Roberto Ierusalimschy 063d4e4543 Lua 5.3.5 ported to git
This is the first commit for the branch Lua 5.3. All source files
were copied from the official distribution of 5.3.5 in the Lua site.
The test files are the same of 5.3.4. The manual came from the
previous RCS repository, revision
2018-12-17 14:46:37 -02:00

875 lines
22 KiB

-- $Id: coroutine.lua,v 1.42 2016/11/07 13:03:20 roberto Exp $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
print "testing coroutines"
local debug = require'debug'
local f
local main, ismain = coroutine.running()
assert(type(main) == "thread" and ismain)
assert(not coroutine.resume(main))
assert(not coroutine.isyieldable())
assert(not pcall(coroutine.yield))
-- trivial errors
assert(not pcall(coroutine.resume, 0))
assert(not pcall(coroutine.status, 0))
-- tests for multiple yield/resume arguments
local function eqtab (t1, t2)
assert(#t1 == #t2)
for i = 1, #t1 do
local v = t1[i]
assert(t2[i] == v)
_G.x = nil -- declare x
function foo (a, ...)
local x, y = coroutine.running()
assert(x == f and y == false)
-- next call should not corrupt coroutine (but must fail,
-- as it attempts to resume the running coroutine)
assert(coroutine.resume(f) == false)
assert(coroutine.status(f) == "running")
local arg = {...}
for i=1,#arg do
_G.x = {coroutine.yield(table.unpack(arg[i]))}
return table.unpack(a)
f = coroutine.create(foo)
assert(type(f) == "thread" and coroutine.status(f) == "suspended")
assert(string.find(tostring(f), "thread"))
local s,a,b,c,d
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f, {1,2,3}, {}, {1}, {'a', 'b', 'c'})
assert(s and a == nil and coroutine.status(f) == "suspended")
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f)
eqtab(_G.x, {})
assert(s and a == 1 and b == nil)
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f, 1, 2, 3)
eqtab(_G.x, {1, 2, 3})
assert(s and a == 'a' and b == 'b' and c == 'c' and d == nil)
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f, "xuxu")
eqtab(_G.x, {"xuxu"})
assert(s and a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 and d == nil)
assert(coroutine.status(f) == "dead")
s, a = coroutine.resume(f, "xuxu")
assert(not s and string.find(a, "dead") and coroutine.status(f) == "dead")
-- yields in tail calls
local function foo (i) return coroutine.yield(i) end
f = coroutine.wrap(function ()
for i=1,10 do
assert(foo(i) == _G.x)
return 'a'
for i=1,10 do _G.x = i; assert(f(i) == i) end
_G.x = 'xuxu'; assert(f('xuxu') == 'a')
-- recursive
function pf (n, i)
pf(n*i, i+1)
f = coroutine.wrap(pf)
local s=1
for i=1,10 do
assert(f(1, 1) == s)
s = s*i
-- sieve
function gen (n)
return coroutine.wrap(function ()
for i=2,n do coroutine.yield(i) end
function filter (p, g)
return coroutine.wrap(function ()
while 1 do
local n = g()
if n == nil then return end
if math.fmod(n, p) ~= 0 then coroutine.yield(n) end
local x = gen(100)
local a = {}
while 1 do
local n = x()
if n == nil then break end
table.insert(a, n)
x = filter(n, x)
assert(#a == 25 and a[#a] == 97)
x, a = nil
-- yielding across C boundaries
co = coroutine.wrap(function()
assert(not pcall(table.sort,{1,2,3}, coroutine.yield))
return 30
assert(co() == 20)
assert(co() == 30)
local f = function (s, i) return coroutine.yield(i) end
local f1 = coroutine.wrap(function ()
return xpcall(pcall, function (...) return ... end,
function ()
local s = 0
for i in f, nil, 1 do pcall(function () s = s + i end) end
for i = 1, 10 do assert(f1(i) == i) end
local r1, r2, v = f1(nil)
assert(r1 and not r2 and v[1] == (10 + 1)*10/2)
function f (a, b) a = coroutine.yield(a); error{a + b} end
function g(x) return x[1]*2 end
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
coroutine.yield(xpcall(f, g, 10, 20))
assert(co() == 10)
r, msg = co(100)
assert(not r and msg == 240)
-- unyieldable C call
local function f (c)
assert(not coroutine.isyieldable())
return c .. c
local co = coroutine.wrap(function (c)
local s = string.gsub("a", ".", f)
return s
assert(co() == "aa")
-- errors in coroutines
function foo ()
assert(debug.getinfo(1).currentline == debug.getinfo(foo).linedefined + 1)
assert(debug.getinfo(2).currentline == debug.getinfo(goo).linedefined)
function goo() foo() end
x = coroutine.wrap(goo)
assert(x() == 3)
local a,b = pcall(x)
assert(not a and b == foo)
x = coroutine.create(goo)
a,b = coroutine.resume(x)
