mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 18:52:52 +03:00
no more refs, upvalues; lexical scoping;pseudo-indices
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ Statements are described in \See{stats}.
A chunk may be stored in a file or in a string inside the host program.
When a chunk is executed, first it is pre-compiled into bytecodes for
a virtual machine,
and then the compiled statements are executed in sequential order,
by simulating the virtual machine.
and then the compiled statements are executed
by an interpreter for the virtual machine.
All modifications a chunk effects on the global environment persist
after the chunk ends.
@ -311,15 +311,12 @@ This means that
variables do not have types; only values do.
Therefore, there are no type definitions in the language.
All values carry their own type.
Besides a type, all values also have a tag \see{tags}.
There are six \Index{basic types} in Lua: \Def{nil}, \Def{number},
\Def{string}, \Def{function}, \Def{userdata}, and \Def{table}.
\emph{Nil} is the type of the value \nil,
whose main property is to be different from any other value.
\emph{Number} represents real
%(double-precision floating-point)
\emph{Number} represents real (double-precision floating-point) numbers.
\emph{String} represents arrays of characters.
\index{eight-bit clean}
Lua is 8-bit clean,
@ -365,9 +362,9 @@ In particular,
because functions are first class values,
table fields may contain functions.
So, tables may also carry \emph{methods}.
The form \verb|t:f(x)| is syntactic sugar for \verb|t.f(t,x)|,
which calls the method \verb|f| from the table \verb|t| passing
the table itself as the first parameter \see{func-def}.
%The form \verb|t:f(x)| is syntactic sugar for \verb|t.f(t,x)|,
%which calls the method \verb|f| from the table \verb|t| passing
%the table itself as the first parameter \see{func-def}.
Strings, tables, functions, and userdata values are \emph{objects}:
variables do not actually \emph{contain} these values,
@ -378,6 +375,41 @@ always manipulate references to these values, and do not imply any kind of copy.
The library function \verb|type| returns a string describing the type
of a given value \see{pdf-type}.
Each type is denoted both by a \emph{name},
which is a string,
and a \IndexEmph{tag},
which is an integer.
Tags are mainly used by C~code,
to avoid the manipulation of strings.
In the C~API,
most operations over types require a tag to identify the type.
In Lua, all operations over types work transparently
with both type names and tags.
The \verb|tag| function returns the tag of a given value \see{pdf-tag}.
\subsubsection{User-defined Types}
Lua programs can create new types,
called \IndexEmph{user-defined types}.
A user-defined type is always based on a base type,
which can be either table or userdata.
Objects of a user-defined type have an internal structure
identical to the corresponding base type,
but the programmer may define different semantics for each operation on them
The \verb|newtype| function creates a new type \see{pdf-newtype}
with a name selected by the programmer.
Types created by Lua programs are always based on tables;
types created in~C can be based on tables or on userdata.
The \verb|settagmethod| function defines new semantics for
the operations of this new type \see{tag-method}.
The \verb|settype| function changes the type of a given object
\subsection{\Index{Coercion}} \label{coercion}
@ -409,42 +441,9 @@ An ordinary Lua table is used to keep all global names and values.
This table can be accessed and changed with the \verb|globals| function
Each type has a \emph{name},
which is a string,
and a \IndexEmph{tag},
which is an integer.
Tags are mainly used by C~code,
to avoid the manipulation of strings.
In the C~API,
most operations over types require a tag to identify the type.
In Lua, all operations over types work transparently
with both type names and tags.
The \verb|tag| function returns the tag of a given value \see{pdf-tag}.
\subsection{User-defined Types}
Lua programs can create new types,
called \IndexEmph{user-defined types}.
A user-defined type is always based on a base type,
which can be either table or userdata.
Objects of a user-defined type have an internal structure
identical to the corresponding base type,
but the programmer may define different semantics for each operation on them
The \verb|newtype| function creates a new type \see{pdf-newtype}
with a name selected by the programmer.
Types created by Lua programs are always based on tables;
types created in~C can be based on tables or on userdata.
The \verb|settagmethod| function defines new semantics for
the operations of this new type \see{tag-method}.
The \verb|settype| function changes the type of a given object
\Index{Local variables} are lexically scoped.
Therefore, local variables can be freely accessed by functions
defined inside their scope \see{visibility}.
\subsection{Garbage Collection}\label{GC}
@ -455,9 +454,8 @@ and freeing it when the objects are no longer needed.
