg = pcall(function()
for i = 1, 100000 do a[i] = tostring(i) end
assert(not st and msg == "not enough" .. " memory")
-- tests for better error messages
checkmessage("a = {} + 1", "arithmetic")
checkmessage("a = {} | 1", "bitwise operation")
checkmessage("a = {} < 1", "attempt to compare")
checkmessage("a = {} <= 1", "attempt to compare")
checkmessage("a=1; bbbb=2; a=math.sin(3)+bbbb(3)", "global 'bbbb'")
checkmessage("a={}; do local a=1 end a:bbbb(3)", "method 'bbbb'")
checkmessage("local a={}; a.bbbb(3)", "field 'bbbb'")
assert(not string.find(doit"a={13}; local bbbb=1; a[bbbb](3)", "'bbbb'"))
checkmessage("a={13}; local bbbb=1; a[bbbb](3)", "number")
checkmessage("a=(1)..{}", "a table value")
-- calls
checkmessage("local a; a(13)", "local 'a'")
local a = setmetatable({}, {__add = 34})
a = a + 1
]], "metamethod 'add'")
local a = setmetatable({}, {__lt = {}})
a = a > a
]], "metamethod 'lt'")
-- tail calls
checkmessage("local a={}; return a.bbbb(3)", "field 'bbbb'")
checkmessage("a={}; do local a=1 end; return a:bbbb(3)", "method 'bbbb'")
checkmessage("a = #print", "length of a function value")
checkmessage("a = #3", "length of a number value")
aaa = nil
checkmessage("aaa.bbb:ddd(9)", "global 'aaa'")
checkmessage("local aaa={bbb=1}; aaa.bbb:ddd(9)", "field 'bbb'")
checkmessage("local aaa={bbb={}}; aaa.bbb:ddd(9)", "method 'ddd'")
checkmessage("local a,b,c; (function () a = b+1.1 end)()", "upvalue 'b'")
assert(not doit"local aaa={bbb={ddd=next}}; aaa.bbb:ddd(nil)")
-- upvalues being indexed do not go to the stack
checkmessage("local a,b,cc; (function () a = cc[1] end)()", "upvalue 'cc'")
checkmessage("local a,b,cc; (function () a.x = 1 end)()", "upvalue 'a'")
checkmessage("local _ENV = {x={}}; a = a + 1", "global 'a'")
checkmessage("b=1; local aaa={}; x=aaa+b", "local 'aaa'")
checkmessage("aaa={}; x=3.3/aaa", "global 'aaa'")
checkmessage("aaa=2; b=nil;x=aaa*b", "global 'b'")
checkmessage("aaa={}; x=-aaa", "global 'aaa'")
-- short circuit
checkmessage("a=1; local a,bbbb=2,3; a = math.sin(1) and bbbb(3)",
"local 'bbbb'")
checkmessage("a=1; local a,bbbb=2,3; a = bbbb(1) or a(3)", "local 'bbbb'")
checkmessage("local a,b,c,f = 1,1,1; f((a and b) or c)", "local 'f'")
checkmessage("local a,b,c = 1,1,1; ((a and b) or c)()", "call a number value")
assert(not string.find(doit"aaa={}; x=(aaa or aaa)+(aaa and aaa)", "'aaa'"))
assert(not string.find(doit"aaa={}; (aaa or aaa)()", "'aaa'"))
checkmessage("print(print < 10)", "function with number")
checkmessage("print(print < print)", "two function values")
checkmessage("print('10' < 10)", "string with number")
checkmessage("print(10 < '23')", "number with string")
-- float->integer conversions
checkmessage("local a = 2.0^100; x = a << 2", "local a")
checkmessage("local a = 1 >> 2.0^100", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("local a = 10.1 << 2.0^100", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("local a = 2.0^100 & 1", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("local a = 2.0^100 & 1e100", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("local a = 2.0 | 1e40", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("local a = 2e100 ~ 1", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("string.sub('a', 2.0^100)", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("string.rep('a', 3.3)", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("return 6e40 & 7", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("return 34 << 7e30", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("return ~-3e40", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("return ~-3.009", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("return 3.009 & 1", "has no integer representation")
checkmessage("return 34 >> {}", "table value")
checkmessage("a = 24 // 0", "divide by zero")
checkmessage("a = 1 % 0", "'n%0'")
-- type error for an object which is neither in an upvalue nor a register.
