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synced 2025-02-19 22:53:59 +03:00
![Roberto Ierusalimschy](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
This is the first commit for the branch Lua 5.3. All source files were copied from the official distribution of 5.3.5 in the Lua site. The test files are the same of 5.3.4. The manual came from the previous RCS repository, revision
411 lines
9.7 KiB
411 lines
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** $Id: lmathlib.c,v 2017/04/19 17:20:42 roberto Exp $
** Standard mathematical library
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#define lmathlib_c
#define LUA_LIB
#include "lprefix.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#undef PI
#define PI (l_mathop(3.141592653589793238462643383279502884))
#if !defined(l_rand) /* { */
#if defined(LUA_USE_POSIX)
#define l_rand() random()
#define l_srand(x) srandom(x)
#define L_RANDMAX 2147483647 /* (2^31 - 1), following POSIX */
#define l_rand() rand()
#define l_srand(x) srand(x)
#endif /* } */
static int math_abs (lua_State *L) {
if (lua_isinteger(L, 1)) {
lua_Integer n = lua_tointeger(L, 1);
if (n < 0) n = (lua_Integer)(0u - (lua_Unsigned)n);
lua_pushinteger(L, n);
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(fabs)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_sin (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(sin)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_cos (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(cos)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_tan (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(tan)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_asin (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(asin)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_acos (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(acos)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_atan (lua_State *L) {
lua_Number y = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
lua_Number x = luaL_optnumber(L, 2, 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(atan2)(y, x));
return 1;
static int math_toint (lua_State *L) {
int valid;
lua_Integer n = lua_tointegerx(L, 1, &valid);
if (valid)
lua_pushinteger(L, n);
else {
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
lua_pushnil(L); /* value is not convertible to integer */
return 1;
static void pushnumint (lua_State *L, lua_Number d) {
lua_Integer n;
if (lua_numbertointeger(d, &n)) /* does 'd' fit in an integer? */
lua_pushinteger(L, n); /* result is integer */
lua_pushnumber(L, d); /* result is float */
static int math_floor (lua_State *L) {
if (lua_isinteger(L, 1))
lua_settop(L, 1); /* integer is its own floor */
else {
lua_Number d = l_mathop(floor)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1));
pushnumint(L, d);
return 1;
static int math_ceil (lua_State *L) {
if (lua_isinteger(L, 1))
lua_settop(L, 1); /* integer is its own ceil */
else {
lua_Number d = l_mathop(ceil)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1));
pushnumint(L, d);
return 1;
static int math_fmod (lua_State *L) {
if (lua_isinteger(L, 1) && lua_isinteger(L, 2)) {
lua_Integer d = lua_tointeger(L, 2);
if ((lua_Unsigned)d + 1u <= 1u) { /* special cases: -1 or 0 */
luaL_argcheck(L, d != 0, 2, "zero");
lua_pushinteger(L, 0); /* avoid overflow with 0x80000... / -1 */
lua_pushinteger(L, lua_tointeger(L, 1) % d);
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(fmod)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1),
luaL_checknumber(L, 2)));
return 1;
** next function does not use 'modf', avoiding problems with 'double*'
** (which is not compatible with 'float*') when lua_Number is not
** 'double'.
static int math_modf (lua_State *L) {
if (lua_isinteger(L ,1)) {
lua_settop(L, 1); /* number is its own integer part */
lua_pushnumber(L, 0); /* no fractional part */
else {
lua_Number n = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
/* integer part (rounds toward zero) */
lua_Number ip = (n < 0) ? l_mathop(ceil)(n) : l_mathop(floor)(n);
pushnumint(L, ip);
/* fractional part (test needed for inf/-inf) */
lua_pushnumber(L, (n == ip) ? l_mathop(0.0) : (n - ip));
return 2;
static int math_sqrt (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(sqrt)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_ult (lua_State *L) {
lua_Integer a = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
lua_Integer b = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
lua_pushboolean(L, (lua_Unsigned)a < (lua_Unsigned)b);
return 1;
static int math_log (lua_State *L) {
lua_Number x = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
lua_Number res;
if (lua_isnoneornil(L, 2))
res = l_mathop(log)(x);
else {
lua_Number base = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
#if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
if (base == l_mathop(2.0))
res = l_mathop(log2)(x); else
if (base == l_mathop(10.0))
res = l_mathop(log10)(x);
res = l_mathop(log)(x)/l_mathop(log)(base);
lua_pushnumber(L, res);
return 1;
static int math_exp (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(exp)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_deg (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, luaL_checknumber(L, 1) * (l_mathop(180.0) / PI));
return 1;
static int math_rad (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, luaL_checknumber(L, 1) * (PI / l_mathop(180.0)));
return 1;
static int math_min (lua_State *L) {
int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */
int imin = 1; /* index of current minimum value */
int i;
luaL_argcheck(L, n >= 1, 1, "value expected");
for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (lua_compare(L, i, imin, LUA_OPLT))
imin = i;
lua_pushvalue(L, imin);
return 1;
static int math_max (lua_State *L) {
int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */
int imax = 1; /* index of current maximum value */
int i;
luaL_argcheck(L, n >= 1, 1, "value expected");
for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (lua_compare(L, imax, i, LUA_OPLT))
imax = i;
lua_pushvalue(L, imax);
return 1;
