Updated the documentation for the API function 'lua_gc'

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Roberto Ierusalimschy 2019-06-06 12:51:41 -03:00
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@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ or @Lid{collectgarbage} in Lua.
You can also use these functions to control
the collector directly (e.g., to stop and restart it).
@sect3{@title{Incremental Garbage Collection}
@sect3{incmode| @title{Incremental Garbage Collection}
In incremental mode,
each GC cycle performs a mark-and-sweep collection in small steps
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ which means steps of approximately @N{8 Kbytes}.
@sect3{@title{Generational Garbage Collection}
@sect3{genmode| @title{Generational Garbage Collection}
In generational mode,
the collector does frequent @emph{minor} collections,
@ -633,17 +633,7 @@ If after a minor collection the use of memory is still above a limit,
the collector does a @emph{major} collection,
which traverses all objects.
The generational mode uses two parameters:
the @def{major multiplier} and the @def{the minor multiplier}.
The major multiplier controls the frequency of major collections.
For a major multiplier @M{x},
a new major collection will be done when memory
grows @M{x%} larger than the memory in use after the previous major
For instance, for a multiplier of 100,
the collector will do a major collection when the use of memory
gets larger than twice the use after the previous collection.
The default value is 100; the maximum value is 1000.
the @def{minor multiplier} and the @def{the major multiplier}.
The minor multiplier controls the frequency of minor collections.
For a minor multiplier @M{x},
@ -655,6 +645,16 @@ the collector will do a minor collection when the use of memory
gets 20% larger than the use after the previous major collection.
The default value is 20; the maximum value is 200.
The major multiplier controls the frequency of major collections.
For a major multiplier @M{x},
a new major collection will be done when memory
grows @M{x%} larger than the memory in use after the previous major
For instance, for a multiplier of 100,
the collector will do a major collection when the use of memory
gets larger than twice the use after the previous collection.
The default value is 100; the maximum value is 1000.
@sect3{finalizers| @title{Garbage-Collection Metamethods}
@ -3022,57 +3022,60 @@ and therefore never returns
@APIEntry{int lua_gc (lua_State *L, int what, int data);|
@APIEntry{int lua_gc (lua_State *L, int what, ...);|
Controls the garbage collector.
This function performs several tasks,
according to the value of the parameter @id{what}:
according to the value of the parameter @id{what}.
For options that need extra arguments,
they are listed after the option.
Performs a full garbage-collection cycle.
stops the garbage collector.
Stops the garbage collector.
restarts the garbage collector.
performs a full garbage-collection cycle.
Restarts the garbage collector.
returns the current amount of memory (in Kbytes) in use by Lua.
Returns the current amount of memory (in Kbytes) in use by Lua.
returns the remainder of dividing the current amount of bytes of
Returns the remainder of dividing the current amount of bytes of
memory in use by Lua by 1024.
performs an incremental step of garbage collection.
sets @id{data} as the new value
for the @emph{pause} of the collector @see{GC}
and returns the previous value of the pause.
sets @id{data} as the new value for the @emph{step multiplier} of
the collector @see{GC}
and returns the previous value of the step multiplier.
@item{@id{LUA_GCSTEP} @T{(int stepsize)}|
Performs an incremental step of garbage collection,
corresponding to the allocation of @id{stepsize} Kbytes.
returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running
Returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running
(i.e., not stopped).
@item{@id{LUA_GCINC} (int pause, int stepmul, stepsize)|
Changes the collector to incremental mode
with the given parameters @see{incmode}.
Returns the previous mode (@id{LUA_GCGEN} or @id{LUA_GCINC}).
@item{@id{LUA_GCGEN} (int minormul, int majormul)|
Changes the collector to generational mode
with the given parameters @see{genmode}.
Returns the previous mode (@id{LUA_GCGEN} or @id{LUA_GCINC}).
For more details about these options,
see @Lid{collectgarbage}.
@ -5949,42 +5952,41 @@ It performs different functions according to its first argument, @id{opt}:
performs a full garbage-collection cycle.
Performs a full garbage-collection cycle.
This is the default option.
stops automatic execution of the garbage collector.
Stops automatic execution of the garbage collector.
The collector will run only when explicitly invoked,
until a call to restart it.
restarts automatic execution of the garbage collector.
Restarts automatic execution of the garbage collector.
returns the total memory in use by Lua in Kbytes.
Returns the total memory in use by Lua in Kbytes.
The value has a fractional part,
so that it multiplied by 1024
gives the exact number of bytes in use by Lua.
performs a garbage-collection step.
Performs a garbage-collection step.
The step @Q{size} is controlled by @id{arg}.
With a zero value,
the collector will perform one basic (indivisible) step.
For non-zero values,
the collector will perform as if that amount of memory
(in KBytes) had been allocated by Lua.
(in Kbytes) had been allocated by Lua.
Returns @true if the step finished a collection cycle.
sets @id{arg} as the new value for the @emph{pause} of
the collector @see{GC}.
Returns the previous value for @emph{pause}.
Returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running
(i.e., not stopped).
@ -5992,7 +5994,7 @@ Change the collector mode to incremental.
This option can be followed by three numbers:
the garbage-collector pause,
the step multiplier,
and the step size.
and the step size @see{incmode}.
A zero means to not change that value.
@ -6000,15 +6002,10 @@ A zero means to not change that value.
Change the collector mode to generational.
This option can be followed by two numbers:
the garbage-collector minor multiplier
and the major multiplier.
and the major multiplier @see{genmode}.
A zero means to not change that value.
returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running
(i.e., not stopped).
See @See{GC} for more details about garbage collection
and some of these options.
@ -8880,6 +8877,12 @@ do not accept surrogates as valid code points.
An extra parameter in these functions makes them more permissive.
The options @St{setpause} and @St{setstepmul}
of the function @Lid{collectgarbage} are deprecated.
You should use the new option @St{incremental} to set them.
@ -8925,6 +8928,12 @@ Errors in finalizers are never propagated;
instead, they generate a warning.
The options @idx{LUA_GCSETPAUSE} and @idx{LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL}
of the function @Lid{lua_gc} are deprecated.
You should use the new option @id{LUA_GCINC} to set them.