-- The following code will try to index the value 10 that is stored in
-- the metatable, without moving it to a register.
checkmessage("local a = setmetatable({}, {__index = 10}).x",
"attempt to index a number value")
-- numeric for loops
checkmessage("for i = {}, 10 do end", "table")
checkmessage("for i = io.stdin, 10 do end", "FILE")
checkmessage("for i = {}, 10 do end", "initial value")
checkmessage("for i = 1, 'x', 10 do end", "string")
checkmessage("for i = 1, {}, 10 do end", "limit")
checkmessage("for i = 1, {} do end", "limit")
checkmessage("for i = 1, 10, print do end", "step")
checkmessage("for i = 1, 10, print do end", "function")
-- passing light userdata instead of full userdata
_G.D = debug
-- create light udata
local x = D.upvalueid(function () return debug end, 1)
D.setuservalue(x, {})
]], "light userdata")
_G.D = nil
do -- named objects (field '__name')
checkmessage("math.sin(io.input())", "(number expected, got FILE*)")
_G.XX = setmetatable({}, {__name = "My Type"})
assert(string.find(tostring(XX), "^My Type"))
checkmessage("io.input(XX)", "(FILE* expected, got My Type)")
checkmessage("return XX + 1", "on a My Type value")
checkmessage("return ~io.stdin", "on a FILE* value")
checkmessage("return XX < XX", "two My Type values")
checkmessage("return {} < XX", "table with My Type")
checkmessage("return XX < io.stdin", "My Type with FILE*")
_G.XX = nil
-- global functions
checkmessage("(io.write or print){}", "io.write")
checkmessage("(collectgarbage or print){}", "collectgarbage")
-- errors in functions without debug info
local f = function (a) return a + 1 end
f = assert(load(string.dump(f, true)))
assert(f(3) == 4)
checkerr("^%?:%-1:", f, {})
-- code with a move to a local var ('OP_MOV A B' with A<B)
f = function () local a; a = {}; return a + 2 end
-- no debug info (so that 'a' is unknown)
f = assert(load(string.dump(f, true)))
-- symbolic execution should not get lost
checkerr("^%?:%-1:.*table value", f)
-- tests for field accesses after RK limit
local t = {}
for i = 1, 1000 do
t[i] = "a = x" .. i
local s = table.concat(t, "; ")
t = nil
checkmessage(s.."; a = bbb + 1", "global 'bbb'")
checkmessage("local _ENV=_ENV;"..s.."; a = bbb + 1", "global 'bbb'")
checkmessage(s.."; local t = {}; a = t.bbb + 1", "field 'bbb'")
checkmessage(s.."; local t = {}; t:bbb()", "method 'bbb'")
repeat until 3==3
local x=math.sin(math.cos(3))
if math.sin(1) == x then return math.sin(1) end -- tail call
local a,b = 1, {
{x='a'..'b'..'c', y='b', z=x},
{1,2,3,4,5} or 3+3<=3+3,
{d = x and aaa[x or y]}}
]], "global 'aaa'")
local x,y = {},1
if math.sin(1) == 0 then return 3 end -- return
x.a()]], "field 'a'")
prefix = nil
insert = nil
while 1 do
local a
if nil then break end
insert(prefix, a)
end]], "global 'insert'")
checkmessage([[ -- tail call
return math.sin("a")
]], "'sin'")
checkmessage([[collectgarbage("nooption")]], "invalid option")
checkmessage([[x = print .. "a"]], "concatenate")
checkmessage([[x = "a" .. false]], "concatenate")
checkmessage([[x = {} .. 2]], "concatenate")
checkmessage("getmetatable(io.stdin).__gc()", "no value")
local Var
local function main()
NoSuchName (function() Var=0 end)
]], "global 'NoSuchName'")
a = {}; setmetatable(a, {__index = string})
checkmessage("a:sub()", "bad self")
checkmessage("string.sub('a', {})", "#2")
checkmessage("('a'):sub{}", "#1")
checkmessage("table.sort({1,2,3}, table.sort)", "'table.sort'")
checkmessage("string.gsub('s', 's', setmetatable)", "'setmetatable'")
-- tests for errors in coroutines
local function f (n)
local c = coroutine.create(f)
local a,b = coroutine.resume(c)
return b
assert(string.find(f(), "C stack overflow"))
checkmessage("coroutine.yield()", "outside a coroutine")
f = coroutine.wrap(function () table.sort({1,2,3}, coroutine.yield) end)
checkerr("yield across", f)
-- testing size of 'source' info; size of buffer for that info is
-- LUA_IDSIZE, declared as 60 in luaconf. Get one position for '\0'.