assert(a and b == 3)
a,b = coroutine.resume(x)
assert(not a and b == foo and coroutine.status(x) == "dead")
a,b = coroutine.resume(x)
assert(not a and string.find(b, "dead") and coroutine.status(x) == "dead")
-- co-routines x for loop
function all (a, n, k)
if k == 0 then coroutine.yield(a)
for i=1,n do
a[k] = i
all(a, n, k-1)
local a = 0
for t in coroutine.wrap(function () all({}, 5, 4) end) do
a = a+1
assert(a == 5^4)
-- access to locals of collected corroutines
local C = {}; setmetatable(C, {__mode = "kv"})
local x = coroutine.wrap (function ()
local a = 10
local function f () a = a+10; return a end
while true do
a = a+1
C[1] = x;
local f = x()
assert(f() == 21 and x()() == 32 and x() == f)
x = nil
assert(C[1] == nil)
assert(f() == 43 and f() == 53)
-- old bug: attempt to resume itself
function co_func (current_co)
assert(coroutine.running() == current_co)
assert(coroutine.resume(current_co) == false)
coroutine.yield(10, 20)
assert(coroutine.resume(current_co) == false)
return 10
local co = coroutine.create(co_func)
local a,b,c = coroutine.resume(co, co)
assert(a == true and b == 10 and c == 20)
a,b = coroutine.resume(co, co)
assert(a == true and b == 23)
a,b = coroutine.resume(co, co)
assert(a == true and b == 10)
assert(coroutine.resume(co, co) == false)
assert(coroutine.resume(co, co) == false)
-- other old bug when attempting to resume itself
-- (trigger C-code assertions)
local A = coroutine.running()
local B = coroutine.create(function() return coroutine.resume(A) end)
local st, res = coroutine.resume(B)
assert(st == true and res == false)
A = coroutine.wrap(function() return pcall(A, 1) end)
st, res = A()
assert(not st and string.find(res, "non%-suspended"))
-- attempt to resume 'normal' coroutine
local co1, co2
co1 = coroutine.create(function () return co2() end)
co2 = coroutine.wrap(function ()
assert(coroutine.status(co1) == 'normal')
assert(not coroutine.resume(co1))
a,b = coroutine.resume(co1)
assert(a and b == 3)
assert(coroutine.status(co1) == 'dead')
-- infinite recursion of coroutines
a = function(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end
assert(not pcall(a, a))
a = nil
-- access to locals of erroneous coroutines
local x = coroutine.create (function ()
local a = 10
_G.f = function () a=a+1; return a end
assert(not coroutine.resume(x))
-- overwrite previous position of local `a'
assert(not coroutine.resume(x, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
assert(_G.f() == 11)
assert(_G.f() == 12)
if not T then
(Message or print)('\n >>> testC not active: skipping yield/hook tests <<<\n')
print "testing yields inside hooks"
local turn
function fact (t, x)
assert(turn == t)
if x == 0 then return 1
else return x*fact(t, x-1)
local A, B = 0, 0
local x = coroutine.create(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 2)
A = fact("A", 6)
local y = coroutine.create(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 3)
B = fact("B", 7)
while A==0 or B==0 do -- A ~= 0 when 'x' finishes (similar for 'B','y')
if A==0 then turn = "A"; assert(T.resume(x)) end
if B==0 then turn = "B"; assert(T.resume(y)) end
assert(B // A == 7) -- fact(7) // fact(6)
local line = debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline + 2 -- get line number
local function foo ()
local x = 10 --<< this line is 'line'
x = x + 10
_G.XX = x
-- testing yields in line hook
local co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
T.sethook("setglobal X; yield 0", "l", 0); foo(); return 10 end)
_G.XX = nil;
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line)
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line + 1)
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line + 2 and _G.XX == nil)
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line + 3 and _G.XX == 20)
assert(co() == 10)
-- testing yields in count hook
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 1); foo(); return 10 end)
_G.XX = nil;
local c = 0
repeat c = c + 1; local a = co() until a == 10
assert(_G.XX == 20 and c >= 5)
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 2); foo(); return 10 end)
_G.XX = nil;
local c = 0
repeat c = c + 1; local a = co() until a == 10
assert(_G.XX == 20 and c >= 5)
_G.X = nil; _G.XX = nil
-- testing debug library on a coroutine suspended inside a hook
-- (bug in 5.2/5.3)
c = coroutine.create(function (a, ...)