Lua manages memory automatically by running
a \Index{garbage collector} from time to time
collecting all ``dead'' objects
(essentially, all objects that are no longer accessible from Lua
as the value of a global variable or table field).
collecting all dead objects
(all objects that are no longer accessible from Lua).
All objects in Lua are subject to automatic management:
tables, userdata, functions, and strings.
@ -476,7 +474,7 @@ One number counts how many bytes of dynamic memory Lua is using,
and the other is a threshold.
When the number of bytes crosses the threshold,
Lua runs the garbage collector,
which reclaims the memory of all ``dead'' objects.
which reclaims the memory of all dead objects.
The byte counter is corrected,
and then the threshold is reset to twice the value of the byte counter.
@ -624,7 +622,7 @@ in Unix systems \see{lua-sa}.
Variables are places that store values.
In Lua, variables are given by simple identifiers or by table fields.
%In Lua, variables are given by simple identifiers or by table fields.
A single name can denote a global variable, a local variable,
or a formal parameter in a function
@ -638,7 +636,7 @@ Square brackets are used to index a table:
\produc{var}{exp \ter{[} exp \ter{]}}
The first expression should result in a table value,
from where the field given by the second expression gets the assigned value.
and the second expression identifies the specific place inside that table.
The syntax \verb|var.NAME| is just syntactic sugar for
@ -657,8 +655,6 @@ An access to a global variable \verb|x|
is equivalent to a call \verb|getglobal("x")| and
an access to an indexed variable \verb|t[i]| is equivalent to
a call \verb|gettable_event(t,i)|.
Of course,
\verb|i| and \verb|val| can be complicated expressions.
See \See{tag-method} for a complete description of these functions
(\verb|setglobal| and \verb|getglobal| are in the basic library;
\T{settable\_event} and \T{gettable\_event}
@ -915,17 +911,12 @@ If present, an initial assignment has the same semantics
of a multiple assignment \see{assignment}.
Otherwise, all variables are initialized with \nil.
The scope of local variables begins \emph{after}
the declaration and lasts until the end of the block.
Thus, the code
\verb|local print=print|
creates a local variable named \verb|print| whose
initial value is that of the \emph{global} variable of the same name.
A chunk is also a block \see{chunks},
and so local variables can be declared outside any explicit block.
Such local variables die when the chunk ends.
Visibility rules for local variables are explained in \See{visibility}.
@ -937,14 +928,12 @@ The basic expressions in Lua are the following:
An expression enclosed in parentheses always results in only one value
(the only expressions that can result in multiple values are function calls).
An expression enclosed in parentheses always results in only one value.
\verb|(f(x,y,z))| is always a single value,
even if \verb|f| returns several values.
@ -953,7 +942,6 @@ or \nil\ if \verb|f| does not return any values.)
\emph{Numbers} and \emph{literal strings} are explained in \See{lexical};
variables are explained in \See{variables};
upvalues are explained in \See{upvalue};
function definitions are explained in \See{func-def};
function calls are explained in \See{functioncall};
table constructors are explained in \See{tableconstructor}.
@ -972,7 +960,7 @@ numbers \see{coercion},
then all operations except exponentiation have the usual meaning;
otherwise, an appropriate tag method is called \see{tag-method}.
An exponentiation always calls a tag method.
The standard mathematical library redefines this method for numbers,
The standard mathematical library defines this method for numbers,
giving the expected meaning to \Index{exponentiation}
@ -986,26 +974,13 @@ These operators return \nil\ as false and a value different from \nil\ as true.
Equality (\verb|==|) first compares the type of its operands.
If the types are different, then the result is \nil.
Otherwise, the values of the operands are compared.
Numbers are compared in the usual way.
Strings, tables, userdata, and functions are compared \emph{by reference},
Numbers and strings are compared in the usual way.
Tables, userdata, and functions are compared \emph{by reference},
that is,
two tables are considered equal only if they are the \emph{same} table.
In particular,
equality is a constant-time operation and does not depend on the size of the
strings or tables.
Every time you create a new table (or string, userdata, or function),
Every time you create a new table (or userdata, or function),
this new value is different from any previously existing value.
In particular,
this is true for strings,
even if a string is built in different ways.
For example, all strings below are equal,
that is, they are the \emph{same} string:
"Lua" .. " 4.1"
"Lua " .. "4.1"
"Lua 4.1"
The conversion rules of \See{coercion}
@ -1020,18 +995,9 @@ The operator \verb|~=| is exactly the negation of equality (\verb|==|).
The order operators work as follows.
