/* ** $Id: lstate.c,v 1.11 1999/05/11 14:19:32 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Global State ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include "lbuiltin.h" #include "ldo.h" #include "lfunc.h" #include "lgc.h" #include "llex.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "ltm.h" lua_State *lua_state = NULL; void lua_open (void) { if (lua_state) return; lua_state = luaM_new(lua_State); L->Cstack.base = 0; L->Cstack.lua2C = 0; L->Cstack.num = 0; L->errorJmp = NULL; L->Mbuffer = NULL; L->Mbuffbase = 0; L->Mbuffsize = 0; L->Mbuffnext = 0; L->Cblocks = NULL; L->numCblocks = 0; L->debug = 0; L->callhook = NULL; L->linehook = NULL; L->rootproto.next = NULL; L->rootproto.marked = 0; L->rootcl.next = NULL; L->rootcl.marked = 0; L->rootglobal.next = NULL; L->rootglobal.marked = 0; L->roottable.next = NULL; L->roottable.marked = 0; L->IMtable = NULL; L->refArray = NULL; L->refSize = 0; L->GCthreshold = GARBAGE_BLOCK; L->nblocks = 0; luaD_init(); luaS_init(); luaX_init(); luaT_init(); luaB_predefine(); } void lua_close (void) { TaggedString *alludata = luaS_collectudata(); L->GCthreshold = MAX_INT; /* to avoid GC during GC */ luaC_hashcallIM((Hash *)L->roottable.next); /* GC t.methods for tables */ luaC_strcallIM(alludata); /* GC tag methods for userdata */ luaD_gcIM(&luaO_nilobject); /* GC tag method for nil (signal end of GC) */ luaH_free((Hash *)L->roottable.next); luaF_freeproto((TProtoFunc *)L->rootproto.next); luaF_freeclosure((Closure *)L->rootcl.next); luaS_free(alludata); luaS_freeall(); luaM_free(L->stack.stack); luaM_free(L->IMtable); luaM_free(L->refArray); luaM_free(L->Mbuffer); luaM_free(L->Cblocks); luaM_free(L); L = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG printf("total de blocos: %ld\n", numblocks); printf("total de memoria: %ld\n", totalmem); #endif }