T.sethook("yield 0", "l") -- will yield on next two lines
assert(a == 10)
return ...
assert(coroutine.resume(c, 1, 2, 3)) -- start coroutine
local n,v = debug.getlocal(c, 0, 1) -- check its local
assert(n == "a" and v == 1)
n,v = debug.getlocal(c, 0, -1) -- check varargs
assert(v == 2)
n,v = debug.getlocal(c, 0, -2)
assert(v == 3)
assert(debug.setlocal(c, 0, 1, 10)) -- test 'setlocal'
assert(debug.setlocal(c, 0, -2, 20))
local t = debug.getinfo(c, 0) -- test 'getinfo'
assert(t.currentline == t.linedefined + 1)
assert(not debug.getinfo(c, 1)) -- no other level
assert(coroutine.resume(c)) -- run next line
v = {coroutine.resume(c)} -- finish coroutine
assert(v[1] == true and v[2] == 2 and v[3] == 20 and v[4] == nil)
assert(not coroutine.resume(c))
-- testing debug library on last function in a suspended coroutine
-- (bug in 5.2/5.3)
local c = coroutine.create(function () T.testC("yield 1", 10, 20) end)
local a, b = coroutine.resume(c)
assert(a and b == 20)
assert(debug.getinfo(c, 0).linedefined == -1)
a, b = debug.getlocal(c, 0, 2)
assert(b == 10)
print "testing coroutine API"
-- reusing a thread
newthread # create thread
pushvalue 2 # push body
pushstring 'a a a' # push argument
xmove 0 3 2 # move values to new thread
resume -1, 1 # call it first time
xmove 3 0 0 # move results back to stack
setglobal X # result
setglobal Y # status
pushvalue 2 # push body (to call it again)
pushstring 'b b b'
xmove 0 3 2
resume -1, 1 # call it again
xmove 3 0 0
return 1 # return result
]], function (...) return ... end) == 'b b b')
assert(X == 'a a a' and Y == 'OK')
-- resuming running coroutine
C = coroutine.create(function ()
return T.testC([[
pushnum 10;
pushnum 20;
resume -3 2;
return 3]], C)
local a, b, c, d = coroutine.resume(C)
assert(a == true and string.find(b, "non%-suspended") and
c == "ERRRUN" and d == 4)
a, b, c, d = T.testC([[
rawgeti R 1 # get main thread
pushnum 10;
pushnum 20;
resume -3 2;
return 4]])
assert(a == coroutine.running() and string.find(b, "non%-suspended") and
c == "ERRRUN" and d == 4)
-- using a main thread as a coroutine
local state = T.newstate()
assert(T.doremote(state, [[
coroutine = require'coroutine';
X = function (x) coroutine.yield(x, 'BB'); return 'CC' end;
return 'ok']]))
t = table.pack(T.testC(state, [[
rawgeti R 1 # get main thread
pushstring 'XX'
getglobal X # get function for body
pushstring AA # arg
resume 1 1 # 'resume' shadows previous stack!
