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synced 2025-03-17 11:12:51 +03:00
new functions "getn" and "foreachi"
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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% $Id: manual.tex,v 1.18 1998/08/21 17:43:44 roberto Exp roberto $
% $Id: manual.tex,v 1.19 1998/08/24 20:14:56 roberto Exp roberto $
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Waldemar Celes
\tecgraf\ --- Computer Science Department --- PUC-Rio
%\date{\small \verb$Date: 1998/08/21 17:43:44 $}
%\date{\small \verb$Date: 1998/08/24 20:14:56 $}
@ -1883,10 +1883,9 @@ Calls function \verb|func| with
the arguments given by the table \verb|arg|.
The call is equivalent to
func(arg[1], arg[2], ..., arg[arg.n])
func(arg[1], arg[2], ..., arg[n])
If \verb|arg.n| is not defined,
then Lua stops getting arguments at the first \nil\ value.
where \verb|n| is the result of \verb|getn(arg)| \see{getn}.
By default,
all results from \verb|func| are just returned by the call.
@ -1900,6 +1899,7 @@ For instance, the following calls produce the following results:
a = call(sin, {5}) --> a = 0.0871557 = sin(5)
a = call(max, {1,4,5; n=2}) --> a = 4 (only 1 and 4 are arguments)
a = call(max, {1,4,5; n=2}, "p") --> a = {4; n=1}
t = {x=1}
a = call(next, {t,nil;n=2}, "p") --> a={"x", 1; n=2}
@ -1926,8 +1926,8 @@ Returns the number of objects collected.
An optional argument, \verb|limit|, is a number that
makes the next cycle occur only after that number of new
objects have been created.
If absent, Lua uses an adaptive algorithm to set
this limit.
If \verb|limit| is absent or equal to 0,
Lua uses an adaptive algorithm to set this limit.
\verb|collectgarbage| is equivalent to
the API function \verb|lua_collectgarbage|.
@ -1997,46 +1997,6 @@ otherwise the semantics of \verb|nextvar| is undefined.
This function cannot be written with the standard API.
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{foreach (table, function)}}\Deffunc{foreach}
Executes the given \verb|function| over all elements of \verb|table|.
For each element, the function is called with the index and
respective value as arguments.
If the function returns any non-\nil\ value,
the loop is broken, and the value is returned
as the final value of \verb|foreach|.
This function could be defined in Lua:
function foreach (t, f)
local i, v = next(t, nil)
while i do
local res = f(i, v)
if res then return res end
i, v = next(t, i)
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{foreachvar (function)}}\Deffunc{foreachvar}
Executes \verb|function| over all global variables.
For each variable,
the function is called with its name and its value as arguments.
If the function returns any non-nil value,
the loop is broken, and the value is returned
as the final value of \verb|foreachvar|.
This function could be defined in Lua:
function foreachvar (f)
local n, v = nextvar(nil)
while n do
local res = f(n, v)
if res then return res end
n, v = nextvar(n)
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{tostring (e)}}\Deffunc{tostring}
Receives an argument of any type and
converts it to a string in a reasonable format.
@ -2104,12 +2064,12 @@ Issues an \emph{``assertion failed!''} error
when its argument is \nil.
This function is equivalent to the following Lua function:
function assert (v, m)
if not v then
m = m or ""
error("assertion failed! " .. m)
function assert (v, m)
if not v then
m = m or ""
error("assertion failed! " .. m)
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{error (message)}}\Deffunc{error}\label{pdf-error}
@ -2181,6 +2141,136 @@ for a given pair \M{(tag, event)}.
Copies all tag methods from one tag to another;
it returns \verb|tagto|.
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{getn (table)}}\Deffunc{getn}\label{getn}
Returns the ``size'' of a table, when seen as a list.
If the table has an \verb|n| field with a numeric value,
this is its ``size''.
Otherwise, the size is the largest numerical index with a non-nil
value in the table.
This function could be defined in Lua:
function getn (t)
if type(t.n) == 'number' then return floor(t.n) end
local i = next(t, nil)
local max = 0
while i do
if type(i) == 'number' and i>max then max=i end
i = next(t, i)
return floor(max)
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{foreach (table, function)}}\Deffunc{foreach}
Executes the given \verb|function| over all elements of \verb|table|.
For each element, the function is called with the index and
respective value as arguments.
If the function returns any non-\nil\ value,
the loop is broken, and the value is returned
as the final value of \verb|foreach|.
This function could be defined in Lua:
function foreach (t, f)
local i, v = next(t, nil)
while i do
local res = f(i, v)
if res then return res end
i, v = next(t, i)
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{foreachi (table, function)}}\Deffunc{foreachi}
Executes the given \verb|function| over the
numerical indices of \verb|table|.
For each index, the function is called with the index and
respective value as arguments.
Indices are visited in sequential order,
from 1 to \verb|n|,
where \verb|n| is the result of \verb|getn(table)| \see{getn}.
If the function returns any non-\nil\ value,
the loop is broken, and the value is returned
as the final value of \verb|foreachi|.
This function could be defined in Lua:
function foreachi (t, f)
local i, n = 1, getn(t)
while i<=n do
local res = f(i, t[i])
if res then return res end
i = i+1
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{foreachvar (function)}}\Deffunc{foreachvar}
Executes \verb|function| over all global variables.
For each variable,
the function is called with its name and its value as arguments.
If the function returns any non-nil value,
the loop is broken, and the value is returned
as the final value of \verb|foreachvar|.
This function could be defined in Lua:
function foreachvar (f)
local n, v = nextvar(nil)
while n do
local res = f(n, v)
if res then return res end
n, v = nextvar(n)
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{sort (table [, comp])}}\Deffunc{sort}
Sorts table elements in ascending order, \emph{in-place},
from \verb|table[1]| to \verb|table[n]|,
where \verb|n| is the result of \verb|getn(table)| \see{getn}.
If \verb|comp| is given,
it must be a function that compares two table elements,
and returns true when the first is less than the second
(that is, \verb|not comp(a[i+1], a[i])| will be true after the sort).
If \verb|comp| is not given,
the standard \verb|<| Lua operator is used instead.
Function \verb|sort| returns the (sorted) table.
This function could be defined in Lua:
function aux_qsort (a, l, u, leq)
if l < u then
local m = floor((l+u)/2) -- choose middle element as pivot
a[l], a[m] = a[m], a[l] -- swap pivot to first position
local t = a[l] -- pivot value
m = l
local i = l+1
while i <= u do
-- invariant: a[l+1..m] < t <= a[m+1..i-1]
if leq(a[i], t) then
m = m+1
a[m], a[i] = a[i], a[m] -- swap
i = i+1
a[l], a[m] = a[m], a[l] -- swap pivot to a valid place
-- a[l+1..m-1] < a[m] <= a[m+1..u]
aux_qsort(a, l, m-1, leq)
aux_qsort(a, m+1, u, leq)
return a -- return the table
function sort (a, f)
f = f or function (a,b) return a<b end
return aux_qsort(a, 1, getn(a), f)
\subsection{String Manipulation}
This library provides generic functions for string manipulation,
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