new syntax for constructors (a={n=3;1,2,3}).

This commit is contained in:
Roberto Ierusalimschy 1997-12-22 15:24:11 -02:00
parent 7ecc3ce827
commit 22439a7511
1 changed files with 28 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
** $Id: lua.stx,v 1.22 1997/12/09 16:01:08 roberto Exp roberto $
** $Id: lua.stx,v 1.23 1997/12/15 16:17:20 roberto Exp roberto $
** Syntax analizer and code generator
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
@ -664,8 +664,7 @@ TProtoFunc *luaY_parser (ZIO *z, char *chunkname)
counter */
%type <vInt> varlist1, funcParams, funcvalue
%type <vInt> fieldlist, localnamelist, decinit
%type <vInt> ffieldlist, ffieldlist1, semicolonpart
%type <vInt> lfieldlist, lfieldlist1
%type <vInt> ffieldlist1, lfieldlist1, ffieldlist, lfieldlist, part
%type <vLong> var, funcname /* vardesc */
%type <pFunc> body
@ -861,25 +860,35 @@ parlist : /* empty */ { code_args(0, 0); }
| localnamelist ',' DOTS { code_args($1, 1); }
fieldlist : lfieldlist
{ $$ = $1+$3; }
| ffieldlist1 lastcomma
{ $$ = $1; flush_record($1%RFIELDS_PER_FLUSH); }
fieldlist : part { $$ = abs($1); }
| part ';' part
if ($1*$3 > 0) /* repeated parts? */
luaY_error("invalid constructor syntax");
$$ = abs($1)+abs($3);
semicolonpart : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; }
| ';' ffieldlist { $$ = $2; flush_record($2%RFIELDS_PER_FLUSH); }
part : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; }
| ffieldlist { $$ = $1; }
| lfieldlist { $$ = $1; }
lastcomma : /* empty */
| ','
lastcomma : /* empty */ | ',' ;
ffieldlist : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; }
| ffieldlist1 lastcomma { $$ = $1; }
ffieldlist : ffieldlist1 lastcomma
$$ = -$1; /* negative signals a "record" part */
lfieldlist : lfieldlist1 lastcomma
$$ = $1;
ffieldlist1 : ffield {$$=1;}
| ffieldlist1 ',' ffield
@ -897,10 +906,6 @@ ffieldkey : '[' expr1 ']'
| NAME { code_string($1); }
lfieldlist : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; }
| lfieldlist1 lastcomma { $$ = $1; }
lfieldlist1 : expr1 {$$=1;}
| lfieldlist1 ',' expr1