setglobal T # top
setglobal B # second yielded value
setglobal A # fist yielded value
rawgeti R 1 # get main thread
pushnum 5 # arg (noise)
resume 1 1 # after coroutine ends, previous stack is back
return *
assert(t.n == 4 and t[2] == 'XX' and t[3] == 'CC' and t[4] == 'OK')
assert(T.doremote(state, "return T") == '2')
assert(T.doremote(state, "return A") == 'AA')
assert(T.doremote(state, "return B") == 'BB')
-- leaving a pending coroutine open
_X = coroutine.wrap(function ()
local a = 10
local x = function () a = a+1 end
if not _soft then
-- bug (stack overflow)
local j = 2^9
local lim = 1000000 -- (C stack limit; assume 32-bit machine)
local t = {lim - 10, lim - 5, lim - 1, lim, lim + 1}
for i = 1, #t do
local j = t[i]
co = coroutine.create(function()
local t = {}
for i = 1, j do t[i] = i end
return table.unpack(t)
local r, msg = coroutine.resume(co)
assert(not r)
co = nil
assert(coroutine.running() == main)
print"testing yields inside metamethods"
local mt = {
__eq = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "eq"); return a.x == b.x end,
__lt = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "lt"); return a.x < b.x end,
__le = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "le"); return a - b <= 0 end,
__add = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "add"); return a.x + b.x end,
__sub = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "sub"); return a.x - b.x end,
__mod = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "mod"); return a.x % b.x end,
__unm = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "unm"); return -a.x end,
__bnot = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "bnot"); return ~a.x end,
__shl = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "shl"); return a.x << b.x end,
__shr = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "shr"); return a.x >> b.x end,
__band = function(a,b)
a = type(a) == "table" and a.x or a
b = type(b) == "table" and b.x or b
coroutine.yield(nil, "band")
return a & b
__bor = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "bor"); return a.x | b.x end,
__bxor = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "bxor"); return a.x ~ b.x end,
__concat = function(a,b)
coroutine.yield(nil, "concat");
a = type(a) == "table" and a.x or a
b = type(b) == "table" and b.x or b
return a .. b
__index = function (t,k) coroutine.yield(nil, "idx"); return t.k[k] end,
__newindex = function (t,k,v) coroutine.yield(nil, "nidx"); t.k[k] = v end,
local function new (x)
return setmetatable({x = x, k = {}}, mt)
local a = new(10)
local b = new(12)
local c = new"hello"
local function run (f, t)
local i = 1
local c = coroutine.wrap(f)
while true do
local res, stat = c()
if res then assert(t[i] == nil); return res, t end
assert(stat == t[i])
i = i + 1
assert(run(function () if (a>=b) then return '>=' else return '<' end end,
{"le", "sub"}) == "<")
-- '<=' using '<'
mt.__le = nil
assert(run(function () if (a<=b) then return '<=' else return '>' end end,
{"lt"}) == "<=")
assert(run(function () if (a==b) then return '==' else return '~=' end end,
{"eq"}) == "~=")
assert(run(function () return a & b + a end, {"add", "band"}) == 2)
assert(run(function () return a % b end, {"mod"}) == 10)
assert(run(function () return ~a & b end, {"bnot", "band"}) == ~10 & 12)
assert(run(function () return a | b end, {"bor"}) == 10 | 12)
assert(run(function () return a ~ b end, {"bxor"}) == 10 ~ 12)
assert(run(function () return a << b end, {"shl"}) == 10 << 12)
assert(run(function () return a >> b end, {"shr"}) == 10 >> 12)
assert(run(function () return a..b end, {"concat"}) == "1012")
assert(run(function() return a .. b .. c .. a end,
{"concat", "concat", "concat"}) == "1012hello10")
assert(run(function() return "a" .. "b" .. a .. "c" .. c .. b .. "x" end,
{"concat", "concat", "concat"}) == "ab10chello12x")
do -- a few more tests for comparsion operators
local mt1 = {
__le = function (a,b)
(type(a) == "table" and a.x or a) <= (type(b) == "table" and b.x or b)
__lt = function (a,b)
(type(a) == "table" and a.x or a) < (type(b) == "table" and b.x or b)
local mt2 = { __lt = mt1.__lt } -- no __le
local function run (f)
local co = coroutine.wrap(f)
local res
res = co()
until res ~= 10
return res
local function test ()
local a1 = setmetatable({x=1}, mt1)
local a2 = setmetatable({x=2}, mt2)
assert(a1 < a2)
assert(a1 <= a2)
assert(1 < a2)
assert(1 <= a2)
assert(2 > a1)
assert(2 >= a2)
return true
assert(run(function ()
a.BB = print
return a.BB
end, {"nidx", "idx"}) == print)
-- getuptable & setuptable
do local _ENV = _ENV
f = function () AAA = BBB + 1; return AAA end
g = new(10); g.k.BBB = 10;
debug.setupvalue(f, 1, g)
assert(run(f, {"idx", "nidx", "idx"}) == 11)
assert(g.k.AAA == 11)
print"testing yields inside 'for' iterators"
local f = function (s, i)
if i%2 == 0 then coroutine.yield(nil, "for") end
if i < s then return i + 1 end
assert(run(function ()
local s = 0
for i in f, 4, 0 do s = s + i end
return s
end, {"for", "for", "for"}) == 10)
-- tests for coroutine API
if T==nil then
(Message or print)('\n >>> testC not active: skipping coroutine API tests <<<\n')
print('testing coroutine API')
local function apico (...)
