97 lines
2.7 KiB

PREFIX = /usr/local
OS := $(shell uname)
CC = clang
OBJCOPY = llvm-objcopy
CFLAGS = -O2 -pipe -Wall -Wextra
.PHONY: all install clean echfs-test ext2-test test.img
all: limine-install
install: all
install -s limine-install $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
rm -f limine-install
$(MAKE) -C src clean
$(MAKE) -C src all
limine-install: src/limine.bin limine-install.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c limine-install.c -o limine-install.o
# FIXME: GNU objcopy supports `-O default` but for some stupid reason
# llvm-objcopy does not. This needs to be worked around.
# For now hardcode elf64-x86-64.
$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf64-x86-64 src/limine.bin limine.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) limine.o limine-install.o -o limine-install
rm -f test.img
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=0 seek=64 of=test.img
ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
parted -s test.img mklabel msdos
parted -s test.img mkpart primary 2048s 100%
else ifeq ($(OS), FreeBSD)
sudo mdconfig -a -t vnode -f test.img -u md9
sudo gpart create -s mbr md9
sudo gpart add -a 4k -t '!14' md9
sudo mdconfig -d -u md9
echfs-test: limine-install test.img
$(MAKE) -C test
echfs-utils -m -p0 test.img quick-format 512
echfs-utils -m -p0 test.img import test/test.elf boot/test.elf
echfs-utils -m -p0 test.img import test/limine.cfg limine.cfg
./limine-install test.img
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda test.img -debugcon stdio -enable-kvm
ext2-test: limine-install test.img
$(MAKE) -C test
rm -rf test_image/
mkdir test_image
sudo losetup -Pf --show test.img > loopback_dev
sudo partprobe `cat loopback_dev`
sudo mkfs.ext2 `cat loopback_dev`p1
sudo mount `cat loopback_dev`p1 test_image
sudo mkdir test_image/boot
sudo cp test/test.elf test_image/boot/
sudo cp test/limine.cfg test_image/
sudo umount test_image/
sudo losetup -d `cat loopback_dev`
rm -rf test_image loopback_dev
./limine-install test.img
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda test.img -debugcon stdio
fat32-test: limine-install test.img
$(MAKE) -C test
rm -rf test_image/
mkdir test_image
ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
sudo losetup -Pf --show test.img > loopback_dev
sudo partprobe `cat loopback_dev`
sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 `cat loopback_dev`p1
sudo mount `cat loopback_dev`p1 test_image
else ifeq ($(OS), FreeBSD)
sudo mdconfig -a -t vnode -f test.img -u md9
sudo newfs_msdos -F 32 /dev/md9s1
sudo mount -t msdosfs /dev/md9s1 test_image
sudo mkdir test_image/boot
sudo cp test/test.elf test_image/boot/
sudo cp test/limine.cfg test_image/
sudo umount test_image/
ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
sudo losetup -d `cat loopback_dev`
else ifeq ($(OS), FreeBSD)
sudo mdconfig -d -u md9
rm -rf test_image loopback_dev
./limine-install test.img
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda test.img -debugcon stdio