If both arguments are numbers, then they are compared as such.
Otherwise, if both arguments are strings,
then their values are compared according to the current locale (see below).
then their values are compared according to the current locale.
Otherwise, the ``lt'' tag method is called \see{tag-method}.
String comparison according to the current locale
means that
if you sort strings using \verb|<=|,
\emph{\'agua} will appear before \emph{book}
and close to all other strings beginning with \emph{ag},
even though \emph{\'a}~appears after \emph{b} in the usual ISO Latin encoding.
\index{string comparison}
\subsubsection{Logical Operators}
The \Index{logical operators} in Lua are
@ -1141,7 +1107,7 @@ is equivalent to
If the last expression in the list is a function call,
then all values returned by the call enter the list consecutively
To avoid this,
If you want to avoid this,
enclose the function call in parentheses.
The form \emph{ffieldlist1} initializes other fields in a table:
@ -1168,7 +1134,7 @@ An expression like \verb|{x = 1, y = 4}| is
in fact syntactic sugar for \verb|{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 4}|.
Both forms may have an optional trailing comma
(for convinence of machine-generated code),
(for convenience of machine-generated code),
and can be used in the same constructor separated by
a semi-colon.
For example, all forms below are correct.
@ -1285,12 +1251,11 @@ whose value has type \emph{function}.
When Lua pre-compiles a chunk,
all its function bodies are pre-compiled too.
Then, whenever Lua executes the function definition,
its upvalues (if any) are fixed \see{upvalue},
and the function is \emph{instantiated} (or \emph{closed}).
the function is \emph{instantiated} (or \emph{closed}).
This function instance (or \emph{closure})
is the final value of the expression.
Different instances of the same function
may have different upvalues.
may refer to different non-local variables \see{visibility}.
Parameters act as local variables,
initialized with the argument values:
@ -1350,62 +1315,61 @@ is syntactic sugar for
t.a.b.c.f = function (self, ...) ... end
Note that the function gets an extra formal parameter called \verb|self|.
\subsection{Visibility and Upvalues} \label{upvalue}
\subsection{Visibility Rules} \label{visibility}
A function body may refer to its own local variables
(which include its parameters) and to global variables,
as long as they are not \emph{shadowed} by local
variables with the same name from enclosing functions.
A function \emph{cannot} access a local
variable from an enclosing function,
since such variables may no longer exist when the function is called.
However, a function may access the \emph{value} of a local variable
from an enclosing function, using \emph{upvalues},
whose syntax is
\produc{upvalue}{\ter{\%} name}
An upvalue is somewhat similar to a variable expression,
but whose value is \emph{frozen} when the function in which it
appears is instantiated.
The name used in an upvalue may be the name of any variable visible
at the point where the function is defined,
that is,
global variables and local variables
from the \emph{immediately enclosing} function.
Note that when the upvalue is a table,
only the \emph{reference} to that table
(which is the value of the upvalue) is frozen;
the table contents can be changed at will.
Using table values as upvalues is a technique for having
writable but private state attached to functions.
Here are some examples:
Lua is a lexically scoped language.
The scope of local variables begins at the first statement \emph{after}
their declaration and lasts until the end of the innermost block that
includes the declaration.
For instance:
a,b,c = 1,2,3 -- global variables
local d
function f (x)
local b = {} -- x and b are local to f; b shadows the global b
local g = function (a)
local y -- a and y are local to g
p = a -- OK, access local `a'
p = c -- OK, access global `c'
p = b -- ERROR: cannot access a variable in outer function
p = %b -- OK, access frozen value of `b' (local to `f')
%b = 3 -- ERROR: cannot change an upvalue
%b.x = 3 -- OK, change the table contents
p = %c -- OK, access frozen value of global `c'
p = %y -- ERROR: `y' is not visible where `g' is defined
p = %d -- ERROR: `d' is not visible where `g' is defined
end -- g
end -- f
x = 10 -- global variable
do -- new block
local x = x -- new `x', with value 10
print(x) --> 10
x = x+1
do -- another block
local x = x+1 -- another x
print(x) --> 12
print(x) --> 11
print(x) --> 10 (the global one)
Notice that, in a declaration like \verb|local x = x|,
the new \verb|x| being declared is not in scope yet,
so the second \verb|x| refers to the ``outside'' variable.
Because of this \Index{lexical scoping} rules,
local variables can be freely accessed by functions
defined inside their scope.
For instance:
local counter = 0
function inc (x)
counter = counter + x
return counter
Notice that each execution of a \rwd{local} statement
``creates'' new local variables.