local x = {...}
return coroutine.wrap(function ()
return T.testC(table.unpack(x))
local a = {apico(
pushstring errorcode
pcallk 1 0 2;
invalid command (should not arrive here)
[[return *]],
assert(#a == 4 and
a[3] == "stackmark" and
a[4] == "errorcode" and
_G.status == "ERRRUN" and
_G.ctx == 2) -- 'ctx' to pcallk
local co = apico(
"pushvalue 2; pushnum 10; pcallk 1 2 3; invalid command;",
"getglobal status; getglobal ctx; pushvalue 2; pushstring a; pcallk 1 0 4; invalid command",
"getglobal status; getglobal ctx; return *")
assert(co() == 10)
assert(co(20, 30) == 'a')
a = {co()}
assert(#a == 10 and
a[2] == coroutine.yield and
a[5] == 20 and a[6] == 30 and
a[7] == "YIELD" and a[8] == 3 and
a[9] == "YIELD" and a[10] == 4)
assert(not pcall(co)) -- coroutine is dead now
f = T.makeCfunc("pushnum 3; pushnum 5; yield 1;")
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
assert(f() == 23); assert(f() == 23); return 10
assert(co(23,16) == 5)
assert(co(23,16) == 5)
assert(co(23,16) == 10)
-- testing coroutines with C bodies
f = T.makeCfunc([[
pushnum 102
yieldk 1 U2
cannot be here!
[[ # continuation
pushvalue U3 # accessing upvalues inside a continuation
pushvalue U4
return *
]], 23, "huu")
x = coroutine.wrap(f)
assert(x() == 102)
eqtab({x()}, {23, "huu"})
f = T.makeCfunc[[pushstring 'a'; pushnum 102; yield 2; ]]
a, b, c, d = T.testC([[newthread; pushvalue 2; xmove 0 3 1; resume 3 0;
pushstatus; xmove 3 0 0; resume 3 0; pushstatus;
return 4; ]], f)
assert(a == 'YIELD' and b == 'a' and c == 102 and d == 'OK')
-- testing chain of suspendable C calls
local count = 3 -- number of levels
f = T.makeCfunc([[
remove 1; # remove argument
pushvalue U3; # get selection function
call 0 1; # call it (result is 'f' or 'yield')
pushstring hello # single argument for selected function
pushupvalueindex 2; # index of continuation program
callk 1 -1 .; # call selected function
errorerror # should never arrive here
# continuation program
pushnum 34 # return value
return * # return all results
function () -- selection function
count = count - 1
if count == 0 then return coroutine.yield
else return f
co = coroutine.wrap(function () return f(nil) end)
assert(co() == "hello") -- argument to 'yield'
a = {co()}
-- three '34's (one from each pending C call)
assert(#a == 3 and a[1] == a[2] and a[2] == a[3] and a[3] == 34)
-- testing yields with continuations
co = coroutine.wrap(function (...) return
T.testC([[ # initial function
yieldk 1 2
cannot be here!
[[ # 1st continuation
yieldk 0 3
cannot be here!
[[ # 2nd continuation
yieldk 0 4
cannot be here!
[[ # 3th continuation
pushvalue 6 # function which is last arg. to 'testC' here
pushnum 10; pushnum 20;
pcall 2 0 0 # call should throw an error and return to next line
pop 1 # remove error message
pushvalue 6
getglobal status; getglobal ctx
pcallk 2 2 5 # call should throw an error and jump to continuation
cannot be here!
[[ # 4th (and last) continuation
return *
-- function called by 3th continuation
function (a,b) x=a; y=b; error("errmsg") end,
local a = {co(3,4,6)}
assert(a[1] == 6 and a[2] == nil)
a = {co()}; assert(a[1] == nil and _G.status == "YIELD" and _G.ctx == 2)
a = {co()}; assert(a[1] == nil and _G.status == "YIELD" and _G.ctx == 3)
a = {co(7,8)};
-- original arguments
assert(type(a[1]) == 'string' and type(a[2]) == 'string' and
type(a[3]) == 'string' and type(a[4]) == 'string' and
type(a[5]) == 'string' and type(a[6]) == 'function')
-- arguments left from fist resume
assert(a[7] == 3 and a[8] == 4)
-- arguments to last resume
assert(a[9] == 7 and a[10] == 8)
-- error message and nothing more
assert(a[11]:find("errmsg") and #a == 11)
-- check arguments to pcallk
assert(x == "YIELD" and y == 4)
assert(not pcall(co)) -- coroutine should be dead
-- bug in nCcalls
local co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
local a = {pcall(pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,error,"hi")}
return pcall(assert, table.unpack(a))
local a = {co()}
assert(a[10] == "hi")