** This function uses 'double' (instead of 'lua_Number') to ensure that
** all bits from 'l_rand' can be represented, and that 'RANDMAX + 1.0'
** will keep full precision (ensuring that 'r' is always less than 1.0.)
static int math_random (lua_State *L) {
lua_Integer low, up;
double r = (double)l_rand() * (1.0 / ((double)L_RANDMAX + 1.0));
switch (lua_gettop(L)) { /* check number of arguments */
case 0: { /* no arguments */
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)r); /* Number between 0 and 1 */
return 1;
case 1: { /* only upper limit */
low = 1;
up = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
case 2: { /* lower and upper limits */
low = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
up = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
default: return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments");
/* random integer in the interval [low, up] */
luaL_argcheck(L, low <= up, 1, "interval is empty");
luaL_argcheck(L, low >= 0 || up <= LUA_MAXINTEGER + low, 1,
"interval too large");
r *= (double)(up - low) + 1.0;
lua_pushinteger(L, (lua_Integer)r + low);
return 1;
static int math_randomseed (lua_State *L) {
l_srand((unsigned int)(lua_Integer)luaL_checknumber(L, 1));
(void)l_rand(); /* discard first value to avoid undesirable correlations */
return 0;
static int math_type (lua_State *L) {
if (lua_type(L, 1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
if (lua_isinteger(L, 1))
lua_pushliteral(L, "integer");
lua_pushliteral(L, "float");
else {
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
return 1;
** {==================================================================
** Deprecated functions (for compatibility only)
** ===================================================================
static int math_cosh (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(cosh)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_sinh (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(sinh)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_tanh (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(tanh)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int math_pow (lua_State *L) {
lua_Number x = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
lua_Number y = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(pow)(x, y));
return 1;
static int math_frexp (lua_State *L) {
int e;
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(frexp)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1), &e));
lua_pushinteger(L, e);
return 2;
static int math_ldexp (lua_State *L) {
lua_Number x = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
int ep = (int)luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(ldexp)(x, ep));
return 1;
static int math_log10 (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, l_mathop(log10)(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
return 1;
/* }================================================================== */
static const luaL_Reg mathlib[] = {
{"abs", math_abs},
{"acos", math_acos},
{"asin", math_asin},
{"atan", math_atan},
{"ceil", math_ceil},
{"cos", math_cos},
{"deg", math_deg},
{"exp", math_exp},
{"tointeger", math_toint},
{"floor", math_floor},
{"fmod", math_fmod},
{"ult", math_ult},
{"log", math_log},
{"max", math_max},
{"min", math_min},
{"modf", math_modf},
{"rad", math_rad},
{"random", math_random},
{"randomseed", math_randomseed},
{"sin", math_sin},
{"sqrt", math_sqrt},
{"tan", math_tan},
{"type", math_type},
{"atan2", math_atan},
{"cosh", math_cosh},
{"sinh", math_sinh},
{"tanh", math_tanh},
{"pow", math_pow},
{"frexp", math_frexp},
{"ldexp", math_ldexp},
{"log10", math_log10},
/* placeholders */
{"pi", NULL},
{"huge", NULL},
{"maxinteger", NULL},
{"mininteger", NULL},
** Open math library
LUAMOD_API int luaopen_math (lua_State *L) {
luaL_newlib(L, mathlib);
lua_pushnumber(L, PI);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "pi");
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)HUGE_VAL);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "huge");
lua_pushinteger(L, LUA_MAXINTEGER);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "maxinteger");
lua_pushinteger(L, LUA_MININTEGER);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "mininteger");
return 1;