Consider the following example:
a = {}
local x = 20
for i=1,10 do
local y = 0
a[i] = function () y=y+1; return x+y end
In that code,
each function uses a different \verb|y| variable,
while all of them share the same \verb|x|.
\subsection{Error Handling} \label{error}
@ -1437,9 +1401,9 @@ The default definition for
this function calls \verb|_ALERT|, \DefLIB{_ALERT}
which prints the message to \verb|stderr| \see{alert}.
The standard I/O library redefines \verb|_ERRORMESSAGE|
and uses the debug facilities \see{debugI}
and uses the debug interface \see{debugI}
to print some extra information,
such as a call stack traceback.
such as a call-stack traceback.
Lua code can explicitly generate an error by calling the
function \verb|error| \see{pdf-error}.
@ -1458,7 +1422,7 @@ Lua selects the tag method called for any specific event
according to the types of the values involved
in the event \see{TypesSec}.
The function \IndexLIB{settagmethod} changes the tag method
associated with a given pair (\M{type}, \M{event}).
associated with a given (\M{type}, \M{event}) pair.
The first parameter to \verb|settagmethod| is the type
(represented by its name or tag),
the second parameter is the event name (a string; see below),
@ -1466,7 +1430,7 @@ and the third parameter is the new method (a function),
or \nil\ to restore the default behavior for the pair.
A companion function \IndexLIB{gettagmethod}
receives a type and an event name and returns the
current method associated with the pair.
current method associated to them.
Tag methods are called in the following events,
identified by the given names.
@ -1850,11 +1814,11 @@ For convenience,
most query operations in the API do not follow a strict stack discipline.
Instead, they can refer to any element in the stack by using an \emph{index}:
A positive index represents an \emph{absolute} stack position
(starting at~1, not 0 as in C);
(starting at~1);
a negative index represents an \emph{offset} from the top of the stack.
More specifically, if the stack has \M{n} elements,
then index~1 represents the first element
(that is, the first element pushed onto the stack),
(that is, the element that was pushed onto the stack first),
index~\M{n} represents the last element;
index~\Math{-1} also represents the last element
@ -1886,8 +1850,8 @@ Whenever Lua calls C, \DefAPI{LUA_MINSTACK}
it ensures that
at least \verb|LUA_MINSTACK| positions are still available.
\verb|LUA_MINSTACK| is defined in \verb|lua.h| and is at least~16,
so that usually you have to worry about stack space only
when your code has loops pushing elements onto the stack.
so that usually you do not have to worry about stack space
unless your code has loops pushing elements onto the stack.
Most query functions accept as indices any value inside the
available stack space.
@ -1899,6 +1863,15 @@ as follows:
Note that 0 is not an acceptable index.
Unless otherwise noticed,
any function that accepts valid indices can also be called with
which represent some Lua values that are accessible to the C~code
but are not in the stack.
Pseudo-indices are used to access the registry
and the upvalues of a C function \see{c-closure}.
\subsection{Stack Manipulation}
The API offers the following functions for basic stack manipulation:
@ -1930,6 +1903,8 @@ shifting down the elements above that position to fill the gap.
\verb|lua_insert| moves the top element into the given position,
shifting up the elements above that position to open space.
These functions accept only valid indices.
(Obviously, you cannot call \verb|lua_remove| or \verb|lua_insert| with
pseudo-indices, as they do not represent a stack position.)
As an example, if the stack starts as \verb|10 20 30 40 50*|
(from bottom to top; the \verb|*| marks the top),
@ -1946,6 +1921,7 @@ then
\subsection{Querying the Stack}
To check the type of a stack element,
@ -2036,8 +2012,10 @@ otherwise, the function returns \verb|NULL|.
If the value is a number,
then \verb|lua_tostring| also
\emph{changes the actual value in the stack to a string}.
This change confuses \verb|lua_next| when \verb|lua_tostring| is applied to keys.
\verb|lua_tostring| returns a fully aligned pointer to a string inside the Lua environment.
(This change confuses \verb|lua_next|
when \verb|lua_tostring| is applied to keys.)
\verb|lua_tostring| returns a fully aligned pointer
to a string inside the Lua environment.
This string always has a zero (\verb|'\0'|)
after its last character (as in~C),
but may contain other zeros in its body.
@ -2047,7 +2025,7 @@ Because Lua has garbage collection,
there is no guarantee that the pointer returned by \verb|lua_tostring|
will be valid after the corresponding value is removed from the stack.