idsize = 60 - 1
local function checksize (source)
-- syntax error
local _, msg = load("x", source)
msg = string.match(msg, "^([^:]*):") -- get source (1st part before ':')
assert(msg:len() <= idsize)
for i = 60 - 10, 60 + 10 do -- check border cases around 60
checksize("@" .. string.rep("x", i)) -- file names
checksize(string.rep("x", i - 10)) -- string sources
checksize("=" .. string.rep("x", i)) -- exact sources
-- testing line error
local function lineerror (s, l)
local err,msg = pcall(load(s))
local line = tonumber(string.match(msg, ":(%d+):"))
assert(line == l or (not line and not l))
lineerror("local a\n for i=1,'a' do \n print(i) \n end", 2)
lineerror("\n local a \n for k,v in 3 \n do \n print(k) \n end", 3)
lineerror("\n\n for k,v in \n 3 \n do \n print(k) \n end", 4)
lineerror("function a.x.y ()\na=a+1\nend", 1)
lineerror("a = \na\n+\n{}", 3)
lineerror("a = \n3\n+\n(\n4\n/\nprint)", 6)
lineerror("a = \nprint\n+\n(\n4\n/\n7)", 3)
lineerror("a\n=\n-\n\nprint\n;", 3)
]], 1)
local a = {x = 13}
]], 2)
local a = {x = 13}
23 + a
]], 6)
local p = [[
function g() f() end
function f(x) error('a', X) end
X=3;lineerror((p), 3)
X=0;lineerror((p), false)
X=1;lineerror((p), 2)
X=2;lineerror((p), 1)
local b = false
if not b then
error 'test'
end]], 3)
local b = false
if not b then
if not b then
if not b then
error 'test'
end]], 5)
if not _soft then
-- several tests that exaust the Lua stack
print"testing stack overflow"
C = 0
-- get line where stack overflow will happen
local l = debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline + 1
local function auxy () C=C+1; auxy() end -- produce a stack overflow
function y ()
collectgarbage("stop") -- avoid running finalizers without stack space
local function checkstackmessage (m)
print("(expected stack overflow after " .. C .. " calls)")
C = 0 -- prepare next count
return (string.find(m, "stack overflow"))
-- repeated stack overflows (to check stack recovery)
-- error lines in stack overflow
local l1
local function g(x)
l1 = debug.getinfo(x, "l").currentline + 2
collectgarbage("stop") -- avoid running finalizers without stack space
local _, stackmsg = xpcall(g, debug.traceback, 1)
local stack = {}
for line in string.gmatch(stackmsg, "[^\n]*") do
local curr = string.match(line, ":(%d+):")
if curr then table.insert(stack, tonumber(curr)) end
local i=1
while stack[i] ~= l1 do
assert(stack[i] == l)
i = i+1
assert(i > 15)
-- error in error handling
local res, msg = xpcall(error, error)
assert(not res and type(msg) == 'string')
local function f (x)
if x==0 then error('a\n')
local aux = function () return f(x-1) end
local a,b = xpcall(aux, aux)
return a,b
local function loop (x,y,z) return 1 + loop(x, y, z) end
local res, msg = xpcall(loop, function (m)
assert(string.find(m, "stack overflow"))
checkerr("error handling", loop)
assert(math.sin(0) == 0)
return 15
assert(msg == 15)
local f = function ()
for i = 999900, 1000000, 1 do table.unpack({}, 1, i) end
checkerr("too many results", f)
-- non string messages
local t = {}
local res, msg = pcall(function () error(t) end)
assert(not res and msg == t)
res, msg = pcall(function () error(nil) end)
assert(not res and msg == nil)
local function f() error{msg='x'} end