So, if you need the string after the current function returns,
then you should duplicate it (or lock it; see \See{lock}).
then you should duplicate it (or put it into the registry \see{registry}).
\verb|lua_tocfunction| converts a value in the stack to a C~function.
This value must be a C~function;
@ -2078,7 +2056,7 @@ These functions receive a C~value,
convert it to a corresponding Lua value,
and push the result onto the stack.
In particular, \verb|lua_pushlstring| and \verb|lua_pushstring|
make an \emph{internal copy} of the given string.
make an internal copy of the given string.
\verb|lua_pushstring| can only be used to push proper C~strings
(that is, strings that end with a zero and do not contain embedded zeros);
otherwise, you should use the more general \verb|lua_pushlstring|,
@ -2141,7 +2119,7 @@ By default, all userdata are created with a standard tag,
When Lua collects a userdata created by \verb|lua_newuserdata|,
it automatically frees its corresponding memory.
On the other hand, Lua never uses pointers in
On the other hand, Lua never accesses pointers in
userdata created with \verb|lua_newuserdatabox|;
it is up to you to free any associated memory,
setting a garbage-collection tag method, for instance.
@ -2392,7 +2370,8 @@ A typical traversal looks like this:
Do not call \verb|lua_tostring| on a key,
While traversing a table,
do not call \verb|lua_tostring| on a key,
unless you know the key is actually a string.
Recall that \verb|lua_tostring| \emph{changes} the value at the given index;
this confuses \verb|lua_next|.
@ -2406,7 +2385,7 @@ The following functions control the weak mode of a table:
Both functions operate over the table at the top of the stack.
Modes are described as bit sets, so that
\verb|LUA_WEAK_KEY| means weak keys,
\verb|LUA_WEAK_VALUE| means weak values,
\verb|LUA_WEAK_VALUE| means weak values, the combination
\verb"LUA_WEAK_KEY | LUA_WEAK_VALUE" means both,
and zero means none.
@ -2609,93 +2588,51 @@ by calling
lua_register(L, "average", foo);
\subsection{Defining C Closures}
\subsection{Defining C Closures} \label{c-closure}
When a C~function is created,
it is possible to associate some \emph{upvalues} to it
it is possible to associate some values to it,
thus creating a \IndexEmph{C~closure};
these values are passed to the function whenever it is called,
as ordinary arguments.
To associate upvalues to a C~function,
these values are then accessible to the function whenever it is called.
To associate values to a C~function,
first these values should be pushed onto the stack
(when there are multiple upvalues,
the first upvalue is pushed first).
(when there are multiple values, the first value is pushed first).
Then the function
void lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n);
is used to push the C~function onto the stack,
with the argument \verb|n| telling how many upvalues should be
with the argument \verb|n| telling how many values should be
associated with the function
(these upvalues are popped from the stack);
(\verb|lua_pushcclosure| also pops these values from the stack);
in fact, the macro \verb|lua_pushcfunction| is defined as
\verb|lua_pushcclosure| with \verb|n| set to 0.
Then, whenever the C~function is called,
these upvalues are inserted as the \emph{last} arguments to the function,
after the actual arguments provided in the call.
This makes it easy to get the upvalues without knowing how many arguments
the function received (recall that functions in Lua can receive any number of
arguments): The \M{i}-th upvalue is in the stack at index \Math{i-(n+1)},
where \M{n} is the number of upvalues.
(A C~function that uses upvalues must know beforehand how many it expects.)
those values are located at specific pseudo-indices.
Those pseudo-indices are produced by a macro \IndexAPI{lua_upvalueindex}.
The first value associated with a function is at position
\verb|lua_upvalueindex(1)|, and so on.
For examples of C~functions and closures, see files
\verb|lbaselib.c|, \verb|liolib.c|, \verb|lmathlib.c|, and \verb|lstrlib.c|
in the official Lua distribution.
\subsection{References to Lua Values} \label{lock}
If the C~code needs to keep a Lua value
outside the life span of a C~function,
then it must create a \Def{reference} to the value.
The functions to manipulate references are the following:
int lua_ref (lua_State *L, int lock);
int lua_getref (lua_State *L, int ref);
void lua_unref (lua_State *L, int ref);
\subsubsection*{Registry} \label{registry}
\verb|lua_ref| pops a value from
the stack, creates a reference to it,
and returns this reference.
For a \nil\ value,
the reference is always \verb|LUA_REFNIL|.\DefAPI{LUA_REFNIL}
%% TODO: why LUA_REFNIL? pode-se chamar lua_getref(L,LUA_REFNIL)?
(\verb|lua.h| also defines a constant \verb|LUA_NOREF| \DefAPI{LUA_NOREF}
is different from any valid reference.)
%% TODO: give example of use of LUA_NOREF
If \verb|lock| is not zero, then the object is \emph{locked}:
this means the object will not be garbage collected.
\emph{Unlocked references may be garbage collected}.
Whenever the referenced object is needed in~C,
a call to \verb|lua_getref|
pushes that object onto the stack;
if the object has been collected,
\verb|lua_getref| returns 0 (and does not push anything).
When a reference is no longer needed,
it should be released with a call to \verb|lua_unref|.
%% TODO: nao precisa de secao propria? explicar melhor o uso.
When Lua starts, it registers a table at position
It can be accessed through the macro
#define lua_getregistry(L) lua_getref(L, LUA_REFREGISTRY)
This table can be used by C~libraries as a general registry mechanism.
Lua provides a pre-defined table that can be used by any C~code to
store whatever Lua value it needs to store,
especially if the C~code needs to keep that Lua value
outside the life span of a C~function.
This table is always located at pseudo-index
Any C~library can store data into this table,
as long as it chooses a key different from other libraries.
The integer keys in the registry are used by the reference mechanism,
implemented by the auxiliar library,
and therefore should not be used by other purposes.
@ -2823,7 +2760,7 @@ If the function is a global variable,
\verb|namewhat| is \verb|"global"|;
if the function is a tag method,
\verb|namewhat| is \verb|"tag-method"|;
otherwise, \verb|namewhat| is \verb|""| (the empty string).
otherwise, it is \verb|""| (the empty string).
Number of upvalues of the function.
@ -2899,7 +2836,7 @@ set their corresponding hooks and return their previous values.
The call hook is called whenever the
interpreter enters or leaves a function.
The \verb|event| field of \verb|ar| has the strings \verb|"call"|
The \verb|event| field of \verb|ar| has the string \verb|"call"|
or \verb|"return"|.
This \verb|ar| can then be used in calls to \verb|lua_getinfo|,
\verb|lua_getlocal|, and \verb|lua_setlocal|
@ -2909,7 +2846,7 @@ local variables.
The line hook is called every time the interpreter changes
the line of code it is executing.
The \verb|event| field of \verb|ar| has the string \verb|"line"|,
and the \verb|currentline| field has the line number.
and the \verb|currentline| field has the new line number.
Again, you can use this \verb|ar| in other calls to the debug API.
While Lua is running a hook, it disables other calls to hooks.
@ -3013,11 +2950,6 @@ then Lua immediately runs the garbage collector \see{GC}.
If \verb|limit| is absent, it defaults to zero
(thus forcing a garbage-collection cycle).
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{copytagmethods (tagto, tagfrom)}}
Copies all tag methods from one tag to another;
returns \verb|tagto|.
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{dofile (filename)}}\DefLIB{dofile}
Receives a file name,
opens the named file, and executes its contents as a Lua chunk.
@ -3044,13 +2976,13 @@ The optional parameter \verb|chunkname|
is the ``name of the chunk'',
used in error messages and debug information.
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{error (message)}}\DefLIB{error}\label{pdf-error}
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{error ([message])}}\DefLIB{error}\label{pdf-error}
Calls the error handler \see{error} and then terminates
the last protected function called
(in~C: \verb|lua_dofile|, \verb|lua_dostring|,
\verb|lua_dobuffer|, or \verb|lua_callfunction|;
in Lua: \verb|dofile|, \verb|dostring|, or \verb|call| in protected mode).
If \verb|message| is \nil, then the error handler is not called.
If \verb|message| is absent, the error handler is not called.
Function \verb|error| never returns.
\subsubsection*{\ff \T{foreach (table, func)}}\DefLIB{foreach}
@ -3522,11 +3454,11 @@ Here are some examples:
--> x="4+5 = 9"
local t = {name="Lua", version="4.1"}
x = gsub("$name - $version", "%$(%w+)", function (v) return %t[v] end)
x = gsub("$name - $version", "%$(%w+)", function (v) return t[v] end)
--> x="Lua - 4.1"
local t = {n=0}
gsub("first second word", "(%w+)", function (w) tinsert(%t, w) end)
local t = {}
gsub("first second word", "(%w+)", function (w) tinsert(t, w) end)
--> t={"first", "second", "word"; n=3}
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