res, msg = xpcall(f, function (r) return {msg=r.msg..'y'} end)
assert(msg.msg == 'xy')
-- 'assert' with extra arguments
res, msg = pcall(assert, false, "X", t)
assert(not res and msg == "X")
-- 'assert' with no message
res, msg = pcall(function () assert(false) end)
local line = string.match(msg, "%w+%.lua:(%d+): assertion failed!$")
assert(tonumber(line) == debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline - 2)
-- 'assert' with non-string messages
res, msg = pcall(assert, false, t)
assert(not res and msg == t)
res, msg = pcall(assert, nil, nil)
assert(not res and msg == nil)
-- 'assert' without arguments
res, msg = pcall(assert)
assert(not res and string.find(msg, "value expected"))
-- xpcall with arguments
a, b, c = xpcall(string.find, error, "alo", "al")
assert(a and b == 1 and c == 2)
a, b, c = xpcall(string.find, function (x) return {} end, true, "al")
assert(not a and type(b) == "table" and c == nil)
print("testing tokens in error messages")
checksyntax("syntax error", "", "error", 1)
checksyntax("1.000", "", "1.000", 1)
checksyntax("[[a]]", "", "[[a]]", 1)
checksyntax("'aa'", "", "'aa'", 1)
checksyntax("while << do end", "", "<<", 1)
checksyntax("for >> do end", "", ">>", 1)
-- test invalid non-printable char in a chunk
checksyntax("a\1a = 1", "", "<\\1>", 1)
-- test 255 as first char in a chunk
checksyntax("\255a = 1", "", "<\\255>", 1)
doit('I = load("a=9+"); a=3')
assert(a==3 and not I)
lim = 1000
if _soft then lim = 100 end
for i=1,lim do
doit('a = ')
doit('a = 4+nil')
-- testing syntax limits
local function testrep (init, rep, close, repc, finalresult)
local s = init .. string.rep(rep, 100) .. close .. string.rep(repc, 100)
local res, msg = load(s)
assert(res) -- 100 levels is OK
if (finalresult) then
assert(res() == finalresult)
s = init .. string.rep(rep, 500)
local res, msg = load(s) -- 500 levels not ok
assert(not res and (string.find(msg, "too many") or
string.find(msg, "overflow")))
testrep("local a; a", ",a", "= 1", ",1") -- multiple assignment
testrep("local a; a=", "{", "0", "}")
testrep("return ", "(", "2", ")", 2)
testrep("local function a (x) return x end; return ", "a(", "2.2", ")", 2.2)
testrep("", "do ", "", " end")
testrep("", "while a do ", "", " end")
testrep("local a; ", "if a then else ", "", " end")
testrep("", "function foo () ", "", " end")
testrep("local a = ''; return ", "a..", "'a'", "", "a")
testrep("local a = 1; return ", "a^", "a", "", 1)
checkmessage("a = f(x" .. string.rep(",x", 260) .. ")", "too many registers")
-- testing other limits
-- upvalues
local lim = 127
local s = "local function fooA ()\n local "
for j = 1,lim do
s = s.."a"..j..", "
s = s.."b,c\n"
s = s.."local function fooB ()\n local "
for j = 1,lim do
s = s.."b"..j..", "
s = s.."b\n"
s = s.."function fooC () return b+c"
local c = 1+2
for j = 1,lim do
s = s.."+a"..j.."+b"..j
c = c + 2
s = s.."\nend end end"
local a,b = load(s)
assert(c > 255 and string.find(b, "too many upvalues") and
string.find(b, "line 5"))
-- local variables
s = "\nfunction foo ()\n local "
for j = 1,300 do
s = s.."a"..j..", "
s = s.."b\n"
local a,b = load(s)
assert(string.find(b, "line 2") and string.find(b, "too many local variables"))
mt.__index = oldmm